About Willow29
Rank 998
968 followers Joined April 2018
I’m a student in all things; including life itself. I’ve been questioning authority for as long as I can remember. I can be rather rebellious





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asked in
Getting Started

I am wanting to build a searchable database on one of my websites. I'm wanting to be able to show results based on a search by either state, city, or zip code.

Has anyo

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you are able to figure it out?

I'm currently working with the Participants Database, as I can enter all the info through Excel. It looks like this is what I'm needing.

Thanks for the resource. I hope it works for you; please keep us updated on your progress.

Hey Cynthia,

I asked ChatGPT your question... see screen print below...

In closing our chat, ChatGPT stated the following: " If Cynthia has any more questions or needs further guidance as she starts working on her project, feel free to reach out."

Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks. I downloaded the Participants Database that Rudy recommended. It sets up a CSV file that I can open in Excel and enter the information.

Once I get it figured out it looks like it may work exactly as I've been wanting.

Heres a list of plugins at




Here you can decide which one works best for you.


Have you ever used any of them?

I love working with Excel, but I don't want it to look like an Excel spreadsheet when I transfer it over. None of them show a preview of anything like I'm wanting.

I have been searching, I'm just not sure what's the best way to go about this.

No, I haven't used any of these.

However, if you select one, you will see they provide a host of details that explains its use and function.

Participants database looks like something you could use.



They all seem to do more than what I'm actually wanting to do. I also saw Formidable Forms mentioned quite a bit as well when searching online.

Guess I'll have to give one a try and it doesn't work then onto the next.

Thanks Rudy!

Less is more! They may have a lot to work with , yet you may only need to use a few aspects. Hope it works out for you.


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What is the best way to create a searchable database on my website?

What is the best way to create a searchable database on my website?

asked in
Getting Started

I am wanting to build a searchable database on one of my websites. I'm wanting to be able to show results based on a search by either state, city, or zip code.

Has anyo

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you are able to figure it out?

I'm currently working with the Participants Database, as I can enter all the info through Excel. It looks like this is what I'm needing.

Thanks for the resource. I hope it works for you; please keep us updated on your progress.

Hey Cynthia,

I asked ChatGPT your question... see screen print below...

In closing our chat, ChatGPT stated the following: " If Cynthia has any more questions or needs further guidance as she starts working on her project, feel free to reach out."

Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks. I downloaded the Participants Database that Rudy recommended. It sets up a CSV file that I can open in Excel and enter the information.

Once I get it figured out it looks like it may work exactly as I've been wanting.

Heres a list of plugins at




Here you can decide which one works best for you.


Have you ever used any of them?

I love working with Excel, but I don't want it to look like an Excel spreadsheet when I transfer it over. None of them show a preview of anything like I'm wanting.

I have been searching, I'm just not sure what's the best way to go about this.

No, I haven't used any of these.

However, if you select one, you will see they provide a host of details that explains its use and function.

Participants database looks like something you could use.



They all seem to do more than what I'm actually wanting to do. I also saw Formidable Forms mentioned quite a bit as well when searching online.

Guess I'll have to give one a try and it doesn't work then onto the next.

Thanks Rudy!

Less is more! They may have a lot to work with , yet you may only need to use a few aspects. Hope it works out for you.


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asked in
Getting Started

I help several non-profits with their websites. Long story, but someone hacked one of the sites and I'm trying to help rebuild it.

One problem I'm currently having is t

Please reach out to site support.

If this has not been figured out yet

This site isn't hosted here, so not sure if they would help or not.

Maybe it is a permissions thing? You never know. I get to docs or support where it is hosted.

Thanks. I know if I keep trying, I'll get it eventually.

Np :) You are welcome,

What a dilemma...

When you are accessing the media folder, in what way are you doing so?

Accessing the media folder by clicking on the left clolumn and opening the media folder itself,
Are you trying to 'add image' while writing a post?

