About Michasanj
Rank 31081
170 followers Joined January 2015


Hi everyone, I am a mum to a beautiful little boy, a wife and I work part time. Our family is of greek decent





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi just wondering is there a plugin that can help me to create a "shop style" format to my affiliate links? I am finding that using the wordpress editor pictures and images are al

You have to use a plug in called woo commerce if you want to set up buying directly from your site

If you are an Amazon affiliate you can create an aStore, which would be part of your website.
https://astore.amazon.com/ - explains how to set it up

Hope this helps.

Thanks Camille. I am happy for them to be directed to an affiliate site to finalise their purchases, but I just want the look of my site to be more professional.

I can understand that:)

found a plugin that does wsort of what I was after. would love your thoughts on how it looks :)


I love your site! And I think the buy now buttons look great!. I have been wanting to do this for my site as well. Would you be able to tell me what plugin you used? I was thinking of getting by now images and adding them to my post and linking my affiliate link to the picture. But a plugin may make this easier.

Looking good:)!!!

Hi Tania, yeah I agree the buttons definitely help! I started using a buy now image too but it was just too time consuming and putting my off working on my site as everything was taking FOREVER! Lol. I spent about 30mins on my site yesterday and got the balance bikes up on my website, so much quicker. The plugin I used was called PG Affiliate Shop. :)

Thank you. I will take a look at that! Is it easy to use?

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How to create a shop in wordpress?

How to create a shop in wordpress?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi just wondering is there a plugin that can help me to create a "shop style" format to my affiliate links? I am finding that using the wordpress editor pictures and images are al

You have to use a plug in called woo commerce if you want to set up buying directly from your site

If you are an Amazon affiliate you can create an aStore, which would be part of your website.
https://astore.amazon.com/ - explains how to set it up

Hope this helps.

Thanks Camille. I am happy for them to be directed to an affiliate site to finalise their purchases, but I just want the look of my site to be more professional.

I can understand that:)

found a plugin that does wsort of what I was after. would love your thoughts on how it looks :)


I love your site! And I think the buy now buttons look great!. I have been wanting to do this for my site as well. Would you be able to tell me what plugin you used? I was thinking of getting by now images and adding them to my post and linking my affiliate link to the picture. But a plugin may make this easier.

Looking good:)!!!

Hi Tania, yeah I agree the buttons definitely help! I started using a buy now image too but it was just too time consuming and putting my off working on my site as everything was taking FOREVER! Lol. I spent about 30mins on my site yesterday and got the balance bikes up on my website, so much quicker. The plugin I used was called PG Affiliate Shop. :)

Thank you. I will take a look at that! Is it easy to use?

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi guys,
It's been a while since I have written a new blog for my website due to other commitments and would love to get some honest feed back on it and comments on my blog/s


Can I please get some feedback on this blog?

Hi SkullDiggers. I read through your blog . You have the essence of the information but it has some grammar, punctuation and style issues that could be addressed. Attached is a document showing my suggested changes (in blue), that you might want to make without having to change the information. I am responding to you wearing my hat of being an author and publisher. All these are suggestions. Feel free to use or not use them. Best wishes !

I did these on my tablet and some days I just can’t catch the mistakes. Thank you. Plus I am very plain spoken it takes a lot to not be short and sweet.

No problem. We all have errors. That's why we get someone else to look over. Best wishes. it is a good blog

Maybe couple more pictures are graphs will brighten it up a little.

Thank you working on that

left you a comment.

Thank you again! :)

Brutal huh? Ok, you asked for it, you got it.

I can't let you look at my sites because I'm not into brutality, lol.
Each of my sites are in development and have a long way to go.

I'm going to look at your site from a visitor's point of view first then get to the webmaster stuff second.

When I followed the link to your site, I was immediately intrigued and impressed. You make a great first impression. I have no idea what the name means but it is so unique that as a customer, I'm curious. Excellent subtitle, I immediately know the purpose of your site.

Your navigation is done well. I can easily move about your site without scrolling to find links. Very user friendly.

