About Darutin
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114 followers Joined January 2022
Talented business strategist and tactician offering thought leadership, strategic advice, insights for market differentiation, competitive advantage, and go-to-market strategies using best-in-class tools and processes. Experience in





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

What is the safest way to work around this? Them troubleshooting pages are not communicating in plain English!

Thank you


Please reach out to site support going forward.


Site Support can help you out of this dilemma.

Hi, Johan

Did you just upgrade to WordPress 6.0? If you did, I'll bet one of your WordPress plugins is causing the problem.

I know there are some issues with the "Gutenberg Blocks and Template Library by Otter" plugin.

Thank you are the info.

Just reach out to SiteSupport: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support they'll have it fixed in moments :)

Hi - click on the Help tab at the top of the screen and go to Site Support. They will fix it for you.

Thank you Diane.
Keep well

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Unable to login to my wp?

Unable to login to my wp?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

What is the safest way to work around this? Them troubleshooting pages are not communicating in plain English!

Thank you


Please reach out to site support going forward.


Site Support can help you out of this dilemma.

Hi, Johan

Did you just upgrade to WordPress 6.0? If you did, I'll bet one of your WordPress plugins is causing the problem.

I know there are some issues with the "Gutenberg Blocks and Template Library by Otter" plugin.

Thank you are the info.

Just reach out to SiteSupport: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support they'll have it fixed in moments :)

Hi - click on the Help tab at the top of the screen and go to Site Support. They will fix it for you.

Thank you Diane.
Keep well

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asked in
Getting Started

I am getting more and more concerned about how many more posts will be required before one can expect organic traffic to your website.

Also, at which level of Trust acco

Thank you, people, I feel much better now! Seems like I am on the right track after all.

I am now in my 4th month, busy with Level 4 of the OEC training.
Have posted 16 articles, keywords QSR below 50 and SEO above 96.

Finding it hard to say my peace within 1000 words, more like 1800 on average. Not trying to sell anything, just addressing the elephant in the room and offering a solution.

I have limited myself to only two affiliate links per post which are linking to my affiliate online store for my niche.

Started Google AdSense at the beginning of April 2022, and had 187 page views, 511 ad impressions, and 44 ad clicks. Naturally, I'm more concerned about the page views.

Site Feedback did not offer any feedback indicative of the site being in need of improvements and Site Comment's feedback was positive.

My niche is both competitive and controversial. In Site Research I am up against the FDA, CDC, WHO, WebMD, and NHI just to name a few. On the positive, my affiliate products are not available on Amazon. One lesser headache as far as competition is concerned: at least that's what I think?!

At the rate I'm posting content I should best stay the course and adjust my goals by another 3 months! LOL!

Once again, thank you for your replies.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Interesting niche. You seem to be doing the right thing though, well done.
I don’t worry about word length, I just write until I get my message across.
Keep on writing.

Thank you, Stephen.

Stay away from traffic exchanges. Be patient and write quality original content for your website. Find good keywords with traffic and write something helpful and on topic. Then indexing and ranking with traffic will follow. Watch out for the temptation to buy traffic. Let it grow naturally. Enjoy writing about your niche. Get excited about the opportunity to help people with it.

To be honest, only 1 post is required to get traffic - as an experienced marketer I could find a keyword & write a piece of content & get visitors with just that one piece of content. But as a newcomer, it'll be more of a learning curve - you'll learn what does, and what doesn't rank easily.

It's like golf. Takes practice - it'll take a lot more shots for a newcomer than a pro, but with practice the newcomer can eventually become the pro.

Traffic exchanges are gimmicks, avoid anything gimmicks like that because all they'll do is get you banned from affiliate programs. Focus on finding solid keywords & creating high quality content.

How many posts do you have at the moment?


I was actually going to meantion the "it only takes one article as an experienced marketer" in my reply, but didn't want to rub it in, LOL.


Haha yeah I was wary of rubbing it in, but I think it's good to know that once you're experienced things can happen much quicker.

Hey Johan,

As Diane has mentioned, site trust will automatically increase by 10% regardless of what you do on your webste.

Case in point, I have a few websites here that have 100% site trust without a single word ever being published on them.

The reason for this is that SEO is not a quick process, especially if you solely rely on on-page SEO, i.e. choosing keywords and writing articles around those keywords.

In truth, even if you have been choosing the "right keywords" and publishing with high frequency, not much happens at all in terms of organic traffic for the first 3-4 months (I have previously front-loaded a website with over 200 articles and still had to wait until month 4 to get any "substantial" traffic).

Most websites will see something known as the "hockey stick effect" over a 12-month period when viewing their statistics in Google analytics.

In effect, your traffic will almost be a flat line till around month 5-6 and then you can see traffic literally double (or at least increase by 50% a month) from months 6-12.

