About JanK88
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1,145 followers Joined August 2015
I had been subscribing some online marketing courses with the belief that this is the only way could help me to get out of the





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Read about "Incognito Mode" from Pj Lucas' post recently. Learned about its benefits but also wonder would it cause some drawbacks to affiliate marketers on the other hand.

it will still work if they click and buy before they close their browser

I think the cookies will be stored as long as the browser is open, but will be deleted when browser is closed. So the whole come back in 24 hrs. thing won't be of any use. If they buy immediately, though, it shouldn't matter. That's the way I understand it. The incognito keeps the user from being identified and eliminates all ability to track after browser is closed. I think.

Thanks for sharing, good question. :))

Very good question. I would hope the system is correct, and would be so designed as not to flawed as with commission. Checking out the answers.

Affiliate cookies will be stored even if someone surfs incognito

I have been thinking about this question too. It seems that as more people start using the private or incognito mode affiliate marketing will suffer.

Maybe cookies will become a thing of the past and some new way of identifying the affiliate will take their place? I don't know what that will be though.


I think the incognito mode is only useful for you to check how you really fall on Google. Your WA link wherever placed should always track back to you I believe otherwise why would Kyle encourage us to use our affiliate link and post training on our site or FB page.

Hi Sandra, thanks for your feedback. I'm more concern about our visitors who surf on our websites and click on our affiliate links. If they use Incognito mode and it does not get our affiliate links stored, then we earn nothing in promoting the products.

good question! I assume that your incognito browser will not send any signal of whom you are and where but if a sale is made, it should not matter where the buyer is located...a sale is a sale

The most important thing is to get the cookies stored so that we could earn the commission within the certain period like 30 or 60 days. But read this note when I switched to Incognito Mode - "Pages you view in incognito tabs won't stick around your browser's history, cookie store, or search history after you've closed all of your incognito tabs."

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Are affiliate links work in private browsing?

Are affiliate links work in private browsing?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Read about "Incognito Mode" from Pj Lucas' post recently. Learned about its benefits but also wonder would it cause some drawbacks to affiliate marketers on the other hand.

it will still work if they click and buy before they close their browser

I think the cookies will be stored as long as the browser is open, but will be deleted when browser is closed. So the whole come back in 24 hrs. thing won't be of any use. If they buy immediately, though, it shouldn't matter. That's the way I understand it. The incognito keeps the user from being identified and eliminates all ability to track after browser is closed. I think.

Thanks for sharing, good question. :))

Very good question. I would hope the system is correct, and would be so designed as not to flawed as with commission. Checking out the answers.

Affiliate cookies will be stored even if someone surfs incognito

I have been thinking about this question too. It seems that as more people start using the private or incognito mode affiliate marketing will suffer.

Maybe cookies will become a thing of the past and some new way of identifying the affiliate will take their place? I don't know what that will be though.


I think the incognito mode is only useful for you to check how you really fall on Google. Your WA link wherever placed should always track back to you I believe otherwise why would Kyle encourage us to use our affiliate link and post training on our site or FB page.

Hi Sandra, thanks for your feedback. I'm more concern about our visitors who surf on our websites and click on our affiliate links. If they use Incognito mode and it does not get our affiliate links stored, then we earn nothing in promoting the products.

good question! I assume that your incognito browser will not send any signal of whom you are and where but if a sale is made, it should not matter where the buyer is located...a sale is a sale

The most important thing is to get the cookies stored so that we could earn the commission within the certain period like 30 or 60 days. But read this note when I switched to Incognito Mode - "Pages you view in incognito tabs won't stick around your browser's history, cookie store, or search history after you've closed all of your incognito tabs."

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asked in
Everything Wordpress


Sorry that my question might be a bit confused. So I just attached a sample here for a clearer picture. I took Nathaniell's website as an example as he has

Looks like Marion has you covered.

http://wordpress.org usually has the answer to all WordPress related questions https://wordpress.org/support/topic/hide-menu-on-one-page-only ?replies=46 (remove the space)

Hi Marion, thanks! This is what I'm looking for - "Is it possible to hide the main menu for only one page using CSS or some other feature?".

I have searched from Wordpress.org and other forums too but don't know where to place the given codes. I tried to copy and paste the code in the css and editor but not worked.

Where should I place this sample given codes?

.page-id-2 #nav-container {
display: none;

Hello, This may help you.


Thanks, Elwin! It looks like something that I'm looking for it. Will take a look of the video and test on the plugin first.

