About b42old
Rank 23744
356 followers Joined September 2020
A bit about me………. My name is Rab (a Scottish shortening of Robert) and I was brought up on a farm in the North East of





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

When I view my website the tags are all visible on the home page below each post title and at the bottom of the posts themselves. How can I have these not show? Do I have to de

Some very good answers here, Rab!


I have never tagged anything! Must search for it in the training...

A really interesting set of replies Rab.
I wondered the same thing, thanks for asking the question and thanks Haly and Diane for the replies.
I don't think I will be messing with the coding just yet either, Rab.
Stay lucky

CSS it's OK. You will not break your site. PHP code - that's where you can mess up.

Righto Haly. That is information. I've copied all this information down and might "have a go".
Thanks again for your fantastic help.

Hi Bux
Thanks to the questioner and the answers.

I recently needed to change the width of a popup that I use for a contact form in order to be mobile friendly. I googled the challenge and discovered that a little coding was the only way without buying a premium version of the plugin. So I backed up my site and experimented with suggested CSS (I have no real CSS knowledge yet).

By using the theme’s ’Additional CSS’ area permanent code changes are avoided. Re-publishing updates the formatted code... remember to publish! At one point I deleted my CSS, published, and all was back to the original. Re-tried, got it right then copied the CSS code into a text file for future reference. No backup was needed. Confidence boosted.

My ’Things To Do’ now includes ’learn CSS’.

It's on my To Learn list too Richard.
There is soooo much to learn here.
Keep going, the only way is forwards.

Try to put this code in Customize CSS

.post-meta-bottom .post-tags {
display: none;

Thanks Haly,
Can you confirm I should paste this

.post-meta-bottom .post-tags { display: none; }

Appearance - Customize - Additional CSS


Yes, appearance - customize - additional CSS
But exactly how I put it, not in one line.
You will have 3 lines filled.

.post-meta-bottom .post-tags {
display: none;

If not try this:

.tags-links {display:none;}

Excellent, thank you for clarifying that, much appreciated.

Hi - I'm not sure if that is possible unless you have the premium version of Generate Press. I only have the free version and can't see a way to do it. You may be able to do it by coding, but that's not something I'm familiar with.

Thanks Diane,
Yeah, sadly it looks like it's a 'pay to play' part of GeneratePress.
And as a complete newbie I'm not going anywhere near coding 😂Cheers,

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How do I hide my tags in generatepress?

How do I hide my tags in generatepress?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

When I view my website the tags are all visible on the home page below each post title and at the bottom of the posts themselves. How can I have these not show? Do I have to de

Some very good answers here, Rab!


I have never tagged anything! Must search for it in the training...

A really interesting set of replies Rab.
I wondered the same thing, thanks for asking the question and thanks Haly and Diane for the replies.
I don't think I will be messing with the coding just yet either, Rab.
Stay lucky

CSS it's OK. You will not break your site. PHP code - that's where you can mess up.

Righto Haly. That is information. I've copied all this information down and might "have a go".
Thanks again for your fantastic help.

Hi Bux
Thanks to the questioner and the answers.

I recently needed to change the width of a popup that I use for a contact form in order to be mobile friendly. I googled the challenge and discovered that a little coding was the only way without buying a premium version of the plugin. So I backed up my site and experimented with suggested CSS (I have no real CSS knowledge yet).

By using the theme’s ’Additional CSS’ area permanent code changes are avoided. Re-publishing updates the formatted code... remember to publish! At one point I deleted my CSS, published, and all was back to the original. Re-tried, got it right then copied the CSS code into a text file for future reference. No backup was needed. Confidence boosted.

My ’Things To Do’ now includes ’learn CSS’.

It's on my To Learn list too Richard.
There is soooo much to learn here.
Keep going, the only way is forwards.

Try to put this code in Customize CSS

.post-meta-bottom .post-tags {
display: none;

Thanks Haly,
Can you confirm I should paste this

.post-meta-bottom .post-tags { display: none; }

Appearance - Customize - Additional CSS


Yes, appearance - customize - additional CSS
But exactly how I put it, not in one line.
You will have 3 lines filled.

.post-meta-bottom .post-tags {
display: none;

If not try this:

.tags-links {display:none;}

Excellent, thank you for clarifying that, much appreciated.

Hi - I'm not sure if that is possible unless you have the premium version of Generate Press. I only have the free version and can't see a way to do it. You may be able to do it by coding, but that's not something I'm familiar with.

