About Kambas
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1,178 followers Joined December 2016
Always researching and looking for great new marketing opportunities and to work with innovative individuals, to learn from them and also share my experience in





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I have really enjoyed being a part of this community and cannot explain in words how much value I have received from Kyle's and Carson's lessons and many members here who are v

It seems like you've had some good advice here already and are not giving up. You know how you can carry on outside of WA and rejoin later if you're forced to take that route. I just wanted to offer consolation as some others have, because quite a few of us have experienced this before now, so you're not alone. :)
It'll all be a distant memory one day when you're making a tidy income from your site.

Thank you Heather.
I plan to carry on with my site until I make enough money to come back :)

Just another idea for you and anyone who needs that bit extra; - not meaning to distract anyone, but have you thought about selling ebooks? It's so quick and easy to self publish these days, even just a few sales a month would help out wouldn't it? (Now I do fall prey to 'Shiny Object Syndrome' often, but due to that I have seen that people have been able to create decent ebooks in a few weeks to even just a weekend). Obv. you will probably have to spend a little on a decent cover, but putting the thing together shouldn't be a big challenge. You could probably use the content ideas from your existing posts, draw a mindmap, organise your post contents into sections, (leave some info out on purpose) and use the book as a lead magnet back to your business...??

(Sadly I can't see how that would work in my business, but it does work easily in most niches.)

Just thoughts.

: )

Very nice idea Heather and yes I have actually published my own eBook after gaining a lot of experience in the comic book industry in my earlier 20's.

So I wrote this eBook a few years ago but only made a few sales since it was published, it would probably not even average $1 per month. The price of the e-book is only $0.08 but the information in the book is extremely valuable to comic book collectors, distributors and retailers.

Title: How to make $1000 + Per Month on eBay selling Comic Books
and can be found on https://bidorbuy.co.za

Reason why the price is so low is because it appears in the crazy R1 item section and it gets a lot more exposure. When I had it up for about $1 (R13) no one was buying it.

Had it listed on eBay but eBay took it down for reasons unknown as they did not disclose why they removed the eBook. Quite silly because I was promoting eBay simultaneously.

I am currently working on a new cryptocurrency eBook but still have a lot of work to do before it passes the quality check :)

Cool!! Well then you are well on your way. I checked out your site and was going to suggest you did a book on Cryptocurrency.

As for your 'comic book' book, - well then you have experience so that's great! I attended a webinar the other day where they were talking about re-marketing existing books that people are not getting many sales on, making little changes, like to the front cover, marketing it better etc, updating their keywords on Amazon, and seeing a major increase in sales, so maybe have a play around with your existing one?

Hey Kamil, just saw this post and had to chime in 'old friend'.

As you know due to some personal issues I was away from WA for most of the second half of last year but was pleased to return fully last Dec.

Often life 'dishes up'less than attractive circumstances with which we have to deal, and it's not always easy.

I feel your pain and angst when it comes to money issues, been there and it's no fun, but in every crisis there is usually an opportunity lurking just beneath the visible surface, waiting there to be unearthed if we are open to seeing it.

It is not possible to even put your membership on hold say for a few months until you have been able to sort this out? I've not seen that this is an option but it may even be worth reaching out to Kyle directly to see if it's possible.

Wishing you well with the next steps. Just see this as a temporary obstacle. Remember the words of Winston Churchill - "Never never, never give up"


Hey Mark

You said it well mate! We just got a roll with the punches when we on the receiving end and do the best we can to get up if we get knocked down a bit.

Every problem is another opportunity.

So glad you came out on top because I do remember your story and it was sad to hear at the time but now awesome to see you kicking back! :)

Thanks Kamil! Hope you get to stick around my friend.


Not being able to afford WA doesn't mean stop working on your brand.. you get 30 days to still work on your website after you cancel membership. If worse comes to worse then work on your social media pages for your site, write content you can post for the future, etc.. until you get the funds to come back if that's something you'd like to do.

I myself have done that, after moving the hosting. (There was a learning curve with the hosting too). It was a pain in the proverbial, but it's perfectly possible. Whatever you do, don't give up Kamil.

Kamil from my experience leaving WA because it was just not in my budget anymore. A word of warning proir to to leaving make sure you transfer any domains you have purchased to a new hosting site. If you do not then you will lose access without rejoining wa. Just a heads up from someone that learned the hard way. I will give wa credit their training is good as I took what I learned here plus some online research, built a site on another platform and it's paid off. I prefer the dropship method tho. Anyway hope this helps.

Hi Mickey, thank you kindly for your suggestion ;)

Some people think I am quitting but no matter what happens WA will always be a part of me because this is where I learned how to build a website properly and about SEO and many other very valuable lessons!

