About AndrewMichae
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642 followers Joined November 2016
Increasing knowledge and skill set. New learnings happening as I go along.





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi Team,

Wondering about the migration of a website to WA and how that would work.

Site is currently held at NameHero.com

Thanks in advance for any assista

Featured Comment

Hey Andrew,

Our SiteSupport team can help you transfer your website if it is Wordpress based. If you contact them with your domain name, and FTP information, they can help you make the transfer.

Here is the SiteSupport contact.


You will give them:

(1) Your Domain URL
(2) Your FTP Login Details

And they can handle the transfer from there.

They will first transfer your website over to a "staging" domain, in other words, a free .siterubix.com websites so you can have a look and make sure things are working properly. After that, you will be able to point your DNS settings to that of WA.

To update your domain DNS settings to point to WA. Here are the DNS settings.


These settings will be updated within your domain registrar (where you purchased your domain) after the transfer has taken place.

If you need any further help, let me know.

Awesome. Thanks Kyle.

Is that the FTP from the other host?


Yes the FTP details should be from where you hosted your websites. Good luck Andrew!

Kyle has you covered here, Andrew! Kindly let us know if you were able to manage.


you can ask support to help you with this...
to get in contact with them you will need a siterubix site and ask about migrating your site over - they should be able to take care of this for you...
make sure you take a backup of the site yourself before this happens - jsut in case ( as it is your business)
find the support link at the top under help or within your messaging system ( envelope at the top) at the bottom left in the sidebar is a sitesupport link...

Thanks Phil,

So I'm clear - I set up a siterubix site and then ask support to migrate the other site from the old host?

I've used site support for other things in the past but wasn't sure how this worked.


You need a space here to host your website from namehero.com, so as Phil suggested you would be creating a siterubix website and message Site Support for the migration. I think they will give you instructions and information on this.

there is no ' not listed' in the site support questions anymore ....
so if you don't have a site here you cannot get through to support....
i think it is crazy, but may have been abused in the past to try to get support to do many things not within their remit...

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How does migration to wa happen?

How does migration to wa happen?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi Team,

Wondering about the migration of a website to WA and how that would work.

Site is currently held at NameHero.com

Thanks in advance for any assista

Featured Comment

Hey Andrew,

Our SiteSupport team can help you transfer your website if it is Wordpress based. If you contact them with your domain name, and FTP information, they can help you make the transfer.

Here is the SiteSupport contact.


You will give them:

(1) Your Domain URL
(2) Your FTP Login Details

And they can handle the transfer from there.

They will first transfer your website over to a "staging" domain, in other words, a free .siterubix.com websites so you can have a look and make sure things are working properly. After that, you will be able to point your DNS settings to that of WA.

To update your domain DNS settings to point to WA. Here are the DNS settings.


These settings will be updated within your domain registrar (where you purchased your domain) after the transfer has taken place.

If you need any further help, let me know.

Awesome. Thanks Kyle.

Is that the FTP from the other host?


Yes the FTP details should be from where you hosted your websites. Good luck Andrew!

Kyle has you covered here, Andrew! Kindly let us know if you were able to manage.


you can ask support to help you with this...
to get in contact with them you will need a siterubix site and ask about migrating your site over - they should be able to take care of this for you...
make sure you take a backup of the site yourself before this happens - jsut in case ( as it is your business)
find the support link at the top under help or within your messaging system ( envelope at the top) at the bottom left in the sidebar is a sitesupport link...

Thanks Phil,

So I'm clear - I set up a siterubix site and then ask support to migrate the other site from the old host?

I've used site support for other things in the past but wasn't sure how this worked.


You need a space here to host your website from namehero.com, so as Phil suggested you would be creating a siterubix website and message Site Support for the migration. I think they will give you instructions and information on this.

there is no ' not listed' in the site support questions anymore ....
so if you don't have a site here you cannot get through to support....
i think it is crazy, but may have been abused in the past to try to get support to do many things not within their remit...

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asked in
Getting Started

I purchased significant amount of word credits a few months ago and for the first couple of months my balance was bolstered by the credit of 15000 credits for premium plus memb

No here but I heard of a few more that has :) The best approach here is to reach out to Kyle!

