About Wakazakamaka
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325 followers Joined July 2014
Hello! I'm Tijmen Nendels and im from the netherlands! At the age of 18 i started to get some serious interession in marketing and he business





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hey friends!

I am building a website about pest controll and alread have written a lot of articles about rats and mice. I havefound out that sometimes i have to write the

I think a picture of the rodent and a link to a post with a good description. Internal links are good.

Oooh no bad move buddy. That would be duplicate content and that is really bad for your rankings.

Maybe you can just link to the other content and tell your readers to check that out? That will be good for your rankings.., :) Lots of internet linking... nice!

Take a picture of that part, saves you a lot of trouble, and will not been seen as duplicated content

Great advice!

I wouldn't use the exact same text. Especially if it;s at the start of a page - as that's the first thing that Google and a human will see. And in both cases it would put them off the site.

Far better to get creative and use a thesaurus t basically say the same thing but in a different way.

Alright i'll keep that in kind!

Even it is copy pasted from your own website, it can be considered as duplicate content from Google.

If it's really crucial, I suggest to make a page for that repeated explanation and just go with one opening sentence that linked to that explanation page. This will also save your time compared to copy paste and tweak the sentence a bit.

Awesome idea! Thanks a lot

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Would it be okay to copy and re-use text on 1 website?

Would it be okay to copy and re-use text on 1 website?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hey friends!

I am building a website about pest controll and alread have written a lot of articles about rats and mice. I havefound out that sometimes i have to write the

I think a picture of the rodent and a link to a post with a good description. Internal links are good.

Oooh no bad move buddy. That would be duplicate content and that is really bad for your rankings.

Maybe you can just link to the other content and tell your readers to check that out? That will be good for your rankings.., :) Lots of internet linking... nice!

Take a picture of that part, saves you a lot of trouble, and will not been seen as duplicated content

Great advice!

I wouldn't use the exact same text. Especially if it;s at the start of a page - as that's the first thing that Google and a human will see. And in both cases it would put them off the site.

Far better to get creative and use a thesaurus t basically say the same thing but in a different way.

Alright i'll keep that in kind!

Even it is copy pasted from your own website, it can be considered as duplicate content from Google.

If it's really crucial, I suggest to make a page for that repeated explanation and just go with one opening sentence that linked to that explanation page. This will also save your time compared to copy paste and tweak the sentence a bit.

Awesome idea! Thanks a lot

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey friends! I am having some serious problems with namecheap and there is no option to contact them in my case. I lost the phone number, so i can't log in anymore. To contact

You can use live chat to contact support here: https://www.namecheap.com/support/live-chat/domains.aspx - you dont need to be logged in.

Lost my namecheap registered phone number, what to do?

Lost my namecheap registered phone number, what to do?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey friends! I am having some serious problems with namecheap and there is no option to contact them in my case. I lost the phone number, so i can't log in anymore. To contact

You can use live chat to contact support here: https://www.namecheap.com/support/live-chat/domains.aspx - you dont need to be logged in.

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hey friends!

I am almost done with 00firstmy e-book: how to make money with instagram.

Now I am at the last stages of my book I start to wonder how i can use this b

I usually did it the other way around, but one way you could do it is to leave some information out and have it continued on your website or in another ebook that they have to get from your website.

Yes I want to do it both, using a image as widget in my sidebar that promotes my e-book for my website visitors. but I would also like a way to turn my e-book traffic to website traffic. Great tip though! definitly going to use that thanks a lot!

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Any ideas how I can use my e-book to promote my website?

Any ideas how I can use my e-book to promote my website?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hey friends!

I am almost done with 00firstmy e-book: how to make money with instagram.

Now I am at the last stages of my book I start to wonder how i can use this b

I usually did it the other way around, but one way you could do it is to leave some information out and have it continued on your website or in another ebook that they have to get from your website.

Yes I want to do it both, using a image as widget in my sidebar that promotes my e-book for my website visitors. but I would also like a way to turn my e-book traffic to website traffic. Great tip though! definitly going to use that thanks a lot!

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hey everbody!

Sometimes when I am doing some research to other websites and reviews I am getting a little bit frustrated to see some of the first ranked pages just contain

Most likely from having good on page SEO and enough good backlinks to trump the opposition

Are backlinks that powerfull? I have read somewhere that they do not mean so much to searche ngines anymore... But i don't really know it for a fact!