You said: It comes up with something else When you try to open the media folder.

What exactly does it say?


I can access the media folder by clicking on the left column.

When I try to add an image on a post or page, the image above shows what comes up. It doesn't give me an option to choose a picture from the media folder.

Is there an image?

I dont see it...


This is what comes up when I try to add a picture into a page.

What theme are you using?

Is this website hosted here on WA? If so, submit a ticket with site support, they can take a look.

I opened my own media library, clicked on add new image tab, and the enclosed image shows what came up for me.

I looked at the image you provided, and have not ever seen anything like that before.

Show that image to site support.

Your image is what I'm used to seeing. The site I'm working on is not hosted on here, it's a non-profit organization that I'm trying to help. Sometimes I can get very frustrated with it, like right now. 🤔

I understand your frustration...grin.

Since the site is not hosted here, you then need to contact the host provider for help.

This sounds like an internal problem.

Tell them that the website had been hacked.

If you have access to FTP, you could look at the media folder and see if there are any new files that were added about the same time as the hack.


Thanks, I'm sure I'll get it figured out eventually. I appreciate your suggestions. 🙂

You're welcome!


This may help you -


I would check file permissions.

I will check this out, thank you.

This is the screen that comes up when I click on "add media". There is no option to access the media library.

Also, check if you are signed in as Admin.

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How to access media library?

How to access media library?

asked in
Getting Started

I help several non-profits with their websites. Long story, but someone hacked one of the sites and I'm trying to help rebuild it.

One problem I'm currently having is t

Please reach out to site support.

If this has not been figured out yet

This site isn't hosted here, so not sure if they would help or not.

Maybe it is a permissions thing? You never know. I get to docs or support where it is hosted.

Thanks. I know if I keep trying, I'll get it eventually.

Np :) You are welcome,

What a dilemma...

When you are accessing the media folder, in what way are you doing so?

Accessing the media folder by clicking on the left clolumn and opening the media folder itself,
Are you trying to 'add image' while writing a post?

You said: It comes up with something else When you try to open the media folder.

What exactly does it say?


I can access the media folder by clicking on the left column.

When I try to add an image on a post or page, the image above shows what comes up. It doesn't give me an option to choose a picture from the media folder.

Is there an image?

I dont see it...


This is what comes up when I try to add a picture into a page.

What theme are you using?

Is this website hosted here on WA? If so, submit a ticket with site support, they can take a look.

I opened my own media library, clicked on add new image tab, and the enclosed image shows what came up for me.

I looked at the image you provided, and have not ever seen anything like that before.

Show that image to site support.

Your image is what I'm used to seeing. The site I'm working on is not hosted on here, it's a non-profit organization that I'm trying to help. Sometimes I can get very frustrated with it, like right now. 🤔

I understand your frustration...grin.

Since the site is not hosted here, you then need to contact the host provider for help.

This sounds like an internal problem.

Tell them that the website had been hacked.

If you have access to FTP, you could look at the media folder and see if there are any new files that were added about the same time as the hack.


Thanks, I'm sure I'll get it figured out eventually. I appreciate your suggestions. 🙂

You're welcome!


This may help you -


I would check file permissions.

I will check this out, thank you.

This is the screen that comes up when I click on "add media". There is no option to access the media library.

Also, check if you are signed in as Admin.

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asked in
Getting Started

I noticed that several of my articles aren't being indexed. I've been posting them through site content, and I'm not sure what else I can do to get them indexed.

Hi Willow29. This video from Kyle is actually a better answer to your question. At about 9:41 in, Kyle tells you how to click on "Search Console". That is what TheAbiePPlus is referring to below by mentioning GSC. However, in the video that I'm posting below, Kyle shows this tool to you. He briefly mentions the URL Inspector to plug your website into and see if your website links are getting indexed. So, try that for each one of your links on your website. It takes about 30 seconds to a minute for the results to come back. If the results say that your web page or post is not indexed, then just click the index button that is right there next to your results. I did this for each one of my pages yesterday, and by today, I had 5 more indexed. This may not be the ultimate solution for you, but this is helping my SEO now, so I thought I would share this with you. Here is the link: I hope this helps!

