About Jasmere
Rank 11841
545 followers Joined August 2017
Long story short, graduated with a degree in health science and use to be a personal trainer. Extremely intelligent and ambitious. Can solve a Rubik's





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

So I've been working on my website for over a year now and have about 41 posts. However my traffic is abysmal. On a good day it's lucky to get 7 visitors if that. The problem i

Seriously appreciate it guys. I'm not going to give up, just hope that eventually traffic improves since I have a feeling I'm putting out quality content. And I reached out to you Tim.

Remember, the turtle won the race, not the rabbit.

Hi Jasmere,

I haven't seen your site for a while man, but if your content is still as good as it was back then, then it's just a matter of time. What you want to do is continue to find good low competition keywords, create good content and also keep up with some of Jays tutorials with respects to ways you can improve your overall site and SEO.

You are definitely on the right path, so my advice is to keep at it. Once you do get the traffic flowing you will know it was all worth it. And your subsequent sites down the road will come together easier since you will have more experience. It's all part of the process so you will get there.

Also I can take a look at your site if you want some feedback. Just send me a PM with the link :)

Thanks guys, yeah I do forget that it can take a while, I just see people starting websites and getting traffic within a matter of months which is discouraging.

If you are really hard up in your content writing in your site. You may consider having another which you really have an interest in it and easily fill it with content.

I have seen your website. It is phenomenal. I have often heard it can take up to two years to get decent traffic. Look at it as a marathon and not a sprint. The top earners have websites that are 2-5 years old! You got to be in this for the long haul . Think about a traditional brick-and-mortar business. They tell you not to expect any profit until the 3rd year. Think of it as tending a garden. In the long run you will get a harvest.

Keep posting. That is about all I can tell you. Perhaps try increasing the number of posts you do. Maybe start doing at least one per week. That would give you 52 new posts in one year. If you are like me, sometimes it can be a challenge to find the time to write posts regularly, but I try to write at least one post on each of my sites every week. Sometimes I am inspired and can do a couple per week.
Just keep working at it. Don't give up. You never know how close you are to making a breakthrough!

Best wishes,
Karin :)

Awesome thank you so much. Do you think posting frequency has a lot to do with it as well?

Posting frequency does impact on the speed at which Google will index your content (without a doubt) and I personally also think it has an impact on overall rankings in my experience.

Definitely! You want your site to look active. The more active you are, the more active your site can be! :)

Best wishes,
Karin :)

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Feeling stuck, am I doing something wrong?

Feeling stuck, am I doing something wrong?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

So I've been working on my website for over a year now and have about 41 posts. However my traffic is abysmal. On a good day it's lucky to get 7 visitors if that. The problem i

Seriously appreciate it guys. I'm not going to give up, just hope that eventually traffic improves since I have a feeling I'm putting out quality content. And I reached out to you Tim.

Remember, the turtle won the race, not the rabbit.

Hi Jasmere,

I haven't seen your site for a while man, but if your content is still as good as it was back then, then it's just a matter of time. What you want to do is continue to find good low competition keywords, create good content and also keep up with some of Jays tutorials with respects to ways you can improve your overall site and SEO.

You are definitely on the right path, so my advice is to keep at it. Once you do get the traffic flowing you will know it was all worth it. And your subsequent sites down the road will come together easier since you will have more experience. It's all part of the process so you will get there.

Also I can take a look at your site if you want some feedback. Just send me a PM with the link :)

Thanks guys, yeah I do forget that it can take a while, I just see people starting websites and getting traffic within a matter of months which is discouraging.

If you are really hard up in your content writing in your site. You may consider having another which you really have an interest in it and easily fill it with content.

I have seen your website. It is phenomenal. I have often heard it can take up to two years to get decent traffic. Look at it as a marathon and not a sprint. The top earners have websites that are 2-5 years old! You got to be in this for the long haul . Think about a traditional brick-and-mortar business. They tell you not to expect any profit until the 3rd year. Think of it as tending a garden. In the long run you will get a harvest.

Keep posting. That is about all I can tell you. Perhaps try increasing the number of posts you do. Maybe start doing at least one per week. That would give you 52 new posts in one year. If you are like me, sometimes it can be a challenge to find the time to write posts regularly, but I try to write at least one post on each of my sites every week. Sometimes I am inspired and can do a couple per week.
Just keep working at it. Don't give up. You never know how close you are to making a breakthrough!

Best wishes,
Karin :)

Awesome thank you so much. Do you think posting frequency has a lot to do with it as well?

Posting frequency does impact on the speed at which Google will index your content (without a doubt) and I personally also think it has an impact on overall rankings in my experience.

Definitely! You want your site to look active. The more active you are, the more active your site can be! :)

Best wishes,
Karin :)

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

So I've been working on my site for a while now since about November, and yet still to this day I'll get 1 or maybe 2 clicks a day but that's it. I figured it would have shown

I wouldn't be too concerned I am in the same boat!

