About RositaW
Rank 36807
209 followers Joined January 2018
I was forced into early retirement due to a serious car accident 13 years ago. I had a very demanding job where I was





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asked in
Getting Started

I have just gone back into my website and all the links and banners have gone

Thank you for your responses. It is all the wealthy affiliate banners that have gone from my website qualityaffliiatetraning.com as far as I know there have been no new updates. Still new to all this and just when I think I have got somewhere its gone very frustrating

Are the banners pulled from your site or fetched remotely?
Sometimes if you pull banners from remote URLs they disappear if that URL changes.

Thank you the banners were wealthy affiliates banners and they have all gone. My website qualityaffiliatetraining.com I am still new to all this and just as I think I have got somewhere its gone very frustrating

I can see some banners on your site.
Are the banners you are missing still gone?

Thank. You just looked and they. Are back must of have been a glitch

Where were the banners located? Within posts? As widgets?

Were you using a plugin to display the banners?

Happy to help but I’d need more info (screenshots or link would help)

They were wealthy affiliate banners and they have all gone from my website qualityaffiliatetraining.com just I think I have got somewhere it has all gone

Hmmm they show up fine on my end - possibly just an issue on your PC? Such as an ad blocker?

Thank you yes I can now see them must of hav been a glith

Do you have an ad blocker installed on your browser?

Thank you but no no blockers installed as far as I know am new to all this so ?

The banners are there. Try a different browser if you can't see them yourself.

Than you

Did you have an update? We need a little more information in order to help you.

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Why have all the banners gone frome my website?

Why have all the banners gone frome my website?

asked in
Getting Started

I have just gone back into my website and all the links and banners have gone

Thank you for your responses. It is all the wealthy affiliate banners that have gone from my website qualityaffliiatetraning.com as far as I know there have been no new updates. Still new to all this and just when I think I have got somewhere its gone very frustrating

Are the banners pulled from your site or fetched remotely?
Sometimes if you pull banners from remote URLs they disappear if that URL changes.

Thank you the banners were wealthy affiliates banners and they have all gone. My website qualityaffiliatetraining.com I am still new to all this and just as I think I have got somewhere its gone very frustrating

I can see some banners on your site.
Are the banners you are missing still gone?

Thank. You just looked and they. Are back must of have been a glitch

Where were the banners located? Within posts? As widgets?

Were you using a plugin to display the banners?

Happy to help but I’d need more info (screenshots or link would help)

They were wealthy affiliate banners and they have all gone from my website qualityaffiliatetraining.com just I think I have got somewhere it has all gone

Hmmm they show up fine on my end - possibly just an issue on your PC? Such as an ad blocker?

Thank you yes I can now see them must of hav been a glith

Do you have an ad blocker installed on your browser?

Thank you but no no blockers installed as far as I know am new to all this so ?

The banners are there. Try a different browser if you can't see them yourself.

Than you

Did you have an update? We need a little more information in order to help you.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am just creating a new page and I go over to page view the text is highlighted in blue and the words go over the side menu. Why is this happening?

Has the text been added as an url link?

He's definitely right. there are links all thru the text. Most likely to the Blog.

Thank you. This was happening in wordpress so went to WA re-did the page and it is now is fine

Thank you. This was happening in Wordpress so I went to WA re-did the page and it is now ok

Great news!

Thank you but I have resolved the problem.

Great work!

If there are links in that highlighted text it will be blue. I am sure if you view the page in your browser, the text will be right. Maybe include a screenshot so that we can see what you mean.

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Why is text highlighted in blue?

Why is text highlighted in blue?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am just creating a new page and I go over to page view the text is highlighted in blue and the words go over the side menu. Why is this happening?

Has the text been added as an url link?

He's definitely right. there are links all thru the text. Most likely to the Blog.

Thank you. This was happening in wordpress so went to WA re-did the page and it is now is fine

Thank you. This was happening in Wordpress so I went to WA re-did the page and it is now ok

Great news!

Thank you but I have resolved the problem.

Great work!

If there are links in that highlighted text it will be blue. I am sure if you view the page in your browser, the text will be right. Maybe include a screenshot so that we can see what you mean.

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asked in
Getting Started

I get this message and I don't understand why:
Web Page URL: Invalid, Non-Existing or Too Long URL is provided..

All the advice below sounds useful, especially about being available for sale... That sounds like mis-typing (I get it all the time)

You may have to email technical support

It’s a site I own and I copy pasted it , it also does not recognise https

Visited the link, the domain is available for sale.

If you visit the website it doesn't exist - maybe your URL is mistyped?

I have just tried to link to prchecker.in ?

I have just tried to link to prchecker.in ?

asked in
Getting Started

I get this message and I don't understand why:
Web Page URL: Invalid, Non-Existing or Too Long URL is provided..

All the advice below sounds useful, especially about being available for sale... That sounds like mis-typing (I get it all the time)

You may have to email technical support

It’s a site I own and I copy pasted it , it also does not recognise https

Visited the link, the domain is available for sale.

If you visit the website it doesn't exist - maybe your URL is mistyped?

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