Beer With Kyle: The New Website is LIVE!


Hey Everybody!

Today, I’m exciting to announce that our brand-new Wealthy Affiliate website is officially LIVE, and I’m eager to show you some of the cool new features. Plus, I’ve got some awesome tools and designs that affiliates can now use to boost their marketing. Let’s jump right into things...

Key Takeaways:

1. This Week’s Beer

As always, before we get into the main event, let’s talk about today’s beer. This week I am drinking a Pilsner from Backcountry Brewing, based in Squamish, BC (just near Whistler for those familiar with the area). It’s a light beer with a 5% ABV, perfect for a sunny day like today here in Victoria. After giving it a try, I can say it’s a solid Pilsner—refreshing and crisp, just as expected!

2. New Wealthy Affiliate Website

Now, the big news: the Wealthy Affiliate website is live! When you head over to, you’ll see the fresh new look. Our message, "Design and build an online business that you love," is front and center because that’s what we do here at Wealthy Affiliate. It’s not just about affiliate marketing anymore, you can build a business around any passion you have. This new design makes that clear and invites everyone to start their journey right from the homepage.

3. Niche Research Tool

One of the most exciting updates is our niche research tool. Instead of just asking for an email to get started, we’re offering value upfront. Users can type in their passion or interest, and the tool will generate business ideas with an opportunity rating based on factors like competition and profitability. For example, if you type in "basketball," you might get suggestions like youth basketball leagues and camps. Users can then select their niche, sign up for a free starter account, and dive into building their business immediately, complete with a pre-built hub. It’s a huge improvement that adds real value before they even sign up!

4. Simplified Homepage and Flow

We’ve also streamlined the homepage to make it more user-friendly. It now clearly walks users through the steps: Choose a Business Idea, Build Traffic, and Make Money. We’ve added community testimonials and a FAQ section for social proof, and we’re considering adding a video to further build trust. It’s all about making it easier for newcomers to see the value of what Wealthy Affiliate offers.

5. Customizable Niche-Specific Homepage Designs

Now here’s where things get really exciting for affiliates. We’ve rolled out customizable homepage designs tailored to specific niches. As an affiliate, you can drive more targeted traffic by choosing a design that matches your audience’s interests. Whether it’s cooking, fitness, or even gaming, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a list of some of the homepage designs that you can link to:

Adding Your Affiliate ID

For affiliates, this is where things get really powerful. You can customize these links with your affiliate ID to ensure that any sign-ups are tracked back to you. Here’s how you can do it:

This is great for getting hyper-relevant with your marketing. Replace YOURID with your affiliate ID, and you will be able to get credit for sharing any of these styles of affiliate links. You can even start the search for them by customizing the link with both the idea and the image. It’s never been easier to tailor your promotions to the audience you’re targeting!

Your Feedback:

Now that you’ve seen the new updates, I’d love to hear your thoughts:

  • What do you think of the niche research tool and its functionality?
  • How do you feel about the new homepage design and flow?
  • Would incorporating a video on the homepage make it even better?

Please jump down into the comments below and share your feedback. It’s always great hearing from you, and your insights help us continue improving Wealthy Affiliate. :)

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Recent Comments


That's really cool, Kyle! I jumped in, created a dummy account, and created my first blog post.

Worked great :)

I entered 'survival prepping', which gave me great responses to try.

Keep up the amazing work :)

If you add a video, where will it go? At the bottom? You want people to scroll down to read all of the available stuff. But, maybe add one there?


Ok....For those who are still struggling like I was to add your unique Wealthy Affiliate ID to any of the Customizable Niche-Specific Homepage Designs, I think I figured it out. Kyle please correct me if I am wrong.

What you have to do is: For example...Lets say you want to add your unique link too the Travel Home page Design. You take the link:

and add your unique link at the end. The problem is I was just trying to add my number (8763228) at the end of my link and that doesn't work.

What you have to do is copy every thing AFTER the "?" in your WA link. For example my link is:

I would copy just ( a_aid=d8763228 ) and add it, BUT you have to also add a "&" sign first in between the Homepage link and your unique link.

So, this is what it will look like for my personal link:

I hope this helps! You may want to wait for Kyle to comment on this post to make sure this is correct.

Nice job Kyle and WA team...This is awesome!

For some reason when I open a link in "incognito mode" - like a person that so far never signed up for the WA - for example, the following link: It says 504 getaway.
It is probably related to the new update...

Really, were you going to:

Are you still getting this? Let me know here, I have been using it all morning and yesterday and this is the first I have heard of this issue. Please do let us know. :)

The homepage works fine.

It is just when I want to share a specific post from the Wealthy Affiliate

Like the one I mentioned:

It used to work even for non-WA members, ie in the incognito mode.

The video started and after a few seconds, it asked for signing up.

But now, the link in the incognito mode gives the 504 error.

Apparently, even Dale (Dale123) seems to have a similar issue.; please see his comment below.

If I visit the homepage logged out and click the "Blog" link at the top, I get a 504 gateway timed out error. If I'm logged in, it works fine. In fact, it currently seems I cant view any URL on the my.wealthyaffiliate domain when logged out without a timeout error.

Also, I decided to create an account to test the flow and I got a notification saying "you just received your first profile message from Kyle" but when I clicked it and visited the profile on my test account there was nothing there. I just see tabs for "discussions" and "my content".

Good detective work Dale. A proper website tester! This type of stuff is great for the team though, to iron out all the bugs.


Thanks Dale, that wasn't an issue in Beta. Our team is on it, and this will be sorted today.

