Where can i find my wealth affiliate link to promote?
Hey David,
Further to what @AbieAJ mentioned below, you may want to consider the Affiliate Bootcamp set of courses which start here: WA Affiliate Bootcamp - Getting Your Business Rolling This set of course is going to literally walk you through how to use your affiliate link to promote WA and earn a full time income in doing so. The principles are the same as the Certification set of training, but the examples used are specific to building a business around the sharing/promotion of Wealthy Affiliate. I think that you will greatly benefit from being involved in the training.
I click $ sign top menu and copy my unique affiliate link from the drop down menu.
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Where is my link to promote wealthy affiliate?
Where can i find my wealth affiliate link to promote?
Hi David, if you look up to the top right of your page you will see a $ sign. Click on this and you will see Links and Tracking. This is one place that you can find your affiliate link.
Hey David,
Further to what @AbieAJ mentioned below, you may want to consider the Affiliate Bootcamp set of courses which start here: WA Affiliate Bootcamp - Getting Your Business Rolling This set of course is going to literally walk you through how to use your affiliate link to promote WA and earn a full time income in doing so. The principles are the same as the Certification set of training, but the examples used are specific to building a business around the sharing/promotion of Wealthy Affiliate. I think that you will greatly benefit from being involved in the training.
I click $ sign top menu and copy my unique affiliate link from the drop down menu.
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I want to promote Wealthy Affiliate since I think it has a good training and excellent community. How to get commission promoting wealthy affiliate?
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How to get commission promoting wealthy affiliate?
I want to promote Wealthy Affiliate since I think it has a good training and excellent community. How to get commission promoting wealthy affiliate?
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I cannot connect to MonsterInsights. I have done what is told in the video, getting my gmail ready and all, but every time I try to connect via WA, it just does not
That's how I would do it. I didn't need upgrade my aioseo or install monsterinsights.
aioseo>general settings>webmaster tools tab>add the whole code to the miscellaneous verification section and save changes. then i go here http://gachecker.com/ verify my tracking code working. Google verification in four easy steps all in one plugin setup v4 - the new interface
Have you pasted your Google Analytics code on AIOSEO? If yes, you do not need Monsterinsight.
Thanks a lot for your best information given here. I hope it is helpful to anyone in WA who miss the training.
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How can I connect in wa wtih monsterinsig?
I cannot connect to MonsterInsights. I have done what is told in the video, getting my gmail ready and all, but every time I try to connect via WA, it just does not
That's how I would do it. I didn't need upgrade my aioseo or install monsterinsights.
aioseo>general settings>webmaster tools tab>add the whole code to the miscellaneous verification section and save changes. then i go here http://gachecker.com/ verify my tracking code working. Google verification in four easy steps all in one plugin setup v4 - the new interface
Have you pasted your Google Analytics code on AIOSEO? If yes, you do not need Monsterinsight.
Thanks a lot for your best information given here. I hope it is helpful to anyone in WA who miss the training.
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Hi David, if you look up to the top right of your page you will see a $ sign. Click on this and you will see Links and Tracking. This is one place that you can find your affiliate link.