If The Guy From Down Under Can Do This- So Can You!


I woke up this morning, brewed a fresh cup of coffee, and opened up the WA dashboard as I normally do.

Only today, something special happened…

I made Vegas!

I’m super excited about this… to the point I’m actually a bit beside myself today :)

It’s hard to believe I’m actually going to meet some of the greatest entrepreneurs within the affiliate marketing world in Vegas soon. I mean, I don’t think this will hit me until I’m actually there. I can’t even imagine what I'm going to learn from these guys!

Not to mention, I’m from Australia (as you probably figured from the headline lol) so going to Vegas is going to be an incredible experience for me in and of itself. This will be my first time visiting the US and I'll probably let my wife tag along too, so she's pretty excited about it herself ;)

Anyways, since this is one of my biggest achievements online so far, I really wanted to share this with you guys today in the hopes it might inspire you.

I remember what it was like when I was just getting started, it's not always easy. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was never "easy" in the beginning. Like anything worthwhile, it took a lot of effort and determination to get to this point. But it was all worth it.

The first 6 months were the hardest for me personally. I was following the training and doing everything I thought I could be doing, but I still wasn’t making much money. I doubted myself and I wondered if WA really was going to help me. I also remember reaching to Kyle and Nathaniel for support and reassurance that I was on the right track.

Without fail, they answered my messages every time. I cannot thank them enough.

I remember they told me I just needed to keep on going, and my results would snowball. Their encouragement meant the world to me, and I trusted them because I knew they were honest people. So I kept on going and it turns out they were right!

All I did was stay the course. That’s my “secret”.

For those that don’t know, I was in construction before this. I had no website building or online marketing experience at all. I just followed the WA training and went to work. I persisted no matter what because one way or another, I was going to succeed. Rain, hail or shine as they say... nothing was going to stop me.

I joined WA on October 15th 2015, so it took me 23 months to get to this point. Each lesson I followed, each article I published, each time I pushed forward even when I wasn't sure it'd pay off- it was all worth it.

So the effort YOU are putting in right now IS worth it, even if you don’t know it yet. It’s all learning, and it’s all moving you closer towards your goals. Whether your goal is to promote WA and make Vegas or to be successful in another niche. You can do it.

In order to ‘do it’ though, you really need to believe in yourself. As an entrepreneur, believing in yourself is SUPER important because at times YOU are the only one who has the vision for what you will achieve. It’s great to have people in your life, and those within WA, who believe in you. For sure. This is inspiring and it really does help. But YOUR vision and where you are going depends entirely on you. So it’s important to keep your vision alive and always push towards what you KNOW you can achieve deep down.

You have everything you need to succeed right here within Wealthy Affiliate. So YES, you can do it. All you need to do, is believe in yourself and stay the course!



P.S For those who want to learn more about achieving Vegas:


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Recent Comments


Wow, what an awesome achievement. Congratulations on your success, Tim.
Have fun in Vegas! One day I am going to be there too.
Best wishes from Anke

Thank you Anke, much appreciated :)

Congratulations, I'm looking forward to meeting you guys someday..

For sure Anthony, be great to connect!

YES!!! Well done buddy...BIG congratulations!!! I'm on track to qualifying in the coming weeks too...hopefully haha...:) Will be super cool to meet you in Vegas ;)

Awesome Ronnie, be cool to meet you man and thanks for commenting! Cheers

Good on ya Tim.

Cheers Marion :)

Well done, Tim! Great job and an inspiration to follow. Your hard work and community involvement has paid off.


Thanks Arnold!

So awesome Tim!! Congratulations!! I'm banking on 2018 for me!! :)

Thank you and that's awesome to hear! Go for it!

congrates Tim

Thanks Vijay!

Congratulations Tim .. Well Done .. A great inspiration! Cheers, William.

Thanks William!

So inspirational. This page me to keep going and to succeed. Congrats, Tim! It's well deserved!

Thanks Melissa, glad you liked it :) Cheers

If a guy from down under can do this, a girl from up North can do this too....?:)? Congratulations Tim, I ♥ it!
Working hard every day to get where you are right now!

I reckon the girl from up North can do it too haha :) Cheers Loes!

Just published another opportunity to wheel that truckload in;)

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