For now I will have to move my site to a host so thanks for affirming this and sorry to hear you learned the hard way, hope it wasn't to much content lost, did you have a backup?

Don't give up! We all have those moments. Remember, there are always a true friend or relative that will help out.
Marion has some great links to your questions.

Keep On, keeping On!

Thank you Louisa but I am not giving up...

I am actually hoping to find a long term solution to my financial situation and feel wrong about taking money, especially if they in a similar situation or worse.
You know if I asked my Dad for $100 or even $359 he would give it to me no problem but I want to earn it myself. I was taught this from a very early age and it stuck for life I think.

I don't mean to be disrespectful when people offer me money, it makes me appreciate them even more! but usually I will politely decline and rather pick their brain to find an inspiring idea to get me out of the predicament.

This is why I wrote this post, perhaps it can help many others in the same situation as me. Maybe it can inspire some solutions and new ideas.

I mentioned earlier to Marion that it would be nice if the highly experienced members here on WA who earn serious bucks from working online and affiliate marketing, could provide some website building orientated jobs to those who are less experienced and don't earn from their websites yet.
This could help experienced people with the work load and less experienced people the opportunity to earn some money to pay for their premium membership + learn what the pro's are doing regularly and focusing on to make things work! :)

Our friend Robert (Boomergp08) wrote these some time ago so the cost of WA membership is slightly out of date. But everything else is still valid today.

Thank you Marion.

I actually read the "Never Give Up on WA..." post before when it was published but the second post is new to me. Just finished reading it and all I can say is that some of Roberts posts are priceless! Very helpful and he always inspires great ideas.

Another penny that dropped while I was reading his post is HEY!! Why are none of the guys that make substantial amounts of money online offer people on WA work opportunity like site development or writing content. It only makes sense right? They all have access to our websites and can see what our weaknesses and strengths are etc. and could potentially hire us for certain projects. Was just an idea that came to mind :)

You might want to suggest that. You never know, it might be a new project they roll out soon, as they are always up to somethnig to improve everything for us.


I understand your predicament. I don't want to sound like an old guy, but I would bet you can find $49 somewhere within your life. I suggest to everyone, not just you to put every dollar you have on paper. Write a budget. You will be amazed when you write down your bills vs income, how much money you waste monthly.

When you think you literally don't have a dollar to spare, you will find that isn't true. Start eating beans and rice and ramen noodles to save money. Start going through your bills and shopping for new insurance and cheaper electric companies. But the main thing is, put it down on paper.

I highly suggest you look up Dave Ramsey on podcast or Youtube. He explains it better than I ever could.

He also has a free budgeting app called EveryDollar that is a great tool for crunching the numbers. https://www.everydollar.com/

This is a great idea for everyone. A strict budget will make room for your WA membership.

Hi Craig

Really appreciate your advice here and it's confirmation of what my Dad told me to do as well. We really have to appreciate this type of mindset that most likely stems from dealing with tangible money for so long. Now days everything moves via credit cards, EFT's, PayPal and it's almost impossible to keep track of all your money! (Cashless society)
+ everyone along the way takes their cut of course for providing a service.

Money sometimes vanishes or gets "debited by mistake" more often than the banks would like to admit.

Personally I try to keep track of every Rand (Dollar) I spend because I cannot afford otherwise and already live a very humble lifestyle. The nasty thing is when you already living on a super tight budget with zero savings and there is an emergency (like dentist, car breaks down, best friend begs for a loan not to get evicted, funeral etc.) then it really goes downhill if you know what I mean.

Thanks again Sir for caring and sharing!
Will have a look what Dave R has to say :)

Best regards,

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What to do when we can't afford to pay wa monthly fees?

What to do when we can't afford to pay wa monthly fees?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I have really enjoyed being a part of this community and cannot explain in words how much value I have received from Kyle's and Carson's lessons and many members here who are v

It seems like you've had some good advice here already and are not giving up. You know how you can carry on outside of WA and rejoin later if you're forced to take that route. I just wanted to offer consolation as some others have, because quite a few of us have experienced this before now, so you're not alone. :)
It'll all be a distant memory one day when you're making a tidy income from your site.

Thank you Heather.
I plan to carry on with my site until I make enough money to come back :)

Just another idea for you and anyone who needs that bit extra; - not meaning to distract anyone, but have you thought about selling ebooks? It's so quick and easy to self publish these days, even just a few sales a month would help out wouldn't it? (Now I do fall prey to 'Shiny Object Syndrome' often, but due to that I have seen that people have been able to create decent ebooks in a few weeks to even just a weekend). Obv. you will probably have to spend a little on a decent cover, but putting the thing together shouldn't be a big challenge. You could probably use the content ideas from your existing posts, draw a mindmap, organise your post contents into sections, (leave some info out on purpose) and use the book as a lead magnet back to your business...??