Thanks Diane,
Yeah, sadly it looks like it's a 'pay to play' part of GeneratePress.
And as a complete newbie I'm not going anywhere near coding 😂Cheers,

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have put together a 3 part post on my site but am concerned about the title being the same for each of them. Basically, each post title starts with the same 4 words then has

Learn how I have prepared this turkey,
Learn how I have prepared this chicken,
Learn how I have prepared this beef.
I don't see that they'll be a problem if at the end they have a specific description. I think there are others who will have a mirrored copy of your blogs title but different story in them. All the best!

Wow, your question threw me off a bit.

A blog is the entire site. You have three blog posts which could have the same name.

Hi Jeannine,
Duly noted and edited accordingly, apologies for my newbieness 😁
All updated with the word post replacing blog.

No need to apologize! Lots of folks here do the same, so I thought perhaps if I clarified, lots of folks could learn.

Wishing you all the best always!

Hi Rab
I am doing similarly with a series thet isn’t complete (not posted yet).
My strategy:

Post names are
’abc: xyz part 1’
’def: xyz part 2’
’ghi: xyz part 3’

abc, def, and ghi are 3 different keywords that reflect the content of the relevant part.

In the first paragraph of each part I include suggestions to read the parts in order and links to each of the other 2 parts.

I do not know if this will be the best way but it solves the google challenge, including unique keywords and is user friendly.


Looks good to me Richard, similar to what Bux is suggesting.
Thanks to both of you I am now moving forward again.

Rab, mix in a few words that break it up. You want the readers to know part 1, 2, 3 and so on but just jiggle things up.
My blog part 1
Here is the glorious part 2
Part 3 is here, the long awaited finale
You get the idea.
Good luck

Nice one Dave, I really like that idea, sounds perfect.

why not turn the titles around - pick keywords for each of the parts of the series and have 'keyword:part x of y series'
or as dale says add the part x oy y in th etext at the top - this will probably be shown in the serps so visitors will see it ...
you will compete against yourself - i did this as a 4 part 3d printer build - only one of the articles is still ranked.....
good luck

Thanks Philip,
Will make a plan and get the titles changed. Will Google have to start all over and find them all again or how does it work?

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Are three posts with the same title a bad thing?

Are three posts with the same title a bad thing?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have put together a 3 part post on my site but am concerned about the title being the same for each of them. Basically, each post title starts with the same 4 words then has

Learn how I have prepared this turkey,
Learn how I have prepared this chicken,
Learn how I have prepared this beef.
I don't see that they'll be a problem if at the end they have a specific description. I think there are others who will have a mirrored copy of your blogs title but different story in them. All the best!

Wow, your question threw me off a bit.

A blog is the entire site. You have three blog posts which could have the same name.

Hi Jeannine,
Duly noted and edited accordingly, apologies for my newbieness 😁
All updated with the word post replacing blog.

No need to apologize! Lots of folks here do the same, so I thought perhaps if I clarified, lots of folks could learn.

Wishing you all the best always!

Hi Rab
I am doing similarly with a series thet isn’t complete (not posted yet).
My strategy:

Post names are
’abc: xyz part 1’
’def: xyz part 2’
’ghi: xyz part 3’

abc, def, and ghi are 3 different keywords that reflect the content of the relevant part.

In the first paragraph of each part I include suggestions to read the parts in order and links to each of the other 2 parts.

I do not know if this will be the best way but it solves the google challenge, including unique keywords and is user friendly.


Looks good to me Richard, similar to what Bux is suggesting.
Thanks to both of you I am now moving forward again.

Rab, mix in a few words that break it up. You want the readers to know part 1, 2, 3 and so on but just jiggle things up.
My blog part 1
Here is the glorious part 2
Part 3 is here, the long awaited finale
You get the idea.
Good luck

Nice one Dave, I really like that idea, sounds perfect.

why not turn the titles around - pick keywords for each of the parts of the series and have 'keyword:part x of y series'
or as dale says add the part x oy y in th etext at the top - this will probably be shown in the serps so visitors will see it ...
you will compete against yourself - i did this as a 4 part 3d printer build - only one of the articles is still ranked.....
good luck

Thanks Philip,
Will make a plan and get the titles changed. Will Google have to start all over and find them all again or how does it work?