So, you Google analytics graph SHOULD look like a "hockey stick" (your traffic stats curve upwards towards the end of the year.


This will ever happen if have been targeting the right keywords.

Then again, there are no guarantees, which is why it makes sense to continually write content.

There are still many, many people who are not seeing these increases one year, two years, or even longer down the line.


Once more, because they aren't targeting the right keywords, i.e. they are focusing on highly competitive keywords, which typically have authority wesbites ranking on page one (Why would Google rank a website that's 1 month old with 30 articles higher than a website that is focusing on the exact same keywords, but is over 15 years old and has 10,000+ articles on it?).

So, SEO is definitely a waiting game, which also requires you to produce content around low-competition keywords and searchable topics.

As for Traffic Exchanges - AVOID.

Plus, it could actually harm your chances of ranking in Google and ever getting PROPER traffic.

Popularity has always been a ranking factor.

So, if a certain article is receiving some traffic, visitors spend time of that article, and potentially even share that article across social media plaforms, this is a sign of popularity.

So, Google may actually choose to rank you higher based on "popularity".

Many years ago, while Google was in its infancy and still quite naive and learning her way, people would literally "cheat" the system.

Fake traffic, traffic exchanges, purchasing bot traffic, all to increase "popularity", which Google would notice and generally rank these sites higher.

Google is no longer that naive child and is fully aware of these practices now.

You WILL NOT be rewarded for sending pretty much "fake" traffic to your site.

Plus, most traffic exchanges will send visitors to one page of your website, which screams "This is Fake".

Furthermore, can you honestly say that when you are "exchanging" traffic that you will spend 5-10 minutes on every website you're "exchanging" with, read every word, perhaps read one or two more of their articles?

No, of course not, it's a numbers game, so you are trying to build up credits, so you will literally speed through 100 websites in an hour if your could.

This is obviously teriible for bounce rate, time spent of website, which MAY have a negative impact on ranking (although, not always).

Personally, for every website I've ever created I want to be at 50 articles published, bare minimum by 2 months, close to 100 articles bare, minimum, by 5 months, and then when the good stuff starts happening from month 6 onwards (traffic doubling month-on-month) I'd will still be typically publishing with regularity.

That said, if you have been targeting the RIGHT TYPES OF KEYWORDS, you can achieve some great figures with a lower frequency of publishing, and even without consistency.

In fact, Diane and myself have written about our collaborative website which looks like hitting 10,000 page views PER MONTH by the end of only our 8th month (so, the hockey still effect could easily see us double or treble our monthly traffic by the 12-month mark)

However, finding the right types of keywords is a learning process and typically something that many people don't get right immediately, or even EVER.

You will hopefully notice that I have repeated over-and-over about




That is the "secret" to SEO.


Linkie really likes reading your notes, thank you Partha!

You're right about Site trust, Johan!


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Patience vs. traffic exchange. is it even a comparison?

Patience vs. traffic exchange. is it even a comparison?

asked in
Getting Started

I am getting more and more concerned about how many more posts will be required before one can expect organic traffic to your website.

Also, at which level of Trust acco

Thank you, people, I feel much better now! Seems like I am on the right track after all.

I am now in my 4th month, busy with Level 4 of the OEC training.
Have posted 16 articles, keywords QSR below 50 and SEO above 96.

Finding it hard to say my peace within 1000 words, more like 1800 on average. Not trying to sell anything, just addressing the elephant in the room and offering a solution.

I have limited myself to only two affiliate links per post which are linking to my affiliate online store for my niche.

Started Google AdSense at the beginning of April 2022, and had 187 page views, 511 ad impressions, and 44 ad clicks. Naturally, I'm more concerned about the page views.

Site Feedback did not offer any feedback indicative of the site being in need of improvements and Site Comment's feedback was positive.

My niche is both competitive and controversial. In Site Research I am up against the FDA, CDC, WHO, WebMD, and NHI just to name a few. On the positive, my affiliate products are not available on Amazon. One lesser headache as far as competition is concerned: at least that's what I think?!

At the rate I'm posting content I should best stay the course and adjust my goals by another 3 months! LOL!

Once again, thank you for your replies.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Interesting niche. You seem to be doing the right thing though, well done.
I don’t worry about word length, I just write until I get my message across.
Keep on writing.

Thank you, Stephen.

Stay away from traffic exchanges. Be patient and write quality original content for your website. Find good keywords with traffic and write something helpful and on topic. Then indexing and ranking with traffic will follow. Watch out for the temptation to buy traffic. Let it grow naturally. Enjoy writing about your niche. Get excited about the opportunity to help people with it.

To be honest, only 1 post is required to get traffic - as an experienced marketer I could find a keyword & write a piece of content & get visitors with just that one piece of content. But as a newcomer, it'll be more of a learning curve - you'll learn what does, and what doesn't rank easily.

