How to Add Categories to Your Main Menu
It's time for your daily dose of Wordpress Wisdom! In today's tutorial I cover how to add categories to your main menu. In our main menu we have certain go-to items and if you're wanting your audience to be able to find your posts easily by category, then adding categories to your main menu is an easy way to do it and I'll show you exactly how.
Related Training
Want to learn how to add a drop down menu to your main menu, allowing you to add much more to it and save space? Check out the tutorial below:
How to Add a Drop Down Menu to Your Menu in Wordpress
And if you want to quickly assign categories to previously published content or quickly change a post's category, here's how to do so using Quick Edit:
How to Use the Quick Edit Feature in Your Wordpress Back Office
As always, if you find another member asking questions about this process please feel free to share this video. You can always find all my Wordpress Wisdom tutorials in the smart search up top (magnifying glass) by searching "Wordpress Wisdom" or you can just go over to my blog.
If you have any Wordpress related questions that you'd like to see me make a tutorial for feel free to send me a private message or just leave a message on my profile.
See you next time!
Recent Comments
Hi! Just on to categorize my posts. But shall I name them with numbers as you do in the tutorial 1,2,3 etc..or shall I name them with my menynames or such? Maybe a stupid question but I'm too old and happily naive to think that any question is stupid ;D
Right, the โCategory 1โ, โCategory 2โ are just for the sake of the tutorial, you want to name your categories with the actual category names so your audience can find the relevant content theyโre looking for.
I've watched this helpful video a few times (every time I forget how to add categories). Thanks!
I was wondering ... can a post belong to more than one category? It seems so, because I have to uncheck "uncategorized" whenever I add a post to a category I have created.
If you don't know off the top of your head, I can experiment :)
Hello, great instructions. Thank you. In my case I have to go back to already published content to put each into categories as I did not know each needed to be categorized. I have 16 posts/pages on my newer site and I had already set up menus and moved each post into the corresponding part of the menu. I still cannot figure out how to go back and put each of those posts (that are marked Uncategorized) into a specifically named category.
I followed your instructions and can create categories to go into the menu line, but don't know how to link that to an actual article.
I appreciate any additional help.
From your WP back office, just go to the post editor, hover over any post and click "Quick Edit". You'll be able to instantly assign that post to a category. Once it's assigned a category it's automatically placed in that category page ๐๐ผ
I made it easy for you and created a tutorial on how to do this using Quick Edit ๐๐ผ How to Use the Quick Edit Feature in Your Wordpress Back Office
Wow--very easy to follow. And now all of my posts are assigned to a Category.
Thank you so much!
Awesome as always, so if i have affiliate marketing as a category, that is gong to be 6 plus pages, can I have like a widget on the side bar or somewhere for my little like sub categories like Email Marketing, Social Media, Psyhology in AM etc.?
scrolling through 6pages? I don't even want to do that lol :-)
For lots of content, use a drop down. That's why I added the link to that training in the description above. Saw you coming a mile away, Kerri ๐๐๐ผ
lol :-) so I'm not only forgetful, but I apparently can't see a big old blue link either :-) Although I'm probably missing this too, I thought a drop-down with a lot of posts on it would not be a good user experience. Ill go back to class, thanks.
For anyone who likes to do things backward or the hard way ( ME!).
I figured out that after you create the category and the sub-categories .. they are EMPTY until you go and change your categories on your posts to match, then walah there they are. LOL Just a little tid bit if anyone else is a wonky as me and just can't seem to do things the easy way :-)
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Hi Eric
Is there an easy way to hide a category in the blogroll? I have post in categ1, categ2, categ3. The blogroll displays them in the order they were created. I want the blogroll to display only posts form categ1 and categ3. Nothing from categ3. I will remove the category from the menu at the top, but the posts still remain in the blogroll. I switched to Kadence. At the bottom of each posts, there is a carrousel displayed other posts. Categ3 posts should be listed in this caroussel only for blog posts that are in categ3. I hopw this makes some sense... Thank you.
You can create a custom blogroll to display specific categories of content. How to Customize Your Blogroll or Posts Page Using Blocks in Wordpress
Thank you, it worked. Do you happen to know how I can remove the space at the top of the screen where the category name is displayed automatically. In the image below, I selected the latest posts category. The category name is displayed under the menu and it takes a lot of space for nothing. It is the same regardless what category I select. Have a great weekend!
I'm not sure what you're showing me there. Maybe zoom out some.
Sorry Eric Is this bette? I'd like to make that blue stripe shorter. or remove it completely. There must be a widget somewhere ..Thank you.
Thatโs a design element that is theme-specific. Just about every theme can be customized to exactly what you want, but it would involve some coding.
Thanks. I thought so, but I was hoping for some magic:) I'll let it be for now.