What Are Curiosity Headlines - Why It Works So Well


What’s a good Headline? It’s any Headline that gets clicks.

A better question would be “What’s the best way to write Headlines?”

Well first to answer that you need to understand a Headline purpose.

Its purpose is to get people into the article. That’s it. It doesn’t sever any other purpose.

Ok, so the next question becomes “How do Headline get people to read articles?”

Curiosity … Headlines builds curiosity. That’s its only job.

Let’s review what we covered so far.

  • 1.A good headlines gets clicks.
  • 2.Its purpose is to build curiosity.
  • 3.Its job is to get people into the article.

So the right question to ask at the beginning would have been “How do headlines build curiosity?”

Now I can give you interesting, useful answers.

Ever heard of Information Gap? The gap between what known and unknown.

People naturally want that gap filled. It’s just part of our natural human behavioral.

Faster than the snap of your fingers people want that gap filled. It’s instinctual.

So a more specific question, covering both “curiosity” and “getting people to read” would be something like this …

“How do Headlines build Curiosity – And Get Readers into Articles?”

Or … to shorten it up.

“Curiosity Headlines – Gets More of Your Articles Read”

Or… to change it back into a questions while still keeping it short.

“Why Do Curiosity Headline Get More Articles Read”

See the formula?

Keyword (headline) + Benefit (get articles read)

Why does this formula work so well?

Because it gives people a reason to click on that article. A very clear, very specific, reason. Without even thinking, they see that promise in the Headline.

Yeap, that’s right, it’s a promise, in the headline. And people naturally expect you to keep your promise.

It’s not ambiguous. It not confusing. It’s not cute either.

So stay away from cute headlines. Cute headline only clutters your promise.

Headline needs to get straight to the point. As well as be clear promise. So it grabs readers fast.

Before they have a chance to wonder, “Hmmm… Is this what I am looking for?” you want them jubilant. “Yeah! This is EXACTLY what I want!”

This needs to happen before other headlines has a chance to influence their decision.

Going back to “Specific headlines” … that’s why headlines need to be specific. To beat out all other competing Headlines.

So let’s finish this with one last question. Why do Curiosity Headlines Work So Well?

Because of the promise in the Information Gap. They want that gap filled. And they know you always keep your promises.

Now, I want you to do me a favor. Click on the “like button” below.

And tell your friends and member about this post. Help me help others write better, strong, smarter Headlines.

I know I am asking for a lot. But, as I keep saying to all my friends “Writing should be fun.”

So come and get to know me. So I can get to know you.Wha

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Recent Comments


Craig, this is a really helpful article. Your insight into what is needed and works, is pure gold! So glad I am following you! Chris

Good. I am glad it's helping you. Oh. by the way, did you get my pm? I sent you a few other very helpful information.

Let me know what questions you come up with. Seriously. let me know.

Hey there CraigOs, I liked your post. Well written of course. I would also like to connect with you through PM whenever you have the time.

I am learning more and more how to write captivating headlines so that I will arouse more people's curiosity which will intern convert. I can learn a lot from you going forward.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge to us. I appreciate it to the max.



I would be glad to connect with you. You can find me in the chat. I am there often.

If you don't see me in there ask if I've being around that day.

Sorry I took so long to reply.

Thank you for your reply. Will be in touch.


Hi Craig thanks for the training and information. How do you balance writing a captivating header and it ranking well in terms of competition/avg searches and traffic. Sometimes that most captivating headlines show less than 10 monthly searches/traffic in Jaaxy. Is that okay? For example I put into Jaaxy your headline: Get More Articles Read the results were low. Any advice on balancing good headlines and getting it to rank and for people to see it? Thank you

well said Craig, having discussed with you earlier in the chat as to why my posts were not getting clicks. This post serves a great purpose to my question,
thanks Craig

yeah your right about that. This is related to the One Reason Visitors Leave Your Blog.

Just to remind you, after you visit the top sites in your Niche, after you find out what your readers want. Show me what you found.

Then let's see if we can get you set on a fast path. .

this comes a great time...thk you...good advise

hey...I am glad you found this helpful. Any time you need help let me know. I am in the popping in and out of the chat room often.

pretty cool post, Craig. Kind of get you thinking about how you word your headlines.

that was the idea...to get everyone thinking about their headlines. Often it's the first impression readers get of you.

Nice, Ctaig

Absolutely. Headlines is just the first place any article faces competition. And just one step in the Writing Process too, for sure.

Have you heard of the "Article Idea Check List" Strategy? Where ideas are collected and developed into Structure Drafts,

The idea behind this strategy is being able to take article ideas, from any source, even interesting sentence you read, and developing that into a whole article.

Once you get use to using this check list you;re able to build months worth of article ideas and have it ready for writing.

You can then start planning content for Holidays and Special Occasions way ahead of time. And start filling in the information gaps in your site to serve your niche better. Consistently publishing content.

Great information feedback!

How do you write your headlines? Just curious.

Your topic carries a lot of sense

I am glad it make sense to you. How do you write your Headlines?

Interesting topic and it makes sense.

I've always written to get people to read more, not just in my headlines.

It's important to do this or you will lose engagement.

Thanks man!


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