I use Display Widgets plugin then just check off the pages

Hi Wayne, thanks for your feedback.

I use Display Widget too but this is more to control on the Sidebar only while the Menu Navigation remains there. I just wonder how a page could be looked like a clean single Landing Sale Page without Menu Navigation or sidebar but still part of the domain.

Oh okay sorry I didnt read the menu nav part

Dep[end on your theme. Some of mine have template options per page and post where you can choose full page, side bar left, side bar right, etc.....

Do you want this page hidden to the general public, as in not visible on any menu with access only through a link?

Hi Shawn, don't think it is due to the selected theme. Understood some of the theme very flexible and could any options of layouts of the Menu and sidebar.

My question is how to make 1 Special Page to EXCLUDE the Menu Navigation and Sidebar while other pages remain the default setting to be able to view the Menu and sidebar.

Will post an example shortly. Hope no offence to the owner of the website.

In fact not the matter hidden or not as it would be great to be indexed and ranked if the public could find it from their search.

It is more to lock the visitors from goinng to anywhere else. This is normally a SIngle Landing Page used by the seller to write a powerful long page to get the deal or visitor to signup. But I just want to do it as a page of the website instead of a Single Landing Page for 1 domain name.

Got it! Just exclude it from the menu. You will find a box that says include in menu on the lower right of your page in the edit mode, make sure it is unchecked. It will still be a public indexed page of your site but will not appear in any of your menus.
That help?

Hi Shawn, thanks for your kindness in helping. Yes, we can exclude any of the pages from appearing in the Menu (I think this is with Exclude Page plugin).

Just wonder how a page looks like the attached sample (the bottom page) where no Menu and sidebar, just a clean Single Page. This will help the conversion rate.

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How to exclude menu navigation & sidebar for specific page?

How to exclude menu navigation & sidebar for specific page?

asked in
Everything Wordpress


Sorry that my question might be a bit confused. So I just attached a sample here for a clearer picture. I took Nathaniell's website as an example as he has

Looks like Marion has you covered.

http://wordpress.org usually has the answer to all WordPress related questions https://wordpress.org/support/topic/hide-menu-on-one-page-only ?replies=46 (remove the space)

Hi Marion, thanks! This is what I'm looking for - "Is it possible to hide the main menu for only one page using CSS or some other feature?".

I have searched from Wordpress.org and other forums too but don't know where to place the given codes. I tried to copy and paste the code in the css and editor but not worked.

Where should I place this sample given codes?

.page-id-2 #nav-container {
display: none;

Hello, This may help you.


Thanks, Elwin! It looks like something that I'm looking for it. Will take a look of the video and test on the plugin first.

I use Display Widgets plugin then just check off the pages

Hi Wayne, thanks for your feedback.

I use Display Widget too but this is more to control on the Sidebar only while the Menu Navigation remains there. I just wonder how a page could be looked like a clean single Landing Sale Page without Menu Navigation or sidebar but still part of the domain.

Oh okay sorry I didnt read the menu nav part

Dep[end on your theme. Some of mine have template options per page and post where you can choose full page, side bar left, side bar right, etc.....

Do you want this page hidden to the general public, as in not visible on any menu with access only through a link?

Hi Shawn, don't think it is due to the selected theme. Understood some of the theme very flexible and could any options of layouts of the Menu and sidebar.

My question is how to make 1 Special Page to EXCLUDE the Menu Navigation and Sidebar while other pages remain the default setting to be able to view the Menu and sidebar.

Will post an example shortly. Hope no offence to the owner of the website.

In fact not the matter hidden or not as it would be great to be indexed and ranked if the public could find it from their search.

It is more to lock the visitors from goinng to anywhere else. This is normally a SIngle Landing Page used by the seller to write a powerful long page to get the deal or visitor to signup. But I just want to do it as a page of the website instead of a Single Landing Page for 1 domain name.

Got it! Just exclude it from the menu. You will find a box that says include in menu on the lower right of your page in the edit mode, make sure it is unchecked. It will still be a public indexed page of your site but will not appear in any of your menus.
That help?

Hi Shawn, thanks for your kindness in helping. Yes, we can exclude any of the pages from appearing in the Menu (I think this is with Exclude Page plugin).

Just wonder how a page looks like the attached sample (the bottom page) where no Menu and sidebar, just a clean Single Page. This will help the conversion rate.

