About DeRaj
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I love to do online business. It is my passion. I enjoy doing it. I'm doing online work from more than 9 years. Back in





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Dear WA Team,

I want someone who can help me to set up Header Bidding (Prebid.js) properly.

I recently applied with one advertising agency and they said I need

As discussed in Live Chat earlier today, you need to open the prebid.js file on your local computer using a text editor, such as Notepad (I prefer Notepad++).

Once opened, you can follow the Ad Agencies advice to update the following details:

Placement name: (HB) De_Reviews

Placement ID: 217692

Then save the changes and upload to your website via FTP, or send the file to SiteSupport, as you did last time, and they will update it for you.

Then you can use the Ad Inserter plugin to add the JS code to your header between the head tags.

If you get stuck editing the prebid.js file, then you need to contact the Ad Agency who referred you to PreBid

Thanks, learned something new today.

Thank you very much for your reply. Ad Agency is not helping at all. When I asked them to guide me, they simply reply to me that other publishers did that without asking a single question and I've already asked them many times and their answer will be the same, that is their tech team can't help me.

If they were not among the highest-paid ad agency, I would have already given up. But, since their CPM rate is above 6+ to 30, that's the only reason I'm trying to do it myself even without their help. They are very hard to get approved and I finally got approval from them but I'm worried that if I bother them a lot, they will disapprove me. They are working with big publishers who have lots of staff, so they are thinking I also can ask with my developer. But you know, we WA team members are not an organization or big company who have such developers team to help. So, for me, you are the only one who can help me. So please help me.

As you said,
I already understand that I can do it on Notepad or Text Editor. So, according to you, I can simply write there anywhere these two lines?

Placement name: (HB) De_Reviews

Placement ID: 217692

However, I'm confused about one thing. Since the Prebid.js file has lots of codes, so where should I add these lines? Up or below the Prebid.js file codes? Can I put these anywhere? I should only copy-paste this line there or do I need to add some codes to put these lines there?

Sorry to bother you again and again but I don't find any other option than asking you.

And, you said after I upload Prebid.js file, I can use Ad Inserter plugin to add the JS code to your header between the head tags. But where can I find such JS code? Can you please explain? Ad Agency hasn't provided me any code.

Thank you very much.

Hi, have you tried site support


That's the source code


Yes, I already contact Site Support and they said they can't help me with it.

What do you mean by source code. I don't understand anything when I visit the link that you have provided.

If you know about it, can you please help?

Hi, this may help.


First time today I come across, have a read above. I found the source code in the docs, if someone asked for it. Can you contact their support the ad agency or whomever you signed up with, and tell them you're not tech savvy. It may be a third party why site support won't aid.

I have not found any docs on WA except for SOVRN and AdPushup.

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Header bidding- prebid setup - is there anyone who can help?

Header bidding- prebid setup - is there anyone who can help?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Dear WA Team,

I want someone who can help me to set up Header Bidding (Prebid.js) properly.

I recently applied with one advertising agency and they said I need

As discussed in Live Chat earlier today, you need to open the prebid.js file on your local computer using a text editor, such as Notepad (I prefer Notepad++).

Once opened, you can follow the Ad Agencies advice to update the following details:

Placement name: (HB) De_Reviews

Placement ID: 217692

Then save the changes and upload to your website via FTP, or send the file to SiteSupport, as you did last time, and they will update it for you.

Then you can use the Ad Inserter plugin to add the JS code to your header between the head tags.

If you get stuck editing the prebid.js file, then you need to contact the Ad Agency who referred you to PreBid

Thanks, learned something new today.

Thank you very much for your reply. Ad Agency is not helping at all. When I asked them to guide me, they simply reply to me that other publishers did that without asking a single question and I've already asked them many times and their answer will be the same, that is their tech team can't help me.

If they were not among the highest-paid ad agency, I would have already given up. But, since their CPM rate is above 6+ to 30, that's the only reason I'm trying to do it myself even without their help. They are very hard to get approved and I finally got approval from them but I'm worried that if I bother them a lot, they will disapprove me. They are working with big publishers who have lots of staff, so they are thinking I also can ask with my developer. But you know, we WA team members are not an organization or big company who have such developers team to help. So, for me, you are the only one who can help me. So please help me.

As you said,
I already understand that I can do it on Notepad or Text Editor. So, according to you, I can simply write there anywhere these two lines?

