I'd Like To Clarify My Implied Interest in Bitcoin


After posting a question here asking people what's their opinion of Bitcoin, I started to receive tons of private messages from people telling me different things.

It seems I have shaken a sleeping volcanic artery on the ground here, people who were previously holding themselves not to promote their opportunities suddenly broke out their shells!

No folks, I'm not interested in joining business opportunities, especially network marketing opportunities riding the Bitcoin craze.

What I am asking in that post is, "Is this a good niche?"

As simple as that, and not "I'm looking for a company to join".

Since the time I first asked about it, I have already learned a lot of (new) things. And for those wondering what is it, it is a new digital currency that has emerged. A good alternative to the Dollar.

Now, I'd like to point out that what interests me is the Bitcoin itself, and not those scammy online opportunities riding Bitcoin's popularity. So, please stop sending me offers now, as I am not interested in joining business opportunities as of now.

There's already an opportunity sitting in front of me, WA domains ready to take my payment for registering a new domain name for a new blog here about Bitcoin.

Also, not interested in creating a payment processing site that takes in transaction fees. What I want is "just start a blog educating people about Bitcoin".

You know what? I just discovered that the moment you ask questions about Bitcoin, PTC, data entry, paid surveys, and similar words, people hint it as "you're looking for an opportunity to join"! LOL

(Be prepared to receive tons of offers, LOL)

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If you go with 'crypto currency' or digital currency in general, it may not seem so narrow. Bitcoin is just ONE of many versions of digital currency.

And since it is more specific, I think that would make it a good niche. What do you think?

I agree. I have been researching Bitcoin a bit myself. I think it's certainly worthy of further research. Absolutely!

I hope you do well with this one,

good point, Gomer and thanks for sharing it. People seized on the perceived opportunity!


Thank you, I too am interested in WHAT the heck bitcoin exactly is Gomer

A short while back I listened to a podcast where a Bitcoin expert explained it all. I'm still not quite sure I understand it.

I've heard that there is a plan to microchip us all and have a completely cashless society where money is automatically transfered. Scary thought.

I do not allow anyone to chip me Marcus, you never know what sh*t they put into you

I don't find the idea scary - more along the lines of wishful thinking.
If they remove "cash" - something will replace it because there will always be folk who need to and want to transact off the grid and barter is inefficient.

...Money takes its value from the trust people put in it - not from govt sayso. Hence stuff like bitcoin works. So you'd need the chip to buy your new snazzy car - but you'll still be able to buy fool's gold off the guy on the corner.....

You can bet your bottom dollar it will include a GPS tracker and your known or suspected political affiliations etc and, of course, being man-made it won't be immune to devastating error. :-/

Ah these rich powerful Banksters&Co; who feel the need to control everyone. They'd be better served putting that money into drug resistant bugs. ('Cos that one's gonna hit at about the same time climate gets serious.)

Glad I am not alone thinking this way, thanks Cate!

We're already part way there. Our lives are so integrated with the technology we use. When the day finally comes that we are fully integrated with technology, it won't actually be a big step.

Your Facebook and Google use is already being recorded, which is why they are able to serve targetted ads to you. But even beyond that, the NSA and GCHQ are monitoring everything anyway. We almost might as well just have chips because we're being tracked anyway. The only way not to be tracked would be to go completely off grid and live in a treehouse in the woods or a cave.

Tempting Marcus....:)

What I want is "just start a blog educating people about Bitcoin".
PLEASE - go right ahead! I'd love a site I trust on bitcoin - especially how to use it and understand how the stuff I need to use it works and what everything means etc.

PS. And as you're an affiliate markerter you might like a program that pays commission if you direct people to TRADE their bitcoin from their platform? If so, may I suggest Localbitcoin .com? (No, that is not my affiliate link - that would be bit.ly/CatPbit) - but their upside for me is they respond to queries fast.

.....:-) Sorry - couldn't resist.

Hi Gomer, you are certainly putting your mark down. Irv.

Yup, opportunists are everywhere.

That kind of fast activity could devaluate the whole idea in a short time.......
Do you agree?

Some times people read into things that aren't there....a bit like my dog, an opportunist.

Good luck with your new venture.


AAAAAAH!!! Great post .. no one should be pitching opportunities on WA either overtly or covertly. Cheers, William.

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