Configuring the SumoMe Sharing App
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Okay, now that we have the new SumoMe Sharing app installed. Let's take a peek at the configuration options and what is needed to get this thing up and running as quickly as possible.
Just like your WordPress dashboard, SumoMe apps are all configured with a right-side administrative menu:
I think this was an ingenious design tactic from the SumoMe developers. This help cut down the learning curve for me and many others.
Okay, the first menu option is, of course, clicks. The Sharing app will register clicks on each of the SumoMe social sharing icons. (When someone shares a post/page from your website using one of the SumoMe social sharing icons you will see shortly. No, it doesn't track any other clicks on your website.)
The second and more important menu option is the Settings link.
Step 1: Click Settings
On this screen, you'll notice two main sections.
- Available Services
- Selected Services
The selected services are the social sharing networks that will show on your website for website visitors. SumoMe puts in 5 services by default:
- Google+
Step 2: Choose Your Social Sharing Networks
As indicated, you can drag-and-drop services from the left to the right or vice versa. Give it a try to see how this works.
Additionally, you can change the order of how the social icons will appear on your site when finished. Again, just drag and drop to change order. Here, I added a couple and changed the order:
OPTIONAL Social Sharing Settings:
Scrolling down a wee bit, you'll see some more configuration options:
The first option is the How to Sort. There are two options available for sorting your social icons: Smart and Manual
As indicated, Smart mode will sort by how many shares you receive for each page or post. For example, if people seem to share your content more on Facebook over Twitter, the Facebook share icon will appear first.
Manual mode disregards the popularity of each social service and forces the sort order to be as you set it above.
To the right of this is the Services Shown option.
This indicates how many social icons will actually be revealed on your website pages and posts. The default I believe is 6. I have had 10 shown, or maybe more.
Below those options, you'll then notice the Shares Label and Buttons areas:
Here, you can select what "Label" you want for your social sharing icons, the background color also. See the image below:
In this image, the Label is Shares. You can also use Likes or Favorites. I think Shares is most understood by your visitors. So, I leave that alone. Also, you'll see the background color of that specific box is the default, White. This is suitable for most websites, but if your background is white, you may wanna change it to another color perhaps. Your call.
Additionally, under the Buttons options, you can decide which Size of your social icons you wish to use: Small, Medium or Large.
Also, you can change the spacing between each social icon. I don't change this. I like them nice and tight.
The Style option is cool. You can change the social icons from square, rounded or circles. You can try it one, save the options and test it out and determine what you like best.
The last area (also totally optional) is the Share Counts area. As shown above, you can have the number of total shares (those done using these share icons - not tallied shared via another method) appear on the top of your social icon strip (if vertical, left if horizontal) shown. Also, on the right is a Show Share Counts Minimum option. Which means you can have it NOT show until a certain number of shares is reached.
I normally don't touch anything in this area.
After you have made all the changes within the Settings area, don't forget to click the SAVE button to save all your changes and move on.
Okay, let's move on to the next menu option of the SumoMe Sharing App
One question I have, are you allowed to use the paid functions on multiple sites or do you have to pay for each one?