(Sadly I can't see how that would work in my business, but it does work easily in most niches.)

Just thoughts.

: )

Very nice idea Heather and yes I have actually published my own eBook after gaining a lot of experience in the comic book industry in my earlier 20's.

So I wrote this eBook a few years ago but only made a few sales since it was published, it would probably not even average $1 per month. The price of the e-book is only $0.08 but the information in the book is extremely valuable to comic book collectors, distributors and retailers.

Title: How to make $1000 + Per Month on eBay selling Comic Books
and can be found on https://bidorbuy.co.za

Reason why the price is so low is because it appears in the crazy R1 item section and it gets a lot more exposure. When I had it up for about $1 (R13) no one was buying it.

Had it listed on eBay but eBay took it down for reasons unknown as they did not disclose why they removed the eBook. Quite silly because I was promoting eBay simultaneously.

I am currently working on a new cryptocurrency eBook but still have a lot of work to do before it passes the quality check :)

Cool!! Well then you are well on your way. I checked out your site and was going to suggest you did a book on Cryptocurrency.

As for your 'comic book' book, - well then you have experience so that's great! I attended a webinar the other day where they were talking about re-marketing existing books that people are not getting many sales on, making little changes, like to the front cover, marketing it better etc, updating their keywords on Amazon, and seeing a major increase in sales, so maybe have a play around with your existing one?

Hey Kamil, just saw this post and had to chime in 'old friend'.

As you know due to some personal issues I was away from WA for most of the second half of last year but was pleased to return fully last Dec.

Often life 'dishes up'less than attractive circumstances with which we have to deal, and it's not always easy.

I feel your pain and angst when it comes to money issues, been there and it's no fun, but in every crisis there is usually an opportunity lurking just beneath the visible surface, waiting there to be unearthed if we are open to seeing it.

It is not possible to even put your membership on hold say for a few months until you have been able to sort this out? I've not seen that this is an option but it may even be worth reaching out to Kyle directly to see if it's possible.

Wishing you well with the next steps. Just see this as a temporary obstacle. Remember the words of Winston Churchill - "Never never, never give up"


Hey Mark

You said it well mate! We just got a roll with the punches when we on the receiving end and do the best we can to get up if we get knocked down a bit.

Every problem is another opportunity.

So glad you came out on top because I do remember your story and it was sad to hear at the time but now awesome to see you kicking back! :)

Thanks Kamil! Hope you get to stick around my friend.


Not being able to afford WA doesn't mean stop working on your brand.. you get 30 days to still work on your website after you cancel membership. If worse comes to worse then work on your social media pages for your site, write content you can post for the future, etc.. until you get the funds to come back if that's something you'd like to do.

I myself have done that, after moving the hosting. (There was a learning curve with the hosting too). It was a pain in the proverbial, but it's perfectly possible. Whatever you do, don't give up Kamil.

Kamil from my experience leaving WA because it was just not in my budget anymore. A word of warning proir to to leaving make sure you transfer any domains you have purchased to a new hosting site. If you do not then you will lose access without rejoining wa. Just a heads up from someone that learned the hard way. I will give wa credit their training is good as I took what I learned here plus some online research, built a site on another platform and it's paid off. I prefer the dropship method tho. Anyway hope this helps.

Hi Mickey, thank you kindly for your suggestion ;)

Some people think I am quitting but no matter what happens WA will always be a part of me because this is where I learned how to build a website properly and about SEO and many other very valuable lessons!

For now I will have to move my site to a host so thanks for affirming this and sorry to hear you learned the hard way, hope it wasn't to much content lost, did you have a backup?

Don't give up! We all have those moments. Remember, there are always a true friend or relative that will help out.
Marion has some great links to your questions.

Keep On, keeping On!

Thank you Louisa but I am not giving up...

I am actually hoping to find a long term solution to my financial situation and feel wrong about taking money, especially if they in a similar situation or worse.
You know if I asked my Dad for $100 or even $359 he would give it to me no problem but I want to earn it myself. I was taught this from a very early age and it stuck for life I think.

I don't mean to be disrespectful when people offer me money, it makes me appreciate them even more! but usually I will politely decline and rather pick their brain to find an inspiring idea to get me out of the predicament.

This is why I wrote this post, perhaps it can help many others in the same situation as me. Maybe it can inspire some solutions and new ideas.

