About SuzQ
Rank 32247
730 followers Joined April 2015
If one statement were to summarize my experience as a member of the Wealthy Affiliate (WA) community, I would say that “An amazing thing happens





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I see many sites whose authors images have really come to represent their brand. So, if our goal is to make our profile image part of our brand, how often should it be updated?

If you see a downturn in traffic changing your profile might ignite new interest. Otherwise stick with the current brand!

Thanks Michael, sounds like a good idea.

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If your profile image is your brand, how often?

If your profile image is your brand, how often?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I see many sites whose authors images have really come to represent their brand. So, if our goal is to make our profile image part of our brand, how often should it be updated?

If you see a downturn in traffic changing your profile might ignite new interest. Otherwise stick with the current brand!

Thanks Michael, sounds like a good idea.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Received the annual ICANN notification for updated information through my domain registrar. This is the one requesting verification accurate and up-to-date contact information.

Hi, SuzQ.
Forgive my ignorance.
What is Icann?


ICANN is made up of a number of different groups, with each representing a different interest on the Internet. In particular, it coordinates all unique identifiers that make up IP addresses for any website one would use world wide. It's structure is toward keeping our internet secure and stable. It has a big role in the domain name system. ICANN runs a system of accreditation with domain registrars.
As an owner of a website you would receive an email requesting verification of site ownership. Your privacy protection service,
which protects people from seeing your name or accessing your site can be listed Registrant, etc.
If all info is correct you need not do anything. Periodic notices that are sent to email request you to verify.

Thank you for the explanation and insight.
Good to know.


You can leave it or put yourself as the registrant.

Thanks TJ

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Icann verification, what should be listed as registrant?

Icann verification, what should be listed as registrant?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Received the annual ICANN notification for updated information through my domain registrar. This is the one requesting verification accurate and up-to-date contact information.

Hi, SuzQ.
Forgive my ignorance.
What is Icann?


ICANN is made up of a number of different groups, with each representing a different interest on the Internet. In particular, it coordinates all unique identifiers that make up IP addresses for any website one would use world wide. It's structure is toward keeping our internet secure and stable. It has a big role in the domain name system. ICANN runs a system of accreditation with domain registrars.
As an owner of a website you would receive an email requesting verification of site ownership. Your privacy protection service,
which protects people from seeing your name or accessing your site can be listed Registrant, etc.
If all info is correct you need not do anything. Periodic notices that are sent to email request you to verify.

Thank you for the explanation and insight.
Good to know.


You can leave it or put yourself as the registrant.

Thanks TJ

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Recently we had donated to a campaign on GoFundMe to assist with needed equipment funds for someone who produces great teaching videos on their YouTube channel. The channel is

It has been done a couple of times in the past and was successful for the individuals involved but its not really allowed and best to do it outwith WA.

I don't understand. What isn't allowed? Do you mean to promote my charity on here? I know that isn't allowed. That isn't what I was asking...

I mean you are not allowed to ask for donations from the membership.
However if you want to set up a website for a charity then by all means go ahead just don't self promote it within WA.
Enjoy your Wednesday.

Exactly. Yeah I wasn't asking for permission to do it outside of WA, nor was I asking for permission to promote it in WA.

I was looking to start a dialogue about building a charity business using WA principles. I was hoping that a discussion would help gain insight into making it successful.

Thanks for your input though nonetheless.

Have a great day,

No probs Tim, its always best to know the do's and dont's though.
Enjoy your Wednesday.

Thanks same to you 😊

Happy to help out if and when I can.

me too! :)

Enjoy your Wednesday.
I'm about to sign off now as its getting late.

Have a great night! 🙏👍🏼😊

A quick bath then an early night is all I'm looking forward to.
See Yah!

I've definitely been using the principles I'm learning here as part of my gofundme campaigns. I'm trying to build a charity business to honor my 2 boys who have died from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Slow going so far. But there are definitely signs of progress.

I'm taking the advice that I have been getting that content is key. I think that is true whether you are giving or receiving.

Oh it looks like this is an older thread. Did you ever do a gofundme campaign or give to one??

I have never participated in a Gofundme campaign, but I have always been curious to know if it could work to finance a biomedical research project as an alternative to the grants of the general funding agencies like NIH whose funds are increasingly competitive.

I believe it would be a great way to fundraise for that. Facebook fundraisers seem to be high conversion rates than gofundme though. Maybe because people see me and get to know me on there with the benign things I post.

Thanks timetex0077 with this being an older thread, responding to it. Been absent for quiet some time as multiple family caretaker needs took priority. Originally asked this, not to bring such activity to WA, but to hear expressions of one's whose business is dependent on a website vs. the accessibility of and strategic use of GFM, particularly if one isn't using traditional social network platforms. Given the time since my original post, among some niches it appears to be more often used just in a short time. The geek in me questions trends. :(

Now you've got me curious. What is GFM? And which non-traditional social network platforms are you referring to?

Also, have you been able to make any of it work??

Tim :)

Go Fund Me = GFM. Non-traditional .... Gab, Bit Chute, or some of the smaller paid service ones. Real Video is a newer video shared site, no fee yet.

