Reduce Eye Strain With F.lux
As internet marketers, you're likely spending most of your time in front of a computer monitor, straining at the glow, which by the end of the day is resulting in tired, dry and sore eyes.
F.lux is a neat piece of software I installed recently that automatically adjusts the color temperature of your monitor to give a more natural display based on the time of day in your part of the world. F.lux is a tool, that once you use it, you wonder how you ever coped without it (try disabling f.lux at 10pm at night and you'll see what I mean!)
f.lux can be found here... (it's free to download and install) and works on all computers (Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad)
Recent Comments
I like it too. Just last week my eyes were very tired. I have to work a lot with computer and doing this WA is extra so... Seems to be good. Thank you.
That sounds great, but if it goes with the light in the room, won't that make it too dark at night? But then, my eyes feel like they're falling out of my head about 3AM, so I'd like to know how it works too. I'll check back for an update, since this could be something I could really use.
Thanks, loaded it on my laptop. If it does what it intends and I like the effect, I will add it to the desktop as well.
Excellent. Report back in 24 hours once f.lux has gone through a full daily cycle and see what you think.
Ditto my previous comment about checking back on this. I'm really curious about how this thing works, and if you like it.
After using it for almost 2 weeks I am a fan. Eyes have held up quite well.
Got anything to remove the scratches from my glasses?
Thanks for the update, I'll have to try it myself. I have a question though, do you know if there is anything, like an anti glare screen, for a laptop, so you can use it outside during the day? I bought my laptop specifically for this reason, to sit on my patio and work, but there's too much glare. Best Buy didn't know of anything. I found a film online, but it doesn't work well either.
You're welcome V. Right now here in the UK, it's 9pm and my screens have a soft glow - easy on my eyes...
Wow! This is very interesting! I downloaded and tried it! The program shows you what it will look like at night, which is a shade of red.
I'm happy with it and thank you for bringing this very useful program to our attention!
Interesting to note that, long before our day as it is in computing, Windows had a color scheme which you could adjust. I had a scheme at night which I made the background black and the font a red or green (I had the choice of two) I preferred the green on black because my earliest computers were monochrome.
Though very primitive in our standards today, and outright annoying to most, I found the earlier schemes I had were very much a relief for the eyes at night but no good during the day.
This program rocks!
Thanks Daniel and I'm glad you like it. I'm noticing the benefits of it already, just after a few days since installing it.
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Thanks…good info!