Citizenship, Dual Citizenship or Golden Visa?

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In a country as diverse as mine (?) with its multitude of cultures, languages, and political affiliations, it comes as no surprise that different people want to emigrate for different reasons.

Mitigating Factors

And if you scratch beneath the surface, the mitigating factors are employment or the fact that they are too close to retirement to dare make such a move, they don't want to further educate themselves, and they don't want to let go of their current pride and prized possession, yes, their piece of real estate.

Not Until The Next Time

For some, subtle tweaks to the current political spectrum, which in my mind's eye, would be like changing lanes on the freeway, will suffice and they are quite prepared (and relieved), to, despite failing policies and leadership, give it another go at the next general election.

Changing Lanes

These people don't get it! Unless you take the next off-ramp (exit), you can change lanes as many or as few times as you want; in reality, you are still traveling in the same direction.

Be that as it may, your course is not set and determined by the rules of the road. Know this; irrespective of where your wanderlust wants to take you, nowadays maintenance is low-key, and the powers that be would rather invest in toll roads. And we know the sales pitch; toll roads are so much more convenient, high speed, shorter distances, roadside assistance, and the list goes on and on.

The key takeaway point here is that yes, there are roads other than toll roads that can get you to your final destination just the same. Sadly, void of monetary incentives, maintaining them is just not a priority.

Turn Off the Radio

Some folks, heeding the advice of the traffic report on the radio, eagerly wanting to escape a possible delay by a traffic jam, mistakenly use the first next bridge to cross over the freeway, joining the toll road traffic.

A short-term solution, but eventually, you have to get off the toll road onto an arterial road where the crossing is robot operated. Surprise, surprise! You were not the only one heeding the traffic report. Traffic jam, all the same, just a different location!

How Is That Relevant?

What does all of that have to do with citizenship, dual citizenship, and golden visas you may wonder?

Well, my first attempt at reading a blog post for today was all about the new look WA starter trial, and it claimed to be a heads-up at that! And just as I clicked on the link, I spotted another blog post refuting the very blog I was about to read.

In that split second, I realized, oh my hat! Am I that open to emigration via a golden visa?

  • The move would be simple.
  • I don't have to start over, I only need to transfer to a different host.
  • My dot com piece of real estate will remain just that. No buying or selling, transfer duty, or capital gains tax.
  • Dual citizenship is not an option, I have already decided on this platform when I started. Now it is adopting the same business model as the one I decided not to join.
  • I will spare myself the frustration of not being able to vote on issues impacting me and my future.
  • I get to decide when, where and by which road I want to reach my destination and the toll road is not the only option.
  • My golden visa would be complete with hosting, support, SEO tool, a research tool, and an autoresponder.

And the ultimate bonus? Time is not an issue.

Why, Or Why Not?

Blood is supposed to be thicker than water, right? But at the best of times, family may drive one crazy. In such a scenario, emigrating can be a blessing.

Why not? Well, there are friends here that are closer than a brother. And what I really appreciate is though we are spread across the world, we communicate as if time zones do not exist.

So, for the time being, mad as could be at the changes being introduced to the starter membership, I'm not utilizing my golden visa just yet.

How about you?


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I'm fine with it, Johan! I do understand the frustration though, my friend!


Hi Johan,

I was initially troubled by the changes taking place or the way in which we were hearing about them and although there are more changes coming in the next few weeks, it all is starting to make more sense.

I think rather than anyone having a knee jerk reaction, we should relax and let things unfold and then we will have a better view and understanding of what has happened and if we believe that has served us.

I originally came here for hosting and nothing has changed that.

Thanks for sharing!


Implementation is key

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