Mind you when you see some with 300+ posts and still not really making a living from this then it does get you to ask the question.

How am I going to achieve financial freedom?

Just keep plodding away and stop checking Google Analytics as it will drive you up the wall, especially with only 30 or so posts pretty much like myself.

You will get better and quicker, so onwards and upwards.

I wouldn't spend too much time on Facebook either. Folk here are all looking for the magic button. Instant riches, Blau blah blah.

They are not interested in working hard for a living, which is what you are doing here. They don't have a vision!

Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone and you will pick up the odd sale here and there.

Just keep banging out those articles!


I appreciate that so much. Yeah I agree with you that analytics does make me paranoid so I'll definitely have to stop checking it as much haha.

Also is this normal?

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Any ideas on what could be wrong?

Any ideas on what could be wrong?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

So I've been working on my site for a while now since about November, and yet still to this day I'll get 1 or maybe 2 clicks a day but that's it. I figured it would have shown

I wouldn't be too concerned I am in the same boat!

Mind you when you see some with 300+ posts and still not really making a living from this then it does get you to ask the question.

How am I going to achieve financial freedom?

Just keep plodding away and stop checking Google Analytics as it will drive you up the wall, especially with only 30 or so posts pretty much like myself.

You will get better and quicker, so onwards and upwards.

I wouldn't spend too much time on Facebook either. Folk here are all looking for the magic button. Instant riches, Blau blah blah.

They are not interested in working hard for a living, which is what you are doing here. They don't have a vision!

Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone and you will pick up the odd sale here and there.

Just keep banging out those articles!


I appreciate that so much. Yeah I agree with you that analytics does make me paranoid so I'll definitely have to stop checking it as much haha.

Also is this normal?

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I use to be able to get indexed pretty fast, often within minutes. But now for whatever reason it takes days and even up to a week sometimes. It's only been like this since Mar

You can do one out of two things. Each time you publish a new post, do a Fetch and Render inside Google Search Console, and request indexing of the entire site, which would include the new posts.
Or, you can directly submit the URL for crawl. Just search for "google search console submit url" and it'll be the first link from Google. That's what I do for each post. Bless.

Same here

I have noticed it, not sure what the problem is.

I have not seen this. Are you submitting every thing to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools right after you post?

Yeah I am that's the odd part.

That is weird.

Which page are you referring to specifically? Let's have a look here.

None specifically, just for a lot of my recent posts, it's starting to take longer. I mean they get indexed still, it's just that it's been taking a lot longer this month lol. Any idea why you think?

Not too sure, but I would be too concerned if they are getting indexed. As you gain more and more authority on your site, indexing will happen quicker, but it will differ from page to page.

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Does it take anyone else forever now to get indexed?

Does it take anyone else forever now to get indexed?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I use to be able to get indexed pretty fast, often within minutes. But now for whatever reason it takes days and even up to a week sometimes. It's only been like this since Mar

You can do one out of two things. Each time you publish a new post, do a Fetch and Render inside Google Search Console, and request indexing of the entire site, which would include the new posts.
Or, you can directly submit the URL for crawl. Just search for "google search console submit url" and it'll be the first link from Google. That's what I do for each post. Bless.

Same here

I have noticed it, not sure what the problem is.

I have not seen this. Are you submitting every thing to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools right after you post?

Yeah I am that's the odd part.

That is weird.

Which page are you referring to specifically? Let's have a look here.

None specifically, just for a lot of my recent posts, it's starting to take longer. I mean they get indexed still, it's just that it's been taking a lot longer this month lol. Any idea why you think?

Not too sure, but I would be too concerned if they are getting indexed. As you gain more and more authority on your site, indexing will happen quicker, but it will differ from page to page.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

So I joined this awesome place and got my domain back in August, wrote some blog posts but didn't actually make it public until around November 27th. So today I have about 28 p

I personally wouldn't be concerned about not seeing much traffic for 3 months. If this is still the case after 6 months then I'd be looking more closely as to why. For now, as long as you're following the training and pumping out good quality content, which I'm pretty sure you are, then just keep steaming forward and don't let it phase you brother :)

P.S I read below people are staying for a good length of time once on your site. Awesome. That's a very good sign you are on the right track in terms of the quality of your content. Which, aside from choosing the right keywords and following best practice with SEO, is the most important element in ranking.

Appreciate that man, you're a huge reason I've even managed to get this far so I'm extremely thankful for that. And so do you think it's only counting the time from when it was live, or when I actually got the domain?

No probs at all, and glad to be of help :) Google Analytics will only track your traffic from the day you set it up. So whenever that was is how far it will go back. It might pay to double check your settings to ensure it's all setup ok too. Just incase it's not tracking the way it should. But if you are seeing some visits (like when you get comments) then it should be fine.

