About GranbyRam
Rank 15887
90 followers Joined May 2023
I am a retired engineer looking to supplement my retirement income due to mysterious, recent health issues my adult son has been experiencing (and





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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Well, I am in month 10 of my website. Though I am at the point that I am getting impressions in the 2,500/month range, my visits are only 10% of that. That said, I am now at le

Search each of those categories in turn + affiliate, so for example "nutrition affiliate". Then research the vendors that come up for both quality products and a decent affiliate commission. Apply to the ones that appeal. Amazon is largely a waste of time.

Yup :)


Have you created a hub? Are you doing the training in order? Have you checked out some of the "Classes". Have you checked out the "Promote" tab in the main menu to search for affiliate programs?

Kyle had something about When Can You Expect Success in WA? in one of the first trainings, up to 5 years and potential incomes. But it is not set in stone; there are many variables, and it's more of an example of what it could be.

I would keep doing the training in order, not jump ahead. You can check out some of the classes under the "classes" tab. Keep learning and keep moving forward. 10 months is a good start, but you are building a business, which takes time and alot of effort. My two cents :-)

Yeah, you are probably right. I started gung ho on the training, but once I started "selling" I got totally focused upon content and trying to drive visitors to my site. It's time to get back to the training.


It does take a long time, Michael! Some can do it quicker, but patience and perseverance are keys to ultimate success!


Totalement, Jeffoi :) Merci.


I am sorry I didn't see you tagged Jeffoi... My apologies! But you're always welcome. Now I know why; it's because I commented on the thread.

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How do you really make money?

How do you really make money?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Well, I am in month 10 of my website. Though I am at the point that I am getting impressions in the 2,500/month range, my visits are only 10% of that. That said, I am now at le

Search each of those categories in turn + affiliate, so for example "nutrition affiliate". Then research the vendors that come up for both quality products and a decent affiliate commission. Apply to the ones that appeal. Amazon is largely a waste of time.

Yup :)


Have you created a hub? Are you doing the training in order? Have you checked out some of the "Classes". Have you checked out the "Promote" tab in the main menu to search for affiliate programs?

Kyle had something about When Can You Expect Success in WA? in one of the first trainings, up to 5 years and potential incomes. But it is not set in stone; there are many variables, and it's more of an example of what it could be.

I would keep doing the training in order, not jump ahead. You can check out some of the classes under the "classes" tab. Keep learning and keep moving forward. 10 months is a good start, but you are building a business, which takes time and alot of effort. My two cents :-)

Yeah, you are probably right. I started gung ho on the training, but once I started "selling" I got totally focused upon content and trying to drive visitors to my site. It's time to get back to the training.


It does take a long time, Michael! Some can do it quicker, but patience and perseverance are keys to ultimate success!


Totalement, Jeffoi :) Merci.


I am sorry I didn't see you tagged Jeffoi... My apologies! But you're always welcome. Now I know why; it's because I commented on the thread.

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I just saw this article from another affiliate marketing blog. It might give some of you ideas:


Nice article, Michael, but that popup is super annoying! Lol 😎

Frank 🎸

I noticed that too :)

I think it can do more harm than good, Abie, because it can increase the bounce rate significantly!

A/B testing would be essential.

Rock On! 🤘🐫
Frank 🎸

Absolutely! There you go, sussed out. I appreciate your profound feedback.

Haha, Happy Hump Day, Abie! 🐫🥳

Frank 🎸

You too, Frank! 😍🐫 Thanks!

Thanks :)

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Are you still looking for a niche?

Are you still looking for a niche?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I just saw this article from another affiliate marketing blog. It might give some of you ideas:


Nice article, Michael, but that popup is super annoying! Lol 😎

Frank 🎸

I noticed that too :)

I think it can do more harm than good, Abie, because it can increase the bounce rate significantly!

A/B testing would be essential.

Rock On! 🤘🐫
Frank 🎸

Absolutely! There you go, sussed out. I appreciate your profound feedback.

Haha, Happy Hump Day, Abie! 🐫🥳

Frank 🎸

You too, Frank! 😍🐫 Thanks!

Thanks :)

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I receive the following message: "Error submitting page to IndexNow."

Any thoughts on why I might receive this message?


You are welcome, Michael :)

Are you using Rank Math if so I been getting the same error didn't happen before just lately so now I just ignore it and get it indexed directly in GSC.
Just did that early today with a new blog and it got indexed and ranked within a few hours.

