About MetroMax
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301 followers Joined February 2014
Hi, Michael here! I'm extremely excited to have an opportunity to expand my (or better said ) our horizons. I've been a single father for





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

My question is, If I want to create a mail form on my main page to use as a capture for email addresses would I have to create a custom field, select html, go to my auto respond

Thanks giludi! Is that plugin available readily within Wordpress?

Too technical for me im afraid!

Yes, thats the way to do it.

Awesome, I think all the reading and video sessions are starting to gel, I edited my first site at least 100 times and still didn't have what I needed. This time is gonna be much easier, with the exception of this I pad vs. Wordpress editor battle. Thanks giludi! What can you tell me about keeping pages hidden till forms are filled out? Meaning after email addresses are entered?

On the right sidebar of your post go to visibility and set password protected. You should then create an email for your subscribers giving them the password.
If you want to have a more sophisticated approach you can also install a membership plugin like Members.

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About Using A Custom Field

About Using A Custom Field

asked in
Everything Wordpress

My question is, If I want to create a mail form on my main page to use as a capture for email addresses would I have to create a custom field, select html, go to my auto respond

Thanks giludi! Is that plugin available readily within Wordpress?

Too technical for me im afraid!

Yes, thats the way to do it.

Awesome, I think all the reading and video sessions are starting to gel, I edited my first site at least 100 times and still didn't have what I needed. This time is gonna be much easier, with the exception of this I pad vs. Wordpress editor battle. Thanks giludi! What can you tell me about keeping pages hidden till forms are filled out? Meaning after email addresses are entered?

On the right sidebar of your post go to visibility and set password protected. You should then create an email for your subscribers giving them the password.
If you want to have a more sophisticated approach you can also install a membership plugin like Members.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I would like to put Twitter on my site, Do I have to create a separate field or menu for that?

You can easily put button or widget on the sidebar do you know how to do that?

Do you want to put a twitter "button" so that visitors can tweet your articles? - a social plugin will do this and some themes have it built in.

Or do you want to show your twitter "feed" (recent tweets) on your site. you will have to create a twitter app (not hard) and also add a widget to your site.

The latter requires a lil more effort than the first but both are possible.

I added a social plugin : " Tweet, Like, Google +1 and Share" to my site, I didn't want too many of them so I stuck to the basics.. I am still new so I dont know if that is a good one, or if I might want to add more laer on ;-)

Twitter Widget

Twitter Widget

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I would like to put Twitter on my site, Do I have to create a separate field or menu for that?

You can easily put button or widget on the sidebar do you know how to do that?

Do you want to put a twitter "button" so that visitors can tweet your articles? - a social plugin will do this and some themes have it built in.

Or do you want to show your twitter "feed" (recent tweets) on your site. you will have to create a twitter app (not hard) and also add a widget to your site.

The latter requires a lil more effort than the first but both are possible.

I added a social plugin : " Tweet, Like, Google +1 and Share" to my site, I didn't want too many of them so I stuck to the basics.. I am still new so I dont know if that is a good one, or if I might want to add more laer on ;-)

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am having a lot of trouble copying ( or selecting I should say) my affiliate link. I am limited to an
I Pad so certain things have been tough but I seem to be abl

Hi Michael here, I seem to be having a dificult time with some basic things using my I pad, unfortunitly it's the only tool I have to work with. Certian widgets and download issues, copy and paste and cursor moves, hilighting just a mixture of things, does anyone else experiance these things or is it just between the chair and the keyboard? I could use some input.

I think using a touch screen for some of this will be a nightmare! Can you not arrange with someone to go every couple of days to use a pc to do the tricky work, using the ipad to do the rest?

I you follow the courses you will be informed that instead of using bit.ly you should use a plugin called "Pretty Link". This allows you to change your long and unaesthetic links and use them on your site directly.

Pretty Link works the same way as bit.ly does. Which ever one you choose helps a lot. I have used bit.ly for a long time, so I just chose to keep using it.

The difference is that you have pretty links on your wp dashboard, so no more copy-paste, you're replacing all the links.

there is a program out there that lets you shorten your link name. It will reflect the proper link and info when clicked on. The site is called bit.ly
for an example: my affiliate link is http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com ? a_aid=73aa3911 when i process it through bit.ly it comes out http://bit.ly/1dpWCTG this will make it easier for you to remember your link and just type it in. you just have to copy your link in and it comes back with the short link.

That also prevents people from deleting your affiliate link when they visit the site, not a bad way to go :)

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Using My Link

Using My Link

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am having a lot of trouble copying ( or selecting I should say) my affiliate link. I am limited to an
I Pad so certain things have been tough but I seem to be abl

Hi Michael here, I seem to be having a dificult time with some basic things using my I pad, unfortunitly it's the only tool I have to work with. Certian widgets and download issues, copy and paste and cursor moves, hilighting just a mixture of things, does anyone else experiance these things or is it just between the chair and the keyboard? I could use some input.

I think using a touch screen for some of this will be a nightmare! Can you not arrange with someone to go every couple of days to use a pc to do the tricky work, using the ipad to do the rest?

I you follow the courses you will be informed that instead of using bit.ly you should use a plugin called "Pretty Link". This allows you to change your long and unaesthetic links and use them on your site directly.

Pretty Link works the same way as bit.ly does. Which ever one you choose helps a lot. I have used bit.ly for a long time, so I just chose to keep using it.

The difference is that you have pretty links on your wp dashboard, so no more copy-paste, you're replacing all the links.

there is a program out there that lets you shorten your link name. It will reflect the proper link and info when clicked on. The site is called bit.ly
for an example: my affiliate link is http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com ? a_aid=73aa3911 when i process it through bit.ly it comes out http://bit.ly/1dpWCTG this will make it easier for you to remember your link and just type it in. you just have to copy your link in and it comes back with the short link.

That also prevents people from deleting your affiliate link when they visit the site, not a bad way to go :)

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asked in
Getting Started

I get an error when I try to create an email account, I believe I have the DNS set up right What coud the problem be?

Well I set this domain up over a week ago, just tried to get mail going today, I had a touch of the day job flu till they laid me off friday. now I'm trying to make some progress but as you may have surmised I'm hitting some ruts!

How long did you wait? You may need to wait up to 24 hours for DNS to reroute.

Trouble setting up mail

Trouble setting up mail

asked in
Getting Started

I get an error when I try to create an email account, I believe I have the DNS set up right What coud the problem be?

Well I set this domain up over a week ago, just tried to get mail going today, I had a touch of the day job flu till they laid me off friday. now I'm trying to make some progress but as you may have surmised I'm hitting some ruts!

How long did you wait? You may need to wait up to 24 hours for DNS to reroute.

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