I mentioned earlier to Marion that it would be nice if the highly experienced members here on WA who earn serious bucks from working online and affiliate marketing, could provide some website building orientated jobs to those who are less experienced and don't earn from their websites yet.
This could help experienced people with the work load and less experienced people the opportunity to earn some money to pay for their premium membership + learn what the pro's are doing regularly and focusing on to make things work! :)

Our friend Robert (Boomergp08) wrote these some time ago so the cost of WA membership is slightly out of date. But everything else is still valid today.

Thank you Marion.

I actually read the "Never Give Up on WA..." post before when it was published but the second post is new to me. Just finished reading it and all I can say is that some of Roberts posts are priceless! Very helpful and he always inspires great ideas.

Another penny that dropped while I was reading his post is HEY!! Why are none of the guys that make substantial amounts of money online offer people on WA work opportunity like site development or writing content. It only makes sense right? They all have access to our websites and can see what our weaknesses and strengths are etc. and could potentially hire us for certain projects. Was just an idea that came to mind :)

You might want to suggest that. You never know, it might be a new project they roll out soon, as they are always up to somethnig to improve everything for us.


I understand your predicament. I don't want to sound like an old guy, but I would bet you can find $49 somewhere within your life. I suggest to everyone, not just you to put every dollar you have on paper. Write a budget. You will be amazed when you write down your bills vs income, how much money you waste monthly.

When you think you literally don't have a dollar to spare, you will find that isn't true. Start eating beans and rice and ramen noodles to save money. Start going through your bills and shopping for new insurance and cheaper electric companies. But the main thing is, put it down on paper.

I highly suggest you look up Dave Ramsey on podcast or Youtube. He explains it better than I ever could.

He also has a free budgeting app called EveryDollar that is a great tool for crunching the numbers. https://www.everydollar.com/

This is a great idea for everyone. A strict budget will make room for your WA membership.

Hi Craig

Really appreciate your advice here and it's confirmation of what my Dad told me to do as well. We really have to appreciate this type of mindset that most likely stems from dealing with tangible money for so long. Now days everything moves via credit cards, EFT's, PayPal and it's almost impossible to keep track of all your money! (Cashless society)
+ everyone along the way takes their cut of course for providing a service.

Money sometimes vanishes or gets "debited by mistake" more often than the banks would like to admit.

Personally I try to keep track of every Rand (Dollar) I spend because I cannot afford otherwise and already live a very humble lifestyle. The nasty thing is when you already living on a super tight budget with zero savings and there is an emergency (like dentist, car breaks down, best friend begs for a loan not to get evicted, funeral etc.) then it really goes downhill if you know what I mean.

Thanks again Sir for caring and sharing!
Will have a look what Dave R has to say :)

Best regards,

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

It has come to this point unfortunately and it makes me quite sad but I literally cannot afford the monthly or yearly premium fees anymore.

What advice would you have fo

Hey Kambas I really feel sorry for you, although I am about the same page as you.

There are some books that if you follow truly by heart you can have success, I mean massive success in any side of life.

For me WA is a place to learn and as a stepping stone to financial freedom.

What was you intention to join WA?
Write it down
What is your why?
Start goal setting. e.g 10 task a day. 3650 steps you took for you goals.

Learn selling. Hate selling? Guess what the amount of people that pay you are directly proportional to how good you are at selling.

As a gamer myself and from books I bought so far this is how you can become an online marketer.

People usually start at rock bottom in any game. They are killed countless time. There persistence is what make them stronger.
Every time they got killed they become a little wise.
Over the course of time, they will eventually become Greek gods in online gaming.

Now think you have the dame mentality. You started from scratch. You learn some skills here at WA. Did you see some results figure it out. See what is working what is not. Although WA is a blueprint you could apply what you learn for the books which will decrease the learning curve of selling online. This will be you trick under your sleeve.

The books which I read and are my personal recommendation.

The 10 pillar of wealth, Alex Becker(You could see his youtube channel he will speak the hard truth in your face)

10x by Grant Cardone (Master At selling)

DotCom secrets

Expert Secrets

How to win friends and influence people by Daniel Carnegie.

These books have rewired my brain and brain wash what was I though about money.

Also one tip you are solely responsible for you success.

The only reason of this being so long is that,

Whenever I see someone down I lift them.

Kambas, I am so sorry to hear this news after 10 months of your time and hard work. Where there's a will, there's a way! Always!! I am pretty much in the same boat and I get nervous when the payment date comes up. The way I get through it is remaining positive, prayer, and remembering that you have to spend money to make money in this world. That is how the world goes around, especially when it comes to business. I have only been here a very short time and there are days I come in here to the WA community and read motivating posts from other members. It is what has helped keep me going, helped me create that next blog post, helped complete and move on to the next training.

