About jmaurice
Rank 1303
2,893 followers Joined April 2014
I am Maurice Jackson, from the city of Detroit, been here all my life. I love my city; ("the D") even with the hard times





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

My sub domain - maurice@success withahomebusiness.com, is not being picked up. Emails that are being sent to me sre not coming through? When an email is sent to me, I get a me

A subdomain email should work. We have emails for our subdomains.

Have you set up your subdomain correctly?


Is that a siterubix subdomain, if so you cannot have a webmail or forward.

If a dot com domain, you may create a webmail or forward to a mailbox by going here


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Sub domain? emails are not coming through?

Sub domain? emails are not coming through?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

My sub domain - maurice@success withahomebusiness.com, is not being picked up. Emails that are being sent to me sre not coming through? When an email is sent to me, I get a me

A subdomain email should work. We have emails for our subdomains.

Have you set up your subdomain correctly?


Is that a siterubix subdomain, if so you cannot have a webmail or forward.

If a dot com domain, you may create a webmail or forward to a mailbox by going here


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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

siterubix named success with a home business which is the name of my website. how could they do this?

Hi - unless you have registered your site name as a trademark, then any variation of it can be used. For example, successwithahomebusiness.org and successwithahomebusiness.net are available to purchase and use.

so long as you purchase your domain they can't do this right

Hi - Maurice appears to own the .com version of his site, but unless he has trademarked the name, then there is nothing to stop anybody owing the other domain versions.

How does one go about getting a trademark?

Hi - I don't know, but as its a legal process, I guess it won't be free of charge. The procedure will probably vary depending on which country you are based in.

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The domain name of my website is successwithahomebusiness but there is a website registered with sit

The domain name of my website is successwithahomebusiness but there is a website registered with sit

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

siterubix named success with a home business which is the name of my website. how could they do this?

Hi - unless you have registered your site name as a trademark, then any variation of it can be used. For example, successwithahomebusiness.org and successwithahomebusiness.net are available to purchase and use.

so long as you purchase your domain they can't do this right

Hi - Maurice appears to own the .com version of his site, but unless he has trademarked the name, then there is nothing to stop anybody owing the other domain versions.

How does one go about getting a trademark?

Hi - I don't know, but as its a legal process, I guess it won't be free of charge. The procedure will probably vary depending on which country you are based in.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

How do you as an ad txt file to the ads on from AdSense?

I really don't fully understand your question. But what I think you are asking is: "How do I add txt files from the Adsense to my blog page?"
If this is your question....when you are editing your post on your website, there is a menu right above the place you are typing. It has things like headers, paragraphs, text color, text size, fonts, and more. At the very right of this menu, there are 2 tabs, one is called Visual, and the other is called txt. If you wanted to add some HTML code into your blog post so that you can add Adsense advertising to your blog post, you would click on the text tab beside visual, then you would go back to your Adsense page where you find the code with your affiliate code (you must be signed up with Google Adsense to be able to add it to your blog)..click on the HTML code on that page, right-click and copy it, then go back to your blog and paste it into the empty space where you want it to be, then click Save on your blog post. If you did it right, you can preview your post and you will see the Adsense ads on your blog post! I hope this helps!

i have started using ad inserter plugin and under the gear icon ( next to the numbers ) you can add and edit the ads.txt file and you have a place to add anything to the head section and footer section.
you also have control over the ad placement - might be worth a look
when you click on the ads.txt scroll down as it is at the bottom - just paste your code in there and click on save
good luck

Hi - see if this helps.

Thank you:)

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How do you as an ad txt file to the ads on from adsense?

How do you as an ad txt file to the ads on from adsense?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

How do you as an ad txt file to the ads on from AdSense?

I really don't fully understand your question. But what I think you are asking is: "How do I add txt files from the Adsense to my blog page?"
If this is your question....when you are editing your post on your website, there is a menu right above the place you are typing. It has things like headers, paragraphs, text color, text size, fonts, and more. At the very right of this menu, there are 2 tabs, one is called Visual, and the other is called txt. If you wanted to add some HTML code into your blog post so that you can add Adsense advertising to your blog post, you would click on the text tab beside visual, then you would go back to your Adsense page where you find the code with your affiliate code (you must be signed up with Google Adsense to be able to add it to your blog)..click on the HTML code on that page, right-click and copy it, then go back to your blog and paste it into the empty space where you want it to be, then click Save on your blog post. If you did it right, you can preview your post and you will see the Adsense ads on your blog post! I hope this helps!

i have started using ad inserter plugin and under the gear icon ( next to the numbers ) you can add and edit the ads.txt file and you have a place to add anything to the head section and footer section.
you also have control over the ad placement - might be worth a look
when you click on the ads.txt scroll down as it is at the bottom - just paste your code in there and click on save
good luck

Hi - see if this helps.

