About Paulbounce
Rank 8397
504 followers Joined October 2022
Let me introduce myself. My name is Paul. I have been working online for about 15 years now buying and selling properties abroad. It's been





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hi yus all. I'm not too sure about the forum rules about this one. Does anyone want to jump on board with my latest project? So far I've chucked just over a grand in it but I

Great, Paul!✨️✨️🎊

That sounds WOW Paul

Is anyone intersrested in this one its ai. i've got over 100 affillitate links?

Is anyone intersrested in this one its ai. i've got over 100 affillitate links?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hi yus all. I'm not too sure about the forum rules about this one. Does anyone want to jump on board with my latest project? So far I've chucked just over a grand in it but I

Great, Paul!✨️✨️🎊

That sounds WOW Paul

asked in
Getting Started

Let's see. Just stuck in 10K USD for BTC to go up in 48 hours. No stop loss as I feel it might.

Fingers crossed.


Cashed out. 7.5 % up on USD at the time of posting. Peanuts I know. Wait for the next one.
Let's hit the big ones.

Sounds great Paul! Peanuts are certainly better than no nuts my friend!! :-)

You are right Nick - no nuts would be bad news. I'm not trading those no matter what the odds are lolz.

Night buddy.


Hahaha!! I hear you there buddy!

Sleep well my friend and catch up again soon!

Hi Paul.
To your success 🤞

Slavka 👋

Ty Slavka. Have a lovely day.


Hi Paul.
You are welcome.
Same wishes from my side 🌞

Slavka 👋

Congrats, Paul

Ty lomai. Have a lovely day.


I wondered what a cypto gamale was but now I see it was just a typo.

Ty Phil. Well spotted and amended ;-)


I see you've fixed gamale but not cypto.

I wondered the same Phil, but... as it is absolutely nothing I know about I thought 'technical ' terms here so let it slide....

Nope, just typos.

Ty again Phil. I'm just keeping you lot on the ball by putting in deliberate typos to see if they are picked up on ;-)

Enjoy your day.


Yeah Nick. Phil was correct and it was my bad :-(


It seems to be working, Paul. Now just missing the apostrophe in Paul's.

I'm on the job Phil. However, there's a problem! It says now I have to enter 4 more words into the title box. I'll see if I can work it out - if not you'll have to get by without the apostrophe.

These are hard and difficult times ;-)

Have a great day my friend.


Sorry to make them harder and more difficult.

These things happen to the best of us Phil. What with typos and the likes it can make for a hard life but we have to move forward and get on with it I guess ;-)


Good to hear from you again Paul, and if you can afford to lose what you put in to a gamble like this then go for it my friend!

All the best buddy! :-)

It's not a gamble Nick if you know what you're doing. Takes about 5 years to get there but play it right and there is money to be made.

Cheers Paul

Mmm??? "But play it right and there is money to be made" !!

Still sounds like bit of a gamble to be Paul!

Obviously... the more one studies and learns the chances of earning increases, but...it is not a sure fire way of making a fortune no matter how much scratch one can afford to invest??? :-)

How to answer this Nick? Trading volume is the best indicator for me. Put in 2K each into the top 5. One will drop so make sure you have a stop loss there. 3.5% is a good starting point. Many will go up by 40% or more so put in a rolling take profit. Some go up even more and if your take profit is in place you will cash in.

Check it yourself on trading through Google. The important part is your stop loss and hit the right coins. Getting the right coins is important but it can be done.

Cheers Paul

Definitely sounds interesting Paul and I will certainly look into it in more detail!

But... as your corrected title says, it is still a gamble!!!

Have a wonderful weekend my friend!! :-)

Cheers, Nick. you too.


Thanks buddy!!


I do feel that good things will come from BTC and Ethereum the tail end of Aug. Good luck to you.

Nothing ventured nothing gained, my friend! 🤞🤞🤞

All the best.

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Paul s crypto gamble?

Paul s crypto gamble?

asked in
Getting Started

Let's see. Just stuck in 10K USD for BTC to go up in 48 hours. No stop loss as I feel it might.

Fingers crossed.


Cashed out. 7.5 % up on USD at the time of posting. Peanuts I know. Wait for the next one.
Let's hit the big ones.

Sounds great Paul! Peanuts are certainly better than no nuts my friend!! :-)

You are right Nick - no nuts would be bad news. I'm not trading those no matter what the odds are lolz.

Night buddy.


Hahaha!! I hear you there buddy!

Sleep well my friend and catch up again soon!

Hi Paul.
To your success 🤞

Slavka 👋

Ty Slavka. Have a lovely day.