I'll give this a try, thanks. 🙂

I've listened to this class, but I cannot find the URL Inspector. Do you know if there's a different name to this?

Here is a link to the Google Search Console: https://search.google.com/search-console/about

You have to have a Google account linked to your website in order to access this. But once you log-in with your Google account, you should be able to find the URL Inspection Tool on that platform. If you are still having trouble finding it, just Google search for "URL Inspection Tool".

I think I finally got it; thanks for your help.

You can always request indexing via the GSC inspection tool.

Another thing you can do is add supplementary text to Medium(.)com or pin campaigns on Pinterest, strategically linking Pins back to URLs that are not indexed.

Nathaniel resource

Thanks. It's very frustrating to write original content and no one can access it.

That is totally understandable. However, I suggest you follow up with the points above to help your posts.

Here is an article on that subject from Vitaliy G: Hopefully this helps.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

Was helpful article! I just read it...

I used the Hub and created a post, it was indexed within 48 hours.


I wish mine would index.

I used the Hub for the most recent article on my newer website and it was posted on January 17. It doesn't look like any articles have been indexed on that website.

My other established website I've had for a few years, and I have an article from January 15 that hasn't been indexed either. 🙁

Dont know what to tell you...

Although I sympathize with you, as Ive have submitted the same article more rhan once and still its not indexed.

I started over...lol.


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Why aren't my posts getting indexed?

Why aren't my posts getting indexed?

asked in
Getting Started

I noticed that several of my articles aren't being indexed. I've been posting them through site content, and I'm not sure what else I can do to get them indexed.

Hi Willow29. This video from Kyle is actually a better answer to your question. At about 9:41 in, Kyle tells you how to click on "Search Console". That is what TheAbiePPlus is referring to below by mentioning GSC. However, in the video that I'm posting below, Kyle shows this tool to you. He briefly mentions the URL Inspector to plug your website into and see if your website links are getting indexed. So, try that for each one of your links on your website. It takes about 30 seconds to a minute for the results to come back. If the results say that your web page or post is not indexed, then just click the index button that is right there next to your results. I did this for each one of my pages yesterday, and by today, I had 5 more indexed. This may not be the ultimate solution for you, but this is helping my SEO now, so I thought I would share this with you. Here is the link: I hope this helps!

I'll give this a try, thanks. 🙂

I've listened to this class, but I cannot find the URL Inspector. Do you know if there's a different name to this?

Here is a link to the Google Search Console: https://search.google.com/search-console/about

You have to have a Google account linked to your website in order to access this. But once you log-in with your Google account, you should be able to find the URL Inspection Tool on that platform. If you are still having trouble finding it, just Google search for "URL Inspection Tool".

I think I finally got it; thanks for your help.

You can always request indexing via the GSC inspection tool.

Another thing you can do is add supplementary text to Medium(.)com or pin campaigns on Pinterest, strategically linking Pins back to URLs that are not indexed.

Nathaniel resource

Thanks. It's very frustrating to write original content and no one can access it.

That is totally understandable. However, I suggest you follow up with the points above to help your posts.

Here is an article on that subject from Vitaliy G: Hopefully this helps.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

Was helpful article! I just read it...

I used the Hub and created a post, it was indexed within 48 hours.


I wish mine would index.

I used the Hub for the most recent article on my newer website and it was posted on January 17. It doesn't look like any articles have been indexed on that website.

My other established website I've had for a few years, and I have an article from January 15 that hasn't been indexed either. 🙁

Dont know what to tell you...

Although I sympathize with you, as Ive have submitted the same article more rhan once and still its not indexed.

I started over...lol.


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