Your home page and about us page appear to be one and the same. I clicked on the home and about navigation links and they took me to the same page. I assume you meant to do this. It works out well because as a customer I really want to know what that name means.

The about us page, although brief, gives me a concise flavor of who you are. Spelling and grammar are great. You would not believe how many webmasters don't spell check. My caregiver told me that when she runs across a site with poor spelling then she immediately thinks the site is not credible and moves on to a different site.

One suggestion is to replace the word "we" with "I" or "me." This gives readers an impression they are dealing with a human being and not a faceless cyber entity. I'm more likely to buy from a human than an impersonal thing. Also, I place my profile picture on my pages to give the impression you are talking to me. Notice the picture of me in the upper left corner of this message. Doesn't it make my words here seem more personal and human?

I recommend "recent posts" come before the archives. New news before old news.

The right column is a little scary. That is an awful lot of banners. Banners can be distracting. At least it is for me when I look at websites. I want to focus on content and not be distracted by banners. Too many banners, pictures, and videos can slow page loading and customers don't like slow loading pages especially if they have a poor internet connection.

I use banners but it is subtle. The following is an example of one of my pages that has ranked in the top 10 on Google for years. I make money off that page. Can you find my banner?

Hmmm, I have a question about automoblox. I'd like to ask you this question. Let's see. Uh oh. There is no one to talk to. Darn. I really wanted to ask you this question. Did you leave a "contact" page off your site on purpose?

Please don't put your email address on your contact page. I made that mistake years ago. I got lots of email in my inbox. I was excited until I realized I was getting spammed with offers for Viagra and credit cards hundreds of times a day. I now use a contact form so my email address is invisible.

I stopped by the boys clothing article. Well written and informative. At the bottom of the article you say to contact you if I have questions. But how? I use a contact form. The link to the form appears in my navigation bar. Also, when I tell folks to contact me, I set up a hyperlink in the text to my contact form.

Your niche is wonderful and your content is very relevant to your niche. Gold star for that.

You seem to have a catalog site which is great. I went to the book case section to see what you had. What I was looking for were products that had a relatively high price. You know what the Amazon commission is so you will often be better off making a few conversions on higher priced items rather than a bunch of low priced items if you link to Amazon products.

I realize to buy one of those book cases, I will need to click on the title or picture. What if you get a newbie to online shopping? Those folks would appreciate a buy now button.

Most webmasters put the privacy policy at the bottom of the website. It's not important. Placement is up to you.

Finally, content is king. All the informative blog posts you can create will make happy customers who tell their friends about you. Lots of blog posts will help you get ranked well in the search engines because folks will come to your for your expert advice and Google especially will reward you handsomely with high search results. Maybe a top 10 listing? That was the lesson that took me a long time to learn. Once I figured out the content "secret" then my pages have done well ever since. It only takes one well ranked page to generate lots of traffic to your site.

I think you have chosen an excellent niche and product line. Very unique. I suspect you will do well.

p.s. this next tip is for your future. I like to use links to my web pages to give folks an illustration of what I'm talking about. What I didn't know was that my pages have been moving up in rank on Google because of all the new traffic from WA members. Cool, huh? That confirms to me the importance of using social media and forums to help my site listings on the search engines.

Wow Mike!!! Now that is what I call reviewing my site. That is totally awesome and great feedback that I will definitely take on board. I do have some questions though, as I am really new at all this and it looks like you are the man to ask! :)
1. You mention earlier about the contact page on the Automoblox post. Is that not the comments section at the bottom or should there be something else I should be adding in here? I dont' have an actual contact form. I am not sure how to do one?
2. The email address on the privacy page is listed as that is what was advised by WA. It was the one created and hosted on the WA server but not my actual email. Are you saying that I should not have it on the privacy page?
3. Thanks for the tip on the buy it now button, I am slowing starting to implement that on the website. :)
4. How do I put the privacy page at the bottom in the footer? No idea how to access the headers and footers. :(
5. The last point you made about linking to other pages, I didn't quite understand exactly what this was all about. Sorry, total newbie here with all of this.
6. Last question in relation to content. I feel like I am always having to write blog related content specifically relating to a product I am trying to promote on my website. Is this correct. I know that talking about the products is the basis of what I am trying to do, but should I also try to add in other blogs still related to the subject of my website, but perhaps not always trying to push a product? Does that make any sense at all???? lol
Thanks again so much for your thorough feedback. It's definitely well received! Would love for you to check back in on my site in the future and let me know what I can fix and do better. :)

