Wealthy Affiliate Can Transform Your Life FOREVER!

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Good news!

Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday 2019 offer is now Live!

This is easily the best deal that you can find in this Black Friday 2019. I tell this based on my own and also other people's experiences.

In short, Wealthy Affiliate transformed my life completely.

Let me tell you a part of my story...

Some years ago, I always thought that you would need to be in a certain location to make money. I had been working as a taxi driver, grocery store cashier, kindergarten teacher, etc. etc.

I studied social services in the University and I told that my goal is to become a kindergarten teacher.

However, I quickly realized that looking after 10-20 active kids takes sooo much energy and the salary wouldn't good either. Maybe you can understand better by looking at the picture below ;)

Actually, I did that internship in Spain (I'm originally from Finland). During my time there I started reflecting on my life goals and purpose.

I realized that if I want to have an extraordinary life and influence tons of people positively, I would need to shift the direction and do something else than look after kids in the kindergarten.

Then one day I joined Wealthy Affiliate.

Fast forward today...

Wealthy Affiliate has given me the freedom to:

  • Influence tons of people's lives in a positive way.
  • Live anywhere I want.
  • Work anytime I want.
  • Spend time with the people I want (unlike in a 9-5 job where you are forced to work with certain people.)
  • Make money while I am sleeping (obviously much more than as a kindergarten teacher).
  • And more!

And I can tell that focusing on 1 laptop screen is also way easier and more fun than 20 active Spanish kids at the same time! hehe ;-)

In short...

=> Wealthy Affiliate enabled me to live the life of my dreams!

If I can do it, YOU can do it.

I have been paying for the Wealthy Wealthy premium membership for around 3,5 years. It has been the BEST financial investment in my life.

Now during Black Friday 2019, you have a chance to get the Wealthy Affiliate premium membership for the CHEAPEST PRICE IN 14 YEARS!

That is only $299/year (=$0,82/day). That's a ridiculously small amount for a vehicle that can transform your life forever.

=> Get the Black Friday deal here!

In this post, give you 7 POWERFUL reasons wh I highly recommend taking advantage of this offer if you are serious about making money online.

I am also paying myself the for the same membership. So I don't only recommend it to you but I also take it myself and practice what I preach.

(NOTE: Share this post and deal with Everyone who wants to make money online and achieve a financial freedom. They will surely thank you later for your help and willingness to share this with them!)

1.Incredible Value For JUST $0,82/Day!


Below are a few things that you get as a member of Wealthy Affiliate:

-> Wealthy Affiliate: 12 Months Premium Membership ($588 Value)

-> Step-by-Step AM Training + Weekly Webinars ($2,500 Value)

-> Web Hosting + Keyword Tool Jaaxy ($708 Value)

-> Creating a Money-Making Website 5-Week Training ($197 Value)

-> All the Other Tools + Benefits (more on this further) ($997 Value)

Keep in mind that those are just shy estimations.

Let me make a few comparisons:

  1. STM Affiliate Marketing Forum: $99/month -> WA Forum FREE for premium members
  2. Typical online business training package: $2,500 -> ALL WA training FREE for premium members
  3. Web Hosting on Most Basic Providers: $300+/year -> FREE for WA premium members.
  4. Keyword Tool: $400+/year -> FREE for WA premium member

I could continue the list on and on...

There are so many things that you get as a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate that it's simply INSANE how they can provide everything at so low price.

Which one would you choose?


Spend approximately $5,000 initial fee + $200 monthly recurring fee for all kinds of tools and training.


Get the WA Black Friday deal for a ridiculously cheap price for $299.

=> Take advantage of the WA Black Friday offer now.


2.You SAVE +$289/Year! (And Actually Even More...)


If you have currently a monthly membership in Wealthy Affiliate, you are paying $49/month which equals to $588/year.

That's already an amazing deal for everything that Wealthy Affiliate provides and all the resources that help you to make more money online.

I have reviewed +500 make money online opportunities/programs/tools and I haven't seen ANY of them providing such a good price for so much value.

Actually, many platforms and programs charge even $1,000's every year or up to $30,000 one-time payment for the same services that you get here on WA within your premium membership.

Therefore, $588/year would already be a CHEAP price for everything you get here.

But now during the Wealthy Affiliate you will get EVERYTHING for just $299/year. No upsells.

So, you are saving $289/year to compared already a cheap price.

Isn't that amazing? :)

=> Take Advantage of The WA Black Friday Deal And Save $289/Year! (OFFER Available ONLY Nov 29 - N)


3.Wealthy Affiliate Training Is PROVEN to Work!