Thank you:)

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

With WordPress 5 is there a need for the Gutenberg plugin?

No no need for the plugin now with Wordpress 5 so if you added the plugin before the update you should be able to deactivate and delete it.

But keep the Classic Editor plugin there in case you want to switch back to the way it was before perhaps until you get used to the new changes.

Wishing you well


Yes, you may need to keep at the classic editor for the main time in case the new editor might be strange or complex for some people. MarionBlack too gave a brief but helpful post on this. You can check it out using the link below. Thanks for asking!

Israel Olatunji

Good question, I was just wondering the same thing, now I know I can delete it. Thanks for asking this question...

No need for one because you either have your content in blocks or in the classic form you are use to.

Tried and True


I can't think of one. I used it to see what it would look like, right before I actually did the update. Now that I've got the update, I can't see what purpose it would serve anymore.

It might be a good idea to keep the Classic Editor plugin, though. In case you're ever struggling to get a post finished with the new editor, you can always use classic mode to get the job done.


I use the content manager in the for my content so I really don't know, but Marion Black give you the answer I think is correct.

No. When you upgrade to WordPress 5 the Gutenberg plugin gets deactivated automatically. You can then delete it yourself.

No..it’s built in. You may want the classic editor, maybe, it that’s it.

Watching .. I have been wondering exactly the same thing

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With wordpress 5 is there a need for the gutenberg plugin?

With wordpress 5 is there a need for the gutenberg plugin?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

With WordPress 5 is there a need for the Gutenberg plugin?

No no need for the plugin now with Wordpress 5 so if you added the plugin before the update you should be able to deactivate and delete it.

But keep the Classic Editor plugin there in case you want to switch back to the way it was before perhaps until you get used to the new changes.

Wishing you well


Yes, you may need to keep at the classic editor for the main time in case the new editor might be strange or complex for some people. MarionBlack too gave a brief but helpful post on this. You can check it out using the link below. Thanks for asking!

Israel Olatunji

Good question, I was just wondering the same thing, now I know I can delete it. Thanks for asking this question...

No need for one because you either have your content in blocks or in the classic form you are use to.

Tried and True


I can't think of one. I used it to see what it would look like, right before I actually did the update. Now that I've got the update, I can't see what purpose it would serve anymore.

It might be a good idea to keep the Classic Editor plugin, though. In case you're ever struggling to get a post finished with the new editor, you can always use classic mode to get the job done.


I use the content manager in the for my content so I really don't know, but Marion Black give you the answer I think is correct.

No. When you upgrade to WordPress 5 the Gutenberg plugin gets deactivated automatically. You can then delete it yourself.

No..it’s built in. You may want the classic editor, maybe, it that’s it.

Watching .. I have been wondering exactly the same thing

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

How do I get the Black Friday countdown banner on my website?

Those are "static" banners and show no countdown Marion. Is there a solution to get the Black Friday Countdown on our own website?

A solution is much appreciated.

The countdown banners are just for WA itself and the last or current one is only for 2 days which wasn't a planned one anyway so best to use the ones Marion gave to you.
Wishing you well

add a countdown plugin to get the live countdown - as it has been extended then tell people that.
good luck

Thanks for answering Andre. A bit disappointed that we can't implement the countdown timer on our website. So visitors on our website are more tempted to take the BF deal.

I've instead written in my BF post that the deal is extended for 3 days.


Thanks Phil, that is a solution I can work with!

Perhaps you can suggest to Carson or Kyle when or if they do one next year they could have a countdown one for us all.
Have a great week ahead and wishing you well

Great suggestion Andre, I will send them a message.

Thanks worth a try let us know what they say

Get one of the banners from https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/banners
The banners link to the sign up/countdown page.

Go to the $sign then select links you will find the Black Friday there
Wishing you well

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How do I get the black friday count down banner?

How do I get the black friday count down banner?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

How do I get the Black Friday countdown banner on my website?

Those are "static" banners and show no countdown Marion. Is there a solution to get the Black Friday Countdown on our own website?

A solution is much appreciated.

The countdown banners are just for WA itself and the last or current one is only for 2 days which wasn't a planned one anyway so best to use the ones Marion gave to you.
Wishing you well

add a countdown plugin to get the live countdown - as it has been extended then tell people that.
good luck

Thanks for answering Andre. A bit disappointed that we can't implement the countdown timer on our website. So visitors on our website are more tempted to take the BF deal.

I've instead written in my BF post that the deal is extended for 3 days.


Thanks Phil, that is a solution I can work with!

Perhaps you can suggest to Carson or Kyle when or if they do one next year they could have a countdown one for us all.
Have a great week ahead and wishing you well

Great suggestion Andre, I will send them a message.

Thanks worth a try let us know what they say

Get one of the banners from https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/banners
The banners link to the sign up/countdown page.

Go to the $sign then select links you will find the Black Friday there
Wishing you well

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