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That's a great 'secret sauce', Kaju. And, following rule #16, you are sharing it. Thank you.
Yes, how very true said, Isabella, what a successful mix!
Great tasty sauce, indeed.
Kaju, the sauce virtuoso!
Awww P, Thank You! I'm mixing these new "sauce recipe concoctions" and trying novel approaches everyday.
Awww yes, Kaju, you Must be veeery proud of what you have accomplished. You are a role model, one of a kind!!
I have to work on No. 18 and No. 20, indeed.
Thanks for sharing the secrets hidden in the vault!!!
Funny how we pick from the list what we perceive as our strength and weaknesses...great tool,Yes.
Thanks for the like Pernilla, I count you as a blessing
In admiration and respect, David
I need to work on No. 18 and No. 20 as well! So you are definitely not alone, Pernilla.
You are right - I did too - and it's amazing how just a few of these, if not done well, can hold us back.
Dear Isabella,
You fulfill the most of the above mentioned points, that's for sure. Such a caring and cosiderate person you are.
Let's help eachother and work on No. 18 and No. 20!
Thank you. :-) Yes, it's important to DO things, even if they aren't perfect... and to learn while doing them...
You are my role model P, a role model of inspiration. Thank You for all you do for this community. You are one RAD revelation!!!
Yay!!! Why not collaborate and work together on the problem areas, like No. 18 and No. 20!
Very keen observation Isabella, it's the little things we often put aside that hold us back. Let's all work on those "little" things.
Never wait for perfect, because perfect is unattainable. Always work your best and take action with your BEST at the moment.
That is how we succeed. Don’t Be a “Wantrepreneur”!
This comment thread is going viral, LOL!
Kaju,you create RAD roaring grand posts!
Makes me happy, if I can inspire you and other people. Want to spread happiness and joy to the world!
Lol...with great inspiration comes the power in our rise to all
we envision!
Love ya man, share the wealth!
Respectfully, David
You may enjoy following ideatowncreative and add the .com. I am working with my son to build his video editing business. We have a FB page as well.
I really like your list, Kaju. Some of the points are easy to follow and to achieve whilst others can be more tricky and might require some practice - e.g. writing engaging content or making efficient use of your time. But I completely agree: if you master all of that, you can achieve your wildest dreams!
The most admirable Vera both complimented and reminded me that I needed to add a #22 to the List.
That's really interesting, Kaju. Seems that it's not that easy to switch part of your brain off when you are working. Probably this would work better if you did certain jobs during Happy Hour...
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Great post Kaju. Short but straight to the point!!!
Tried and True
Short and sweet. Tried and true. That's a great compliment, Thank You Elaine!