Placement name: (HB) De_Reviews

Placement ID: 217692

However, I'm confused about one thing. Since the Prebid.js file has lots of codes, so where should I add these lines? Up or below the Prebid.js file codes? Can I put these anywhere? I should only copy-paste this line there or do I need to add some codes to put these lines there?

Sorry to bother you again and again but I don't find any other option than asking you.

And, you said after I upload Prebid.js file, I can use Ad Inserter plugin to add the JS code to your header between the head tags. But where can I find such JS code? Can you please explain? Ad Agency hasn't provided me any code.

Thank you very much.

Hi, have you tried site support


That's the source code


Yes, I already contact Site Support and they said they can't help me with it.

What do you mean by source code. I don't understand anything when I visit the link that you have provided.

If you know about it, can you please help?

Hi, this may help.


First time today I come across, have a read above. I found the source code in the docs, if someone asked for it. Can you contact their support the ad agency or whomever you signed up with, and tell them you're not tech savvy. It may be a third party why site support won't aid.

I have not found any docs on WA except for SOVRN and AdPushup.

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

UPDATE 12 NOV 2020:- Carson finally replied me and he clear the doubts that I had (we had). He said: "Premium Members are grandfathered into the hosting that they had upon purc

Actually I just checked mine and although I am grandfathered in to the 50 websites, for the visits even though I am an old Premium member I am seeing only 250,000 offered not the 500K, for the annual Premium renewal (at my old $ rate). The last time I renewed my Premium plan was almost 1 year ago for Black Friday.

Great question

Yes but no answers.

Finally, Carson and Kyle replied to me. You can see the updates above.

Thank you very much my friend

Thanks for finding this information out for us, much appreciated.

Good question friend. I'm also learning from others here. Thanks for bringing this up. All the best!

Finally, Carson and Kyle replied to me. You can see the updates above.

Hi - yes, this needs to be clarified. Checking on individual website details still shows 500k, but account settings show only 250k. I am nowhere needing this, but it would be unfair, as the new Premium Plus, is supposed to give extra benefits, but the old Premium subscription was supposed to stay the same.

Yes, old premium subscriptioin supposed to stay same. That is exactly what I wanna say. If they want to make a change, I think they should apply the change only to new members, not to old ones.

We worked hard for years to reach over 250,000 visits and now all of sudden we need to pay additional money just to maintain that sounds very unfair.

Finally, Carson and Kyle replied to me. You can see the updates above.

The 250,000 and the 1,000,000 is just a server measurement of how much traffic the servers can handle. It is not a hard limit.

For the 250,000 option, if your website received a consistent flow of traffic, this would equate to over 340 visitors per hour to your website.

For the 1,000,000 option, it equates to over 1,360 visitors per hour.

If your website reaches either of these levels, you really should be thinking about dedicated hosting and not shared hosting.

Also, if you are receiving 250,000 visitors a month, you should be able to afford $99 per month to increase the capacity to 1,000,000

Hi - while I do agree with your comments that having that number of visitors would mean that meeting the new payment wouldn't be a problem, wasn't the idea that premium members would not lose any of their previous benefits?

True, I agree with that, but being in the hosting world myself, whenever a company bands around numbers regarding website visitors, it doesn't actually mean anything. It is just a prediction based on resources (CPU, RAM, Average File Size).

If a website is hosted here at WA that is very image-heavy, the servers might only be able to handle 50,000 requests a month, compared to a website that uses GeneratePress with no images, it might be able to achieve 1,000,000 visitors, even on the Premium plan.

It is just a marketing tactic to get people to upgrade to the next plan.

Also, it isn't clear whether these numbers are per website or per account. I.e. is it 250,000 per website or divided between all 10 websites. Either way, it doesn't actually matter. We are still hosted across two paired servers (Amazon C4 Large), which is actually a low spec for a hosting server. But we have never known how many websites are added to each web server cluster.

If you choose shared web hosting from SiteGround or Bluehost etc, they add you to servers with hundreds of other websites, and they never tell you how many visitors your website can handle.

What I'm getting at, is that I am not concerned here, as the infrastructure has not changed, only the marketing material to encourage the upsell, sorry, the new bundle ;-)

Interesting. Just out of curiosity, does that also apply to the website space we are given? Is the 30GB set in stone?

