About Damien Lane
Rank 9264
1,261 followers Joined October 2013





Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training
asked in
Website Development & Programming

Welcome to flexbox, new CSS properties for more flexible design;



Thank you for sharing have save this for when I feel more confident

Thanks for sharing this. Cheers

Looks interesting, so I saved it to check it out more tomorrow. Errr later today, geez it's already tomorrow, lol. Thanks for sharing :)

looks logical and easy to follow- good find and share, thx D

Interesting. Thank you. :D

Thank you for this I saved it

Thanks Damien for the great info.

Thanks for the info Damien!


Thanks for the resource Damien!

Interested in new css properties?

Interested in new css properties?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Welcome to flexbox, new CSS properties for more flexible design;



Thank you for sharing have save this for when I feel more confident

Thanks for sharing this. Cheers

Looks interesting, so I saved it to check it out more tomorrow. Errr later today, geez it's already tomorrow, lol. Thanks for sharing :)

looks logical and easy to follow- good find and share, thx D

Interesting. Thank you. :D

Thank you for this I saved it

Thanks Damien for the great info.

Thanks for the info Damien!


Thanks for the resource Damien!

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hope this isn't a repeat posting...



That link was short sweet and cool! Do ya think I can manage past the old Iframe method?

I am sure that YOU can!

Thanks Andy! You are a true friend!

always useful to know more on WP thank you

On the contrary, it is very useful. Thanks

not to me it isn't- good stuff D, thanks for the link

Very Cool thanks you will save this one

Is it a question or an answer?

It is a question that is answered if you visit the link :)

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How to embed video in wp 3 dot 9?

How to embed video in wp 3 dot 9?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hope this isn't a repeat posting...



That link was short sweet and cool! Do ya think I can manage past the old Iframe method?

I am sure that YOU can!

Thanks Andy! You are a true friend!

always useful to know more on WP thank you

On the contrary, it is very useful. Thanks

not to me it isn't- good stuff D, thanks for the link

Very Cool thanks you will save this one

Is it a question or an answer?

It is a question that is answered if you visit the link :)

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asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

As a consumer I have extensions loaded on browsers to that make sure that I never ever, ever, see any PPC. It is strictly banned from my online experience (a disliked with a burni

Ouf! For a second there, I thought you were about to sell your soul to PPC in return for cold hard cash. Not going this route yet either, but they almost got me with their infographic! (Yes, yes, did you notice it above the video, almost gave in, lol.)

Just came from checking my savings acc (I used to have 6 of them when I was corporate lol)... It needs resuscitation :~|... I have no soul to sell G, though am beginning to think about selling my furniture ;)

Haha, I've done that! Now I only have the basics, nothing left to sale, lol.
I hope your account gets a good defibrillation sooner than later!

Cheers G,

Interesting - getting back to basics hey (A Billy Bragg album quote, seeing as music has come up lately)...

Good amount of soul searching since the last comment (still didn't find it :) ). Though, did come to the realization that all this kit is just weighing me down... It's off to ebay today, I'm cashing in / or out.. I'm starting to like the sound of the 'digital nomad' lifestyle - time to shed some weight... Homelessness will be a fun new frontier. Better re-read a few Tim Ferris books :)

A 4 hour work week does sound good to me too, this Ferris fella has got it right. :)

Yep, the new rich - It has nothing to do with material wealth, it's all about 'experiences'. Ironically most folk subscribing to this lifestyle that I've read about - have no shortage of cash, even though it is far from being a focus... I feel they are onto something - sustainable :)
(ps cool new profile pic G)

Yup, I'm on to them too. Quite interesting lifestyle, resonates with my values. The cartoon "me" thanks you for noticing it's arrival to WA. Better than having a picture: no bad hair day, no tired look and you are portrayed much cuter than you actually are, lol.

Haven't considered it yet mate, but... I do like gaining some knowledge on it... sure am thankin' ya' Damien!

Noticed your fb page up brother - nice one! 'Liked'

Noticed that... thanks my bruddah!!!

Have not used PPC not sure if I ever will

Many ways to skin a cat Bill - Pick a few that grab you would keep things interesting.



Not a fan of PPC either, would rather copy and paste use a new browser to

Yeah Kattie, I like a clean browsing experience. I don't wish for anyone to tell me what 'they' think I need - I'll do my own shopping thanks.

Alternatives to PPC are Solo Emails. I find them more cost effective. Also lots of free traffic through traffic exchanges is another technique if you don't mind surfing the exchanges to accumulate credits. To a lesser extent safelists could be also be used for free traffic; but can be a burden to manage.

