Facebook on the Hotseat! Day 2


Today was “Facebook on the Hotseat, Day 2” and there were even more shocking revelations.

Once again, with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in front of a full Congress at the House Energy and Commerce Committee, facts were exposed about Facebook that absolutely stunned me in my tracks.

During the hearing it was revealed that a woman who has been using Facebook since its inception by the name of Sara Ashley O’Brien downloaded her 14-year Facebook history and found that Facebook had access to a litany of personal details from her past, which included:

  • Her late grandmother’s telephone number – who never used Facebook
  • Conversations with an ex whom she had unfriended
  • Several brands had Sara on their advertising lists whom she never signed up with, had access to all her information

Yesterday was a terrible day for Mark Zuckerberg, and today was even worse.

True to form, he repeated his lame apology offered from the previous day’s hearing that Facebook “…made a big mistake by not taking a broader view of our responsibilities” to its users concerning their privacy.

He faltered when pressed by Rep. Frank Pallone, a Democrat from New Jersey for a simple “yes” or “no” answer on whether Facebook would commit to changing its default settings to minimize personal data collection.

The Facebook CEO replied, “This is a complex issue that deserves more than a one-word answer” and Pallone called out Zuckerberg’s response as “…very disappointing.”

Zuckerberg was also pelted with other tough statements by Congress. Here is Rep. David McKinley who excoriated him by stating Zuckerberg and Facebook were “hurting people by enabling the illegal sale of opioids on the platform.”

Opioid drug overdoses killed more Americans in 2016 than the entire Vietnam War (58,000 deaths). It has been proven statistically to be the cause of 65,000 deaths in the U.S. including the deaths of pop icon Prince.

Here is a link to a YouTube video for information on the subject. Drug Overdoses Killed More Americans Than the Entire Vietnam War Did

Facebook Shares Boatloads of YOUR Personal Data

How much data does Facebook collect from its users – and non-users? Boatloads!

A great deal was revealed when congress woman Rep. Kathy Castor drilled the Facebook CEO, head-on, forcing Zuckerberg to acknowledge that Facebook collects data from users even when they’re not on Facebook and not even logged into the platform.

Then, Rep. Ben Lujan got Zuckerberg to admit that Facebook goes so far as to collect personal data from some people who have not even signed up for Facebook, for the reason of “security purposes.”

Talk about “Big Brother” watching. Quite disturbing.

Multiple different legislators also raised the prospect that Facebook’s data policies with third-party apps violated a 2011 agreement with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) after a prior privacy complaint. If so, Facebook could be subject to a minimum of hefty fines.

The FTC is now conducting a massive investigation on Facebook.

Facebook Shares YOUR Personal Data…and They Need Your Data

Today on Day 2, Mark Zuckerberg continued to evade lawmaker’s questions by stating he would “follow up later”, and the reason to me was very obvious: Zuckerberg doesn’t want to talk about it because he fears regulation that would curb Facebook’s ability to track data on third-party apps.

The extent of Facebook’s data collection is ultimately the core concern of Facebook’s business.

If Facebook were to be forced to stop collecting YOUR data, it would undermine its entire business model. Facebook generates $40 billion dollars in advertising revenue annually because it offers brands YOUR personal data that gives them an unparalleled ability to target consumers.

Without such data, advertisers would pull out of Facebook “in droves”.

Goodbye advertisers, goodbye Facebook!

Currently, the United States is so far behind Europe and Australia in protecting the privacy rights its online users. Next month, the European Union of countries will introduce the General Data Protection Regulation (GDRR), which will give European users greater control over their data, including a clear and obvious option to choose who has access to their data.

Until this congressional hearing, the U.S Congress appeared a long way away from introducing similar legislation to protect its users.

So let’s continue the conversation from yesterday.

Did you happen to watch or read about today’s Day 2 Facebook debacle that has been entrenching the online world?

What are your observations?

Given further evidence that has surfaced today against Facebook at the congressional hearing, do you feel it is now more likely that regulations on the internet and across all social media will be implemented?

Has your opinion changed about Mark Zuckerberg?

Or has it remained the same?

Please feel free to comment and engage in the further discussion here.

Thanks to ALL for your valuable input!



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Recent Comments


Hey Kaju,
Wow! Remind ME to NEVER make YOU mad at ME!
Thanks for expressing the feelings of many about what FB has
done and is doing! I know it was built as a Social Media Platform
to allow individuals to express their views and interact with people
all over the world, but this has now gone beyond the pale!

The fact that they are collecting data on people who have NOT
signed up for Facebook is NOT Right!

Good for YOU to do this POST! It is important for people to
show their disapproval when something of this magnitude happens. It will be interesting to see what actions are taken in this case.


That to me was the kicker Ken, they are collecting data on people who have NOT even signed up. Can you imagine that? I can't. Reprehensible.

Hey Kaju,
In total agreement.

Thanks for the like.

Me too


It's not Facebook - It's NoseBook - Invasion of PrivacyBook - OverdoseBook - AddictionBook - ViolationBook....

Can you really blame one individual, no of course not. He manufactured something that provided escapism for much of the world.

Does it suggest how bored the world has been......? Everyone bought into FB because it was the new place to be.

People are addicted to FB and social media.

The disappointing thing is all the users and addicts, it would appear are being violated and taken advantage of.

Is this good marketing and what you sign up for or simply, THEFT and violation of your rights!

What is sad, is that you can be a super hero one day, like Mark and the next day, the world will turn against you!