Because I refused to give up and want this to work out so badly, I focused on referrals. Today, I am happy to say it paid off for me! I had a my one and only referral upgrade to premium and another referral join and create his profile. All in the same day! This gave me hope as it may not be much right now but there is half my monthly membership fee right there...it happened that fast!

Best of luck to you Kambas! I will be thinking of you and will keep you in my prayers. To your continued success here at WA!!


Hi Melissa

Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply and wise words of advice. Like you said where there is a will there is a way, that is what got me this far and of course prayer and the Grace of God.

The members here on WA are just unbelievable and so incredibly supportive! I am looking at all the replies now and just SPEECHLESS!

I managed to get 130 referrals here on WA but unfortunately no one has gone premium yet so that has also been tough to bare, that after a lot of hard work a person hits a wall! Luckily I'm the type that bounces back :D

Thank you so much for offering to pray for me, that is the most precious gift someone can offer and it seems it's already worked because I just made 2 sales in the last 24 hours worth about $700 from my Lego online business so looks like I can stay and maybe even go for the yearly package :)

Your support is very much appreciated Melissa!
May God richly bless you.

Kind regards,

wow.. this is great news bro. keep breaking those walls.

I'm sorry that you are having to face this Kamil!! Nearly there too...except...

Personally, I am facing DIRE circumstances right now...a divorce and abandonment with NO job and only working to get my online business off the ground too. Having to move in with Church friends to get back on my financial feet!!...YES I said DESTITUTE!!

My Church paid for my RENT this month so I have time to get packed, cleaned up, get my stuff in storage, so I can move in with friends as a guest...only temporarily!!

God tells me He's with me and will hold me thru this terrible mental/emotional hurricane in my life...and will be better for the experience I'm now facing.

I am glad I had built trust and confidence in my Facebook group 2 years previous to coming to WA and have 3 paid premium referrals of my journaling friends which pays my premium cost per month plus gives me an added $21.50 cushion that I'm not touching but allowing to be a savings account right now. Or I might be joining you.

SongbirdDL below said something similar in her comment. Get 3 people to get into premium thru your link and it will be paid and then some. Or as others have already said, get a part time job or offer your services for pay as a handyman. Who knows...maybe when they see your determination they might want to sign up for premium too..never know!!!

You've come too far to let it go now...I just prayed for God to show you a path to stay on.

Hang in there Buddy...God will act!! Look for it!!

Until then...virtual Hugs from me!!

~Evon (aka LadybugLove) :)

Econ, I am sorry that you are also facing a similar fate. I say to you to
1. Keep the faith
2. Never quit and hold your head up high.
3. My parents always told me, when your flat on your back, there is only one way to look, and that is up.
4. The Law of Attraction says to give gratitude and the power of positive energy reaps more positive energy, which produces more of what you are grateful for.


AMEN Ken...fitly spoken! I am grateful for every blessing coming thru the hand of my Heavenly Father from whom all blessings flow.

By the power of His might...I move forward day by day. He is my hero and watches each step I take...guides me with His eye.

Thank you for your encouragement, Ken.


~Evon :)

Evon you are truly a beautiful person and these words mean A LOT! Especially when they come from the heart through God Almighty.

I am very sorry to hear about your situation and that you are going through what seems to be an emotional gauntlet right now. Knowing this also enables us to pray for you now and ask God to give you the strength to get through this and come out on top.
Won't you please send me your email via PM so I can keep in touch with you and possibly help you in whatever way possible.

Another reason why I want to succeed with WA and make some extra money is to give back to folks like yourself and to carry the weight of others while they regain their strength.

Overnight things have literally changed and I managed to make some extra sales through my other online business that has nothing to do with WA. That is the power of prayer and positive energy! :)

Am simply overwhelmed and touched by the response I got from posting this question, the support is beyond what I expected and am extremely grateful for people like you and others who have reached out to help me...

Giving you ALL a virtual hug and thanking you from the bottom of my heart.

Kind regards,

Thank you for all your kind words Kamil!!

And a BIG Praise God from whom ALL Blessings flow!! I may also be able to further help you with your planning needs for your business and personally too. My niche is Bullet Journaling. :)

Will PM you...look for me!!

And Thank YOU JESUS for hearing the cry of your children!!

So happy to hear you won't be leaving WA!! Praise GOD!!!!

Blessings...more than you can hold Kamil!! :)

~Evon (aka LadybugLove)

I completely understand. I struggle to get by as well. I work full time, and I recently started donating plasma for some extra money. Also, I have an interview for a part time job later today.

You can find a way, Kamil. You've come too far and worked too hard to give up now. I keep telling myself that the struggles I have now will just make my success story better, later. Think about the success story YOU are going to tell someday.

Hi Gary, thanks my friend, your support and kind words mean a lot!
"donating plasma" I am interested to understand what that means?