There are Literally new success stories in Wealthy Affiliate every single day.

Nathaniell, has collected 3 long lists of success stories in Wealthy Affiliate in 2017, 2018 and 2019. Take a look at them below and you'l quickly realize one thing:

Wealthy Affiliate Training Simply WORKS.

  1. 2019 Income Proof List
  2. 2018 - Another Year Of Success Growth At Wealthy Affiliate
  3. Is Making Money Getting Easier In 2017 And Beyond?

Here are just 5 picks that I have found inspiring: Note: I could give you here 500 success stories as well but then this post would never end ;)

  1. A Very Humbling $12,803.26 Month - August Progress Report
  2. It's Getting Better: $500+ in 2 Days (Amazon Niche Site Progress)
  3. Newbies Pay Attention! $5,195.20 Affiliate Check for June: Thanks WA!
  4. Joined the 10K Per Month Club. January Earnings $13,481.39
  5. Back At 5 Figures: I Earned $10,640,56 in August

Notice one important thing here...

Most (if not all) of those members who succeed with Wealthy Affiliate were Complete Beginners when they joined this amazing community.

In the other words, Wealthy Affiliate teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know and provides you ALL the Tools that you need to make a life-changing income online.

In fact, I haven't seen anyone failing who didn't quit. Everyone who just kept on going have succeeded sooner or later.

If Wealthy Affiliate training has worked for me, my friend, all those people in the success stories and 1,000's of other people all over the world, it will work for you as well.

I would be lying if I would say that you couldn't make BIG money online because the reality is that you can and you will make BIG money online if you follow the WA training and apply it. That's just the fact that has been proven by 1,000's and it will be proven by you once you do it.

4.You COMMIT Yourself To Success


Recently, I attended a Science Of Achievement seminar by a successful businessman and a multi-millionaire.

He taught us many principles on how to succeed in life but there was one thing especially that made a HUGE difference in his life.

When he was starting out his career and business, he invested +50% of his income to his personal and professional development.

I am not asking you to invest such a high amount to your own success but let me just ask you 1 Simple Question: Who will more likely succeed out of these 2 persons?

  1. Person A who invests 0-5% of his income to his personal development.
  2. Person B who invests +50% of his income to his personal development.

I guess it's obvious that the person B will make a WAY faster progress.

When you invest money and time in your own education, you don't only learn tons of new skills but you also Commit yourself mentally to success.

Your mind will be telling you constantly, "I have invested xxx amount to my success. If I don't use it, i have just wasted money so I must take action."

When you invest in a premium memership for 1 year, you commit for your online business for at least a year which is a great for yourself so that you start getting results.

Way too people quit just after a couple of days becaue they expect to get rich overnight. That's not gonna happen. But you will get rich if you keep on going and repeat the steps that have been proven to work by other successful people

=> Take Advantage of The WA Black Friday Deal And Save 1,000's Of Your Time! (OFFER Available ONLY Nov 29 - Dec 2)


5.You Save 1,000's of HOURS of Your Life


Some people say that, "Time is money." but that's inaccurate.

Time is much more important than money. If you invest/spend/lose some money, you have always a chance it back but you will NEVER get the time back that you spend.

The seconds, the minutes and the hours that you spend online searching for the next "make money online opportuniy" will always be gone and you will NEVER get them back.

You could, in theory at least, find some principles of the Wealthy Affilaite Premium training for free online but it would take you endless hours to search for it and still it may be mixed with some information that is not accurate.

When you follow the training on Wealthy Affiliate, you know that the steps are proven to work in practice over and over again.

=> Take Advantage of The WA Black Friday Deal And Save 1,000's Of Your Time! (OFFER Available ONLY Nov 29 - Dec 2)


6.You Get Connections Worth $10,000's


Every business coach teaches, "Network is your net worth. Surround yourself with other great people."

Successful people pay $100's, $1,000's or even $10,000's for networking with other people who can help them to build their business.

Here on Wealthy Affiliate you get an immediate access to successful online entrepreneurs as a part of your Premium membership.

You can

  • Ask Questions
  • Get Feedback
  • Get New Ideas
  • Learn New Skills
  • Find Better Online Business Resources Tools
  • Etc.

from more experienced Wealthy Affiliate members.

One of the most valuable things that I have received thanks to Wealthy Affiliate are the connections with other online entrepreneurs and affiliate marketers.