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Would like to have a friendly site ends with the Pal or Buddy or Buddies but wonder which one sounds nicer and friendly? Would like to hear your opinion.


Hey, Buddy, can you spare a dime? Look Pal, either you pay for the drink or I'm calling the cops. How about friend?

agreed...great minds they say...lol

Hey, Broderick, thanks for being kind putting in such a good example for me. My buddy still considering whether to spare me a dime and my pal would never pay for the drink. Really appreciate your kind effort, dear friend, UncleYeti!

Jan, I think pal is fine.

Hi Alma, thanks for your opinion.

I think pal would work best for you, no matter the subject line.

Hi John, thanks for your comment.

It depends on the website - I presume you want domain name ideas. Not thinking of addressing visitors as pal, buddy.

Some types of content might sound better with pal than buddy for example.

Buddies sounds a bit childlike for some niches. But could be good for a with kids content - for example. Or when you want to use alliteration 'bathroombuddies' for example

Yeah, Ian, you got me. I just want to include it in my domain. Seems like not a good idea to use it after hearing the feedback here. Good to get the precious opinions from the members here. Give me a better idea. Thanks for your comment and advice too!

Good question Jan...

Personally, I try to keep it natural, and would expect that most others do the same...I have seen salutations that are all over the map in regards to the actual words or phrases used...

More important for me is the tone of the post or comment, the intent, etc. Friendliness is conveyed (or not) throughout...i.e. first person, personal experiences, style of writing that is easy to follow along with, etc.

Just be who you are...Helps the writer relate to the reader? That is enough for me...

Dave : )

Thanks, Dave! Like it - "just be who you are". This really helps the writer to write better when just be who you are.
Jan :)

Hi Jan , WA is a multi national platform, in our neck of the woods it is mate, bro, dog, dude classic. Perhaps I am getting older and conservative but I really like addressing folks by their first names.

Hi Alexander, thanks that always have you here to answer my questions. I also like to address the friends here with their first name to show my sincerity in following them. Thanks for your feedback again!

Just my opinion. I wouldn't use those words at all unless it is towards someone you really know well. When a stranger calls another "pal" or "buddy", it is NEVER sincere. Why would you want to project insincerity to people you want to sell to?

Hi David, thought that "pal" or "buddy" sounds closer and sincere and didn't aware it means insincerity by calling in this manner. Just want to create a group with the same interest, so pal or buddy sounds like all in the same group. Learned something new today, thanks!

Hi, JanK88. It's not just "pal" or "buddy". If you met a person on the streets, and the first thing he/she tells you is "Hello, friend", how would you feel? That person can't possibly be a "friend" because you just met him/her and might not even know his/her name.

But I see what you're trying to do. You don't have to address your reader with any of the above words. Just be friendly in tone, don't sound cocky, arrogant, or condescending. Just be professional in your tone, and your message will be appreciated by everyone. :)

Thanks, David! It really true that if a stranger on the street called me friend, buddy or pal would definitely make me uneasy. But thought website is different and when a reader come to the site could be friends with the same interest, haha :)

Some people may not even care if you called them "friend" on a website. But some might notice it and feel the insincerity. Why take the gamble, right? :) After all, all you want is to sell to them, that's the important thing. :)

Right, pal? (haha, just kidding)

Thanks, pal (haha... I really treat you as a sincere friend!) Appreciate your input :)

depends. I feel like pal and buddy can be condescending. I'd prefer buddy (buddies) of the two though.

Thanks, Elle! I have the same feeling to use "buddy". Wonder any difference between "buddy" and "buddies" or it is just plural for the later...

All depends "mate" in the type of "friends" or "dudes" you want to attract - what words will go before the words as well ??? Best regards your "sidekick" Paul

Thanks, Paul! 9to5Buddy, 9to5Buddies or 9to5Pal sounds better?

I'd personally stick with friends.

Hi Jason, thanks for your opinion. Thought that buddy, buddies or pal sounds closer and more friendly as thinking to use it as part of the domain name.

If I were using it in a domain main, I think "buddy" would be my choice. "pal" can be mistaken for something else, but not "buddy". Plus, "buddy" is shorter than "buddies". Just my own personal thought. :-) Good luck with your choice! Diana

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Which sounds nicer - pal, buddy or buddies?

Which sounds nicer - pal, buddy or buddies?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Would like to have a friendly site ends with the Pal or Buddy or Buddies but wonder which one sounds nicer and friendly? Would like to hear your opinion.