It's not about how much I'm earning and how much I can pay. It's about what we promised for. Previously, as a premium member, we didn't have 250,000 limit but now they reduced it to 250,000 limit. So, I feel this should not be applied to old members. Actually, every time when WA make such changes, they won't apply to old member. But, this time Kyle didn't mention about it clearly, so I want to confirm it. I feel if they apply it for old member as well, then Premium Plus membership will be like an upsell for us since we forcefully need to upgrade to maintain our monthly visit quota which we were getting previously without upgrading or adding money.

Funny you say that, there is no mention of storage for either of these plans anymore, that I have found anyway.

What I have worked out from other members though, and their replies from SiteSupport in the past, was that even though it was set at 30GB, there were no hard, or even soft, quotas set in place. So if you went over 30GB, no one would actually notice or do anything. I also worked out from a screenshot of a reply, that the 30GB applied to all 25+25(50) websites on the old pans.

Not sure if that has changed when Premium went to 10 and PP+ went to 50

I agree with you about the upsell, regardless of what anyone says, it is not a bundle, it is clearly an upsell. As we can not purchase the extra 40 websites individually, or the extra Classes, and there is also the Crown for profiles to differentiate members. That is definitely an upsell and a new membership level.

Also, something else I've just noticed about these numbers, is that it was set to 500,000 when we had access to 25 own domains. It is now 1,000,000 now that PP+ allows for 50 domains which is double. I guess they have decided to go with 250,000, instead of 200,000 for marketing purposes. And would also suggest that the number is quoted per members account and not per website. Meaning that each website is capable of achieving 20,000 visitors per month, if they were all evenly spaced out across the month.

An Amazon C4 Large Instance has 2 vCPU's and 3.75GB RAM

If you compare that with Managed WordPress Hosting elsewhere, such as WPMU DEV, their Basic plan provides 1 vCPU and 1GB RAM guaranteed per website, and is estimated at 20,000 visitors per month.

Even their top tier Platinum plan that comes with 6 vCPU's and 16GB RAM, only estimates about 250,000 visitors per month.

Bearing in mind that WA provides shared hosting, not guaranteed resources, from what I have worked out.

Interesting subject, one that needs answering.

Maybe someone who is a PP+ member can make use of the "Priority Expert Private Help" they are suppose to get and ask the question?

Yes, that is what I'm saying. Kyle or Carson should make this clear.

I strongly agree with you. My question is: who is the one tells us to conduct business honestly at all the time? But is he honest himself for doing this to us? Are we able to trust on him?

I feel maybe there is some mistake. May be they mistakenly type 250,000 visits. Otherwise, I don't think WA will do such thing to old members. But, I feel bad that no one is replying me officially to confirm it.

If you would like Kyle or Carson to see this, you might want to PM them a link to this thread, to obtain their attention and input.

I didn't link this post but I already PM them to confirm about it. I messaged Kyle and wait 3 days but he didn't reply. Then I leave comment on his WA profile, still he didn't reply. And then I messaged him on his Facebook profile, still he didn't reply. So, now I don't know how to contact him. If you have any other way to contact him and confirm about it, then please do it and let me know.

Thank you in advance.

Kyle is currently in Live Chat and I have just sent him the link to this question. Hopefully he will see it :-)

So, have you got the confirmation?

Kyle left Live Chat before he saw it

Finally, Carson and Kyle replied to me. You can see the updates above.

Cool, but I can't see any replies from them on this thread.

Just realised you updated the actual question, I have found it now :-)

Although, they haven't actually said whether it's per website or per account etc.

Yes, they didn't say it's per website or per account. However, I believe it is per account (total 500K visits all together). They didn't reply here. Carson replied my PM to confirm it.

No worries

500K divided by 25+25(50) is 10K
500K divided by 25 is 20K
250K divided by 10 is 25K
1M divided by 50 is 20K

New Premium Members are actually better off than old members based on that ;-) and now that I'm PP+ I'm halfway between both haha

We're basically looking at around 20K visitors per month, per website, regardless of the plan we're on.

But not everyone makes 50 websites. Lots of people (even the old members like me) has only 3 websites and I don't think I will ever make anymore since these 3 websites are already making me way too much busy. Lots of members here don't have more than 2 websites.

True, but I'm pretty sure that each website can only handle up to about 25K visitors per month, as they use Shared Web Servers. We don't get given a dedicated server and place all of our websites on a single server. They are distributed across many servers.