Cheers, Mike for the input. I'd lean toward mail, though careful not to spam.
Regards, d.

Amazing, an Internet marketer who dislikes PPC.

There are many things I'd call myself before saying I'm an IM'er Guy. That would be WAY down the list, would not even make the 1st page actually. I think you may be assuming my friend, fair enough, this is an IM site - Though, I came here for other resources / reasons (just so you know).

Totally agree with you Damien. Even when I see a PPC on a Goolge search I will copy the URL and paste it in a new window, rather than click! I haven't gone to the extreme of installing PPC blockers... I find them as annoying and distasteful as ads on bus tickets, or on the back of your grocery bill!

Anyone under 30 probably would be wondering what the hell are we going on about Geoff...
I read, just yesterday how many thousand product brandings the average American sees in just ONE day - I was too shocked for my mind to remember the figure - & I'm not usually too bad with stats. I block all ads possible. They are easy to find if needed - which is close to never.

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Interested in ppc at all?

Interested in ppc at all?

asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

As a consumer I have extensions loaded on browsers to that make sure that I never ever, ever, see any PPC. It is strictly banned from my online experience (a disliked with a burni

Ouf! For a second there, I thought you were about to sell your soul to PPC in return for cold hard cash. Not going this route yet either, but they almost got me with their infographic! (Yes, yes, did you notice it above the video, almost gave in, lol.)

Just came from checking my savings acc (I used to have 6 of them when I was corporate lol)... It needs resuscitation :~|... I have no soul to sell G, though am beginning to think about selling my furniture ;)

Haha, I've done that! Now I only have the basics, nothing left to sale, lol.
I hope your account gets a good defibrillation sooner than later!

Cheers G,

Interesting - getting back to basics hey (A Billy Bragg album quote, seeing as music has come up lately)...

Good amount of soul searching since the last comment (still didn't find it :) ). Though, did come to the realization that all this kit is just weighing me down... It's off to ebay today, I'm cashing in / or out.. I'm starting to like the sound of the 'digital nomad' lifestyle - time to shed some weight... Homelessness will be a fun new frontier. Better re-read a few Tim Ferris books :)

A 4 hour work week does sound good to me too, this Ferris fella has got it right. :)

Yep, the new rich - It has nothing to do with material wealth, it's all about 'experiences'. Ironically most folk subscribing to this lifestyle that I've read about - have no shortage of cash, even though it is far from being a focus... I feel they are onto something - sustainable :)
(ps cool new profile pic G)

Yup, I'm on to them too. Quite interesting lifestyle, resonates with my values. The cartoon "me" thanks you for noticing it's arrival to WA. Better than having a picture: no bad hair day, no tired look and you are portrayed much cuter than you actually are, lol.

Haven't considered it yet mate, but... I do like gaining some knowledge on it... sure am thankin' ya' Damien!

Noticed your fb page up brother - nice one! 'Liked'

Noticed that... thanks my bruddah!!!

Have not used PPC not sure if I ever will

Many ways to skin a cat Bill - Pick a few that grab you would keep things interesting.



Not a fan of PPC either, would rather copy and paste use a new browser to

Yeah Kattie, I like a clean browsing experience. I don't wish for anyone to tell me what 'they' think I need - I'll do my own shopping thanks.

Alternatives to PPC are Solo Emails. I find them more cost effective. Also lots of free traffic through traffic exchanges is another technique if you don't mind surfing the exchanges to accumulate credits. To a lesser extent safelists could be also be used for free traffic; but can be a burden to manage.

Cheers, Mike for the input. I'd lean toward mail, though careful not to spam.
Regards, d.

Amazing, an Internet marketer who dislikes PPC.

There are many things I'd call myself before saying I'm an IM'er Guy. That would be WAY down the list, would not even make the 1st page actually. I think you may be assuming my friend, fair enough, this is an IM site - Though, I came here for other resources / reasons (just so you know).

Totally agree with you Damien. Even when I see a PPC on a Goolge search I will copy the URL and paste it in a new window, rather than click! I haven't gone to the extreme of installing PPC blockers... I find them as annoying and distasteful as ads on bus tickets, or on the back of your grocery bill!

Anyone under 30 probably would be wondering what the hell are we going on about Geoff...
I read, just yesterday how many thousand product brandings the average American sees in just ONE day - I was too shocked for my mind to remember the figure - & I'm not usually too bad with stats. I block all ads possible. They are easy to find if needed - which is close to never.