"Hey Mikey, she likes it." Sorry. Remember the old Life cereal commercial?

I have spent the last 3 days putting up a new site on SiteRubix. Please use it for reference.

1) The "contact us" form is a place where a customer can have a private conversation with you. Comment sections are meant to be public. To have a contact page, you either need to have a plug in that does it or do what I do and use Jot Form. The difference is with a plug in, it adds more drag and slows your website down. Don't you just hate slow loading websites? Anyway, Jot Form is not a plug in so there is no drag on your site. It is HTML code. If you don't know what that is then don't get scared. HTML code is programming code working behind the scenes that makes your website look like it does.

I design my form at Jot Form then copy and paste the HTML code into my site. It is not hard to do. Ta daaa, one spiffy contact form. No, you don't need to be a nerd or computer geek to do this. I can help you if you need me or you can go to sleep tonight then wake up a super genius like me and do it yourself, lol.

2) If you want to start doing your own research on the privacy policy topic then you can start here;
I'm not a fan of spam so I never publish my email address on my websites.
I do not advise anyone to do the following but the method I use is to put a bogus email address at the bottom of my privacy policy then hyperlink it to my contact form.

3) On putting the privacy page at the bottom; I ran into that problem too. The new site I'm putting up uses a theme template that does not have access to a footer configuration. Other themes allow this. I can force the issue by messing with the HTML code of the entire template but it isn't worth my time. I'm not that good at HTML coding and I could easily screw up my site. I have decided the heck with it and my privacy policy is on top. WordPress has design limitations I never run into on my sites outside of WA. Those sites, I can easily edit the footer without messing with HTML code.

4) I don't recall what I said about linking to other pages so maybe you could reply to this message and remind me what I said (Alzheimer's, lol)

5) Relevant content is king. You don't always need to be pushing a product if you don't want. Too much product promotion can lead a site visitor to thinking you are just a sales person and not a human being with a website that is there to help me. I like to use stealth mode with my affiliate links but that may not apply to your catalog site. I publish lots of relevant information with no advertising. Anyway, can you tell where my product promotion is on my page?

I think I have covered the bases. Let me know if I missed something.
p.s. I didn't proof read this message so if there are spelling mistakes then my apologies.

Also, I'm using a cane that came from Delphi.

The website includes great fabulous relevant pictures 1-5 year old boy bike. The authoring and writing content is perfect. Try some cooltext.com and flamingtext.com fun words looking words, just I think a pre- logo is necessary in your website now.

Thanks for the tip! Question though, when I changed the main heading it also changed the writing under the "recent posts" section so it displays the same font there for some reason. Any ideas how I can fix this? Thanks!

From my viewpoint, I liked it. Just think a logo if you won't mind. Or I think add some videos for your subject

It's looking really good! I would definitely break those big paragraphs into smaller ones. Small paragraphs make it much easier to read. Also at the end you may want to put a line inviting people to comment. You have used your pictures really well. Keep up the good work

whoops, site URL is http://littlelevendi.com/balance-bikes-for-toddlers-yes-or-no

great web site. left my comment on your site

thank you so much. :)

my pleasure!

Hi Alexandra, well done. I have left a comment on your site. The one thing I would do is change your menu to the main header menu, rather than the top header menu. It is a little hard to see it at the top. Apart from that, great job!

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Can I get some feebackcomments on my new blog?

Can I get some feebackcomments on my new blog?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi guys,
It's been a while since I have written a new blog for my website due to other commitments and would love to get some honest feed back on it and comments on my blog/s


Can I please get some feedback on this blog?

