Beer With Kyle: The New Website is LIVE!


Hey Everybody!

Today, I’m exciting to announce that our brand-new Wealthy Affiliate website is officially LIVE, and I’m eager to show you some of the cool new features. Plus, I’ve got some awesome tools and designs that affiliates can now use to boost their marketing. Let’s jump right into things...

Key Takeaways:

1. This Week’s Beer

As always, before we get into the main event, let’s talk about today’s beer. This week I am drinking a Pilsner from Backcountry Brewing, based in Squamish, BC (just near Whistler for those familiar with the area). It’s a light beer with a 5% ABV, perfect for a sunny day like today here in Victoria. After giving it a try, I can say it’s a solid Pilsner—refreshing and crisp, just as expected!

2. New Wealthy Affiliate Website

Now, the big news: the Wealthy Affiliate website is live! When you head over to, you’ll see the fresh new look. Our message, "Design and build an online business that you love," is front and center because that’s what we do here at Wealthy Affiliate. It’s not just about affiliate marketing anymore, you can build a business around any passion you have. This new design makes that clear and invites everyone to start their journey right from the homepage.

3. Niche Research Tool

One of the most exciting updates is our niche research tool. Instead of just asking for an email to get started, we’re offering value upfront. Users can type in their passion or interest, and the tool will generate business ideas with an opportunity rating based on factors like competition and profitability. For example, if you type in "basketball," you might get suggestions like youth basketball leagues and camps. Users can then select their niche, sign up for a free starter account, and dive into building their business immediately, complete with a pre-built hub. It’s a huge improvement that adds real value before they even sign up!

4. Simplified Homepage and Flow

We’ve also streamlined the homepage to make it more user-friendly. It now clearly walks users through the steps: Choose a Business Idea, Build Traffic, and Make Money. We’ve added community testimonials and a FAQ section for social proof, and we’re considering adding a video to further build trust. It’s all about making it easier for newcomers to see the value of what Wealthy Affiliate offers.

5. Customizable Niche-Specific Homepage Designs

Now here’s where things get really exciting for affiliates. We’ve rolled out customizable homepage designs tailored to specific niches. As an affiliate, you can drive more targeted traffic by choosing a design that matches your audience’s interests. Whether it’s cooking, fitness, or even gaming, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a list of some of the homepage designs that you can link to:

Adding Your Affiliate ID

For affiliates, this is where things get really powerful. You can customize these links with your affiliate ID to ensure that any sign-ups are tracked back to you. Here’s how you can do it:

This is great for getting hyper-relevant with your marketing. Replace YOURID with your affiliate ID, and you will be able to get credit for sharing any of these styles of affiliate links. You can even start the search for them by customizing the link with both the idea and the image. It’s never been easier to tailor your promotions to the audience you’re targeting!

Your Feedback:

Now that you’ve seen the new updates, I’d love to hear your thoughts:

  • What do you think of the niche research tool and its functionality?
  • How do you feel about the new homepage design and flow?
  • Would incorporating a video on the homepage make it even better?

Please jump down into the comments below and share your feedback. It’s always great hearing from you, and your insights help us continue improving Wealthy Affiliate. :)

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Recent Comments


All these changes are incredibly exciting and I get a feeling from other members as well that there is an undercurrent of positivity and "uptimism". I meant optimism, however this "new" word captures the mood of all here at WA even better than "optimism"

Not that there isn't normally, yet the blogs e.t.c all seem to be "glowing" with passion.

Stevoi on fire....

Damn "Nga" Stop playing with those matches....Lol.

Yeah, there is a lot to look forward to. We are going to bring everyone into 2025 with a competitive leap, the latest training and strategies, and a community they can lean on to advance their business in any niche.

More and more people are looking for ways to "escape" the typical 9 to 5 and want to do something they are passionate about, so this represents a big opportunity to generate revenue for affiliates as well.

Exciting times Steve! :)

Good morning Kyle,

Thank you for the update, it's appreciated.

I do like the idea of how to choose an opportunity, as that's really helpful for beginners, especially as many people do not know what niche to go into. The opportunity rating is also potentially quite powerful.

I can see that you and your team have put huge amounts of efforts into creating the new website, Kyle. It looks like you have got the process down to a fine art.

It's great that we can aim for different types of people, depending on their interests. I'm guessing that if, for example, we are passionate about football and we can talk to friends or interact on a forum, we can send people the appropriate links.

Have you ever thought of documenting your journey and demonstrating the power of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle? I appreciate that you are extremely busy, but I think it would be a really good advert for the platform, where you could literally demonstrate creating a niche of your choice and taking people through the process, etc. You could also show things that didn't work and what you found worked really well, etc.

