He who has the gold makes the rules revisited


Back in August I posted about the principle behind this topic. https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/mkearns/blog/he-wh...

While this was directed at the topic of monetization, it is no less so in the internal administration of rollouts in WA ranking and top level machinations that have appeared to be rolled out tonight. Top ambassador ranks have been turned sideways and apparently there are new criteria being factored into the ranking system.

I am not complaining. There has been a lot of inequity in the current system. Kyle and Carson like any savvy business owners have let the change announce itself before giving any explanation for the changes. It was obvious something was coming when the blog posting time was shortened today.

As a lot of us wake up to this new adjustment, let s keep our cool heads that have brought us so much in this great university and community of friends, Go forth and conquer new regions of accomplishment

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Thanks Mike, glad to know it's not just me then!

There have indeed been some interesting changes in the ranks but I was more concerned about my stats as they looked like I had fallen off a cliff :-(
I noticed a change in the posting times too but thought that might be for the UK clocks changing which tweaked something here that I wasn't aware of as for us here it always used to be 01:00 that's you could post again. And being only allowed one post I made the most of it often staying up late to hit PUBLISH so that you chaps with a whole night ahead of you would get chance to see it.

Hi Mike, I am sure things will sort themselves out shortly. Irv.

What do you mean the blog posting time was shortened?

Normally I post in a new open period at 2000 EST. That should mean 3 blogs postable in a 24 hour period. I posted one last night at about 2100 (only 1) but when I tried to do the other 2 allowed at 1400 today it said the allowance time had ben exceeded and posting was not allowed!

Ok, so that is 3 PM Alaska Time. I guess I posted my first post before that time and my second post after that time today so I haven't posted more than one in the same period either.

Well said, Mike!

Let's hope that the new algorithm sorts out the mess that the ranking system had got into.

A later reassessment as specific positions have rolled in. It appears that those ranked above have averaged a higher position until recently. My guess is that those days have been refactored in in a restorative manner.
On the other hand i find it interesting that Tim (dreamer 56) who was still in ambassador ranks has been rolled all the way to the bottom (abt 650,000). I fear that means he is not in the program.

Yes an explanation would be nice on what happened tonight. I don't think it's a glitch.

A man of wisdom! Thank you Michael.

Thanks Mike.

Wells said Mike! Thanks for sharing!


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