Hope the interview went well?

Yes it has been a bumpy journey so far but so many lessons learned as a result and it only motivates me to get such a positive response from the WA community! :)

I think the interview went well. Thanks for asking.

If you'd like to know more about donating plasma, I can pm you.

You can contact me anytime you need anything. I'm happy to help.

All the best,

I know exactly how you feel, Kamil. It doesn't seem fair. I am in a similar situation but I am doing extra things to make sure my premium obligations are met. I know there is something you can do to earn a little extra until your site is earning consistently. Don't lose the faith, my brother, we all believe in you.

Thank you so much for the support and kind words Ken!

It might not seem fair but it might be necessary to show that is does take dedication, time to learn and overcome the struggles we face daily as online entrepreneurs.

I hope your situation will improve as well.

I visited your website, you have lot of content and that is detailed as well, you have put in so much time and effort as well.
It scares me to think to be in a position you are in.
After so much time and effort and good amount of traffic, yet this has not converted to financial benefit, i just don't know why would this happen.
All i can do is wish you good luck and hopefully you would work on the side and continue with WA.
On the other hand you can move your website from WA to Tmd hosting which has cheaper monthly and yearly rate compares to WA.
You can ask the Tmd hosting support how to move your website from one hosting to another and they can help you out.
This way you can keep your website alive at cheaper rate and still write articles , and in the meanwhile you can try to earn in another way.
This would be temporary untill you start seeing profits with your website, do consult kyle as to why you are not seeing profits after 10 months , that will help you improve

Thank you very much for your suggestion here Sanket.
It might help to do this and save some expenses while I work towards improving the financial situation.

I have spoken to Kyle about my situation and he suggested I try get referrals to convert to premium but unfortunately I can't seem to get that right. Managed to get 130 referrals but I fail when it comes to helping them convert to premium.

Will definitely look at this in more depth as I go and when time allows.

Thanks again for your help, much appreciated!


When you don't have money, you don't have money, it is the law of the land, but it does not have to mean the end of the road. If you decided to do this, you can make it work. How does this answer your question? It doesn't; because you have to ask yourself, what are you willing to do.

Can you get a waiters job on Saturday evenings? Maybe once a week, just to fund your business. I remember some years back I was in need of just a couple of dollars extra a month, like a $100. So I decided to learn how to make homemade doughnuts. and sell it to shoppers on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

For six months that made me on average $150 per month. If you are handy with your hands, offer those skills as a handyman service to the people in our neighbourhood, you will be surprised what people will pay you to do. I once replaced light bulbs for a lady.

I hope these Ideas can give you ideas to continue.

Thank you for sharing these ideas Marius.
That is a great statement "what are you willing to do"!

At the moment I works a few jobs as it is just to feed the family and keep up with bills and I only sleep 5-6 hours a day. Not sure how I could trade more time for money at this stage but I have been looking at strategies to be more productive and help to yield better results.

Will make this work one way or another! :)

Hi, Kamil. We have been here for the same duration and we are also in the same situation. It's really difficult to have a budget when we have different priorities than on business that is not yet generating an income.

In my situation, the $47 is being fifty times the value of our currency so it's thousands.

What I can advise you is that a site in its tenth month has already gained the trust of search engine and it will be a waste of money if you will just abandon your site.

Try to find a remedy for your site. Let's take hold of our site.

I'm in the same situation as you are. I'm not able to continue with the payments, and unfortunately, I think I have to leave this wonderful place. Maybe in the future, we both end up earning enough to pay for the membership!
All the best and hope to see both of us here as soon as possible.

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What to do if we cannot afford the premium fees any longer?

What to do if we cannot afford the premium fees any longer?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

It has come to this point unfortunately and it makes me quite sad but I literally cannot afford the monthly or yearly premium fees anymore.

What advice would you have fo

Hey Kambas I really feel sorry for you, although I am about the same page as you.

There are some books that if you follow truly by heart you can have success, I mean massive success in any side of life.

For me WA is a place to learn and as a stepping stone to financial freedom.

What was you intention to join WA?
Write it down
What is your why?
Start goal setting. e.g 10 task a day. 3650 steps you took for you goals.

Learn selling. Hate selling? Guess what the amount of people that pay you are directly proportional to how good you are at selling.

As a gamer myself and from books I bought so far this is how you can become an online marketer.

People usually start at rock bottom in any game. They are killed countless time. There persistence is what make them stronger.
Every time they got killed they become a little wise.
Over the course of time, they will eventually become Greek gods in online gaming.

Now think you have the dame mentality. You started from scratch. You learn some skills here at WA. Did you see some results figure it out. See what is working what is not. Although WA is a blueprint you could apply what you learn for the books which will decrease the learning curve of selling online. This will be you trick under your sleeve.