Hey, Buddy, can you spare a dime? Look Pal, either you pay for the drink or I'm calling the cops. How about friend?

agreed...great minds they say...lol

Hey, Broderick, thanks for being kind putting in such a good example for me. My buddy still considering whether to spare me a dime and my pal would never pay for the drink. Really appreciate your kind effort, dear friend, UncleYeti!

Jan, I think pal is fine.

Hi Alma, thanks for your opinion.

I think pal would work best for you, no matter the subject line.

Hi John, thanks for your comment.

It depends on the website - I presume you want domain name ideas. Not thinking of addressing visitors as pal, buddy.

Some types of content might sound better with pal than buddy for example.

Buddies sounds a bit childlike for some niches. But could be good for a with kids content - for example. Or when you want to use alliteration 'bathroombuddies' for example

Yeah, Ian, you got me. I just want to include it in my domain. Seems like not a good idea to use it after hearing the feedback here. Good to get the precious opinions from the members here. Give me a better idea. Thanks for your comment and advice too!

Good question Jan...

Personally, I try to keep it natural, and would expect that most others do the same...I have seen salutations that are all over the map in regards to the actual words or phrases used...

More important for me is the tone of the post or comment, the intent, etc. Friendliness is conveyed (or not) throughout...i.e. first person, personal experiences, style of writing that is easy to follow along with, etc.

Just be who you are...Helps the writer relate to the reader? That is enough for me...

Dave : )

Thanks, Dave! Like it - "just be who you are". This really helps the writer to write better when just be who you are.
Jan :)

Hi Jan , WA is a multi national platform, in our neck of the woods it is mate, bro, dog, dude classic. Perhaps I am getting older and conservative but I really like addressing folks by their first names.

Hi Alexander, thanks that always have you here to answer my questions. I also like to address the friends here with their first name to show my sincerity in following them. Thanks for your feedback again!

Just my opinion. I wouldn't use those words at all unless it is towards someone you really know well. When a stranger calls another "pal" or "buddy", it is NEVER sincere. Why would you want to project insincerity to people you want to sell to?

Hi David, thought that "pal" or "buddy" sounds closer and sincere and didn't aware it means insincerity by calling in this manner. Just want to create a group with the same interest, so pal or buddy sounds like all in the same group. Learned something new today, thanks!

Hi, JanK88. It's not just "pal" or "buddy". If you met a person on the streets, and the first thing he/she tells you is "Hello, friend", how would you feel? That person can't possibly be a "friend" because you just met him/her and might not even know his/her name.

But I see what you're trying to do. You don't have to address your reader with any of the above words. Just be friendly in tone, don't sound cocky, arrogant, or condescending. Just be professional in your tone, and your message will be appreciated by everyone. :)

Thanks, David! It really true that if a stranger on the street called me friend, buddy or pal would definitely make me uneasy. But thought website is different and when a reader come to the site could be friends with the same interest, haha :)

Some people may not even care if you called them "friend" on a website. But some might notice it and feel the insincerity. Why take the gamble, right? :) After all, all you want is to sell to them, that's the important thing. :)

Right, pal? (haha, just kidding)

Thanks, pal (haha... I really treat you as a sincere friend!) Appreciate your input :)

depends. I feel like pal and buddy can be condescending. I'd prefer buddy (buddies) of the two though.

Thanks, Elle! I have the same feeling to use "buddy". Wonder any difference between "buddy" and "buddies" or it is just plural for the later...

All depends "mate" in the type of "friends" or "dudes" you want to attract - what words will go before the words as well ??? Best regards your "sidekick" Paul

Thanks, Paul! 9to5Buddy, 9to5Buddies or 9to5Pal sounds better?

I'd personally stick with friends.

Hi Jason, thanks for your opinion. Thought that buddy, buddies or pal sounds closer and more friendly as thinking to use it as part of the domain name.

If I were using it in a domain main, I think "buddy" would be my choice. "pal" can be mistaken for something else, but not "buddy". Plus, "buddy" is shorter than "buddies". Just my own personal thought. :-) Good luck with your choice! Diana

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Just wonder could we upgrade our hosting to VPS in future within WA or should we move our websites out if need to host VPS out there in FUTURE?

Thanks for asking this question. I had never heard of VPS prior to reading this.

What is VPS?

VPS is "Virtual Private Servers".

