About Monteon
Rank 41467
188 followers Joined February 2014
Hello I'm an undergraduate student at San Bernardino State University working towards a B. A. In French. I'm currently unemployed and eager to make





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Let's say I want to keep my business and my personal life and family members seperate. Can I just make a new facebook account just for business or I have to use my already exist

Yes it it recommended

Yes this is the best thing to do

This is a great question. I am interested in the answer as well. I only have a personal FB account. I think that I would want a whole separate page for the business.

You can have 2, so go ahead and make one for your business! (make sure you choose a "business" page, they won't let you put a business name on a regular page. They are a little bit different to fill out, but work the same way)
If you want to have a few followers, you can let the people on your personal page know about your business and put up your Facebook link so they can follow.

Thanks DNTL, Yet again you come to my rescue. I will be making a second facebook.

I send my best regards and wishes

Lupe Monteon

My pleasure! I see you're moving along, that's great, best wishes to you too.

I actually created a second business account. If you don't want people getting into your personal business, you can have two separate accounts.

I think it is better to make up a separate FB page for your business, You don't have to make another account you can just create a page with in the account you already have

Question Edgie; Will the " business page" expose anything on my "personal FB" site? If I do updates on the "business page", will it be included in my "personal timeline"?

Thanks for asking Monteon. I have been wondering the same question.

No I'm pretty sure it won't as when you post on your business page you will posting as that page name, you can switch back and forth

Even when you post on your business page and go back to your personal profile and like that post it will show as your business name liking it

Even though I'm young and I'm suppose to know everything about facebook what your suggesting sounds complicated but I will definately try it. Thanks for the advice Edgie!

And your welcome Cathy.

aha, I'm sure you will find it a breeze monition. here is some training produced by bothewebguy, you might find helpful

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Should I create a facebook account just for business

Should I create a facebook account just for business

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Let's say I want to keep my business and my personal life and family members seperate. Can I just make a new facebook account just for business or I have to use my already exist

Yes it it recommended

Yes this is the best thing to do

This is a great question. I am interested in the answer as well. I only have a personal FB account. I think that I would want a whole separate page for the business.

You can have 2, so go ahead and make one for your business! (make sure you choose a "business" page, they won't let you put a business name on a regular page. They are a little bit different to fill out, but work the same way)
If you want to have a few followers, you can let the people on your personal page know about your business and put up your Facebook link so they can follow.

Thanks DNTL, Yet again you come to my rescue. I will be making a second facebook.

I send my best regards and wishes

Lupe Monteon

My pleasure! I see you're moving along, that's great, best wishes to you too.

I actually created a second business account. If you don't want people getting into your personal business, you can have two separate accounts.

I think it is better to make up a separate FB page for your business, You don't have to make another account you can just create a page with in the account you already have

Question Edgie; Will the " business page" expose anything on my "personal FB" site? If I do updates on the "business page", will it be included in my "personal timeline"?

Thanks for asking Monteon. I have been wondering the same question.

No I'm pretty sure it won't as when you post on your business page you will posting as that page name, you can switch back and forth

Even when you post on your business page and go back to your personal profile and like that post it will show as your business name liking it

Even though I'm young and I'm suppose to know everything about facebook what your suggesting sounds complicated but I will definately try it. Thanks for the advice Edgie!

And your welcome Cathy.

aha, I'm sure you will find it a breeze monition. here is some training produced by bothewebguy, you might find helpful

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Is it illegal to use and post images found on Google.com/images?

This question helped me out a lot.

Yes, it could be as those images are from websites that may be using copyrighted/licensed pictures. I learned that by doing it. I chose an image from Google and thought great, it doesn't have a watermark or restriction! Turns out it was, at least WordPress was smart enough to let me know by posting a warning after I uploaded the image. Thanks WordPress! :)

Google is showing images that are from other websites. Most of those are going to copyrighted, which you can't tell just from the image. You need to know the licensing for any image you use. Even free images can have licensing restrictions whereby you have to post a credit to the author or link the image back to the original source or both.

From the sites listed by Wayne, I use Pixabay because it's easy to use and has a good selection of images.

Hi Lupe.

No it's not illegal, as long as you have permission - but some images you have to pay for - it depends on their licences.