Backlinks are essential, this is good advice, Ian has much more experience than both of us; they directly contribute to ranking of the post/page/site. Search a bit YouTube, there is a video of Matt Cutts from Google on this.

Okey cool Ia m checkkin it out right now!

If you want to rank, say, an Amazon affiliate site in a niche that earns good commission. Then sooner or later you'll figure out that good quality backlinks from domains with trust & authority ( in Google's eyes) are what's required to get a normal site, like the ones you describe, to the top of the first page for intent to buy keywords.


Also, your homepage is full of spam comments. I'd delete them or at least remove the links to other sites which are totally unrelated to yours . The comments were made by bots whose job it is to link back to other sites. They aren't helping you at all. Delete them.

When you say 'pages' you mean sites?

First, ranking is always on the level of separate posts and pages, which means you can have a site with one single post or page and still you can be on Google page 1.

Second, I notice something worrying. You write "they use the particulair keyword in their URL... maybe that has something to do with it?" So you are not using keyword in url? This is a bad mistake. You have missed some important lessons from Kyle's training.

Please have a look here about ranking and the use of keywords:

Hey jvranjes!

Thanks for your information... Too bad i got informed wrong... When you read the answers an another question people literally say: your domain name is not what brings people to your websites, its the titles and posts... You don't need the keyword in your URL.... But what wiuld je think aboutt he name grabyourfixedincome.com ? That wouldn't be a good one then right? Thats my current domain name.

Greets Tijmen

I think we had a small misunderstanding. When I speak about URL it is ONLY about separate posts and pages. There is no sense speaking about SITE url and keyword(s).

You will have tens if not hundreds of keywords for each separate post and page, so you cannot have them in your SITE url. Forget site url and keyword.

The suggested url looks OK because it is related to your actual niche I assume.

Ahhhh like that!
Well thanks a lot i do understand it now!

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How can pages with just a few posts and pages rank so high?

How can pages with just a few posts and pages rank so high?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hey everbody!

Sometimes when I am doing some research to other websites and reviews I am getting a little bit frustrated to see some of the first ranked pages just contain

Most likely from having good on page SEO and enough good backlinks to trump the opposition

Are backlinks that powerfull? I have read somewhere that they do not mean so much to searche ngines anymore... But i don't really know it for a fact!

Backlinks are essential, this is good advice, Ian has much more experience than both of us; they directly contribute to ranking of the post/page/site. Search a bit YouTube, there is a video of Matt Cutts from Google on this.

Okey cool Ia m checkkin it out right now!

If you want to rank, say, an Amazon affiliate site in a niche that earns good commission. Then sooner or later you'll figure out that good quality backlinks from domains with trust & authority ( in Google's eyes) are what's required to get a normal site, like the ones you describe, to the top of the first page for intent to buy keywords.


Also, your homepage is full of spam comments. I'd delete them or at least remove the links to other sites which are totally unrelated to yours . The comments were made by bots whose job it is to link back to other sites. They aren't helping you at all. Delete them.

When you say 'pages' you mean sites?

First, ranking is always on the level of separate posts and pages, which means you can have a site with one single post or page and still you can be on Google page 1.

Second, I notice something worrying. You write "they use the particulair keyword in their URL... maybe that has something to do with it?" So you are not using keyword in url? This is a bad mistake. You have missed some important lessons from Kyle's training.

Please have a look here about ranking and the use of keywords:

Hey jvranjes!

Thanks for your information... Too bad i got informed wrong... When you read the answers an another question people literally say: your domain name is not what brings people to your websites, its the titles and posts... You don't need the keyword in your URL.... But what wiuld je think aboutt he name grabyourfixedincome.com ? That wouldn't be a good one then right? Thats my current domain name.

Greets Tijmen

I think we had a small misunderstanding. When I speak about URL it is ONLY about separate posts and pages. There is no sense speaking about SITE url and keyword(s).

You will have tens if not hundreds of keywords for each separate post and page, so you cannot have them in your SITE url. Forget site url and keyword.

The suggested url looks OK because it is related to your actual niche I assume.

Ahhhh like that!
Well thanks a lot i do understand it now!

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