And we will look into the profile message issue and see what is going on as well. :)

Congratulations genius team! 😎🏆
Wow...well done

I absolutely love the idea of Customizable Niche-Specific Homepage Designs for promoting WA...

The workflow, is absolutely brilliant! I would just add a sign up button, next to the search for a business idea button.

Illustrating the workflow with a cartoonlike video, will complete it. No doubt.

Thank you

For non native speakers, content is a problem, highlighting this will certainly help

For the sign-up button, why would you put it next to the search? Do you not think people would be confused by that? The sign-up happens as people search and then choose their niche.

And yes, we plan to have a video in place to help folks with the sign-up process....great idea there. Thanks for the feedback here Fleeky! :)

Because it gives a choice for those who want to come back later

I guess I am doing something wrong, Kyle. All I am getting is the same old-looking website. There might be some differences, but I am not getting what you showed.



PS: I just gave my affiliate link to a guy I know and asked him to check it out.

Refresh your browser, you likely have the old version cached. That will solve your problems here. :)

ok. thanks, Kyle


I guess I am seeing it. I have refreshed my browser, gotten out of everything, and come back in and cleared my cache and it all looks the same to me. MAybe I am just blind. ;s ;D


What are you seeing? Here is where you want to go:

I have attached an image of the new homepage.

WOW, Kyle - That's an absolutely brilliant workflow, getting people up and running with their ideal niche and being presented with their hub in just three steps! 😃

I like the music homepage design, but I'm not really sure what that thing in the left-hand corner of the room is. A drum throne? And what's on top of it, a percussive instrument?? Lol 😎

Frank 🤘🎸

Glad you like the workflow. As to the items in the back drop, that I am not quite sure of. I will have to look for the most obscure or original musical instruments in the world.

These are AI generated, so some interesting (and possibly fake) instruments could have slipped through the cracks. Perhaps an update on that one is necessary, we could replace with a 7 finger guitar player.

Hi Kyle

Hahaha, Leonardo AI and Midjourney routinely generated 7-finger guitar players, so I use DALL-E 3, which seems to do a better job.

Seven fingers would be great, but I can use the thumb on my left hand to press down the low-E string, which gives me five playable digits instead of four. Lol 😎

The most popular instruments are generally agreed to be guitar, piano, drums, and saxophone.

I created an image with DALL-E 3 in a 16:9 (800 x 457) aspect ratio that contains those instruments. If you like, you can use it as the background for the WA music homepage design. I converted it from WebP to PNG.

Frank 🎸

Hi Kyle great work as usual. Just wanted to clarlify one part.

We know with the affiliate links we already have when promoting WA our unique link is already embedded within.

However when you went to the fantasy football part you mentioned about coying the affiliate link but you also stated that we can append out own affilaite link to it.

So does that mean the link you copied in the example doesn't have our own affiliate link embedded already and we need to add our unique affiliate link to that. That was my undersanding of it.

I am sure there are still many members who may not be sure how to add their unique affiliate link to the main link.

Could you perhaps have a training or short vlog on how to do that for the memmbers which I feel would be useful.

As if they are either unaware or didn't hear that part of adding their own affiliate link to the main one if they just share that and someone clicks and joins then they will not get the referral but WA would instead.



The link doesn't have my affiliate link, because I didn't use one. I just used the raw link.

So the link I copied, wouldn't contain an affiliate link. If you used your affiliate link though and someone visited the page with it, then the link they copy would have your affiliate link. So there is the potential that sharing your affiliate link, could go viral and lead to many more referrals.

Here are how you do your affiliate links:



Let me know if you have any further questions here, I will be happy to help!

Thanks Kyle for your response.

Will look into it a bit deeper later as I have to get ready to go out for my wife's 67th birthday in a few hours so may check it out more later in the evening my time.

Have a great weekend too.


Happy Birthday to your wife!! Enjoy your weekend Andre. ;)

Thank you Kyle got to get ready soon catch you another time


I really love it as well, and it is revolutionary, and I think you have definitely taken the website, WA, in the right direction. An upgrade that makes all the difference.

A few bugs: When I logged into my WA user account, my existing hub (related to my existing website) was gone. I had to manually recreate it in a couple of minutes. Once I did, all the lessons, lectures were in place exactly where I left them last time. When I click on "Training" and "Promote" in the top menu, my existing hub is gone again, and I need to recreate it again.

Other than that, I haven't found any other bugs at the moment.

Great job WA team!


Hey Alexander,

Thanks for your feedback!

First the bug with your Hub, that is fixed now. We just ran a patch, that was caused for people that only had ONE hub, and were premium level. So you are sorted now (as of 30 minutes ago).

And if you have any further feedback on top of that, let us know and we will be more than happy to help you out. ;)

The new research tool is great I really love the opportunity rating. I would love to be able to drill down on each results to give more specific ideas. Also if I remember well, the old tool was giving more results, I liked that.

The design of the home page is perfect and showing also great on mobile. The only thing is that on mobile the research tool is loading forever, hope it's not a broad issue?

I'm pretty sure conversion will be higher with this new approach, congrats guys you did an amazing job!!!

Thanks for the feedback here Jonathan, we could certainly give more results, in particular within the tool inside of WA. We actually pulled back a few of the results to give just five, as we didn't want to overwhelm people.

As for the "drill down", often times that will lead to similar results if we are aiming to just show people the highest opportunity niches. If we show people more, perhaps we open up niches that have less opportunity and lesser ratings, which also takes into consideration being too "broad" as well.

As for mobile, are you still getting that issue on mobile?

Thanks for the precisions, it totally makes sense.
Yes I still have the loading issue on mobile

Should be resolved now. Let me know!

Yes it's working fine now. Thanks!

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