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Do old premium members also only get 250,000 visits monthly?

Do old premium members also only get 250,000 visits monthly?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

UPDATE 12 NOV 2020:- Carson finally replied me and he clear the doubts that I had (we had). He said: "Premium Members are grandfathered into the hosting that they had upon purc

Actually I just checked mine and although I am grandfathered in to the 50 websites, for the visits even though I am an old Premium member I am seeing only 250,000 offered not the 500K, for the annual Premium renewal (at my old $ rate). The last time I renewed my Premium plan was almost 1 year ago for Black Friday.

Great question

Yes but no answers.

Finally, Carson and Kyle replied to me. You can see the updates above.

Thank you very much my friend

Thanks for finding this information out for us, much appreciated.

Good question friend. I'm also learning from others here. Thanks for bringing this up. All the best!

Finally, Carson and Kyle replied to me. You can see the updates above.

Hi - yes, this needs to be clarified. Checking on individual website details still shows 500k, but account settings show only 250k. I am nowhere needing this, but it would be unfair, as the new Premium Plus, is supposed to give extra benefits, but the old Premium subscription was supposed to stay the same.

Yes, old premium subscriptioin supposed to stay same. That is exactly what I wanna say. If they want to make a change, I think they should apply the change only to new members, not to old ones.

We worked hard for years to reach over 250,000 visits and now all of sudden we need to pay additional money just to maintain that sounds very unfair.

Finally, Carson and Kyle replied to me. You can see the updates above.

The 250,000 and the 1,000,000 is just a server measurement of how much traffic the servers can handle. It is not a hard limit.

For the 250,000 option, if your website received a consistent flow of traffic, this would equate to over 340 visitors per hour to your website.

For the 1,000,000 option, it equates to over 1,360 visitors per hour.

If your website reaches either of these levels, you really should be thinking about dedicated hosting and not shared hosting.

Also, if you are receiving 250,000 visitors a month, you should be able to afford $99 per month to increase the capacity to 1,000,000

Hi - while I do agree with your comments that having that number of visitors would mean that meeting the new payment wouldn't be a problem, wasn't the idea that premium members would not lose any of their previous benefits?

True, I agree with that, but being in the hosting world myself, whenever a company bands around numbers regarding website visitors, it doesn't actually mean anything. It is just a prediction based on resources (CPU, RAM, Average File Size).

If a website is hosted here at WA that is very image-heavy, the servers might only be able to handle 50,000 requests a month, compared to a website that uses GeneratePress with no images, it might be able to achieve 1,000,000 visitors, even on the Premium plan.

It is just a marketing tactic to get people to upgrade to the next plan.

Also, it isn't clear whether these numbers are per website or per account. I.e. is it 250,000 per website or divided between all 10 websites. Either way, it doesn't actually matter. We are still hosted across two paired servers (Amazon C4 Large), which is actually a low spec for a hosting server. But we have never known how many websites are added to each web server cluster.

If you choose shared web hosting from SiteGround or Bluehost etc, they add you to servers with hundreds of other websites, and they never tell you how many visitors your website can handle.

What I'm getting at, is that I am not concerned here, as the infrastructure has not changed, only the marketing material to encourage the upsell, sorry, the new bundle ;-)

Interesting. Just out of curiosity, does that also apply to the website space we are given? Is the 30GB set in stone?

It's not about how much I'm earning and how much I can pay. It's about what we promised for. Previously, as a premium member, we didn't have 250,000 limit but now they reduced it to 250,000 limit. So, I feel this should not be applied to old members. Actually, every time when WA make such changes, they won't apply to old member. But, this time Kyle didn't mention about it clearly, so I want to confirm it. I feel if they apply it for old member as well, then Premium Plus membership will be like an upsell for us since we forcefully need to upgrade to maintain our monthly visit quota which we were getting previously without upgrading or adding money.

Funny you say that, there is no mention of storage for either of these plans anymore, that I have found anyway.

What I have worked out from other members though, and their replies from SiteSupport in the past, was that even though it was set at 30GB, there were no hard, or even soft, quotas set in place. So if you went over 30GB, no one would actually notice or do anything. I also worked out from a screenshot of a reply, that the 30GB applied to all 25+25(50) websites on the old pans.

