About jwill303
Rank 35457
538 followers Joined December 2014
Heyo... My name is Justin and I am a Fitness and Travel enthusiast in Colorful Colorado. I started my blogging career in September 2014 and





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I successfully changed my URL but am curious if I need to do anything with my analytics page, rss feed, or webmaster tools?

Thank you so much for the help...I found the process and its a little more detailed.

301 redirect from old site to new(plugin)
Velvet plugin on new sites (changes links in content)
Webmaster tools changes plus feedburner
...and changing the files in the hosting account

Not all that complicated but important so you don't lose the link juice.

Shawn has your answer that I would give

You need to do a no follow on your old url, or a redirect to the new url if the old one was active.Right now if I find a link to the old URL I will get a 404 from your website. A no follow or redirect will fix that.

What happens with google when I change my url?

What happens with google when I change my url?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I successfully changed my URL but am curious if I need to do anything with my analytics page, rss feed, or webmaster tools?

Thank you so much for the help...I found the process and its a little more detailed.

301 redirect from old site to new(plugin)
Velvet plugin on new sites (changes links in content)
Webmaster tools changes plus feedburner
...and changing the files in the hosting account

Not all that complicated but important so you don't lose the link juice.

Shawn has your answer that I would give

You need to do a no follow on your old url, or a redirect to the new url if the old one was active.Right now if I find a link to the old URL I will get a 404 from your website. A no follow or redirect will fix that.

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have two blogs, and both I manage an email rss feed through GetResponse. One blog I added the feedburner RSS feed and the article pictures will display. The other one won't

No, we had issues and went in another direction.

Need help fixing email rss feed problems?

Need help fixing email rss feed problems?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have two blogs, and both I manage an email rss feed through GetResponse. One blog I added the feedburner RSS feed and the article pictures will display. The other one won't

No, we had issues and went in another direction.

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Just curious if its better to have the date or a pre post format?

Thanks for all of your help! That did not take as long as I thought to convert all the links :)

To my mind it would appear as if "without" would be better.

Also without

I agree with Angela, without. :)

Thanks, I thought so too...it is just a lot of work now to clean up all the back linking:)

without :)

Thank you!

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What is the best blog url? with our wo the date?

What is the best blog url? with our wo the date?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Just curious if its better to have the date or a pre post format?

Thanks for all of your help! That did not take as long as I thought to convert all the links :)

To my mind it would appear as if "without" would be better.

Also without

I agree with Angela, without. :)

Thanks, I thought so too...it is just a lot of work now to clean up all the back linking:)

without :)

Thank you!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Is there anyone here at WA that has been consistent for a year and having fulltime success? I am curious and would love to hear a story or some incite...

Some stories here: Realize that some people come and go at WA, for various reasons, sometimes nothing to do with WA but life circumstances. But there are many familiar faces from this list still around in the community..


Not yet but I intend too :)

Yeah, you are! Get it, girl!


You may want to check out my WA profile post on the subject;

Hello! There are many! Within your Activity Dashboard, you find Success!

Thanks, I just wanted to hear some stories!

There are plenty so have fun!

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Is there anyone here having fulltime success?

Is there anyone here having fulltime success?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Is there anyone here at WA that has been consistent for a year and having fulltime success? I am curious and would love to hear a story or some incite...

Some stories here: Realize that some people come and go at WA, for various reasons, sometimes nothing to do with WA but life circumstances. But there are many familiar faces from this list still around in the community..


Not yet but I intend too :)

Yeah, you are! Get it, girl!


You may want to check out my WA profile post on the subject;

Hello! There are many! Within your Activity Dashboard, you find Success!

Thanks, I just wanted to hear some stories!

There are plenty so have fun!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I want to add post links to my money pages at the bottom of articles. How do I do that?

go to the post that you want to link and click on the "Affiliate" botton above. It will give you a link you can use on your post.

If i'm understanding correctly you want to add links to your other post pages within your website ? I believe you have to go to each individual page you want the links on and add them via the "insert/edit link" icon on the top tool bar of the edit page.

If you are looking for a way to do it like a "sig file" for ALL your pages then I don't know how to do that but hopefully somebody does.

Thanks westcoastjoe, that is what I am looking for. I want a standing link at the bottom for all posts. Just curious if it is possible.

Surely it is, write a sentence and highlight a part of it and this part link to other post. Here is a post of mine about links:

thanks jovo, that's awesome!!!

Thanks Jovo, that is awesome! I also refer to Amy's blog as well.

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How can I add other post titleslinks to the bottom of post?

How can I add other post titleslinks to the bottom of post?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I want to add post links to my money pages at the bottom of articles. How do I do that?

go to the post that you want to link and click on the "Affiliate" botton above. It will give you a link you can use on your post.

If i'm understanding correctly you want to add links to your other post pages within your website ? I believe you have to go to each individual page you want the links on and add them via the "insert/edit link" icon on the top tool bar of the edit page.

If you are looking for a way to do it like a "sig file" for ALL your pages then I don't know how to do that but hopefully somebody does.

Thanks westcoastjoe, that is what I am looking for. I want a standing link at the bottom for all posts. Just curious if it is possible.

Surely it is, write a sentence and highlight a part of it and this part link to other post. Here is a post of mine about links:

thanks jovo, that's awesome!!!

Thanks Jovo, that is awesome! I also refer to Amy's blog as well.

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