Do NOT Compare Your Progress To Others

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(Cover photo: Various Fruits)

Hi everyone,

Its so easy to do even without thinking about it.

You see someone else crushing it. They're making good to great income online and then your heart drops.

You might want to give up. You tell yourself you must not be cut out for making money online...etc, etc, blah, blah, & blah some more.

Stop! Don't do that and if you are, then be positive about it.

I'm on various lists and I get emails from successful entrepreneurs including members of the Wealthy Affiliate community.

I just received one of those emails and it hit me emotionally in a negative way.

I am comfortable with what I earn and I work to continue growing it.

BUT I am light years away from earning what this person earns which is more in one month than I earn in a year. ::: sigh :::

I've tried this and tried that. I've spent more money than I should have chasing the "make x amount of money a month using this system...etc.

Believe me, if I knew what I was doing "wrong", I'd change in a heartbeat.

I believe this WA member is being honest about his earnings. I have no problem with that. They are a great person.

Other entrepreneurs make their money by ripping us off.

If you don't seem to have the Midas touch, then Slow and Steady wins the race.

I started publishing books 24 years ago and I have a pretty good feel for the kind of public domain content that sells. Its a long, slow process, but as long as I am consistent and persistent, I can continue to nudge my income $$$ up slowly, but surely.

I guess I am the tortoise in this race and I am fine with that.

I am happy for anyone who earns anything ethically online. Congrats! Keep doing what you do!

So do your best NOT to compare yourself to others and if you do, because it only takes an instant, then take a deep breath, look at your own unique situation and how you can build on that. Constant learning is a good thing to do in the process also.

I hope this helps.

To Our Success!

Mel Waller

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Recent Comments


Very true Mel, as they say comparison is the thief of joy. Obviously we'd all like to be making good money (or any money!!!) from our passions and interests. But ultimately as long as we are doing something we love and are passionate about it I strongly believe with enough education and persistence everyone can get there.


Thanks for sharing James!


Great message Mel we are all individuals and unique in our own right.

We cannot compare ourselves to others nor should we.

Everyone is at different learning stages in life yet we can look up to others for inspiration but we need to be ourselves and take action to reach those stars we always set out to do.

Wishing you well and keep moving forward.

Andre ;)

Thanks for sharing Andre! :-)


No probs Mel

Great advise, Mel!

That is exactly what this community does for me, keeps me in the race. For several different reasons, my progress has drastically slowed down over the last few months, but I am absolutely sure that I will get back at it full force once life calms back down. It's you and people here just like you that keep my spirits up with a positive attitude.

Thank you to all!

Tim 🎼

Thanks Tim! I can understand the ups and downs in life affecting us. :-)


We all have to go at our own pace, Mel! Keep succeeding!


So true, Jeff. Thanks!


Thanks, Mel!


Excellent advice, Mel. Keep on reaching for the stars. ✨

Myra ♥️

Thanks Myra!


Excellent advice here, Mel. Enjoy the chase. Have fun building your business. As long as you're trying to be someone else, you're not being yourself.

It's not a competition.


That is also great advice; I've never heard it put that way before.

Thanks, Cynthia. I'm glad you liked it.

Very true, Dave. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks...I feel that we can all heed that advice.

Yes. Thanks Cynthia!


Wise Words, Mel.

Have you been taking lessons from Abie? ;)


I had to learn to run my own race years ago, Mel. Comparing myself to others has always been a "no-win" situation.

Isaiah 🙂

You're right Isaiah!


I couldn't agree more! This is a journey, not a race, and each journey is different.

People often look for a formula when they are developing their sites. They look for specific milestones at specific times, and that's just not how this process works. The most important thing is to stay on the path and keep moving forward!

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