The books which I read and are my personal recommendation.

The 10 pillar of wealth, Alex Becker(You could see his youtube channel he will speak the hard truth in your face)

10x by Grant Cardone (Master At selling)

DotCom secrets

Expert Secrets

How to win friends and influence people by Daniel Carnegie.

These books have rewired my brain and brain wash what was I though about money.

Also one tip you are solely responsible for you success.

The only reason of this being so long is that,

Whenever I see someone down I lift them.

Kambas, I am so sorry to hear this news after 10 months of your time and hard work. Where there's a will, there's a way! Always!! I am pretty much in the same boat and I get nervous when the payment date comes up. The way I get through it is remaining positive, prayer, and remembering that you have to spend money to make money in this world. That is how the world goes around, especially when it comes to business. I have only been here a very short time and there are days I come in here to the WA community and read motivating posts from other members. It is what has helped keep me going, helped me create that next blog post, helped complete and move on to the next training.

Because I refused to give up and want this to work out so badly, I focused on referrals. Today, I am happy to say it paid off for me! I had a my one and only referral upgrade to premium and another referral join and create his profile. All in the same day! This gave me hope as it may not be much right now but there is half my monthly membership fee right there...it happened that fast!

Best of luck to you Kambas! I will be thinking of you and will keep you in my prayers. To your continued success here at WA!!


Hi Melissa

Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply and wise words of advice. Like you said where there is a will there is a way, that is what got me this far and of course prayer and the Grace of God.

The members here on WA are just unbelievable and so incredibly supportive! I am looking at all the replies now and just SPEECHLESS!

I managed to get 130 referrals here on WA but unfortunately no one has gone premium yet so that has also been tough to bare, that after a lot of hard work a person hits a wall! Luckily I'm the type that bounces back :D

Thank you so much for offering to pray for me, that is the most precious gift someone can offer and it seems it's already worked because I just made 2 sales in the last 24 hours worth about $700 from my Lego online business so looks like I can stay and maybe even go for the yearly package :)

Your support is very much appreciated Melissa!
May God richly bless you.

Kind regards,

wow.. this is great news bro. keep breaking those walls.

I'm sorry that you are having to face this Kamil!! Nearly there too...except...

Personally, I am facing DIRE circumstances right now...a divorce and abandonment with NO job and only working to get my online business off the ground too. Having to move in with Church friends to get back on my financial feet!!...YES I said DESTITUTE!!

My Church paid for my RENT this month so I have time to get packed, cleaned up, get my stuff in storage, so I can move in with friends as a guest...only temporarily!!

God tells me He's with me and will hold me thru this terrible mental/emotional hurricane in my life...and will be better for the experience I'm now facing.

I am glad I had built trust and confidence in my Facebook group 2 years previous to coming to WA and have 3 paid premium referrals of my journaling friends which pays my premium cost per month plus gives me an added $21.50 cushion that I'm not touching but allowing to be a savings account right now. Or I might be joining you.

SongbirdDL below said something similar in her comment. Get 3 people to get into premium thru your link and it will be paid and then some. Or as others have already said, get a part time job or offer your services for pay as a handyman. Who knows...maybe when they see your determination they might want to sign up for premium too..never know!!!

You've come too far to let it go now...I just prayed for God to show you a path to stay on.

Hang in there Buddy...God will act!! Look for it!!

Until then...virtual Hugs from me!!

~Evon (aka LadybugLove) :)

Econ, I am sorry that you are also facing a similar fate. I say to you to
1. Keep the faith
2. Never quit and hold your head up high.
3. My parents always told me, when your flat on your back, there is only one way to look, and that is up.
4. The Law of Attraction says to give gratitude and the power of positive energy reaps more positive energy, which produces more of what you are grateful for.


AMEN Ken...fitly spoken! I am grateful for every blessing coming thru the hand of my Heavenly Father from whom all blessings flow.

By the power of His might...I move forward day by day. He is my hero and watches each step I take...guides me with His eye.

Thank you for your encouragement, Ken.


~Evon :)

Evon you are truly a beautiful person and these words mean A LOT! Especially when they come from the heart through God Almighty.

I am very sorry to hear about your situation and that you are going through what seems to be an emotional gauntlet right now. Knowing this also enables us to pray for you now and ask God to give you the strength to get through this and come out on top.
Won't you please send me your email via PM so I can keep in touch with you and possibly help you in whatever way possible.

Another reason why I want to succeed with WA and make some extra money is to give back to folks like yourself and to carry the weight of others while they regain their strength.