Hi SkullDiggers. I read through your blog . You have the essence of the information but it has some grammar, punctuation and style issues that could be addressed. Attached is a document showing my suggested changes (in blue), that you might want to make without having to change the information. I am responding to you wearing my hat of being an author and publisher. All these are suggestions. Feel free to use or not use them. Best wishes !

I did these on my tablet and some days I just can’t catch the mistakes. Thank you. Plus I am very plain spoken it takes a lot to not be short and sweet.

No problem. We all have errors. That's why we get someone else to look over. Best wishes. it is a good blog

Maybe couple more pictures are graphs will brighten it up a little.

Thank you working on that

left you a comment.

Thank you again! :)

Brutal huh? Ok, you asked for it, you got it.

I can't let you look at my sites because I'm not into brutality, lol.
Each of my sites are in development and have a long way to go.

I'm going to look at your site from a visitor's point of view first then get to the webmaster stuff second.

When I followed the link to your site, I was immediately intrigued and impressed. You make a great first impression. I have no idea what the name means but it is so unique that as a customer, I'm curious. Excellent subtitle, I immediately know the purpose of your site.

Your navigation is done well. I can easily move about your site without scrolling to find links. Very user friendly.

Your home page and about us page appear to be one and the same. I clicked on the home and about navigation links and they took me to the same page. I assume you meant to do this. It works out well because as a customer I really want to know what that name means.

The about us page, although brief, gives me a concise flavor of who you are. Spelling and grammar are great. You would not believe how many webmasters don't spell check. My caregiver told me that when she runs across a site with poor spelling then she immediately thinks the site is not credible and moves on to a different site.

One suggestion is to replace the word "we" with "I" or "me." This gives readers an impression they are dealing with a human being and not a faceless cyber entity. I'm more likely to buy from a human than an impersonal thing. Also, I place my profile picture on my pages to give the impression you are talking to me. Notice the picture of me in the upper left corner of this message. Doesn't it make my words here seem more personal and human?

I recommend "recent posts" come before the archives. New news before old news.

The right column is a little scary. That is an awful lot of banners. Banners can be distracting. At least it is for me when I look at websites. I want to focus on content and not be distracted by banners. Too many banners, pictures, and videos can slow page loading and customers don't like slow loading pages especially if they have a poor internet connection.

I use banners but it is subtle. The following is an example of one of my pages that has ranked in the top 10 on Google for years. I make money off that page. Can you find my banner?

Hmmm, I have a question about automoblox. I'd like to ask you this question. Let's see. Uh oh. There is no one to talk to. Darn. I really wanted to ask you this question. Did you leave a "contact" page off your site on purpose?

Please don't put your email address on your contact page. I made that mistake years ago. I got lots of email in my inbox. I was excited until I realized I was getting spammed with offers for Viagra and credit cards hundreds of times a day. I now use a contact form so my email address is invisible.

I stopped by the boys clothing article. Well written and informative. At the bottom of the article you say to contact you if I have questions. But how? I use a contact form. The link to the form appears in my navigation bar. Also, when I tell folks to contact me, I set up a hyperlink in the text to my contact form.

Your niche is wonderful and your content is very relevant to your niche. Gold star for that.

You seem to have a catalog site which is great. I went to the book case section to see what you had. What I was looking for were products that had a relatively high price. You know what the Amazon commission is so you will often be better off making a few conversions on higher priced items rather than a bunch of low priced items if you link to Amazon products.

I realize to buy one of those book cases, I will need to click on the title or picture. What if you get a newbie to online shopping? Those folks would appreciate a buy now button.

Most webmasters put the privacy policy at the bottom of the website. It's not important. Placement is up to you.

Finally, content is king. All the informative blog posts you can create will make happy customers who tell their friends about you. Lots of blog posts will help you get ranked well in the search engines because folks will come to your for your expert advice and Google especially will reward you handsomely with high search results. Maybe a top 10 listing? That was the lesson that took me a long time to learn. Once I figured out the content "secret" then my pages have done well ever since. It only takes one well ranked page to generate lots of traffic to your site.

