About Jenell44
Rank 105
2,778 followers Joined November 2020
I'm Jenni Elliott, English by birth, Australian by choice, now a Permanent Resident of the USA. Prior to retiring I was a fundraising and marketing





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Now with the new Hubs set up here at WA, I can only see the core OEC training. Where can I find the Affiliate Bootcamp training?

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.

And it sounds like you still have an OLD CACHE; you may need to empty the browser cache, refresh, and try again. Try the URL in a different browser or mobile device.


Thanks Abie, All good now.

That's fabulous Jenni :)

easiest way i know - goto the magnifying glass at the top and in the window that pops up scroll down and there is the core training and below that the bootcamp training

Thanks a lot. Just updating old blog posts and I was unsure of how to find it.

When you set up a hub you are given a choice to promote WA or other niche ]

If you choose other niche the training will be core OEC training if you choose WA you will get the Core boot camp training

I just had the same question so I did the same thing
I promote WA so I deleted the hub and then reinstalled a new hub for the Boot camp training This shows you how to delete the hub without deleting your website and then choose the WA training

Thank you, Barry.

When they create their hub, if they choose the option to make money by promoting WA then the training they get in their hub will be specifically geared towards promoting WA. If they choose to make money with their own niche, then the training is geared towards that.

Great thanks, Eric.

You're welcome :)

If you scroll all the way down to ‘Training’ by clicking on WA icon at the top of your screen, you'll see ‘Core Wealthy Affiliate Training’.

I think that is what you are looking for 🙂

Are you on a tablet or mobile?

If I click on Training, it takes me to where my hubs were created.

On mobile when I am being active on here otherwise laptop for the main work.

I think you have to scroll down, not click on the training that is listed 🙂

On my iPhone, it is either Home > Training.

Or Hubs

Click a hub to get to training.

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Where can I guide a newbie to find the affiliate bootcamp training with the new hubs set-up?

Where can I guide a newbie to find the affiliate bootcamp training with the new hubs set-up?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Now with the new Hubs set up here at WA, I can only see the core OEC training. Where can I find the Affiliate Bootcamp training?

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.

And it sounds like you still have an OLD CACHE; you may need to empty the browser cache, refresh, and try again. Try the URL in a different browser or mobile device.


Thanks Abie, All good now.

That's fabulous Jenni :)

easiest way i know - goto the magnifying glass at the top and in the window that pops up scroll down and there is the core training and below that the bootcamp training

Thanks a lot. Just updating old blog posts and I was unsure of how to find it.

When you set up a hub you are given a choice to promote WA or other niche ]

If you choose other niche the training will be core OEC training if you choose WA you will get the Core boot camp training

I just had the same question so I did the same thing
I promote WA so I deleted the hub and then reinstalled a new hub for the Boot camp training This shows you how to delete the hub without deleting your website and then choose the WA training

Thank you, Barry.

When they create their hub, if they choose the option to make money by promoting WA then the training they get in their hub will be specifically geared towards promoting WA. If they choose to make money with their own niche, then the training is geared towards that.

Great thanks, Eric.

You're welcome :)

If you scroll all the way down to ‘Training’ by clicking on WA icon at the top of your screen, you'll see ‘Core Wealthy Affiliate Training’.

I think that is what you are looking for 🙂

Are you on a tablet or mobile?

If I click on Training, it takes me to where my hubs were created.

On mobile when I am being active on here otherwise laptop for the main work.

I think you have to scroll down, not click on the training that is listed 🙂

On my iPhone, it is either Home > Training.

Or Hubs

Click a hub to get to training.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

My statistics show 32 Referrals in the last 7 days with no conversions. Of course not, because they are all from BOTS. They show up in my email as "Followers", so I generally

Just curious Jenell how do you know that they’re bots?

Partly because of the strange names. But mostly because when I click on the link, there is no Starter Member info included - everything is blank.

This has landed in the community if meant for Carson :)

But I am aware the guys are doing something about it.

I know, thanks Abie. I tried to send a PM to Carson, but couldn't.

It would help if you had to choose the last two on the left side :)

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I'm still getting about 5-10 bots as referrals each day. carson, can you help?

I'm still getting about 5-10 bots as referrals each day. carson, can you help?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

My statistics show 32 Referrals in the last 7 days with no conversions. Of course not, because they are all from BOTS. They show up in my email as "Followers", so I generally

Just curious Jenell how do you know that they’re bots?

Partly because of the strange names. But mostly because when I click on the link, there is no Starter Member info included - everything is blank.

This has landed in the community if meant for Carson :)

But I am aware the guys are doing something about it.

I know, thanks Abie. I tried to send a PM to Carson, but couldn't.

It would help if you had to choose the last two on the left side :)

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