Yes, Rank Math. I will figure out how to get indexed in GSC.


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Why would I get an error when requesting instant indexing?

Why would I get an error when requesting instant indexing?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I receive the following message: "Error submitting page to IndexNow."

Any thoughts on why I might receive this message?


You are welcome, Michael :)

Are you using Rank Math if so I been getting the same error didn't happen before just lately so now I just ignore it and get it indexed directly in GSC.
Just did that early today with a new blog and it got indexed and ranked within a few hours.

Yes, Rank Math. I will figure out how to get indexed in GSC.


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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I did a keyword search this afternoon with no issues. I clicked Keyword Search this evening and was taken to a Jaaxy account sign up page. Is there a limit on my membership whe


You need to click the QSR manually each time to reveal a figure value, as Jaaxy lite is included with a premium subscription to the platform.

If that's not it.

You may need to empty the browser cache, refresh and try again. Try the URL in a different browser or mobile device.

If that doesn't solve it.

You may go to

Or change it via "Basic account information."

Under WA settings, click options and make sure your email is connected to Jaaxy.

And if that doesn't solve it.

You need to reach out to Kyle on their profile space.

Nope, you can use jaxxy as much as you need to.

Just to answer the actual question both premium and plus members have unlimited searches.

Also glad you got back in as well



Never mind...I "logged in" as if I was logging in to WA and got "in".

Happy to hear you got it figured out :)

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As a premium member am I limited in my number of keyword searches?

As a premium member am I limited in my number of keyword searches?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I did a keyword search this afternoon with no issues. I clicked Keyword Search this evening and was taken to a Jaaxy account sign up page. Is there a limit on my membership whe


You need to click the QSR manually each time to reveal a figure value, as Jaaxy lite is included with a premium subscription to the platform.

If that's not it.

You may need to empty the browser cache, refresh and try again. Try the URL in a different browser or mobile device.

If that doesn't solve it.

You may go to

Or change it via "Basic account information."

Under WA settings, click options and make sure your email is connected to Jaaxy.

And if that doesn't solve it.

You need to reach out to Kyle on their profile space.

Nope, you can use jaxxy as much as you need to.

Just to answer the actual question both premium and plus members have unlimited searches.

Also glad you got back in as well



Never mind...I "logged in" as if I was logging in to WA and got "in".

Happy to hear you got it figured out :)

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I am fed up with Amazon. They dropped me two months ago due to low sales (though I dispute that...I think their Associates Central page showed I had enough to stick). Anyway, I

You can try private affiliate programs and when you have descent traffic that can yield more sales to stay in compliance with the Amazon rules to rejoin.

I think the best way to finding affiliate programs within your niche I'd to tape on Google "your niche name + affiliate programs". Example cooking appliances affiliate programs.

Google with bring all the results that match your query and you can browse the different pages to find affiliate programs that fit your needs.
Not to mention there are other affiliate network such as Shareasale, Impact Radius, commission junction (just to name a few).

Hope this help!


You could try Books A Million - I think that company has an Affiliate Program and should cover your books. If you know the brands of your supplements/vitamins, you could check to see if those companies have affiliate programs, likewise with cooking appliances and sporting goods.

I have a women's golf website and got dropped by Amazon. I now have about 5 different golf affiliations.

Hope this helps. Jenni.

I’ve been dropped to but I reupped again.

Some rules have now changed with Amazon.

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Help! I am fed up with amazon?

Help! I am fed up with amazon?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I am fed up with Amazon. They dropped me two months ago due to low sales (though I dispute that...I think their Associates Central page showed I had enough to stick). Anyway, I

You can try private affiliate programs and when you have descent traffic that can yield more sales to stay in compliance with the Amazon rules to rejoin.

I think the best way to finding affiliate programs within your niche I'd to tape on Google "your niche name + affiliate programs". Example cooking appliances affiliate programs.

Google with bring all the results that match your query and you can browse the different pages to find affiliate programs that fit your needs.
Not to mention there are other affiliate network such as Shareasale, Impact Radius, commission junction (just to name a few).

Hope this help!


You could try Books A Million - I think that company has an Affiliate Program and should cover your books. If you know the brands of your supplements/vitamins, you could check to see if those companies have affiliate programs, likewise with cooking appliances and sporting goods.

I have a women's golf website and got dropped by Amazon. I now have about 5 different golf affiliations.

Hope this helps. Jenni.

I’ve been dropped to but I reupped again.

Some rules have now changed with Amazon.

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