Not sure if that has changed when Premium went to 10 and PP+ went to 50

I agree with you about the upsell, regardless of what anyone says, it is not a bundle, it is clearly an upsell. As we can not purchase the extra 40 websites individually, or the extra Classes, and there is also the Crown for profiles to differentiate members. That is definitely an upsell and a new membership level.

Also, something else I've just noticed about these numbers, is that it was set to 500,000 when we had access to 25 own domains. It is now 1,000,000 now that PP+ allows for 50 domains which is double. I guess they have decided to go with 250,000, instead of 200,000 for marketing purposes. And would also suggest that the number is quoted per members account and not per website. Meaning that each website is capable of achieving 20,000 visitors per month, if they were all evenly spaced out across the month.

An Amazon C4 Large Instance has 2 vCPU's and 3.75GB RAM

If you compare that with Managed WordPress Hosting elsewhere, such as WPMU DEV, their Basic plan provides 1 vCPU and 1GB RAM guaranteed per website, and is estimated at 20,000 visitors per month.

Even their top tier Platinum plan that comes with 6 vCPU's and 16GB RAM, only estimates about 250,000 visitors per month.

Bearing in mind that WA provides shared hosting, not guaranteed resources, from what I have worked out.

Interesting subject, one that needs answering.

Maybe someone who is a PP+ member can make use of the "Priority Expert Private Help" they are suppose to get and ask the question?

Yes, that is what I'm saying. Kyle or Carson should make this clear.

I strongly agree with you. My question is: who is the one tells us to conduct business honestly at all the time? But is he honest himself for doing this to us? Are we able to trust on him?

I feel maybe there is some mistake. May be they mistakenly type 250,000 visits. Otherwise, I don't think WA will do such thing to old members. But, I feel bad that no one is replying me officially to confirm it.

If you would like Kyle or Carson to see this, you might want to PM them a link to this thread, to obtain their attention and input.

I didn't link this post but I already PM them to confirm about it. I messaged Kyle and wait 3 days but he didn't reply. Then I leave comment on his WA profile, still he didn't reply. And then I messaged him on his Facebook profile, still he didn't reply. So, now I don't know how to contact him. If you have any other way to contact him and confirm about it, then please do it and let me know.

Thank you in advance.

Kyle is currently in Live Chat and I have just sent him the link to this question. Hopefully he will see it :-)

So, have you got the confirmation?

Kyle left Live Chat before he saw it

Finally, Carson and Kyle replied to me. You can see the updates above.

Cool, but I can't see any replies from them on this thread.

Just realised you updated the actual question, I have found it now :-)

Although, they haven't actually said whether it's per website or per account etc.

Yes, they didn't say it's per website or per account. However, I believe it is per account (total 500K visits all together). They didn't reply here. Carson replied my PM to confirm it.

No worries

500K divided by 25+25(50) is 10K
500K divided by 25 is 20K
250K divided by 10 is 25K
1M divided by 50 is 20K

New Premium Members are actually better off than old members based on that ;-) and now that I'm PP+ I'm halfway between both haha

We're basically looking at around 20K visitors per month, per website, regardless of the plan we're on.

But not everyone makes 50 websites. Lots of people (even the old members like me) has only 3 websites and I don't think I will ever make anymore since these 3 websites are already making me way too much busy. Lots of members here don't have more than 2 websites.

True, but I'm pretty sure that each website can only handle up to about 25K visitors per month, as they use Shared Web Servers. We don't get given a dedicated server and place all of our websites on a single server. They are distributed across many servers.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

UPDATE- Finally Kyle replied to this query and he said: "You do not need to be Premium Plus in order to earn Premium Plus commissions." So, this makes clear that we can earn sa

I see you got your answer, I just drop in to say HI :) It's been a long time since we had contact. I hope you are doing alright.

I'm fine thank you. What about you? How are you?

And I'm still not sure if those answers are correct or not since there is no official confirmation for my query. Can you confirm about it with Kyle or Carson? I messaged Kyle about it but he hasn't replied me yet.

He must be very busy, I asked something too, no answer yet. I do believe we will earn from premium+ as premium members, and even as starter member but then a littLe less. Because I do have Jaaxy referrals and earn as a Jaaxy lite user.

