To sell or to outsource.?

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Hello WA peeps!

So after losing ground in my rankings, and not posting an article for the better part of 2 weeks, I have had to do some serious thinking.

Here's the thing: Without beating a dead horse and reviewing my current financial situation yet again, suffice it to say that I am trying to make things better by continuing to work full time and redesign my web design/graphic design website, hosted here on WA.

I also just picked up a new marketing project from a local law firm/financial services firm, which is going to be a soul-sucking experience for me. They are very difficult people with a lot of internal politics and unrealistic expectations. I'm not even sure they will pay me for the marketing plan I did, and am waiting for a check.

I have set a goal for myself that this will be the LAST time I pick up a project like this. Either I make more money at my current job, or I find another job, or I pick up smaller web design projects so as to have a quantity of work flowing in.

What does this have to do with my site,

One of 2 things has to happen:

1. I sell it -- which will be difficult to do, with only 100 visitors a week. It would need to be sold to someone who understands and appreciates the value of the content and would want to enhance it, combine it with theirs, etc...

2. Someone runs it for me. Maybe I need to have someone monitor it, put up the posts I provide, help me write them, and finally get this up to the point of earning income enough to sustain my initial costs for WA, and then some. I would need someone with experience, and the intuition and expertise needed so that there wouldn't be much hand-holding. Not sure what that would cost, but maybe something could be worked out whereby they earn a percentage of sales for the first 6 months or something like that.

I am open to all thoughts, offers, suggestions, and thanks so much. I love my site. I love what it talks about, and would love nothing more than to keep it going. The reality, though, has hit me in the face, and I need to make a decision.

Would also love to hear from Kyle, Carson, Nathaniell, Jay, Marian, and all the other top earners here. This is a big decision for me.

Thanks so much,


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Hi Amy,
If you would be willing to get someone else to run it for you then would you be willing to just let it sit for awhile? I have gone through many, many periods of inactivity on my sites much longer than 2 weeks! Yes, the rankings will slip but they can be brought back up again when you come back. This can happen through tweaking old posts, adding new posts that will drag the old ones up if they take off and rank well, getting comments, etc.

The website sales are generally priced based on how much income your site makes. I have heard it is generally 2 to 3 times the annual income. So if your site made $100 per month ($1200 per year) you could sell your site for $2400-$3600. If your site only made $10 per month ($120 per year) it would be $240-$360. I know my sites don't make enough yet to be worth selling...on top of the fact I love them of course.

The income is not the only factor. They also may look at how many followers you have on social media and how old your site is (age is a good thing).

If you let it sit the rankings may go down but the site is still ageing which is good.

You will find the answer when you least expect it.

To be or not to be? If you are so fond of your site then keep going with it. It takes time to build a successful site with followers that buy from you.


Hey Amy,
I wouldn't sell your website. I'm sure you could find someone who would be willing to collaberate with you.

Tried and True


Thank you, Elaine. I've already had a couple of people private message me... Let's hope for the best!

A thoughtful post.

I'm sending you a PM, we might be able to help each other.

Please do not sell that site. It will eventually make you a lot of money. People need the information you are providing, and they will follow you - and click on your links when you recommend something. I can help you.

Many of my latest posts are informationals on site design Amy!

What do you mean?

They're patterned on and elaborate on templates for site design information.als

Is that something you can help me with?

Hi Michael,

I don't think Amy needs any help with site design. From reading her post I get the impression that she is perfectly capable to do site design, she just hasn't got the time to write posts etc.

Thanks Isabela

I have this bookmarked Amy.

Yes, that is correct...! Thank you for helping me clarify...!

Thanks for sharing, Amy.

Nobody is going to buy a non-money making site. Sites are evaluated on how much it earns, you can sell a blog for 25x - 30x it earns but any number times zero is still zero.

What you’re asking for would cost you way more than you want to pay for. Any decent writer would run you $30-$50 a post. How many will you buy? 10, 100? How many will you buy til your site makes money? Who wouldn't want #2 option?

There are no shortcuts to this online business. You either do the work yourself or you pay for it. If you have the budget, get it built for you then.

You're saying that #2 is the better option, clearly, as long as I have the $$ to outsource and have the articles written.
I know what you are also saying about no one buying a non-money-making site. I would like to think that someone would say, "wow that's a great site and I could really add value to it and bring it up to the next level" and offer me something for it. That's all I mean.

Well I guess it depends on where you are selling it. If you sell it on a site that specializes in this like flippa or empire flippers (I think the names are right) that’s how websites are sold, based on earnings.

If you sell it elsewhere you may have a chance.

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