Wishing you a fantastic week.


Yeah, I do that within the training, and I am going to be building out more case study style websites. That is also what the "expert training" is for, as there are many case studies that take place through that throughout the year.

The only problem within the training is that it is refreshed so frequently, that the domain changes. So if people are looking for longer form case studies, I usually send them in the direction of some very recent classes. Vitaliy is running a series on this right now in fact.

As always, thanks for your feedback here Roy! :)

That sounds good, Kyle. I do listen to some of the expert training, but I need to listen to more.

I haven't watched Vitaliy's most recent series yet, but it does sound good and definitely worth watching. It's always good to learn from people who've been there and done that.

It's a pleasure to try and give feedback, Kyle, I'm just trying to be realistic.

Thank you for a great platform.


Yeah, check it out when you get a chance. We plant to run several case studies throughout the year, and all the core traffic training is updated throughout the year. Always something new to learn. ;)

That sounds good, Kyle!

It's getting to that time of year when I will have more time to focus on the training and grow my online business, etc.


I like the new WA page, it seems easier to move around on.

As for beer, it's better than wine, like a meal. When I was on evacuation and stuck in Grande Prairie for three weeks last year, I had a different beer for a week. Whitehorse Yukon makes a very delish beer.

Thanks Denise, glad to hear you are liking the new webpage. Some initial feedback here from the community that will lead to further improvements.

I have a close friend that is in the Yukon frequently and he brings back beer from there all the time, it is very good. I will have to incorporate one of those into the Beer With Kyle Friday's!

I hope you are enjoying your experience here within WA Denise, and please do let us know if you need anything at all moving forward. :)

Yukon Red Beer is to die for. Kootenay Pale Ale is a good. One that has been around forever is Kokanee (made in Creston)

It really works well, Kyle. I think you've thought of everything to get people taking action! This is my favourite phrase at the moment. We spend too much time overthinking, and once you plunge, there's always/usually a way to change things back!

This 'taking action' incentive matches the 'being busy' theme. Humans have a tendency to sit back and let things happen to or for them, but I'm ALL for self-dependence. There are many traps in developed societies to abdicate responsibility to someone/something else.

This niche-finder tool piques our curiosity so we can try out our secret dreams until the cows come home. THEN, we'll be ready to create the account. Engagement is the key component of Internet Business! If the owner is not fully engaged, then how can they expect their audience to be?

I love the homepage flow. As you say, it's simplified and not too many folds to negotiate, though I think it could be even shorter and more streamlined. I like the pertinent site stats, too! Impressive, but not too imposing. I tested all the top menu buttons, and they work well, too - like the bright graphics. But I wonder if the navigation menu could benefit from a slightly larger, more prominent font: the page's main focus is definitely the niche-finder, but there's lots to be discovered via the top menu, too. Would a different colour font bring attention?

The target audience is mentioned as 'beginners' as well as 'experts,' but would it be good to reference those in between, too, e.g., websites up and running, those ready to scale, empire-builders, high-fliers, etc.? Then, we can really show the range of people attracted to WA. Just a thought!

I think your opening comment is great but could be even more powerful:

“Whether you are looking for the latest techniques and strategies to build a business online, or the latest ‘tech’ to help assist you with your business, we have you covered 100%. Our goal is to keep YOU ahead of the curve, and ahead of the competition and we do this through ultra-frequent updates.”

.......or the latest tech to automate and scale your business......... - this might offer an incentive to follow through the whole process after building - another point where people may sit back and congratulate themselves but not realise they have to keep going consistently to really make a success!!

...ahead of the competition! We do this through....... a period and exclamation mark could make it more dramatic and active.

Just a suggestion! I want your opening statement to have as much impact as possible!

Anyway, it's excellent, and I'm looking forward to bringing many people to join soon.

Best and Cheers! 🍺

Excellent feedback here Linden, thanks for the suggestions. We will definitely be moving efficiently on the community feedback and making a lot of improvements based on it. It is best to get something out there, see how people react (and how it converts) and then make iterative improvements.

An you are right, sometimes it is the small things that matter. A period, or exclamation mark can make all the difference in the world.

I knew you'd take it on the chin Kyle! I agree, it's superb to get so many perspectives! So lucky to have such a huge community with lots of people willing to join in!

See you soon. 🌟

Great work here!

I wonder if there could be a way to let the user know once they've clicked on the "Choose This" and the "Create a Free Account" that they will in fact have a full hub built out for them upon signing up and and it will be filled with training and topic ideas specific to what they just entered.

