Creating Domain Specific Email Accounts at Wealthy Affiliate


Hey everyone!

In this short little vid, I am going to show you how to create a domain-specific email address for your website. In my example I am going to take a domain that I own ( and going to create an email address that is specific to that domain (

What You'll Learn:

  1. Accessing the Platform: Start by navigating to the 'Site Manager' under the 'Websites' tab in Wealthy Affiliate.
  2. Creating an Email Account: Find out how to create a new email mailbox directly linked to your domain, like ''.
  3. Avoiding Email Forwards: Learn why setting up email forwards to services like Gmail might not be the best approach due to low delivery rates.
  4. Setting Up Your Inbox: Step-by-step guide on creating your new email and logging into your webmail account.
  5. Email Management: Tips on managing your email, understanding the inbox layout, and accessing settings.

If you've ever wanted a more professional touch to your online presence with a domain-specific email, this video is a must-watch. Plus, I'll be on hand to answer any questions in the comments, so drop any questions you have about this process below.

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I tried to comment on the Scoop Gurus site. I read the article about gelato, then went back to the spot to leave a comment. As I was drafting my comment the pop up came up saying I had not commented yet. I lost my post and had to rewrite it. When I tried to submit it, I got the message that I had to go into the website to review the post before submitting a comment. I went back into the website for the article, went back to the comment area and tried again. Finally, I just made the comment within the website. I don't know if I got a comment point or not. I'm hoping that eventually I'll figure this thing out.

Oh I am sorry you had so much trouble here but I hope this has been figured out.

That can be frustrating, there is a time limit to make the comment from within the platform so if you leave a comment offer "open" then sometimes this can happen. Just make sure if you are invested in making a comment, that you focus on that task and aim to do it right there and then.

Hi Kyle, I have few questions. Please assist.

1) Could you please explain the distinction between accessing emails through WA and Outlook? I'm quite confuse on it.

2) I've set up an email with a domain name in Outlook, but the email address isn't visible. Could you take a look at the attachment?

3) If I intend to create an email with a domain name to someone and prefer they not access it through WA email, can they set their own password?

Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.

You can either have a webmail or a forward. The recommendation is for you to have a webmail that you sign in here at WA.

You may check this resource They can access it via a separate window however you'll have to collect their password via

Websites top menu > Site manager > Site Email

Hi Abbie, thanks for sharing the useful guideline😊

Np and you're welcome :)

I use Fastmail and can host email there for an unlimited number of domains. I'm not currently using WA as my domain registrar, but I probably with some of my domains in the future. If I do, is it possible to update MX records to point to Fastmail instead of hosting email at WA?

Yes, you absolutely can. If you are happy with Fastmail, you can definitely contact SiteSupport and they can help you with the MX record updates. ;)

@Kyle - apologies if I missed it in the comments. Email is set up but where / how do you display the email address as an active link on your site for someone to email you? I tired playing around in menus and footer widgets but not sure how to get this sorted. Any guidance on this? Thanks!

I have this same question.

When you add it as a hyperlink, add "mailto:" before your link.

If I add that as a link, it will open it up as an email client for the person that clicks it.

Noted! Thx

hi I have set up my email address thanks for the great instruction. I'm trying to connect it to Awebber so I can send bulk emails but for some reason, I'm not receiving my email verification message from Awebber. I've tried a test email to my Gmail account and it has been sent but I have not received it I have also tried another test email from my gmail to my email associated with my website and that works. please can you help

So you are not able to receive any emails to your inbox here? It should work without issue, is it going to your spam box?

If you are having deliverability issues, reach out to SiteSupport and they will investigate things for you. ;)

thanks I did that and got it sorted

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