About Pastordna
Rank 32938
465 followers Joined September 2018
My Name is David I came from a very lonely background, working with my parents many years ago in our family farm is still something





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Can someone please help me with the video link on how to create a new website user by Kyle?

Hi Pastor

or this one: Blessings

Hi - this one?

Creating a new website user by kyle?

Creating a new website user by kyle?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Can someone please help me with the video link on how to create a new website user by Kyle?

Hi Pastor

or this one: Blessings

Hi - this one?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I noticed yesterday that the videos in my month 4 of the Super Affiliate Challenge is blank.

I have refreshed the page severally but it's still blank so today i decided

Hey David,

Not exactly sure if you mean you are having issues on embedded videos from your own YouTube account that you have on your website or other's videos embedded elsewhere.

In case you mean the videos here, perhaps Kyle's post will help you resolve your issue: Hope this helps you.

When basic functions like video playback aren’t working, restart your machine. Sometimes it’s as simple as that.

Has been rectified and I thank all of you that responded.

Has been rectified and I thank all of you that responded.

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Why are my videos blank?

Why are my videos blank?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I noticed yesterday that the videos in my month 4 of the Super Affiliate Challenge is blank.

I have refreshed the page severally but it's still blank so today i decided

Hey David,

Not exactly sure if you mean you are having issues on embedded videos from your own YouTube account that you have on your website or other's videos embedded elsewhere.

In case you mean the videos here, perhaps Kyle's post will help you resolve your issue: Hope this helps you.

When basic functions like video playback aren’t working, restart your machine. Sometimes it’s as simple as that.

Has been rectified and I thank all of you that responded.

Has been rectified and I thank all of you that responded.

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asked in
Getting Started

First, I want to know if these 50 lessons am told that I will need to complete will have to be taken one for each day or is there a specific time frame to study and complete th

1. Do the lessons at your own pace, there's no time restrictions.

2. Stay on each lesson until you understand it. You can repeat any lesson at any time.

3. This video will help you find your way around the WA dashboard 4. The Follow Me button is so you can build a network here at WA. When you follow someone, you'll get an email when that person publishes a new WA post or asks a question.

5. Click on the Live Chat button and join in the conversations.


1. Go at your own pace
2. Untill you master every step
3. The dashboard of wa is quite complex. Best is to click around and see what comes up. Click escape key wHen lost
4. You can follow back if you want too. If those mails are annoying you , you can set them off in your profile > Account settings

5. Look here for simplified training:

Marion this definitely happens to be one of the best helpful assistance I've ever received since joining WA and definitely going to help a newbee like me. Pls keep more of them coming and possibly send them through my e-mail address so I can grab them quicker. Once again, thank you.

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Some of my struggles since i joined wa?

Some of my struggles since i joined wa?

asked in
Getting Started

First, I want to know if these 50 lessons am told that I will need to complete will have to be taken one for each day or is there a specific time frame to study and complete th

1. Do the lessons at your own pace, there's no time restrictions.

2. Stay on each lesson until you understand it. You can repeat any lesson at any time.

3. This video will help you find your way around the WA dashboard 4. The Follow Me button is so you can build a network here at WA. When you follow someone, you'll get an email when that person publishes a new WA post or asks a question.

5. Click on the Live Chat button and join in the conversations.


1. Go at your own pace
2. Untill you master every step
3. The dashboard of wa is quite complex. Best is to click around and see what comes up. Click escape key wHen lost
4. You can follow back if you want too. If those mails are annoying you , you can set them off in your profile > Account settings

5. Look here for simplified training:

Marion this definitely happens to be one of the best helpful assistance I've ever received since joining WA and definitely going to help a newbee like me. Pls keep more of them coming and possibly send them through my e-mail address so I can grab them quicker. Once again, thank you.

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