I'm just fine, it's strange, I have a lot more free time but am less active. I need to motivate myself more😉

If you have free time, then definitely you must motivate yourself to work more here. So, Welcome back :)

Thanks! I have, and eventually I will be active again:)

Yes, you will earn commissions for Premium and Premium Plus+ Referrals, even as a Starter, Premium or Premium Plus+ Member yourself. The only difference, is that Starter Members receive half the commission amount. You can see the exact amounts here


Yes, Starter members recieve half but there is no mention either Premium member and Premium Plus member get same commission or not.

That's because it's the same amount :-) Premium and PP+ Members are treated the same for Commissions

I also think same but I feel it will be better if Kyle or Carson confirm it officially.

To me, it's very clear, the Premium and Premium Plus+ Members receive the same commissions, and only Starter Members receive half the amount. As the text below only refers to Starter Members. Also, according to Kyle & Carson, this is not a new membership level or upsell, it is just a bundled package, therefore Premium & PP+ are treated the same. The only error that I can see on the Share page, is that PP+ Yearly should be $465, not $365, as per the Announcement Post from Kyle.

Thank you very much for clearing this up. :)

Great question Deraj, especially concerning the amounts.

As premium members I believe we qualify but I don’t remember seeing {from Kyle’s announcement} if the amount is the same for someone who is on PP membership.

Also whether starter members can still earn that commission.

Yes, Kyle didn't mention about it. That's why I'm confused.

Yes, you will earn commission on your referral that go premium plus even if you remain a premium (non plus). Kyle confirmed this to me.



Thanks for this confirmation. However, what about the commission percentage? Will it be same for Premium and Premium Plus?

Hi, I'd check this blog post Excellent question.


I'd also check https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share/

Thanks but I've already checked those links and none of them have mentioned clearly either Premium and Premium Plus will get same commission amount or not.

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Can we earn commission of premium plus sale without upgrade?

Can we earn commission of premium plus sale without upgrade?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

UPDATE- Finally Kyle replied to this query and he said: "You do not need to be Premium Plus in order to earn Premium Plus commissions." So, this makes clear that we can earn sa

I see you got your answer, I just drop in to say HI :) It's been a long time since we had contact. I hope you are doing alright.

I'm fine thank you. What about you? How are you?

And I'm still not sure if those answers are correct or not since there is no official confirmation for my query. Can you confirm about it with Kyle or Carson? I messaged Kyle about it but he hasn't replied me yet.

He must be very busy, I asked something too, no answer yet. I do believe we will earn from premium+ as premium members, and even as starter member but then a littLe less. Because I do have Jaaxy referrals and earn as a Jaaxy lite user.

I'm just fine, it's strange, I have a lot more free time but am less active. I need to motivate myself more😉

If you have free time, then definitely you must motivate yourself to work more here. So, Welcome back :)

Thanks! I have, and eventually I will be active again:)

Yes, you will earn commissions for Premium and Premium Plus+ Referrals, even as a Starter, Premium or Premium Plus+ Member yourself. The only difference, is that Starter Members receive half the commission amount. You can see the exact amounts here


Yes, Starter members recieve half but there is no mention either Premium member and Premium Plus member get same commission or not.

That's because it's the same amount :-) Premium and PP+ Members are treated the same for Commissions

I also think same but I feel it will be better if Kyle or Carson confirm it officially.

To me, it's very clear, the Premium and Premium Plus+ Members receive the same commissions, and only Starter Members receive half the amount. As the text below only refers to Starter Members. Also, according to Kyle & Carson, this is not a new membership level or upsell, it is just a bundled package, therefore Premium & PP+ are treated the same. The only error that I can see on the Share page, is that PP+ Yearly should be $465, not $365, as per the Announcement Post from Kyle.

Thank you very much for clearing this up. :)

Great question Deraj, especially concerning the amounts.

As premium members I believe we qualify but I don’t remember seeing {from Kyle’s announcement} if the amount is the same for someone who is on PP membership.

Also whether starter members can still earn that commission.

Yes, Kyle didn't mention about it. That's why I'm confused.

Yes, you will earn commission on your referral that go premium plus even if you remain a premium (non plus). Kyle confirmed this to me.



Thanks for this confirmation. However, what about the commission percentage? Will it be same for Premium and Premium Plus?

Hi, I'd check this blog post Excellent question.


I'd also check https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share/

Thanks but I've already checked those links and none of them have mentioned clearly either Premium and Premium Plus will get same commission amount or not.

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