A Message to My Friends!


As I close in on two years as a Premium member, I want to express my thoughts and thanks for the experiences I have enjoyed since April 2015. I have a lot to be thankful for and my understanding of online marketing has grown from near zero to somewhere in the direction of stratospheric.

What of Year 3?

The reason I am writing this blog, apart from expressing thanks and appreciation, is to let my friends and followers know that I won't be renewing my membership. There is one reason only for it and that is financial. February, March and April have given me large bills to pay that are necessary and unavoidable. I have had to renew the annual registration and insurance of my window washing work van and my wife's car.

Due to the extreme summer we have just endured, our electricity bill is the largest ever, close to $700 for 3 months. My work van needs its compulsory timing belt change and service which will cost me close to $1500 this Friday. These expenses alone are close to $3000 which means that to pay an annual fee of A$475.00 for my Wealthy Affiliate Membership is not possible right now.

I will move my two sites to a cheaper hosting service so that they can continue to operate. That should only cost me about $85.00 for the year. (Relax, I have chosen wisely)

Am I sad about it? Yes, I am. But we don't have a lot of savings in the bank, since we exhausted that doing volunteer work in Asia in 2015. We are back in the situation of having to rebuild our resources again.

So What's Next?

What I have gained from being a Premium Member here is difficult to quantify. There is no dollar value on it or numerical equation that can be given. No special algorithm that works out how Wealthy Affiliate changes you. So there are many benefits that I, Duncan McRae, formerly living in Thailand, but now back in Australia, have gained from the experience. The benefits may be not always tangible, but they have changed me!

First, Thank You to the Following!

Kyle and Carson

Thank you, Kyle and Carson, for such an amazing platform from which many have launched their online business activity. The training here is comprehensive and up-to-date. The training styles are easy to follow and put into application. I appreciate your input into the variety of issues that appear on the forums here. Your clear and concise explanations of marketing problems have helped me look at digital marketing with a new set of lenses.

I appreciate the rules structure that exists here. I am someone who lives by values and principles instead of set rules, but the reality is, the larger the organisation, the tighter the structure has to be. We all needed to be reminded of them from time to time.

Thank you also for the new innovations that have been implemented over the past 2 years. Wow, what will the membership be experiencing over the next two?

The Ambassadors

I know that the ambassador role does not equate with knowing everything about digital marketing. Many ambassadors have learned their skills here and have developed them. I know I shouldn't but I want to make special mention of some of the current and past Ambassadors that have encouraged me, trained me, and been a solid support over the past 2 years. (If I don't mention your name, please don't be offended; I can be forgetful)

Here's some who have made a difference:

Steve, Michael and Marion from here in Australia (doing the Top 10 proud). Loes, Jay (especially his informative webinars that, due to time zone issues, I rarely watched live) and Mel. Then there is JudeP, Robert (boomergP08), Leo Emery and Nathaniell, all of whom entertained or taught me something of value.

Tony Hamilton brought years of online experience to the table as did Steve(IveTriedThat) with all that he has accomplished. Paul Goodwin showed how a personal passion could be turned into an online enterprise that succeeded. Jewel Carol was a breath of fresh air when she joined and helped me with my Amazon Affiliate Network membership.

I know I have met many more current and past Ambassadors that have encouraged me with positive contributions to the posts I wrote here at WA. To all of you, a MASSIVE

Friends and Followers

Even though I am about to depart this amazing and educational network, I strongly encourage all to keep working hard at your goals. It can be difficult to maintain the rage, the focus, the drive, that you need to make it work. I got 3 referrals during the past 2 years. None of them converted to Premium Membership, despite the encouragement from Kyle and I to do so. So I was never close to going to Vegas.

Time can be a killer! Due to other obligations, both personal and financial, I have never been able to devote a 40 hour week to an online business model. Yet, all that I have learned in the GET STARTED HERE training and the AFFILIATE BOOTCAMP will go with me in the future. Affiliate Marketing is a concept that will help me in the future.

I recently earned $225.00 from one client who found my window washing website on Google and made a booking. This site was built solely from the Wealthy Affiliate training I received. If promoting WA is not your prime focus, but another passion that drives you, do your best to apply what you learn here in developing that site. Use the search facility to find past blogs that will answer your questions and save you time and frustration. Be the best you can be at what matters most to you.

But, however focussed you are on that business model, never forget your family must come first. Neglect them at your peril. Don't get so focussed on reading every post that comes in, every email that you get. Regulate the time you give to your work and make plenty of time for your loved ones.


I will be around until April 3 or 4. I look forward to chatting with you till then. If you prefer a private message, they will be wonderful to receive.

I hope you all keep good health, maintain your priorities in life and live by a solid core of values that will elevate you above the mediocrity of society today. If all goes well over the next 6-12 months, I hope to be back. Back sharing ideas and concepts, new experiences and overall, best wishes to you all.

Till next time,

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Recent Comments


Sorry to see you go, Duncan. I will hope you can return at some time. Best wishes. :)

Thanks, Judy, very much.

All the best to you Duncan. Your story is very inspirational :)

Thank you.

All the best for you and your family Duncan...I am sure that you will have continued and more success in life, you are just that kind of person...

I and many others really appreciate all that you have added to the community, and you will be sorely missed....If the situation gets better, and you return, that would be grand...

In the meantime, it seems to me that you will be able to continue down this path of online marketing with your sites on another hosting provider, a good thing...

Take care, my friend...

Dave : )

Thank you, Dave. Now that online marketing is in my system, I hope that with all that I have learned so far, it will stand me in good stead for the future.

It has been a pleasure to add something to the community here, one that spreads into all demographics, backgrounds and culture.

If all goes well, we will chat soon.


Thanks for this.

SO inspiration story that gives me the power to do online business.

Duncan, I am truly saddened that you must make such a decision. I'm not sure if you could go month-to-month, etc. perhaps a letter to Kyle or Carson? Don't forget that Black Friday special price; much better than full price.....

Hi Rosie,
Yes, the Black Friday special is something to aim for later in the year. I had thought about month to month, but chose to use the month to month cost on other important expenses.


sorry to hear you are leaving, but i wish you the best, and hope things work out

I plan to make them work out. Thanks you for your sentiments.

I read this from start to finish and can only say its inspirational. It's clear, you have risen above the mediocrity of society and I sincerely hope more of us can join you.......

Thank you, Michael. You are very kind in your thoughts. I have long believed that to inspire others, to encourage others, is part of what our role is as a human. It makes us grow and empowered ourselves if we can strengthen the hearts of others.


Sad to hear about your decision, Duncan. All the best with your future endeavours. Cheers, William.

Thank you very much, William.

My utility bills are a lot higher too, not sure why. However, I believe the cost of WA is nominal at $300 a year lock-in price for me. But it sounds like you just came on WA for the training and have website hosted elsewhere.

No, my websites are hosted here. The yearly price at WA is $359, in US dollars, which equates to close to $475 here in Australia. I actually have two .com sites and a .siterubix site hosted here at WA. I bought my last site through Site Domains, the new feature.

I have enjoyed the training here and am leaving simply because I can't afford the fee this year. I just wonder if you read the blog carefully.


Oh, I see.:-)

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