Is it more beneficial to brand yourself or your business
I guess this could have been posed more as a question, but this is for all you branding gurus out there.
I know in training and everything you read about having an online business, tells you that you must focus on branding. And I know that PJ recently posted a blog on branding on Google Plus where he mentioned that he focuses more on his business page than his personal page.
So my question to everyone would be: which one is more important?
I know that obviously you want to push traffic to your business and try to get it out in the internet world as much as possible. So in that sense, I could see where branding your business first is most important.
But our audience also wants to feel connected to the person, and what if you have several websites that you are working on? Are you putting emphasis on each individual business, or would it be better to brand yourself so people can check out everything that you're working on?
My thoughts would be to work on branding yourself so people can connect to who you are and want to follow every endeavour that you take on.
I welcome all thought on this conundrum!
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Mmm, I would think both are important, but it has to be up to the individual. Many thanks for sharing Nicki :)
In my way of thinking, they are intertwined. I think it might be different if you were simply a storefront. Then I would think brand the business.
Yes, good point. I'm not just selling, but advising of trips and different things based on my own experience.
I started to comment on your site earlier today but had a power failure mid review. I loved "Things that go bump in the flight" that was an awesome heading.
lol Thanks for attempting to comment :)
Yeah I know I'm not the first to come up with that phrase, but it is catchy!
It depends on whether you want to sell the business. If you are the might be very difficult. I would say if you have a strong tangible product, brand the product. If you are the product, brand yourself (i.e. Author)
Well I'm kind of doing both. I'm promoting products but also using my own experience to give advice.
If it's your business, not an affiliate program, I think it's interconnected. You brand yourself and your business at the same time...In any case, your business is a reflection of your personality in some ways...It's especially true if you are a newcomer and nobody knows you. Here it's very important to get positive reviews. Like, we go to a dentist if we have some positive feedback on his or her treatment, or go watch a film if we had some positve reviews on it...:)
Thanks, Jude. It's still a tough nut to crack, though. At some level, you do want to separate your "personal life" from your business life. But, at the same time, you want people to get to know who YOU ARE, because that will draw them into you.
Your absolutely right. Get to know people and interact with them. The more they trust and like you the more they come to your site and will tell others about you.
I think to need to get authority first with your website before branding yourself.
Once people know who you are and you are recognized as an authority in your niche, it will be much easier to brand yourself in any niche.
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I believe that both branding your business and yourself is equally important. Each business you have should have its own brand, but branding yourself gives an identity that you can build trust with, when people trust you they will give what you are saying more credit, When this happens you can enter into any branded business and give it more credibility. So maybe branding yourself may be more valuable to you personally.
Wow, great point Tim! And I completely agree with what you're saying. Thanks for sharing that!!