Initially, we see that there are great opportunities in whatever niche, but when they see "Create a Free Starter Account" there's nothing that tells them their specific hub is actually being built as opposed to just joining into a generic entrance.

Hey Eric,

On the create account step, there is a section that shows people what they get. Is that what you are looking for?

If so, the question is how come that is not visible, is there just too much going on there?

Let me know what you think here, we can definitely work to improve all of these designs, this is the initial launch and we will incrementally get better and better. Already some great feedback here. :)

Prior to this new, almost interactive homepage, all those things listed were what you’d get with WA. Now that a new user is actively taking part in this niche and direction finder with this all new homepage, I think it could be emphasized that completing their sign up and enrollment unlocks a tailored hub based on the direction they just chose, filled with content ideas, affiliate programs, and specific training based on their choice.

Otherwise I don’t know that I’d really understand that I’ve started a hub and it’s waiting for me on the other side.

Also, I think the “Business” background would be a solid default. 👍🏼💯

Are you referring to the sign-up button and the details that are provided under the title there?

As shown in this screenshot

Yeah, I feel like as it is, a new member sees they can enter any niche, the onboarding will tell them it’s a great opportunity and then it’s straight to “create your account”

I think it could be an opportunity for them to know that this specifc hub is waiting for them on the other side of enrollment filled with training and specifics on building out this specific business idea. After all they don’t know what a hub is. 👍🏼

I think the "business" version should be the main default option, instead of having no image on the default. The "business" image seems perfect.

Also, tried to add tracking to the business option using the create a tracking link tool and it won't add tracking and still include the image.

It strips "image=business" out of the link altogether.

I manually created the link, but it doesn't seem to actually track the raw clicks (even in incognito).

Yeah, the tracking link section hasn’t been updated, we will need to get that updated. You can manually add them though using the data1=yourtracking variable.

That's really cool, Kyle! I jumped in, created a dummy account, and created my first blog post.

Worked great :)

I entered 'survival prepping', which gave me great responses to try.

Keep up the amazing work :)

If you add a video, where will it go? At the bottom? You want people to scroll down to read all of the available stuff. But, maybe add one there?


Thanks for the feedback Teri! Interprets the video, we will be adding one further down the page, and maybe a really short form 30 seconds or so around the niche research section at the top. Still not totally confirmed on that yet, but you are probably going to see this in place in the next couple weeks.

Ok....For those who are still struggling like I was to add your unique Wealthy Affiliate ID to any of the Customizable Niche-Specific Homepage Designs, I think I figured it out. Kyle please correct me if I am wrong.

What you have to do is: For example...Lets say you want to add your unique link too the Travel Home page Design. You take the link:

and add your unique link at the end. The problem is I was just trying to add my number (8763228) at the end of my link and that doesn't work.

What you have to do is copy every thing AFTER the "?" in your WA link. For example my link is:

I would copy just ( a_aid=d8763228 ) and add it, BUT you have to also add a "&" sign first in between the Homepage link and your unique link.

So, this is what it will look like for my personal link:

I hope this helps! You may want to wait for Kyle to comment on this post to make sure this is correct.

Nice job Kyle and WA team...This is awesome!

For some reason when I open a link in "incognito mode" - like a person that so far never signed up for the WA - for example, the following link: It says 504 getaway.
It is probably related to the new update...

Really, were you going to:

Are you still getting this? Let me know here, I have been using it all morning and yesterday and this is the first I have heard of this issue. Please do let us know. :)

The homepage works fine.

It is just when I want to share a specific post from the Wealthy Affiliate

Like the one I mentioned: It used to work even for non-WA members, ie in the incognito mode.

The video started and after a few seconds, it asked for signing up.

But now, the link in the incognito mode gives the 504 error.

Apparently, even Dale (Dale123) seems to have a similar issue.; please see his comment below.

It has been fixed!

Thanks a LOT!

If I visit the homepage logged out and click the "Blog" link at the top, I get a 504 gateway timed out error. If I'm logged in, it works fine. In fact, it currently seems I cant view any URL on the my.wealthyaffiliate domain when logged out without a timeout error.

Also, I decided to create an account to test the flow and I got a notification saying "you just received your first profile message from Kyle" but when I clicked it and visited the profile on my test account there was nothing there. I just see tabs for "discussions" and "my content".

Good detective work Dale. A proper website tester! This type of stuff is great for the team though, to iron out all the bugs.


Thanks Dale, that wasn't an issue in Beta. Our team is on it, and this will be sorted today.

And we will look into the profile message issue and see what is going on as well. :)

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