The concepts I've learned here have helped me to suggest improvements for friends and their local business sites, which seem to help them get noticed and pick up business. It was cool to advise them going forward. Someone else designed their site, but they were lacking in updating to continue to pull in traffic. Now they realize what expectations to have with a paid service, have offered suggestions, which, when implemented, improved business.

For a friend whose MLM product sponsors them a site, it was rewarding to offer content suggestions that could help their site rank in search engines. So it works.

But, for myself, I've not done anything with my own site for two years. Only some of the training sessions. Just split too many directions until about now. I'm leaning toward deleting site content, sell a craft, or simplify a new affiliate site. Just not sure.

Thanks for sharing your experience! Means a lot. I'm sure we can all learn from each other if we keep an open mind 😊

Yes, I did, we just have to keep this outside of WA, when someone here is in need. It is not allowed here to advertise for a go fund me cause

Figured as much. Thanks Loes. It was the first time we had ever done that. Wasn't sure how mainstream it was to do. Guess I asked to get the feel on different means to express support.

Of course!!

I have donated to some GoFundMe campaigns and, depending on the subject being taught, as an ex teacher, I would have no problem supporting another teacher.

Thanks. Think it's a great way to show support too. Though personally we may have little to help, it goes a long way with many providers of support.

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Ever donate to a go fund me campaign?

Ever donate to a go fund me campaign?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Recently we had donated to a campaign on GoFundMe to assist with needed equipment funds for someone who produces great teaching videos on their YouTube channel. The channel is

It has been done a couple of times in the past and was successful for the individuals involved but its not really allowed and best to do it outwith WA.

I don't understand. What isn't allowed? Do you mean to promote my charity on here? I know that isn't allowed. That isn't what I was asking...

I mean you are not allowed to ask for donations from the membership.
However if you want to set up a website for a charity then by all means go ahead just don't self promote it within WA.
Enjoy your Wednesday.

Exactly. Yeah I wasn't asking for permission to do it outside of WA, nor was I asking for permission to promote it in WA.

I was looking to start a dialogue about building a charity business using WA principles. I was hoping that a discussion would help gain insight into making it successful.

Thanks for your input though nonetheless.

Have a great day,

No probs Tim, its always best to know the do's and dont's though.
Enjoy your Wednesday.

Thanks same to you 😊

Happy to help out if and when I can.

me too! :)

Enjoy your Wednesday.
I'm about to sign off now as its getting late.

Have a great night! 🙏👍🏼😊

A quick bath then an early night is all I'm looking forward to.
See Yah!

I've definitely been using the principles I'm learning here as part of my gofundme campaigns. I'm trying to build a charity business to honor my 2 boys who have died from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Slow going so far. But there are definitely signs of progress.

I'm taking the advice that I have been getting that content is key. I think that is true whether you are giving or receiving.

Oh it looks like this is an older thread. Did you ever do a gofundme campaign or give to one??

I have never participated in a Gofundme campaign, but I have always been curious to know if it could work to finance a biomedical research project as an alternative to the grants of the general funding agencies like NIH whose funds are increasingly competitive.

I believe it would be a great way to fundraise for that. Facebook fundraisers seem to be high conversion rates than gofundme though. Maybe because people see me and get to know me on there with the benign things I post.

Thanks timetex0077 with this being an older thread, responding to it. Been absent for quiet some time as multiple family caretaker needs took priority. Originally asked this, not to bring such activity to WA, but to hear expressions of one's whose business is dependent on a website vs. the accessibility of and strategic use of GFM, particularly if one isn't using traditional social network platforms. Given the time since my original post, among some niches it appears to be more often used just in a short time. The geek in me questions trends. :(

Now you've got me curious. What is GFM? And which non-traditional social network platforms are you referring to?

Also, have you been able to make any of it work??

Tim :)

Go Fund Me = GFM. Non-traditional .... Gab, Bit Chute, or some of the smaller paid service ones. Real Video is a newer video shared site, no fee yet.

The concepts I've learned here have helped me to suggest improvements for friends and their local business sites, which seem to help them get noticed and pick up business. It was cool to advise them going forward. Someone else designed their site, but they were lacking in updating to continue to pull in traffic. Now they realize what expectations to have with a paid service, have offered suggestions, which, when implemented, improved business.

For a friend whose MLM product sponsors them a site, it was rewarding to offer content suggestions that could help their site rank in search engines. So it works.

But, for myself, I've not done anything with my own site for two years. Only some of the training sessions. Just split too many directions until about now. I'm leaning toward deleting site content, sell a craft, or simplify a new affiliate site. Just not sure.

Thanks for sharing your experience! Means a lot. I'm sure we can all learn from each other if we keep an open mind 😊

Yes, I did, we just have to keep this outside of WA, when someone here is in need. It is not allowed here to advertise for a go fund me cause

Figured as much. Thanks Loes. It was the first time we had ever done that. Wasn't sure how mainstream it was to do. Guess I asked to get the feel on different means to express support.

Of course!!

I have donated to some GoFundMe campaigns and, depending on the subject being taught, as an ex teacher, I would have no problem supporting another teacher.

Thanks. Think it's a great way to show support too. Though personally we may have little to help, it goes a long way with many providers of support.

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