We have covered a LOT with this tutorial. My guess is that you did not cover it all in one setting. That is OK, I do understand and it was intended to be this way.

If you go through slowly and take action while doing so, you can get a better idea on how your Facebook Group can grow with you and your online marketing business.

As you come back here and read the comments and move further through the training, you will get more ideas that can help you…That is a good thing!

Get started, have fun, share your successes or lessons below, and last word: I believe in you ALWAYS!


Dave : )

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TitaWorks Premium
Thank you, Dave. Bookmarking for more study....
DaveSw Premium
Yes good idea (bookmarking)...I would hope that this becomes a place we can all share our experiences and learn more! Cheers! Dave : )
pablocortina Premium
Thank you
DaveSw Premium
More than welcome Pablo! Cheers! Dave : )
Triblu Premium
WoW Dave, you've jam-packed a lot of great info here ... Thank YOU!
DaveSw Premium
I do hope it helps! Cheers and thanks....Dave : )
brandonacox Premium
Nice! I'm a member of way too many groups, and I've found that telling my news feed to show me "most recent" really keeps me in tune with what's being posted in groups.
DaveSw Premium
Good tip and useful! Thanks for the feedback and I hope we get a 100 more such tips! Cheers! Dave : )
Loes Premium
Bookmarked this for later! I'll be back!
DaveSw Premium
Super...I am on and off again here, hope I get back up 100% soonest, so this will grow as I do...Cheers! Dave : )
Loes Premium
Enjoy your day, cheers back:)