I think you have chosen an excellent niche and product line. Very unique. I suspect you will do well.

p.s. this next tip is for your future. I like to use links to my web pages to give folks an illustration of what I'm talking about. What I didn't know was that my pages have been moving up in rank on Google because of all the new traffic from WA members. Cool, huh? That confirms to me the importance of using social media and forums to help my site listings on the search engines.

Wow Mike!!! Now that is what I call reviewing my site. That is totally awesome and great feedback that I will definitely take on board. I do have some questions though, as I am really new at all this and it looks like you are the man to ask! :)
1. You mention earlier about the contact page on the Automoblox post. Is that not the comments section at the bottom or should there be something else I should be adding in here? I dont' have an actual contact form. I am not sure how to do one?
2. The email address on the privacy page is listed as that is what was advised by WA. It was the one created and hosted on the WA server but not my actual email. Are you saying that I should not have it on the privacy page?
3. Thanks for the tip on the buy it now button, I am slowing starting to implement that on the website. :)
4. How do I put the privacy page at the bottom in the footer? No idea how to access the headers and footers. :(
5. The last point you made about linking to other pages, I didn't quite understand exactly what this was all about. Sorry, total newbie here with all of this.
6. Last question in relation to content. I feel like I am always having to write blog related content specifically relating to a product I am trying to promote on my website. Is this correct. I know that talking about the products is the basis of what I am trying to do, but should I also try to add in other blogs still related to the subject of my website, but perhaps not always trying to push a product? Does that make any sense at all???? lol
Thanks again so much for your thorough feedback. It's definitely well received! Would love for you to check back in on my site in the future and let me know what I can fix and do better. :)

"Hey Mikey, she likes it." Sorry. Remember the old Life cereal commercial?

I have spent the last 3 days putting up a new site on SiteRubix. Please use it for reference.

1) The "contact us" form is a place where a customer can have a private conversation with you. Comment sections are meant to be public. To have a contact page, you either need to have a plug in that does it or do what I do and use Jot Form. The difference is with a plug in, it adds more drag and slows your website down. Don't you just hate slow loading websites? Anyway, Jot Form is not a plug in so there is no drag on your site. It is HTML code. If you don't know what that is then don't get scared. HTML code is programming code working behind the scenes that makes your website look like it does.

I design my form at Jot Form then copy and paste the HTML code into my site. It is not hard to do. Ta daaa, one spiffy contact form. No, you don't need to be a nerd or computer geek to do this. I can help you if you need me or you can go to sleep tonight then wake up a super genius like me and do it yourself, lol.

2) If you want to start doing your own research on the privacy policy topic then you can start here;
I'm not a fan of spam so I never publish my email address on my websites.
I do not advise anyone to do the following but the method I use is to put a bogus email address at the bottom of my privacy policy then hyperlink it to my contact form.

3) On putting the privacy page at the bottom; I ran into that problem too. The new site I'm putting up uses a theme template that does not have access to a footer configuration. Other themes allow this. I can force the issue by messing with the HTML code of the entire template but it isn't worth my time. I'm not that good at HTML coding and I could easily screw up my site. I have decided the heck with it and my privacy policy is on top. WordPress has design limitations I never run into on my sites outside of WA. Those sites, I can easily edit the footer without messing with HTML code.

4) I don't recall what I said about linking to other pages so maybe you could reply to this message and remind me what I said (Alzheimer's, lol)

5) Relevant content is king. You don't always need to be pushing a product if you don't want. Too much product promotion can lead a site visitor to thinking you are just a sales person and not a human being with a website that is there to help me. I like to use stealth mode with my affiliate links but that may not apply to your catalog site. I publish lots of relevant information with no advertising. Anyway, can you tell where my product promotion is on my page?

I think I have covered the bases. Let me know if I missed something.
p.s. I didn't proof read this message so if there are spelling mistakes then my apologies.