No doubt Wayne, but the most dubious thing many of us were not aware of about Facebook is that it goes so far as to collect personal data from some people who have not even signed up for Facebook. Wow.

That's just criminal! Invasions of privacy and all sorts!


I agree

I don’t think you and I are True FaceBook fans are we? Lol


Nope, not at all Wayne.

I do agree that if you don't have an account, they should no be able to use your personal information. That is a invasion of privacy. Any social media does what they want with your personal information. It is a shame, because it should be kept personal.

Absolutely, this is beyond egregious. Thanks for your comment Marylou.

Even with this current firestorm swirling around Zuckerberg's head and Facebook, they will probably (ultimately) weather the storm, at least as far as business-related social interaction is concerned. For that reason alone, I'll probably maintain a business page there, at least for the time being.

However, I have had issues with Facebook for several years and have wanted to leave, but there simply were no viable alternatives. Let's face it; FB was a great medium for keeping in touch with family and friends.

Right now, I'm investigating a social medium that purports to be the "anti-Facebook" social platform that specifically won't collect and sell your information, won't bombard you with advertising, and won't censor your content (except for the usual ... porn, death threats, etc).

May turn out to be no better...time will tell, or may be a great alternative. As an eternal optimist, I'm going for it.

It's called: MeWe.
Actually been around since 2011, and its founder is a staunch privacy advocate. That alone makes it better than Facebook (Fake-Book).

I'll let everyone know how it goes.


Thanks Joshua please let us know about your experience with MeWe. I'm almost positive this firestorm will not be the end of Facebook, but my hope is that many users will bail on them, the way I have the last year.

Don't worry...I plan to.


Thanks so much again Joshua :) I have a new YouTube channel that's producing great content. Here's a great Tokyo story for you and the Efren match video play by play:)
Send me your YT link and I will Subscribe. You can Subscribe to my channel here:)


If you don't yet, I will happily return the favor when yours is up.:)

Facebook, Google, Twitter, Youtube and other social media are the same in that they are a centralized location of personal data which they seem to be able to use as they wish. Even if they do not use it in a harmful way to the individual, the hackers who often steal personal data from such organization definitely use it to the individuals detriment.

I find that blockchain, which is decentralized, not a victim of hackers and transparent, threatens the big 4 to the extent that they have banned their ads. It seem to me that they perceive blockchain which is known as the "Truth Machine" is a serious threat to their (monkey) business.

Social media are forming which are based on the blockchain technology. Hopefully they will be transparent, non-hackable and are controlled by consensus, while still offering the services that present social media do.

Non-hackable, decentralized and transparent social media through blockchain technology is currently a very interesting development and appears to be a good alternative, and I will be following it closely. Thanks Roger!

I will immediately join any social media that is developed through blockchain technology. I will also invest in those companies just to make sure I follow their progress. They will not all succeed but if they have the right team, capitalization and can retain trust, I believe they will.

Thank you for that sage advice. I will read further details on the blockchain technology.

Thanks so much again Roger:) I have a new YouTube channel that's producing great content. Here's a great Tokyo story for you and the Efren match video play by play:)
Send me your YT link and I will Subscribe. You can Subscribe to my channel here:)


If you don't yet, I will happily return the favor when yours is up.:)

I have not changed my mind about FB at all I was really considering about giving them a second chance about opening a business account but I think that I am going to stick to my guns and not open one up. With all this going on they might as well as to shut down FB altogether and call it a day.


Yes I agree with you Mary. Collecting personal data from unsuspecting people who have not even signed up with them is reprehensible.

Mark Zuckerberg is really on the hot seat now because of FB censoring religious groups and it was either a Senator or Congressman so he is really in trouble now.


Wow, yes I totally agree.

So, how do you really feel?

You really wanna know how I really feel, Steve??

I really hope the whole massive bloody confounded wooden ship comes BURNING DOWN to the ground in a wonderful bright and FRIGHTENINGLY beautiful pyre of incendiary flames - and I can stand RIGHT there with my DSLR and get some GREAT pics!!

really laughing out loud. thank you.
it was a rhetorical question you know.
I've never been a fan and have said a few times I don't care that people live their lives on Facebook. It's stupid and I don't care what kind of coffee you got this morning.

I really hope for their sake it was very STRONG coffee, Steve!

Not defending Facebook, but they don't have information that the government can't get. The government hates competition!

I get what you are saying Steveo. I also don't believe that 2 wrongs make one right.

Thanks so much again Steveo :) I have a new YouTube channel that's producing great content. Here's a great Tokyo story for you and the Efren match video play by play:)
Send me your YT link and I will Subscribe. You can Subscribe to my channel here:)


If you don't yet, I will happily return the favor when yours is up.:)

There was shocking news in the Netherlands too. The health insurance companies are deleting the Facebook pixel plugin from their sites, very shocking they had them on their sites. People are searching there for all kind of diseases thinking they are in a secured surrounding, and Facebook was tracking that.

Wow, that is certainly shocking Loes. However, I can understand how critical healthcare information is, hospitals and doctors can't take any chances.

They never should have been using the Facebook Pixel on their healthcare sites. Such a dangerous violation for breaching life and death data!

Hi Kaju, thank you for sharing.I guess it all makes sense when you think how much help FB gives to advertisers (for a good price). How could they identify preferences if they weren't accumulating intelligence about their users, Best Alan

Yes Alan I agree, but NOT to share that private information and intelligence with third-parties. That's where the invasion lies.

Thank you for your comment, very much appreciated.

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