Do you believe in miracles?


Friends, do you realise that ? We are constantly flying. We are flying in the universe 24/7, 365 days in a year. We are flying on the spaceship called Earth.

I believe in miracles. Do you?

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Certainly do as we are the miracle of life!

Yes, we are... And life around is a miracle, too...:)

We ourselves are the greatest miracle of all Vera. To move, perceive and investigate as well as build. We are the greatest thing in the Universe and we have the greatest miracle, the will to use our time and gifts wisely.

Yes, I agree , Mike . There's not a greater miracle than man because we are made into God's image retaining all characteristics of him. If we did realise this fact to the full extent, life would be different...:)

One of the first impressions to be made on our children as they grow Vera!

Oh yes! I do! :)

Sure you do, miraculous girl!:)

Lol! I can feel we understand each other very well! :)

Sure we do...:)

Yes I do. Every breath is a miracle not to mention my doctors said it is only a miracle I am not dead or paralyzed from the stroke I suffered on 7/1/16. Never take life for granted.

Bless your heart! Glad you are OK now.Yes, life is the greatest miracle.:)


But to add to your motion picture: The solar system (and this means Earth as well) moves with the speed of 220 km/s around the center of the galaxy.

Now, the Galaxy itself moves with some speed of 600 km/s. Where? Nobody knows exactly.

But this is not all...

Thanks for commenting, Jovo. For you people of science ( PhD in plasma physics theory does sound impressive!) things look different of course...
But don't you marvel at how wonderfully things are established in the universe knowing much, much more than all the rest people do?:)

Yes definitely, but in the same time I realize it is impossible to comprehend it all. So I stick to what is possible to understand (or at least what I hope is).

So you admit there are miraculous things, lots and lots of them, right?...

Unexplainable, incomprehensible.

Yes miracles happen everyday small ones that we don't even recognize.

Yes, so very true, and small miracles is what our life consists of...:)

Yes Vera, I certainly do believe in miracles.:-))Steph

Yes, I know you do, Steph...How's life?Have not been in touch for a long time...:)

Life is getting better again at the minute Vera, had some health problems lately but on the mend now, I have been nowhere near as ill as Chris Scott/Teddy Bear so I should not complain.

Anyways, I am back now, how has life been treating you?

Glad to hear you are better, Steph. I should have checked. I was thinking about you. Shall I pray for anything? You can PM me.
I am pretty much OK, thanks...:)

No sweetheart, don't bother praying for me, I am fine and I am glad to hear that you are OK.

Lets all pray for this world staying on an even axis and keeping us all safe:-))Steph

God holds it alright . Bur we surely need to pray for peace on it. Too much evil in the world..)

So very true, Vera, far too much evil, and greed. but if we pray hard enough I am sure that our goog god will hear us. Be happy and smile as much as you can, it will get better.:-))Steph


A great post, Vera.
There was me thinking the earth was flat, or have I missed something?
Cheers, Tosh.

Oh, yes, you have, Tosh. ..The elephants have gone...The earth turned into a ball...:)

Oh dear, I've a hell of a lot to catch up on then.
What happened to Abba and Bob Marley? ;-)
Cheers, Tosh :_

Most certainly.

And they do happen, and will happen more...:)

Rodger that StarShip Enterprise. Lovely perspective.

Exciting, isn't it?:)

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