It's like golf. Takes practice - it'll take a lot more shots for a newcomer than a pro, but with practice the newcomer can eventually become the pro.

Traffic exchanges are gimmicks, avoid anything gimmicks like that because all they'll do is get you banned from affiliate programs. Focus on finding solid keywords & creating high quality content.

How many posts do you have at the moment?


I was actually going to meantion the "it only takes one article as an experienced marketer" in my reply, but didn't want to rub it in, LOL.


Haha yeah I was wary of rubbing it in, but I think it's good to know that once you're experienced things can happen much quicker.

Hey Johan,

As Diane has mentioned, site trust will automatically increase by 10% regardless of what you do on your webste.

Case in point, I have a few websites here that have 100% site trust without a single word ever being published on them.

The reason for this is that SEO is not a quick process, especially if you solely rely on on-page SEO, i.e. choosing keywords and writing articles around those keywords.

In truth, even if you have been choosing the "right keywords" and publishing with high frequency, not much happens at all in terms of organic traffic for the first 3-4 months (I have previously front-loaded a website with over 200 articles and still had to wait until month 4 to get any "substantial" traffic).

Most websites will see something known as the "hockey stick effect" over a 12-month period when viewing their statistics in Google analytics.

In effect, your traffic will almost be a flat line till around month 5-6 and then you can see traffic literally double (or at least increase by 50% a month) from months 6-12.

So, you Google analytics graph SHOULD look like a "hockey stick" (your traffic stats curve upwards towards the end of the year.


This will ever happen if have been targeting the right keywords.

Then again, there are no guarantees, which is why it makes sense to continually write content.

There are still many, many people who are not seeing these increases one year, two years, or even longer down the line.


Once more, because they aren't targeting the right keywords, i.e. they are focusing on highly competitive keywords, which typically have authority wesbites ranking on page one (Why would Google rank a website that's 1 month old with 30 articles higher than a website that is focusing on the exact same keywords, but is over 15 years old and has 10,000+ articles on it?).

So, SEO is definitely a waiting game, which also requires you to produce content around low-competition keywords and searchable topics.

As for Traffic Exchanges - AVOID.

Plus, it could actually harm your chances of ranking in Google and ever getting PROPER traffic.

Popularity has always been a ranking factor.

So, if a certain article is receiving some traffic, visitors spend time of that article, and potentially even share that article across social media plaforms, this is a sign of popularity.

So, Google may actually choose to rank you higher based on "popularity".

Many years ago, while Google was in its infancy and still quite naive and learning her way, people would literally "cheat" the system.

Fake traffic, traffic exchanges, purchasing bot traffic, all to increase "popularity", which Google would notice and generally rank these sites higher.

Google is no longer that naive child and is fully aware of these practices now.

You WILL NOT be rewarded for sending pretty much "fake" traffic to your site.

Plus, most traffic exchanges will send visitors to one page of your website, which screams "This is Fake".

Furthermore, can you honestly say that when you are "exchanging" traffic that you will spend 5-10 minutes on every website you're "exchanging" with, read every word, perhaps read one or two more of their articles?

No, of course not, it's a numbers game, so you are trying to build up credits, so you will literally speed through 100 websites in an hour if your could.

This is obviously teriible for bounce rate, time spent of website, which MAY have a negative impact on ranking (although, not always).

Personally, for every website I've ever created I want to be at 50 articles published, bare minimum by 2 months, close to 100 articles bare, minimum, by 5 months, and then when the good stuff starts happening from month 6 onwards (traffic doubling month-on-month) I'd will still be typically publishing with regularity.

That said, if you have been targeting the RIGHT TYPES OF KEYWORDS, you can achieve some great figures with a lower frequency of publishing, and even without consistency.

In fact, Diane and myself have written about our collaborative website which looks like hitting 10,000 page views PER MONTH by the end of only our 8th month (so, the hockey still effect could easily see us double or treble our monthly traffic by the 12-month mark)

However, finding the right types of keywords is a learning process and typically something that many people don't get right immediately, or even EVER.

You will hopefully notice that I have repeated over-and-over about




That is the "secret" to SEO.


Linkie really likes reading your notes, thank you Partha!

You're right about Site trust, Johan!


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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Can one set up a 2nd Page in Generate Press, similar to the Blog Roll, but not listing your latest Posts as per the Blog Roll, instead I want a dedicated page where I can post

Thank you Abie! Just what I wanted.
Keep well

You're very welcome!

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How to create a page showing more than one post?

How to create a page showing more than one post?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Can one set up a 2nd Page in Generate Press, similar to the Blog Roll, but not listing your latest Posts as per the Blog Roll, instead I want a dedicated page where I can post

Thank you Abie! Just what I wanted.
Keep well

You're very welcome!

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