Also, I'm using a cane that came from Delphi.

The website includes great fabulous relevant pictures 1-5 year old boy bike. The authoring and writing content is perfect. Try some cooltext.com and flamingtext.com fun words looking words, just I think a pre- logo is necessary in your website now.

Thanks for the tip! Question though, when I changed the main heading it also changed the writing under the "recent posts" section so it displays the same font there for some reason. Any ideas how I can fix this? Thanks!

From my viewpoint, I liked it. Just think a logo if you won't mind. Or I think add some videos for your subject

It's looking really good! I would definitely break those big paragraphs into smaller ones. Small paragraphs make it much easier to read. Also at the end you may want to put a line inviting people to comment. You have used your pictures really well. Keep up the good work

whoops, site URL is http://littlelevendi.com/balance-bikes-for-toddlers-yes-or-no

great web site. left my comment on your site

thank you so much. :)

my pleasure!

Hi Alexandra, well done. I have left a comment on your site. The one thing I would do is change your menu to the main header menu, rather than the top header menu. It is a little hard to see it at the top. Apart from that, great job!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Has anyone had any issues with their wordpress editing since the last update? My site just had an update today to the latest version and I am having nothing but trouble with it.

Deactivate each plugin one at a time to see if you can locate a plugin that is conflicting with the new WordPress up date


You may have plugins that are not yet updated for the new WordPress version. Try turning off your pugins one at a time and see if it makes any difference.

Otherwise, as Kinya advises, put in a support ticket and ask hosting to look at it for you.



Mine started updating automatically, it didn't used to do that...if anyone knows how to make it stop doing it automatically, I'd appreciate it if you'd share.

Don't panic. It's rare that you have to start your site over from scratch. Contact support and see if they can resolve the issue for you. They should get back to you pretty quickly.

I had some problems before with my site and changed to another theme, which is easy to do, to check. No problems there and then I changed back to my original and had no problems any more. Just a thought!

The only thing I am worried about is if I change themes then it won't be the same if I were to change it back and I would stuff it up more! lol

In my case, I had no trouble changing from one theme to another and back!

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Word press update issue - please help?!

Word press update issue - please help?!

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Has anyone had any issues with their wordpress editing since the last update? My site just had an update today to the latest version and I am having nothing but trouble with it.

Deactivate each plugin one at a time to see if you can locate a plugin that is conflicting with the new WordPress up date


You may have plugins that are not yet updated for the new WordPress version. Try turning off your pugins one at a time and see if it makes any difference.

Otherwise, as Kinya advises, put in a support ticket and ask hosting to look at it for you.



Mine started updating automatically, it didn't used to do that...if anyone knows how to make it stop doing it automatically, I'd appreciate it if you'd share.

Don't panic. It's rare that you have to start your site over from scratch. Contact support and see if they can resolve the issue for you. They should get back to you pretty quickly.

I had some problems before with my site and changed to another theme, which is easy to do, to check. No problems there and then I changed back to my original and had no problems any more. Just a thought!

The only thing I am worried about is if I change themes then it won't be the same if I were to change it back and I would stuff it up more! lol

In my case, I had no trouble changing from one theme to another and back!

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi, just wondering if you need permission to link a you tube video to you blog?

If there is a share icon that provides a url, then you are allowed to share it. The share icon is just below the subscribe button.

thanks. This might be a dumb question but how do I get it into my blog so that it shows the video in my site without linking it away to youtube?

When you paste the link you get through the share icon, WordPress automatically converts it to a video that your visitors can watch right on your site :)

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Can you link any you tube video to a blog?

Can you link any you tube video to a blog?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi, just wondering if you need permission to link a you tube video to you blog?

If there is a share icon that provides a url, then you are allowed to share it. The share icon is just below the subscribe button.

thanks. This might be a dumb question but how do I get it into my blog so that it shows the video in my site without linking it away to youtube?

When you paste the link you get through the share icon, WordPress automatically converts it to a video that your visitors can watch right on your site :)

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