I can't believe it's zero.

Even for direct traffic or referral traffic coming from here (WA)? You've not getting any?

If that's the case, then would you mind checking the installation of your traffic monitoring systems like Google Analytics?

There must be some errors when you installed them that's why you're getting ZERO.

If I ask for a comment that's pretty much the only time I happen to get a visitor lol. Other than that every few days I might be lucky to get 1, but that's it. Funny thing is people stay long when they are on it, but that's few and far between. Definitely a mystery :/

Traffic does not always come quickly. That being said a number of factors make a difference. Nature of niche, competition, QSR, etc.

So do you think it could be that not enough time has passed?

In many cases iI takes awhile!

Good Day, Jasmere.

Are you following the steps outlined in this special webinar by Jay? If you are not a regular webinar attendee, it may be a good idea to check this link above that I have provided.

Your website is still very young and it does take some time to rank in Google and acquire regular traffic.

Are you using Google Search Console and Fetch as Google?

If you haven't attended the above webinar, it is a must view video.

You can view all these replays by clicking "Live Video Classes" in the left sidebar!

Hope this helps a bit!


Yeah I definitely did that, and I always use fetch since it's awesome. I'm just curious if I'm missing something or if it's just my particular niche that's going to make it difficult.

I've got same problem. But in my case, it's more understandable because I didn't post very often or consistently and have shorter posts.

If you're serious about this (and sometimes I myself question whether I'm serious enough, since you have to be serious to be willing to put in the time and effort), I'd recommend looking beyond WA info (though WA is good).

In particular, recommend traffic expert Brian Dean's information, which you can find on YouTube or on his website Backlinko. I trust his advice and he's easier to understand and less boring than other experts like Neil Patel.

Thanks I definitely will.

Yep everything is in Google, that's the odd part.

This might be an obvious question but have you submitted your site and sitemap to google?

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I have a question about website traffic?

I have a question about website traffic?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

So I joined this awesome place and got my domain back in August, wrote some blog posts but didn't actually make it public until around November 27th. So today I have about 28 p

I personally wouldn't be concerned about not seeing much traffic for 3 months. If this is still the case after 6 months then I'd be looking more closely as to why. For now, as long as you're following the training and pumping out good quality content, which I'm pretty sure you are, then just keep steaming forward and don't let it phase you brother :)

P.S I read below people are staying for a good length of time once on your site. Awesome. That's a very good sign you are on the right track in terms of the quality of your content. Which, aside from choosing the right keywords and following best practice with SEO, is the most important element in ranking.

Appreciate that man, you're a huge reason I've even managed to get this far so I'm extremely thankful for that. And so do you think it's only counting the time from when it was live, or when I actually got the domain?

No probs at all, and glad to be of help :) Google Analytics will only track your traffic from the day you set it up. So whenever that was is how far it will go back. It might pay to double check your settings to ensure it's all setup ok too. Just incase it's not tracking the way it should. But if you are seeing some visits (like when you get comments) then it should be fine.

I can't believe it's zero.

Even for direct traffic or referral traffic coming from here (WA)? You've not getting any?

If that's the case, then would you mind checking the installation of your traffic monitoring systems like Google Analytics?

There must be some errors when you installed them that's why you're getting ZERO.

If I ask for a comment that's pretty much the only time I happen to get a visitor lol. Other than that every few days I might be lucky to get 1, but that's it. Funny thing is people stay long when they are on it, but that's few and far between. Definitely a mystery :/

Traffic does not always come quickly. That being said a number of factors make a difference. Nature of niche, competition, QSR, etc.

So do you think it could be that not enough time has passed?

In many cases iI takes awhile!

Good Day, Jasmere.

Are you following the steps outlined in this special webinar by Jay? If you are not a regular webinar attendee, it may be a good idea to check this link above that I have provided.

Your website is still very young and it does take some time to rank in Google and acquire regular traffic.

Are you using Google Search Console and Fetch as Google?

If you haven't attended the above webinar, it is a must view video.

You can view all these replays by clicking "Live Video Classes" in the left sidebar!

Hope this helps a bit!


Yeah I definitely did that, and I always use fetch since it's awesome. I'm just curious if I'm missing something or if it's just my particular niche that's going to make it difficult.

I've got same problem. But in my case, it's more understandable because I didn't post very often or consistently and have shorter posts.

If you're serious about this (and sometimes I myself question whether I'm serious enough, since you have to be serious to be willing to put in the time and effort), I'd recommend looking beyond WA info (though WA is good).

In particular, recommend traffic expert Brian Dean's information, which you can find on YouTube or on his website Backlinko. I trust his advice and he's easier to understand and less boring than other experts like Neil Patel.

Thanks I definitely will.

Yep everything is in Google, that's the odd part.

This might be an obvious question but have you submitted your site and sitemap to google?

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