How to Customize Your Blogroll or Posts Page Using Blocks in Wordpress
It's time for your daily dose of Wordpress Wisdom! In today's quick tutorial I'll show you how to customize your blogroll or posts page using a very handy block in the block editor called "Latest Posts". The great thing is this works whether you use a simple blogroll as your homepage or if you're using a static page as well.
Want to have a "featured post" at the top of your blogroll? Want to display your content in a grid by categories? There is a ton of customizability to this block so you can use it in any number of ways to deliver your content to your audience in a much more dynamic, sleek, and fully customized way.
As always, please feel free to share this video to anyone needing help with this. If you have any Wordpress related questions that you'd like to see me create a tutorial around feel free to send me a private message or leave me a message on my profile.
If you want to check out all my Wordpress Wisdom tutorials you can go to the WA smart search up top (magnifying glass) and type in "Wordpress Wisdom" or just head over to my blog.
Be productive!
Get to work!
I'll see you next time!
Recent Comments
I'm getting so goofed up on this Eric. I've rewatched it now at least 5 times. It goes too fast for me. Now all my posts are "featured" and I'm trying to figure out how to fix that.
I finally noticed that you clicked on "quick edit". That made all the difference! Hadn't used that feature yet. Thank you Eric!
haha that's the beauty of video, you can watch and rewatch and even slow it down all the way to 1/2 speed. Glad you figure it out! Good job!
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I have one problem, I have this setup to take all of my posts in the blog roll, but I only get five of them. Even if I change the settings where it is supposed to have only three, I still have five. I have eight posts and the three older ones show being archive. Could that be my problem?
By default all your posts will display on your blog roll. There is no setting you have to change. Pages like the Affiliate Disclosure, Privacy Policy, etc., do not appear in your blog roll.
Okay, thank you so much, I loved the training!
Glad you enjoyed it!