About HillaryH
Rank 10657
791 followers Joined April 2016
Network marketer, acupuncturist and mom. I joined WA in hopes of learning more about optimiziing my existing websites and building a few others. I have





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

How do i do that? I have my domain name registered here but am going to host it elsewhere and can't figure out how to point to my new server.

Go to Site Rubix > Site Domains and click on the Settings button next to your domain name. Then choose Nameservers and type in the nameservers for your hosting company.

Thanks Marion. I didn't know that was there. I'll delete my earlier comment.

I don't have a domain registered here at WA, but typically the setting your looking for would be called "Name Servers" or an "A" record. The one you would configure would be depend on the company that is renting you the server.

If there's a setting to change you would find it here:


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Need to point wa domain to a new server?

Need to point wa domain to a new server?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

How do i do that? I have my domain name registered here but am going to host it elsewhere and can't figure out how to point to my new server.

Go to Site Rubix > Site Domains and click on the Settings button next to your domain name. Then choose Nameservers and type in the nameservers for your hosting company.

Thanks Marion. I didn't know that was there. I'll delete my earlier comment.

I don't have a domain registered here at WA, but typically the setting your looking for would be called "Name Servers" or an "A" record. The one you would configure would be depend on the company that is renting you the server.

If there's a setting to change you would find it here:


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asked in
Website Development & Programming

The host i am transferring to has requested wp database access at WA in order to transfer my site. How do I access this?

Hey Hillary,

Have them set up a WordPress site for you to use. Make sure to transfer you domain name to the new server AFTER you've readied your new site location.

And, if you follow Marion Black's amazingly simple method of copying EVERYTHING from within your WA WordPress hosted website, you can EASILY use this to transfer ALL of your site. This plugin is AMAZING to use as a backup AND a means of transferring a website. I've done it several times now.

Am moving my site-how do i access wordpress database?

Am moving my site-how do i access wordpress database?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

The host i am transferring to has requested wp database access at WA in order to transfer my site. How do I access this?

Hey Hillary,

Have them set up a WordPress site for you to use. Make sure to transfer you domain name to the new server AFTER you've readied your new site location.

And, if you follow Marion Black's amazingly simple method of copying EVERYTHING from within your WA WordPress hosted website, you can EASILY use this to transfer ALL of your site. This plugin is AMAZING to use as a backup AND a means of transferring a website. I've done it several times now.

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