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

This guy's vid will give any entrepreneur something to think about (I'd hope);


Runs for ~ 42 mins.

If you're mind's not ticking away by

That was an informative and actually quite amazing 42 minutes. Old is new, face to face and yet technical!

Some handy bits therein for all webpreneurs T, (imo)

Well done, Damien - some food for thought here, for sure. The techy stuff is what I continue to battle with. Any previous success with sales has always been face to face. All this electronic intercourse stuff leaves me a bit cold and frustrated.
:) g!

Lol... Afraid i better keep my response to myself re your comment here George... Classic George is all I can say (this is of course a family show after all ;) ). d

That was a short 42 minutes and extremely potent last 5 minutes... thanks again, mate!

Wow, imagine that... back to a hand written letter!!! I really like this Jason guy... thanks Damien!

Hmmm.... Santa Monica and 4'th... I would almost go back to work to experience a workplace like this!!! Catch a plane up here Damien, I'll pick ya' up at LAX and we'll go check this out! (-;

Only if you're the founder Randy...
Better get a move on!
I'll be waiting, & i don't expect to be flown commercial...

Hmmm... I can see that you're a man with high expectations. I like your attitude, partner.... a lot!!!

Big dreams cost no more than little ones brother, & falling short on a massive dream is still probably going to leave the average successfully fulfilled dream in the dust.

All a mater of priorities of course mate. To a healthy portion of folk, bank balances, buckets of gold & private jets etc, are not what they dream about. Honesty, integrity, & loyalty are a few currencies that come to mind - You're a rich man my friend ;)

Always good to hear from you Randy, & I would sit around your camp fire, founder or not my friend!

Thank you for sharing this

MP Bill

It is in fact exciting to be an entrepreneur today. Thanks for sharing this.

Best time ever Eddie :)

Very interesting video and with a lot of good points to think about. Ha, just wish my day job would think like this. Thanks for the inspiration :)

No probs :)

Good information, thank you for sharing with us.

Damien, thank you for info. You give, very wonderful to know the future entrepreneur going to be and very interest how to achieve.

My pleasure Happy & yes, this person has an interesting idea where things are headed for the entrepreneur.

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What does entrepreneurship look like presently (& forward)?

What does entrepreneurship look like presently (& forward)?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

This guy's vid will give any entrepreneur something to think about (I'd hope);


Runs for ~ 42 mins.

If you're mind's not ticking away by

That was an informative and actually quite amazing 42 minutes. Old is new, face to face and yet technical!

Some handy bits therein for all webpreneurs T, (imo)

Well done, Damien - some food for thought here, for sure. The techy stuff is what I continue to battle with. Any previous success with sales has always been face to face. All this electronic intercourse stuff leaves me a bit cold and frustrated.
:) g!

Lol... Afraid i better keep my response to myself re your comment here George... Classic George is all I can say (this is of course a family show after all ;) ). d

That was a short 42 minutes and extremely potent last 5 minutes... thanks again, mate!

Wow, imagine that... back to a hand written letter!!! I really like this Jason guy... thanks Damien!

Hmmm.... Santa Monica and 4'th... I would almost go back to work to experience a workplace like this!!! Catch a plane up here Damien, I'll pick ya' up at LAX and we'll go check this out! (-;

Only if you're the founder Randy...
Better get a move on!
I'll be waiting, & i don't expect to be flown commercial...

Hmmm... I can see that you're a man with high expectations. I like your attitude, partner.... a lot!!!

Big dreams cost no more than little ones brother, & falling short on a massive dream is still probably going to leave the average successfully fulfilled dream in the dust.

All a mater of priorities of course mate. To a healthy portion of folk, bank balances, buckets of gold & private jets etc, are not what they dream about. Honesty, integrity, & loyalty are a few currencies that come to mind - You're a rich man my friend ;)

Always good to hear from you Randy, & I would sit around your camp fire, founder or not my friend!

Thank you for sharing this

MP Bill

It is in fact exciting to be an entrepreneur today. Thanks for sharing this.

Best time ever Eddie :)

Very interesting video and with a lot of good points to think about. Ha, just wish my day job would think like this. Thanks for the inspiration :)

No probs :)

Good information, thank you for sharing with us.

Damien, thank you for info. You give, very wonderful to know the future entrepreneur going to be and very interest how to achieve.

My pleasure Happy & yes, this person has an interesting idea where things are headed for the entrepreneur.

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asked in
Getting Started

Do you consider yourself a web professional?

Or want to?

If you're a new member to this site & are still finding your way around the online world in general,