You just can't measure the value of those connections with money. You don't only get great friendships but also ideas that will be worth $1,000's, $10,000's or even $100,000's to your business in the long run.

=> Take Advantage of The WA Black Friday Deal And Get Connections Worth! (OFFER Available ONLY Nov 29 - Dec 2)


7.You Get An ULTIMATE 24/7/365 Support


Who will most likely succeed online out of these 2 persons?

  1. Person A who tries to do everything alone by himself, desperately searching for the latest "opportunities" on Google, YouTube and getting bombarded by Facebook ads and "shiny objects" OR
  2. Person B who gets 24/7/365 support, is constantly surrounded by +1,500,000 helpful people in WA with the same goal = Succeed online and gets PROVEN steps to make more money online from people who have already got the results.

It's pretty obvious that being part of the Wealthy Affiliate community and support system will not only increase your chances of success but it is proven make you succeed more.

In Wealthy Affiliate, thanks to the time zones, you can get support from other members 24/7/365 through

  • Live Chat
  • Questions Section Within Your Profile
  • Private Messages
  • SiteSupport
  • Comments Section Under Each Training/Lesson

In Wealty Affiliate, you will never be left alone. You wil always get answers to your questions and find help.

I think that these 7 reasons are already enough to prove that WA Black Friday deal easily the best but I have decided to give you 2 BONUS Reasons + 5 Amazing BONUSES so read even further.

=> Take Advantage of The WA Black Friday Deal And Get Access To 24/7/365 Support! (OFFER Available ONLY Nov 29 - Nov Dec 2)


+ 8. BONUS REASON (Jay Neill)


I promised to give you 7 POWERFUL Reasons why WA Black Friday is the best deal in 2019 but I couldn't let this one out because it has been so important to my own progress so far.

Jay Neill (Magistudios) is Wealthy Affiliate's live training coach with about 15 years of experience of Internet marketing and making money online.

He shares his knowledge every single Friday in his weekly Live webinars on Wealthy Affiliate.

I have many "Internet Marketing Gurus" online and watched 100's of training lessons but I must admit that Jay is without a doubt one of the best Internet marketing coaches, especially for beginners but also for more advanced Internet marketers.

You can find Jay's webinars by clicking "Live Events" on the left.

Jay knows how to breakdown complicated things into simple steps that he then shows you "over his shoulder" during his webinars.

Jay's Webinars Have Helped Me To:

  1. Start my YouTube channel
  2. Start email marketing
  3. Improve my branding.
  4. Target the right people with my marketing.
  5. Improve my website's conversions.
  6. And many other skills.

Can you imagine?

People pay normally $1,000's for learning these skills and I have learned them here for completely free through Jay's webinars (webinars included in your premium membrship).

When you are a premium member on Wealthy Affiliate, you have a FULL ACCESS to all the past live webinars and all the upcoming ones as long as you are a premium.

=> Take Advantage of The WA Black Friday Deal And Get Access To All Jay's Live Webinars! (OFFER Available ONLY Nov 29 - Dec 2)


+ 9. BONUS REASON (Access to ALL Updates)


Wealthy Affiliate platform is constantly improving and they are making it easier for you to make more money online.

Here are just a few of the improvements that have taken place this year in 2019:

+ New Email Platform - New & Improved Email Platform for Your Websites (October)
+ Video Training 2.0 - Improved Video Training UX and Speed for WA training (August)
+ Kraken Image Optimization - Industry leading optimization for all website (July)
+ Affiliate Programs Platform - Search & Find the Most Lucrative Programs (May)
+ SiteComments 2.0 and Accreditation - The Ability to Earn Through Commenting at WA (March)
+ Super Affiliate Challenge 2.0 - A 12 Month Step by Step Training To Affiliate Success (January)

    In the other words, they are all the time adding more value to you and giving more in return for your $0,82/day investment.

    There are lots of new upgrades also coming in the following months and you'll be able to enjoy them when you take a wonderful Black Friday offer in 2019:

    + The Evolution of Keyword, Website & Niche Research
    + A State of the Art Lead Gen Platform
    + HUGE Advancements in Websites and Hosting Space
    + More Personalized Interaction & Help
    + A Huge Leap Forward in Our Training Platform
    + A Broader Range of Live Class Hosts
    + More Full-Time Revenue Opportunities Directly Within WA.
    + A Streamlined Process for Getting Instant Expert Help
    + SiteContent 2.0, with a Focus on Design and SEO
    + A Fresh New Run of Mobile Only Updates
    + Further Integration Between ALL Aspects of Your Business
    + Ambassadorship Opportunities and Advancements
    + Exciting New Writing & Affiliate Challenges
    + More Affiliate Revenue Opportunities
    + Brand New Affiliate Tools, Resources & Training
    ++ And More!