I would recommend you have a look at Beverley's post here - she keeps it up to date:


All the best, Mark

Yes it is called illegal to use someone else's image without their permission. Debbie

These images may be copyright by the website or source. It's best to look for royalty free or free images, I often go to flickr and search for creative commons use images.

Here's a link on WA which talks about finding free images


Here's a list of places I've collected from posts here, I've not used them.

http://www.deviantart.com (ask for permission first if it's not clear if you are allowed to use the pictures).

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Can I use google images?

Can I use google images?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Is it illegal to use and post images found on Google.com/images?

This question helped me out a lot.

Yes, it could be as those images are from websites that may be using copyrighted/licensed pictures. I learned that by doing it. I chose an image from Google and thought great, it doesn't have a watermark or restriction! Turns out it was, at least WordPress was smart enough to let me know by posting a warning after I uploaded the image. Thanks WordPress! :)

Google is showing images that are from other websites. Most of those are going to copyrighted, which you can't tell just from the image. You need to know the licensing for any image you use. Even free images can have licensing restrictions whereby you have to post a credit to the author or link the image back to the original source or both.

From the sites listed by Wayne, I use Pixabay because it's easy to use and has a good selection of images.

Hi Lupe.

No it's not illegal, as long as you have permission - but some images you have to pay for - it depends on their licences.

I would recommend you have a look at Beverley's post here - she keeps it up to date:


All the best, Mark

Yes it is called illegal to use someone else's image without their permission. Debbie

These images may be copyright by the website or source. It's best to look for royalty free or free images, I often go to flickr and search for creative commons use images.

Here's a link on WA which talks about finding free images


Here's a list of places I've collected from posts here, I've not used them.

http://www.deviantart.com (ask for permission first if it's not clear if you are allowed to use the pictures).

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

This morning I was working on my website and I stumbled upon a Youtube video demonstrating how to spice up your website using Wordpress .One of the steps (optional but oh so tem

Go to BUILD MY WEBSITE on left<<
Hit "Support ticket" on right>>
Tell them what you did - they will sort it.

How wonderful that there are so many helpers out there to find solutions to problems. I am curious as to what are the benefits to using the www in you address? I always thought it was there automatically.

Long gone are the days people need type it in the browser - perhaps you read some old info.
Good luck - let me know the outcome of the fix.

I too contacted Welshy and he told me how to fix it via FTP. I am very grateful!

Glad you have managed to resolve it

Guys try clicking details and sign in using original password .Once in edit website.

I am in exactly the same situation Monteon, could you please tell me how you fixed it? Thanks!

Hi Wendy I just gave some information to Welshy and he fixed my problem in minutes.

Thank you very much Fred Chong. I got in touch with Welshy here on WA and he fixed my problem right away. So I am very thankful to him and to you who have not shunned me and have responded with help and suggestions.

You are welcome, glad you got that fixed!

There is a suggestion on what to do next here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/domw/blog/don-t-change-your-website-domain-address-in-the-settings

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I changed my websites URL and now I can't enter wordpress.

I changed my websites URL and now I can't enter wordpress.

asked in
Website Development & Programming

This morning I was working on my website and I stumbled upon a Youtube video demonstrating how to spice up your website using Wordpress .One of the steps (optional but oh so tem

Go to BUILD MY WEBSITE on left<<
Hit "Support ticket" on right>>
Tell them what you did - they will sort it.

How wonderful that there are so many helpers out there to find solutions to problems. I am curious as to what are the benefits to using the www in you address? I always thought it was there automatically.

Long gone are the days people need type it in the browser - perhaps you read some old info.
Good luck - let me know the outcome of the fix.

I too contacted Welshy and he told me how to fix it via FTP. I am very grateful!

Glad you have managed to resolve it

Guys try clicking details and sign in using original password .Once in edit website.

I am in exactly the same situation Monteon, could you please tell me how you fixed it? Thanks!

Hi Wendy I just gave some information to Welshy and he fixed my problem in minutes.

Thank you very much Fred Chong. I got in touch with Welshy here on WA and he fixed my problem right away. So I am very thankful to him and to you who have not shunned me and have responded with help and suggestions.

You are welcome, glad you got that fixed!

There is a suggestion on what to do next here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/domw/blog/don-t-change-your-website-domain-address-in-the-settings

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