Overnight things have literally changed and I managed to make some extra sales through my other online business that has nothing to do with WA. That is the power of prayer and positive energy! :)

Am simply overwhelmed and touched by the response I got from posting this question, the support is beyond what I expected and am extremely grateful for people like you and others who have reached out to help me...

Giving you ALL a virtual hug and thanking you from the bottom of my heart.

Kind regards,

Thank you for all your kind words Kamil!!

And a BIG Praise God from whom ALL Blessings flow!! I may also be able to further help you with your planning needs for your business and personally too. My niche is Bullet Journaling. :)

Will PM you...look for me!!

And Thank YOU JESUS for hearing the cry of your children!!

So happy to hear you won't be leaving WA!! Praise GOD!!!!

Blessings...more than you can hold Kamil!! :)

~Evon (aka LadybugLove)

I completely understand. I struggle to get by as well. I work full time, and I recently started donating plasma for some extra money. Also, I have an interview for a part time job later today.

You can find a way, Kamil. You've come too far and worked too hard to give up now. I keep telling myself that the struggles I have now will just make my success story better, later. Think about the success story YOU are going to tell someday.

Hi Gary, thanks my friend, your support and kind words mean a lot!
"donating plasma" I am interested to understand what that means?

Hope the interview went well?

Yes it has been a bumpy journey so far but so many lessons learned as a result and it only motivates me to get such a positive response from the WA community! :)

I think the interview went well. Thanks for asking.

If you'd like to know more about donating plasma, I can pm you.

You can contact me anytime you need anything. I'm happy to help.

All the best,

I know exactly how you feel, Kamil. It doesn't seem fair. I am in a similar situation but I am doing extra things to make sure my premium obligations are met. I know there is something you can do to earn a little extra until your site is earning consistently. Don't lose the faith, my brother, we all believe in you.

Thank you so much for the support and kind words Ken!

It might not seem fair but it might be necessary to show that is does take dedication, time to learn and overcome the struggles we face daily as online entrepreneurs.

I hope your situation will improve as well.

I visited your website, you have lot of content and that is detailed as well, you have put in so much time and effort as well.
It scares me to think to be in a position you are in.
After so much time and effort and good amount of traffic, yet this has not converted to financial benefit, i just don't know why would this happen.
All i can do is wish you good luck and hopefully you would work on the side and continue with WA.
On the other hand you can move your website from WA to Tmd hosting which has cheaper monthly and yearly rate compares to WA.
You can ask the Tmd hosting support how to move your website from one hosting to another and they can help you out.
This way you can keep your website alive at cheaper rate and still write articles , and in the meanwhile you can try to earn in another way.
This would be temporary untill you start seeing profits with your website, do consult kyle as to why you are not seeing profits after 10 months , that will help you improve

Thank you very much for your suggestion here Sanket.
It might help to do this and save some expenses while I work towards improving the financial situation.

I have spoken to Kyle about my situation and he suggested I try get referrals to convert to premium but unfortunately I can't seem to get that right. Managed to get 130 referrals but I fail when it comes to helping them convert to premium.

Will definitely look at this in more depth as I go and when time allows.

Thanks again for your help, much appreciated!


When you don't have money, you don't have money, it is the law of the land, but it does not have to mean the end of the road. If you decided to do this, you can make it work. How does this answer your question? It doesn't; because you have to ask yourself, what are you willing to do.

Can you get a waiters job on Saturday evenings? Maybe once a week, just to fund your business. I remember some years back I was in need of just a couple of dollars extra a month, like a $100. So I decided to learn how to make homemade doughnuts. and sell it to shoppers on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

For six months that made me on average $150 per month. If you are handy with your hands, offer those skills as a handyman service to the people in our neighbourhood, you will be surprised what people will pay you to do. I once replaced light bulbs for a lady.

I hope these Ideas can give you ideas to continue.

Thank you for sharing these ideas Marius.
That is a great statement "what are you willing to do"!

At the moment I works a few jobs as it is just to feed the family and keep up with bills and I only sleep 5-6 hours a day. Not sure how I could trade more time for money at this stage but I have been looking at strategies to be more productive and help to yield better results.

Will make this work one way or another! :)

Hi, Kamil. We have been here for the same duration and we are also in the same situation. It's really difficult to have a budget when we have different priorities than on business that is not yet generating an income.

In my situation, the $47 is being fifty times the value of our currency so it's thousands.

What I can advise you is that a site in its tenth month has already gained the trust of search engine and it will be a waste of money if you will just abandon your site.

Try to find a remedy for your site. Let's take hold of our site.

I'm in the same situation as you are. I'm not able to continue with the payments, and unfortunately, I think I have to leave this wonderful place. Maybe in the future, we both end up earning enough to pay for the membership!
All the best and hope to see both of us here as soon as possible.

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