Generally there are 3 types of hosting provided in the market:

1) Shared Server: A number of website owners hosted their websites in a shared server which is very much cheaper and most of the website owners getting this service in the market. GoDaddy, Hostgator, Fatcow and others where you find a cheap hosting package is under this category.

Our current WA Hosting should be this category but believe it is much better than other providers named above and out there with smaller in size each shared server.

This is good for small sites that have moderate web traffic and limited dynamic elements at an economical cost.
2) VPS: Similar to Shared Server that sharing a server among some website owners but it is a semi-private server that hosts a smaller number of customers. Much expensive than the above hosting but better performance with a smaller number of websites sharing a server.

This is good for growing sites with dynamic content or e-commerce capabilities that need high performance and the flexibility to adjust server resources as they expand, but want to avoid too expensive usage fees.
3) Dedicated: Own Private Server without sharing with other. Only need this at an advance level very well growing business. Very expensive.

This is good for rapidly expanding or thriving websites that need high security, optimal performance, and rapid response times.

You may find the information at http://whois.domaintools.com about your hosting and domain information, Attached is an example where this website is hosted in WA Hosting at the IP Address and there are 1,286 websites hosted on this server.

Hope my understanding about hosting is right at my elementary level.

Thank you Jan for taking time to explain that to me. Wow, I appreciate you .. You e plainer it well and am happy w my new found knowledge. You are a keeper! Hug! Love PJ

To make it simple, Shared Servers is like renting a bed in a dorm. VPS is renting a room while dedicated server is renting a house. lol

Understood! Lol!

It may be too early to ask this question as a newbie who yet to make money. But just want to find out as really keen to be in WA and believe here is the best place to the online business success. Also curious why the Wordpress in logging in admin is slower for websites hosted here compared to the one hosted out there. So just to find out some hosting knowledge.

May be because of added 'anti hack security' Carson installed

Hi John, thanks for the advice as I'm not aware of this.

that is a Kyle kind of question.
I will look into VPS now.

Good responses to your question by the members.

Good question for Kyle.

That is an expensive proposition. In this environment, you would always want a cluster to minimize downtime. My last server cost $118,000. They would have to buy at least 2 plus the software and get someone with expertise to manage it. If you could convince Kyle he could make money from it then maybe.

Thanks, IZPO (Keith, Jay, and David).

Reason asking this question as found that there are a number of sites sharing a server and some success members host their own dedicated hosting. It must be with well success income, So wonder if we really could make it work in future and would want to enhance the performance by considering VPS hosting instead of dedicated hosting which is much more expensive.

Found different range of VPS hosting from $25 to $100 and above per month. If intend to upgrade in future, then I might as well remain my current website with the existing hosting instead of moving it to WA Hosting.

I nderstand.

I look at it from this point of view. What's more important:

1) Getting ranked and a lot of traffic
2) Spending money on hosting and getting no or less traffic

In my opinion:

If you get a lot of traffic and make money, why spend it on expensive hosting. Use the money and invest in PPC campaigns which then brings in more money.

Just saying.


I don't really have the time but I suppose I could do a training on how to self host websites... And virtualization with Windows 10 is very easy

Hi IZPO, it would be great if you could conduct such a great training here as hard to find answers about the hosting topic here in WA or even when I google it. Most of the answer out there is trying to sell the packages instead. I even live chat with my current hosting provider (Fatcow) asking what is the size of sites sharing for their VPS hosting package and they can't answer me. Believe different providers would have their own size range.

Hi John, thanks for your feedback and agree to your point. I just curious that why the Wordpress admin access is slower for the websites hosted here compared to the one I hosted at Fatcow. I tried to login both at the same time and to load the available theme & plugin but the one hosted here seem slower. Also can't change the admin password to the one I could remember so that I could login directly from wp-admin instead of logging in via WA Site Manager.

Go to Site Rubix, then click on


there you see option to change password. Or just copy username and password , paste it to word document. Then use it to log in via wp-admin and save logon in browser. 1 click logon


Thanks, John! I got it but it is auto reset and I can't create a preferred password which I could remember.

One of the best things hosted here is the Site Comment. It is great!

Then write it down on a piece of paper.........you know the white thin stuff you use a pen or pencil to write on

I don't care about that. I will leave that to the ambassadors.

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Could we upgrade to vps hosting within wa?

Could we upgrade to vps hosting within wa?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Just wonder could we upgrade our hosting to VPS in future within WA or should we move our websites out if need to host VPS out there in FUTURE?