    Do you know any other company that provides so much value and helps you to make money online so much that Wealthy Affiliate does?

    After reviewing +500 other opportunities, I still must admit that there is not a single company on the Internet that provides so much for so little value.

    => Take Advantage of WA Black Friday Deal Here And Get Access To All The Upgrades)! (OFFER Available ONLY Nov 29 - Dec 2)


    + 5 AMAZING BONUSES for FREE! (WORTH At Least $597!)


    Can you believe it? You'll get EVEN MORE VALUE and 5 amazing Bonuses! :D

    When you take advantage of the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday deal 2019, you wil not only get everything that I have explained above but there are amazing bonuses also waiting for you...

    Kyle (the founder of Wealthy Affiliate) has also promised to send you the following bonuses IMMEDIATELY:

    • Bonus #1: The Path to Affiliate Stardom in 2020 - Kyle Goes AMA (Ask Me Anything) - Live Class
    • Bonus #2: Building an Incredible Internet Business in 2020, The WhitePaper.
    • Bonus #3: Creating a Thriving Authority Website in 2020 (5 Weeks of Live Training)
    • Bonus #4: Early 2020 Beta Access to New Platforms (Yearly Members Only)
    • (Only For My Referrals) BONUS #5: My Exclusive 1-On-1 Support. I'll answer ALL your questions personally and help you as best as I can. (VALUE $1,000).

      Now you get this as a FREE BONUS if you have signed up to Wealthy Affiliate through my links.

    To be honest, I'm just amazed how much value you're going to get for just $0,82/day for this Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday deal.

    In addition, when you take this offer, you will be grandfathered to $299/year premium membership plan so you never need to pay more (unlike those who miss this offer).

    This may very well be the LAST TIME when they offer the yearly premium membership for so cheap price.

    I believe that in the coming years the price will rise for those who don't take advantage of this year's offer.

    In my opinion, the price should already now be 2-3 times higher but I think they wanted to make it possible for anyone to start an online business and make money online so they offer the premium membership still so ridiculously cheap price in 2019.

    => Take WA Black Friday Deal Here And Claim All Your Amazing Bonuses! (OFFER Available ONLY Nov 29 - Dec 2)


    It's Your Time!


    - Roope "Mind-blowing Black Friday 2019 deal" Kiuttu

    Now I would like to hear from you in the comments below!

    Are you also going to take advantage of the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday 2019 deal?

    Let us know in the comments below!

    Do you have any questions? Is thre something you didn't understand? Do you need more information?

    Just leave all of them below.

    PS. Feel free to share this post with all your friends and followers.

      Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
      4-Steps to Success Class
      One Profit Ready Website
      Market Research & Analysis Tools
      Millionaire Mentorship
      Core β€œBusiness Start Up” Training

      Recent Comments


      So much values that it have so yes you have giving all the powerful advantages. And is a truly life time skills that we need to learn. Thousands thanks for your so details A to Z that you can't re resisting. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘βœŒοΈπŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸŽ‰πŸ‘†πŸ‘†

      Thank you Henry

      WOW Roope! That was very inspirational, very comprehensive and an awesome breakdown about the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate and how it has changed and transformed the lives of so many of its members all over the world.

      We all experience success at different times, at different financial levels and in different niches and opportunities. There will be some that think you have to do a Bootcamp website to experience that success, but that is totally not true.

      Yes I have a Bootcamp website but the majority of the money I make comes from a few different niches and the freelancing of my knowledge that I gained from the WA training. Joining WA has also transformed my life and I will be here forever!

      You are also a big inspiration Robert!

      I have not researched as many options as you have, but I have learned to trust what you say. This is by far the best testimonial of Wealthy Affiliate I have ever read.

      Thanks for the pep talk.

      I am learning a lot from the training here, even if I don't make as much as I hope to. This is the best educational investment.


      Thanks David!

      Wow ... what heart felt belief .... belief transferred to us newbies..., I’ll figure out how to pay for the yearly deal ... thanks for sharing

      Awesome post, Roope. You are such an inspiration.
      I agree, WA is the best Black Friday deal. Period.


      See more comments

      Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
      4-Steps to Success Class
      One Profit Ready Website
      Market Research & Analysis Tools
      Millionaire Mentorship
      Core β€œBusiness Start Up” Training