Hi Paul.
You are welcome.
Same wishes from my side 🌞

Slavka 👋

Congrats, Paul

Ty lomai. Have a lovely day.


I wondered what a cypto gamale was but now I see it was just a typo.

Ty Phil. Well spotted and amended ;-)


I see you've fixed gamale but not cypto.

I wondered the same Phil, but... as it is absolutely nothing I know about I thought 'technical ' terms here so let it slide....

Nope, just typos.

Ty again Phil. I'm just keeping you lot on the ball by putting in deliberate typos to see if they are picked up on ;-)

Enjoy your day.


Yeah Nick. Phil was correct and it was my bad :-(


It seems to be working, Paul. Now just missing the apostrophe in Paul's.

I'm on the job Phil. However, there's a problem! It says now I have to enter 4 more words into the title box. I'll see if I can work it out - if not you'll have to get by without the apostrophe.

These are hard and difficult times ;-)

Have a great day my friend.


Sorry to make them harder and more difficult.

These things happen to the best of us Phil. What with typos and the likes it can make for a hard life but we have to move forward and get on with it I guess ;-)


Good to hear from you again Paul, and if you can afford to lose what you put in to a gamble like this then go for it my friend!

All the best buddy! :-)

It's not a gamble Nick if you know what you're doing. Takes about 5 years to get there but play it right and there is money to be made.

Cheers Paul

Mmm??? "But play it right and there is money to be made" !!

Still sounds like bit of a gamble to be Paul!

Obviously... the more one studies and learns the chances of earning increases, but...it is not a sure fire way of making a fortune no matter how much scratch one can afford to invest??? :-)

How to answer this Nick? Trading volume is the best indicator for me. Put in 2K each into the top 5. One will drop so make sure you have a stop loss there. 3.5% is a good starting point. Many will go up by 40% or more so put in a rolling take profit. Some go up even more and if your take profit is in place you will cash in.

Check it yourself on trading through Google. The important part is your stop loss and hit the right coins. Getting the right coins is important but it can be done.

Cheers Paul

Definitely sounds interesting Paul and I will certainly look into it in more detail!

But... as your corrected title says, it is still a gamble!!!

Have a wonderful weekend my friend!! :-)

Cheers, Nick. you too.


Thanks buddy!!


I do feel that good things will come from BTC and Ethereum the tail end of Aug. Good luck to you.

Nothing ventured nothing gained, my friend! 🤞🤞🤞

All the best.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hiya WAC. I hope yus' are all mashing and smashing things up.

Now have a question (which may be a simple one to answer to those in the know). I'm on a fixed schedule and

Under your specific circumstances, I'd go for it. Get some value for the dollars spent and the site up and running with images etc. asap.

Just make sure that you've got GSC set up, rewrite the Chatty generated content post by post, and resubmit to GSC for reindexing each time.

Hi Phil. Thank you so much for your answer. I take what you say very seriously as you 'know your stuff' and are good at this.

So to confirm. Stick in some very basic info and get the developers to add images etc. No affiliate links yet and use GSC for re-indexing as I do my reviews etc (human) keeping the basic design.

I can do this over the weekend but don't want it to have a long-term effect on my site. I'm not in a rush and will improve content as time goes on.

Your opinion matters to me so thank you very much for any help.

Have a great weekend.


Yes, Paul you've summarized what I'd do.

Thank you Phil very much for your reply. I really appreciate your answer. This is what I will do. Just write some AI-generated answers and get it live. Over the next few weeks, the whole thing will change and be 'human' written. Then I put in my affiliate links. In the meantime, I'll use the developers for images and design etc. I can keep those and just add human content to the site.

Once again thanks for your input. You know your stuff and your input is invaluable to me.

Have a great weekend.


Thanks, Paul. You too.

Hi - I think this may come back to haunt you...

How many posts did you plan on adding?

I have been experimenting with AI sites with varying degrees of success.

With my initial entirely AI-generated site, I added nearly 200 posts in the space of 6 weeks.

They all indexed immediately, started ranking very quickly, and were getting tons of impressions and clicks.

But then, boom! On one specific day, traffic dropped to zero.

And all the posts began de-indexing.

It has never recovered, but to be fair, I haven't rewritten any of it, so perhaps it may have had a chance; we will never know!

With the second site, I took it steady, adding around 15 posts in one month.

And this site had simply behaved as any other new site.

All posts indexing within a day or so, and slow and steady rankings.

I am pretty sure it would have done well overall, but essentially, I abandoned it.