Thanks for asking this question. I had never heard of VPS prior to reading this.

What is VPS?

VPS is "Virtual Private Servers".

Generally there are 3 types of hosting provided in the market:

1) Shared Server: A number of website owners hosted their websites in a shared server which is very much cheaper and most of the website owners getting this service in the market. GoDaddy, Hostgator, Fatcow and others where you find a cheap hosting package is under this category.

Our current WA Hosting should be this category but believe it is much better than other providers named above and out there with smaller in size each shared server.

This is good for small sites that have moderate web traffic and limited dynamic elements at an economical cost.
2) VPS: Similar to Shared Server that sharing a server among some website owners but it is a semi-private server that hosts a smaller number of customers. Much expensive than the above hosting but better performance with a smaller number of websites sharing a server.

This is good for growing sites with dynamic content or e-commerce capabilities that need high performance and the flexibility to adjust server resources as they expand, but want to avoid too expensive usage fees.
3) Dedicated: Own Private Server without sharing with other. Only need this at an advance level very well growing business. Very expensive.

This is good for rapidly expanding or thriving websites that need high security, optimal performance, and rapid response times.

You may find the information at http://whois.domaintools.com about your hosting and domain information, Attached is an example where this website is hosted in WA Hosting at the IP Address and there are 1,286 websites hosted on this server.

Hope my understanding about hosting is right at my elementary level.

Thank you Jan for taking time to explain that to me. Wow, I appreciate you .. You e plainer it well and am happy w my new found knowledge. You are a keeper! Hug! Love PJ

To make it simple, Shared Servers is like renting a bed in a dorm. VPS is renting a room while dedicated server is renting a house. lol

Understood! Lol!

It may be too early to ask this question as a newbie who yet to make money. But just want to find out as really keen to be in WA and believe here is the best place to the online business success. Also curious why the Wordpress in logging in admin is slower for websites hosted here compared to the one hosted out there. So just to find out some hosting knowledge.

May be because of added 'anti hack security' Carson installed

Hi John, thanks for the advice as I'm not aware of this.

that is a Kyle kind of question.
I will look into VPS now.

Good responses to your question by the members.

Good question for Kyle.

That is an expensive proposition. In this environment, you would always want a cluster to minimize downtime. My last server cost $118,000. They would have to buy at least 2 plus the software and get someone with expertise to manage it. If you could convince Kyle he could make money from it then maybe.

Thanks, IZPO (Keith, Jay, and David).

Reason asking this question as found that there are a number of sites sharing a server and some success members host their own dedicated hosting. It must be with well success income, So wonder if we really could make it work in future and would want to enhance the performance by considering VPS hosting instead of dedicated hosting which is much more expensive.

Found different range of VPS hosting from $25 to $100 and above per month. If intend to upgrade in future, then I might as well remain my current website with the existing hosting instead of moving it to WA Hosting.

I nderstand.

I look at it from this point of view. What's more important:

1) Getting ranked and a lot of traffic
2) Spending money on hosting and getting no or less traffic

In my opinion:

If you get a lot of traffic and make money, why spend it on expensive hosting. Use the money and invest in PPC campaigns which then brings in more money.

Just saying.


I don't really have the time but I suppose I could do a training on how to self host websites... And virtualization with Windows 10 is very easy

Hi IZPO, it would be great if you could conduct such a great training here as hard to find answers about the hosting topic here in WA or even when I google it. Most of the answer out there is trying to sell the packages instead. I even live chat with my current hosting provider (Fatcow) asking what is the size of sites sharing for their VPS hosting package and they can't answer me. Believe different providers would have their own size range.

Hi John, thanks for your feedback and agree to your point. I just curious that why the Wordpress admin access is slower for the websites hosted here compared to the one I hosted at Fatcow. I tried to login both at the same time and to load the available theme & plugin but the one hosted here seem slower. Also can't change the admin password to the one I could remember so that I could login directly from wp-admin instead of logging in via WA Site Manager.

Go to Site Rubix, then click on


there you see option to change password. Or just copy username and password , paste it to word document. Then use it to log in via wp-admin and save logon in browser. 1 click logon


Thanks, John! I got it but it is auto reset and I can't create a preferred password which I could remember.

One of the best things hosted here is the Site Comment. It is great!

Then write it down on a piece of paper.........you know the white thin stuff you use a pen or pencil to write on

I don't care about that. I will leave that to the ambassadors.

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