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I set up my website e-mail forwarding as per the training but I am not receiving my mail in my Yahoo account.
Has anyone else had this issue and if so, how did you fix it?</

Oh my! Am so sorry. Please forward a ticket to site support


Would you consider having a Gmail account perhaps, works greater, however that's totally your choice.

For any email issues, you will need to contact SiteSupport, as they're the only ones with access to the servers to check the mail logs for you.

I've already done that but I'm no further forward hence the question here. Looking for someone who has had a similar experience forwarding to Yahoo

No worries, any particular reason why you're forwarding, rather than using an actual mailbox here? I have never had any issues with the full mailboxes.

Not sure I understand you?
My website e-mail is set up to forward to my Yahoo account because it's way more convenient for me. At least it would be if it actually worked!

I use Yahoo and all my emails come to my yahoo did you check your spam

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How do I fix the e-mail forwarding issue?

How do I fix the e-mail forwarding issue?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I set up my website e-mail forwarding as per the training but I am not receiving my mail in my Yahoo account.
Has anyone else had this issue and if so, how did you fix it?</

Oh my! Am so sorry. Please forward a ticket to site support


Would you consider having a Gmail account perhaps, works greater, however that's totally your choice.

For any email issues, you will need to contact SiteSupport, as they're the only ones with access to the servers to check the mail logs for you.

I've already done that but I'm no further forward hence the question here. Looking for someone who has had a similar experience forwarding to Yahoo

No worries, any particular reason why you're forwarding, rather than using an actual mailbox here? I have never had any issues with the full mailboxes.

Not sure I understand you?
My website e-mail is set up to forward to my Yahoo account because it's way more convenient for me. At least it would be if it actually worked!

I use Yahoo and all my emails come to my yahoo did you check your spam

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Yesterday I signed up with Gravatar and waited for the e-mail to complete the activation. I waited, and waited, and waited, and I'm still waiting!
Has anyone else had this i

Hi - have you checked your website email to see if it is there and just hasn't been forwarded?

How do I do that?
I tried to find it but don't know how with my forward set up?

Hi - click on Websites, then Site Manager. The email tab is at the top of the screen.

Yes, but it only shows the forwarding e-mail, not a means of accessing them

This is what I see.
How do I access the e-mails?

It's all fine, I just haven't received the e-mail so I can't activate


Mine too a little whie as well

How long is a little while?
I've been waitng for 18 hours

I know it was a while a couple of days I think.

Thanks Yvonne, can't believe it is so slow.
I have created another one with my personal e-mail for now.
Thanks for you help, very much appreciated.

your welcome Rab

I went to search when I did mine to see what I did wrong.

Yeah I had an issue some time back. I retried again later.

I've been trying since yesterday afternoon and still nothing

clear your cache and I have sent you a link on how to from Kyle. That helped me a lot.

Have you checked your spam folder ?

Checked everything.
I suspect it's an issue with e-mail forwarding from my website?

I'd check credentials again, may be spelling. I never had an issue with forwarding. Hope you get it resolved sooner.

Have checked everything many many times.
All correct

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Gravatar account activation issue - still waiting!?

Gravatar account activation issue - still waiting!?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Yesterday I signed up with Gravatar and waited for the e-mail to complete the activation. I waited, and waited, and waited, and I'm still waiting!
Has anyone else had this i

Hi - have you checked your website email to see if it is there and just hasn't been forwarded?

How do I do that?
I tried to find it but don't know how with my forward set up?

Hi - click on Websites, then Site Manager. The email tab is at the top of the screen.

Yes, but it only shows the forwarding e-mail, not a means of accessing them

This is what I see.
How do I access the e-mails?

It's all fine, I just haven't received the e-mail so I can't activate


Mine too a little whie as well

How long is a little while?
I've been waitng for 18 hours

I know it was a while a couple of days I think.

Thanks Yvonne, can't believe it is so slow.
I have created another one with my personal e-mail for now.
Thanks for you help, very much appreciated.

your welcome Rab

I went to search when I did mine to see what I did wrong.

Yeah I had an issue some time back. I retried again later.

I've been trying since yesterday afternoon and still nothing

clear your cache and I have sent you a link on how to from Kyle. That helped me a lot.

Have you checked your spam folder ?

Checked everything.
I suspect it's an issue with e-mail forwarding from my website?

I'd check credentials again, may be spelling. I never had an issue with forwarding. Hope you get it resolved sooner.

Have checked everything many many times.
All correct

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