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asked in
Getting Started

I have emails that were transferred to my personal accounts. Why can't I open them from WA platform?

Are you talking about the domain email and not being able to access it via webmail on your websites and hosting panel?

If that's the case it sounds like you setup a forwarder. When you setup a forwarder, email doesn't get stored on the WA email servers. The WA email servers just forward any incoming email to the email address you specified.

If you wanted to access them through the webmail at WA you would have to setup a mailbox. However, you would have to delete the forwarder first because you can't have both a forwarded and a mailbox for the same email address.

Thank you for your answer Thomas.
When I reply to someone from my personal email, it does not show my domain email. Therefore, I understand that all inbox is forwarded but it is only logical that I should be able to use the domain email to send emails to clients so they see my domain email -- not my personal email, right?

On order for your WA website email to show your sender address, you would have to send the email from your WA email acct. The forwarder to your personal email is for convenience.

That's why I should be able to access my WA email from WA even though it has been. Forwarded!

Look in your personal email account and see if there is an option to send email as... Some have that and some don't

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Why can't I open my wa emails after forwarding them?

Why can't I open my wa emails after forwarding them?

asked in
Getting Started

I have emails that were transferred to my personal accounts. Why can't I open them from WA platform?

Are you talking about the domain email and not being able to access it via webmail on your websites and hosting panel?

If that's the case it sounds like you setup a forwarder. When you setup a forwarder, email doesn't get stored on the WA email servers. The WA email servers just forward any incoming email to the email address you specified.

If you wanted to access them through the webmail at WA you would have to setup a mailbox. However, you would have to delete the forwarder first because you can't have both a forwarded and a mailbox for the same email address.

Thank you for your answer Thomas.
When I reply to someone from my personal email, it does not show my domain email. Therefore, I understand that all inbox is forwarded but it is only logical that I should be able to use the domain email to send emails to clients so they see my domain email -- not my personal email, right?

On order for your WA website email to show your sender address, you would have to send the email from your WA email acct. The forwarder to your personal email is for convenience.

That's why I should be able to access my WA email from WA even though it has been. Forwarded!

Look in your personal email account and see if there is an option to send email as... Some have that and some don't

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hello all,
Is it better to use social media accounts with our names or should we create new ones with the name of our domain / site. What are the benefits or each method?

I have mine with my name as I have more than one site, but each social media platform is connect to my sites to

How are they connected?

if your on G+ there is a part were you have your site linked to your personal profile and I can share my own posts just from clicking social media link on my own site

Thank Katie. God bless.

I thought about this for a long time, but since in my local community I own other business and people know my name, I could not get away from that. Also watching Kyle who owns Wealthy Affiliate, his name comes across in the social medias he is active in!

If you ever want to sell your website, the 'branded' social media can be a perk to add value and go with the site.

I use my brand name on my social media sites like Facebook (business page) and Twitter. Google+ and Youtube are in my name with channels. Linkedin is in my name because it has to be. Build a following with Linkedin by joining groups and start sharing links you post on your FB, YouTube & Twitter. You will grow a following quickly. :)

Create a personal account and then create pages for all of your promotions you want to promote

Just remember, as I said, to keep the SOCIAL in Social Media. I have seen too many people sign up for an SM site, and end up "that person" who is in the corner, yelling about how awesome they are. Let people find out how awesome you are, before you start promoting anything! Be authentic. People do business with people and companies that they Know, Like, and Trust! Sarah

I do not use social media at all.

Hey Ibrahim - this was recently debated: Social networking accounts - what do you do?


recommend you keep your names on your social media accounts and add the link to your domain/site for folks to click and visit. folks know you by your name on social media and domain/site is a phrase that someone would type into a search engine. You want people you know to share your domain with others to drive traffic to your site which should over time create conversations.

You can take a name to promote your brand, but move very slowly on this. The fastest way of getting killed in social media is to start promoting too soon and NEVER promote without providing valuable content.

This really depends on the Platform. For Twitter, you want to represent your brand, and tweet representing your brand. For Facebook, you need a personal account in order to then set up your business Page. For LinkedIn, you register as yourself, with your business experience listed. Pinterest - typically would be business if you are looking to promote your page and its values. Lots to learn on all platforms, but the key is to be SOCIAL! Do not automate, and listen more than you talk! Sarah

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Personal social media accounts or domain name accounts?

Personal social media accounts or domain name accounts?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hello all,
Is it better to use social media accounts with our names or should we create new ones with the name of our domain / site. What are the benefits or each method?

I have mine with my name as I have more than one site, but each social media platform is connect to my sites to

How are they connected?

if your on G+ there is a part were you have your site linked to your personal profile and I can share my own posts just from clicking social media link on my own site

Thank Katie. God bless.

I thought about this for a long time, but since in my local community I own other business and people know my name, I could not get away from that. Also watching Kyle who owns Wealthy Affiliate, his name comes across in the social medias he is active in!

If you ever want to sell your website, the 'branded' social media can be a perk to add value and go with the site.

I use my brand name on my social media sites like Facebook (business page) and Twitter. Google+ and Youtube are in my name with channels. Linkedin is in my name because it has to be. Build a following with Linkedin by joining groups and start sharing links you post on your FB, YouTube & Twitter. You will grow a following quickly. :)

Create a personal account and then create pages for all of your promotions you want to promote

Just remember, as I said, to keep the SOCIAL in Social Media. I have seen too many people sign up for an SM site, and end up "that person" who is in the corner, yelling about how awesome they are. Let people find out how awesome you are, before you start promoting anything! Be authentic. People do business with people and companies that they Know, Like, and Trust! Sarah

I do not use social media at all.

Hey Ibrahim - this was recently debated: Social networking accounts - what do you do?


recommend you keep your names on your social media accounts and add the link to your domain/site for folks to click and visit. folks know you by your name on social media and domain/site is a phrase that someone would type into a search engine. You want people you know to share your domain with others to drive traffic to your site which should over time create conversations.

You can take a name to promote your brand, but move very slowly on this. The fastest way of getting killed in social media is to start promoting too soon and NEVER promote without providing valuable content.

This really depends on the Platform. For Twitter, you want to represent your brand, and tweet representing your brand. For Facebook, you need a personal account in order to then set up your business Page. For LinkedIn, you register as yourself, with your business experience listed. Pinterest - typically would be business if you are looking to promote your page and its values. Lots to learn on all platforms, but the key is to be SOCIAL! Do not automate, and listen more than you talk! Sarah

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