And finally, a site that already had around 40 human posts, but all the rest added since then are AI-generated, and it hasn't encountered any problems.

So, obviously, I had already started to establish trust and authority with the human posts, and as the further posts were written in the same style and tone of voice, Google didn't seem to spot the difference.

Google themselves have said they have no problem with AI content if it is helpful and written for people, not for ranking purposes.

So, I guess my conclusion is, that adding a huge amount of content in a short space of time comes across as being written for ranking purposes.

Obviously, I don't know how much you have paid, but $250 for one page is a complete rip-off...

Hello Di.

Thank you for your answer. This is what worries me. I don't want to mess this one up by feeling pressured to get this one out and make mistakes. It will need another month to get it perfect. I don't want to make a mistake now that I live to regret later I'm going to post a link to the site here - if it's against WA regs I can soon remove it.

My question still remains the same. Get the basic content done quickly by AI and change it so it is 'human written' or just wack it out there?

Many thanks, Paul


It's difficult to answer, I can only offer my thoughts based on my experience of AI so far.

To me, the key thing, is the amount of content, and the period of time over which it is added.

I believe it should match what a human writer could reasonably do, so perhaps 30 posts in the first month.

And one thing I have noticed, is that my AI content typically indexes in 24 hours.

So, Google is immediately starting to gather information on your website.

And once a post is indexed, there is no telling when Google will crawl it again.

Of course, you can encourage it by submitting it through Search Console, but Google is not obliged to do anything.

I really don't know what to suggest.

I am just concerned that if everything indexes quickly, but then gets de-indexed, before you rewrite it, can it ever be saved.

Thanks, Di. Your input has been invaluable. I think I should think should take more time over this and not rush to get content done.

Have a great day.


I love it, Paul. Keep moving forward my friend.


Hi Paul.
I would agree with Mel that the site can be finished(live on Google) very soon.

What I don't agree with is that the money you gave the developers should have covered that part, so the site should have already been promoted to Mr Google.

If the developers won't do it or they want to charge you for that part too. You don't need to agree, you can do it yourself.

Only data for the URL of the site is required and you can ask GSC to recognize the site and content.
If you want to connect Analytics, you need codes to enter the dashboard of your niche.

Slavka 👋

Thank you for your reply Slavka. Gotta dash as I have to be put on a drip in the hospital ;-)

I'll buy a new pair of socks whilst I'm in town. Anything else I need?

Claim Seas


Hi Paul.
Socks are not enough for Mr Google 😁

Anything else, would be a dismissal for those programmers of yours. Sorry Paul, that's just my opinion.

Claim - Calm Seas 👋

You can be live in a minute. Just publish as is and keep working on it.

Where can you find time? Sleep an hour less each day. Skip a meal and add content instead. Lots of ways to get time back to use for our businesses, Paul.

Have a great week!


Thanks, Mel for your reply and input. I appreciate you taking time out of your day to do this.

Cheers Paul

Hi Paulbounce.
I can only advise you, like the rest of my fellow newbies, to take one stride at a time if you're new here with WA. would be better to follow the training platform to the letter. If you think this is a quick fix on your side, then you will be wrong. There is a saying that one has to learn to crawl before one can walk. This is the advice I would give you, Paulbounce.

Ty DJ for your reply. I can be quite techy when needed and have built websites in the past. One has loads of things wrong but it serves the purpose. Google my company name (Emerge UK ltd) and you'll soon find it - it's against WA rules to link directly.

Thanks for your answer and help.

Enjoy your day.


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Help please - I need to get this site online asap?

Help please - I need to get this site online asap?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hiya WAC. I hope yus' are all mashing and smashing things up.

Now have a question (which may be a simple one to answer to those in the know). I'm on a fixed schedule and

Under your specific circumstances, I'd go for it. Get some value for the dollars spent and the site up and running with images etc. asap.

Just make sure that you've got GSC set up, rewrite the Chatty generated content post by post, and resubmit to GSC for reindexing each time.

Hi Phil. Thank you so much for your answer. I take what you say very seriously as you 'know your stuff' and are good at this.

So to confirm. Stick in some very basic info and get the developers to add images etc. No affiliate links yet and use GSC for re-indexing as I do my reviews etc (human) keeping the basic design.

I can do this over the weekend but don't want it to have a long-term effect on my site. I'm not in a rush and will improve content as time goes on.

Your opinion matters to me so thank you very much for any help.

Have a great weekend.


Yes, Paul you've summarized what I'd do.