If you're premium plus+ each month we don't get an "additional" 20k word credits, we get our word credits topped off to 20k. When you purchase additional word credits and you start creating content the system will first use your monthly word credits since they get replenished, and so that's what you were seeing replenished each month. If your month has started and you're at or above 20,000 then you're good to go. They don't accumulate month to month, they just get refreshed and topped off.

Cool that makes sense. Thanks Eric!

I can't even figure out how to get to my balance! I'll see what you get for answers!


Cheers Jeff. Guess you're moving into your summer there. Winter downunder but mild today!

Take care, Andrew! I hope you don't have the extreme temps!


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Has anyone had problems with their word balance being credited each month?

Has anyone had problems with their word balance being credited each month?

asked in
Getting Started

I purchased significant amount of word credits a few months ago and for the first couple of months my balance was bolstered by the credit of 15000 credits for premium plus memb

No here but I heard of a few more that has :) The best approach here is to reach out to Kyle!

If you're premium plus+ each month we don't get an "additional" 20k word credits, we get our word credits topped off to 20k. When you purchase additional word credits and you start creating content the system will first use your monthly word credits since they get replenished, and so that's what you were seeing replenished each month. If your month has started and you're at or above 20,000 then you're good to go. They don't accumulate month to month, they just get refreshed and topped off.

Cool that makes sense. Thanks Eric!

I can't even figure out how to get to my balance! I'll see what you get for answers!


Cheers Jeff. Guess you're moving into your summer there. Winter downunder but mild today!

Take care, Andrew! I hope you don't have the extreme temps!


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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I recently created an infographic in Canva and downloaded it in SVG format as I was looking for a clearer image on the page.
I've done them in both jpg and png, and resizin

Safe SVG

Thanks Abie,

Channeling the "Vast Knowledge Gal"

I'll give that a crack!


Are you in sync with the "Vast T-shirt Guy?"?

You're welcome :)

Cheers Abie,
There are times I wish I was a little less vast!!

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Does anyone know how to upload an svg image to their website?

Does anyone know how to upload an svg image to their website?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I recently created an infographic in Canva and downloaded it in SVG format as I was looking for a clearer image on the page.
I've done them in both jpg and png, and resizin

Safe SVG

Thanks Abie,

Channeling the "Vast Knowledge Gal"

I'll give that a crack!


Are you in sync with the "Vast T-shirt Guy?"?

You're welcome :)

Cheers Abie,
There are times I wish I was a little less vast!!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I was looking through my Site Health page in WordPress and one of things mentioned to increase the site health was to use a Cache Server.

Has anyone set something like t

Kyle has you covered here, Andrew! However, kindly let us know if you would additional assistance.

Thanks for asking this question. I have been getting the same message.


Hey Andrew,

We cache all of your content through SiteSpeed, so this isn't something that you need. It is already being done. Totally ignore the Site Health page in Wordpress, it is actually quite useless (and can send you in the wrong direction).

Thanks Kyle, that's great to know.

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Has anyone used a cache server for their site? ?

Has anyone used a cache server for their site? ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I was looking through my Site Health page in WordPress and one of things mentioned to increase the site health was to use a Cache Server.

Has anyone set something like t

Kyle has you covered here, Andrew! However, kindly let us know if you would additional assistance.

Thanks for asking this question. I have been getting the same message.


Hey Andrew,

We cache all of your content through SiteSpeed, so this isn't something that you need. It is already being done. Totally ignore the Site Health page in Wordpress, it is actually quite useless (and can send you in the wrong direction).

Thanks Kyle, that's great to know.

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asked in
Getting Started

I had them set up ok in the previous version of Outlook, so wondering if anyone else has experienced the same problem. Did you find a solution.

Thanks in advance for any

Thanks Abie,

As always a legend!

You're welcome, Andrew :)

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Is anyone having difficulties setting up their email in the new outlook?

Is anyone having difficulties setting up their email in the new outlook?

asked in
Getting Started

I had them set up ok in the previous version of Outlook, so wondering if anyone else has experienced the same problem. Did you find a solution.

Thanks in advance for any

Thanks Abie,

As always a legend!

You're welcome, Andrew :)

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