Thank you Phil very much for your reply. I really appreciate your answer. This is what I will do. Just write some AI-generated answers and get it live. Over the next few weeks, the whole thing will change and be 'human' written. Then I put in my affiliate links. In the meantime, I'll use the developers for images and design etc. I can keep those and just add human content to the site.

Once again thanks for your input. You know your stuff and your input is invaluable to me.

Have a great weekend.


Thanks, Paul. You too.

Hi - I think this may come back to haunt you...

How many posts did you plan on adding?

I have been experimenting with AI sites with varying degrees of success.

With my initial entirely AI-generated site, I added nearly 200 posts in the space of 6 weeks.

They all indexed immediately, started ranking very quickly, and were getting tons of impressions and clicks.

But then, boom! On one specific day, traffic dropped to zero.

And all the posts began de-indexing.

It has never recovered, but to be fair, I haven't rewritten any of it, so perhaps it may have had a chance; we will never know!

With the second site, I took it steady, adding around 15 posts in one month.

And this site had simply behaved as any other new site.

All posts indexing within a day or so, and slow and steady rankings.

I am pretty sure it would have done well overall, but essentially, I abandoned it.

And finally, a site that already had around 40 human posts, but all the rest added since then are AI-generated, and it hasn't encountered any problems.

So, obviously, I had already started to establish trust and authority with the human posts, and as the further posts were written in the same style and tone of voice, Google didn't seem to spot the difference.

Google themselves have said they have no problem with AI content if it is helpful and written for people, not for ranking purposes.

So, I guess my conclusion is, that adding a huge amount of content in a short space of time comes across as being written for ranking purposes.

Obviously, I don't know how much you have paid, but $250 for one page is a complete rip-off...

Hello Di.

Thank you for your answer. This is what worries me. I don't want to mess this one up by feeling pressured to get this one out and make mistakes. It will need another month to get it perfect. I don't want to make a mistake now that I live to regret later I'm going to post a link to the site here - if it's against WA regs I can soon remove it.

My question still remains the same. Get the basic content done quickly by AI and change it so it is 'human written' or just wack it out there?

Many thanks, Paul


It's difficult to answer, I can only offer my thoughts based on my experience of AI so far.

To me, the key thing, is the amount of content, and the period of time over which it is added.

I believe it should match what a human writer could reasonably do, so perhaps 30 posts in the first month.

And one thing I have noticed, is that my AI content typically indexes in 24 hours.

So, Google is immediately starting to gather information on your website.

And once a post is indexed, there is no telling when Google will crawl it again.

Of course, you can encourage it by submitting it through Search Console, but Google is not obliged to do anything.

I really don't know what to suggest.

I am just concerned that if everything indexes quickly, but then gets de-indexed, before you rewrite it, can it ever be saved.

Thanks, Di. Your input has been invaluable. I think I should think should take more time over this and not rush to get content done.

Have a great day.


I love it, Paul. Keep moving forward my friend.


Hi Paul.
I would agree with Mel that the site can be finished(live on Google) very soon.

What I don't agree with is that the money you gave the developers should have covered that part, so the site should have already been promoted to Mr Google.

If the developers won't do it or they want to charge you for that part too. You don't need to agree, you can do it yourself.

Only data for the URL of the site is required and you can ask GSC to recognize the site and content.
If you want to connect Analytics, you need codes to enter the dashboard of your niche.

Slavka 👋

Thank you for your reply Slavka. Gotta dash as I have to be put on a drip in the hospital ;-)

I'll buy a new pair of socks whilst I'm in town. Anything else I need?

Claim Seas


Hi Paul.
Socks are not enough for Mr Google 😁

Anything else, would be a dismissal for those programmers of yours. Sorry Paul, that's just my opinion.

Claim - Calm Seas 👋

You can be live in a minute. Just publish as is and keep working on it.

Where can you find time? Sleep an hour less each day. Skip a meal and add content instead. Lots of ways to get time back to use for our businesses, Paul.

Have a great week!


Thanks, Mel for your reply and input. I appreciate you taking time out of your day to do this.

Cheers Paul

Hi Paulbounce.
I can only advise you, like the rest of my fellow newbies, to take one stride at a time if you're new here with WA. would be better to follow the training platform to the letter. If you think this is a quick fix on your side, then you will be wrong. There is a saying that one has to learn to crawl before one can walk. This is the advice I would give you, Paulbounce.

Ty DJ for your reply. I can be quite techy when needed and have built websites in the past. One has loads of things wrong but it serves the purpose. Google my company name (Emerge UK ltd) and you'll soon find it - it's against WA rules to link directly.

Thanks for your answer and help.

Enjoy your day.


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