About Veganlife
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I am a searcher, a newbie to online marketing. My passions are rebuilding the body temple through lifestyle changes: exercise, fitness, whole foods plant-based





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

​Several of you have posted comments on my site in the past, and I have faithfully answered every single one of them. But it seems strange that I have not had even one follow'up q

That is completely normal, you will typically get one question and your answer and this is preferable for a reason. "Thanks" posts.

You want every comment that you publish on your site to add to the dialogue value and most people will get their answer and make a decision because of that answer. Don't expect thanks and actually if you do get posts like that, there is no reason to publish them (in particular if they are frequent, they add no value to the dialogue).

So no worries here, one comment and your response is the typical.

Kat and Werner said it best. The folks here at WA are great at answering questions and responding to blog posts. Thing is there are only so many hours in a day. So we have to balance our time or our websites don't get the attention needed. These are great people here at WA. I would suggest that if you want to chat about something, you can go to Live Chat. There is usually someone the all through the day and night who would love to chat with you. Sometimes you will find Kyle or Carson on the Live Chat. Who better to answer your questions. Good luck Vanessa.

Sadly I agree with Werner. Not because I don't like agreeing with him but because- time restraints catches as all-out

I'm very remiss in the follow ups because of time limitations. You're posting correctly.

thank you

Hi Vanessa! -

Your comments look fine to me -- I would continue to answer other peoples comments in the way you have been -- I certainly wouldn't over think it!

Just give full and complete answers as you have been doing! :)

Appreciate it.

You are very Welcome Vanessa! :)

To receive notification emails of answers to comments you need your visitors to "opt in", it's not an automatic thing. I use "comments approved" plugin
Not everyone will optin but if they've asked a question and want to know if you've answered then they can optin to receive notification emails.
Hope this makes sense. :)

thanks kathy

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Am I providing feedback on my website comments correctly?

Am I providing feedback on my website comments correctly?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

​Several of you have posted comments on my site in the past, and I have faithfully answered every single one of them. But it seems strange that I have not had even one follow'up q

That is completely normal, you will typically get one question and your answer and this is preferable for a reason. "Thanks" posts.

You want every comment that you publish on your site to add to the dialogue value and most people will get their answer and make a decision because of that answer. Don't expect thanks and actually if you do get posts like that, there is no reason to publish them (in particular if they are frequent, they add no value to the dialogue).

So no worries here, one comment and your response is the typical.

Kat and Werner said it best. The folks here at WA are great at answering questions and responding to blog posts. Thing is there are only so many hours in a day. So we have to balance our time or our websites don't get the attention needed. These are great people here at WA. I would suggest that if you want to chat about something, you can go to Live Chat. There is usually someone the all through the day and night who would love to chat with you. Sometimes you will find Kyle or Carson on the Live Chat. Who better to answer your questions. Good luck Vanessa.

Sadly I agree with Werner. Not because I don't like agreeing with him but because- time restraints catches as all-out

I'm very remiss in the follow ups because of time limitations. You're posting correctly.

thank you

Hi Vanessa! -

Your comments look fine to me -- I would continue to answer other peoples comments in the way you have been -- I certainly wouldn't over think it!

Just give full and complete answers as you have been doing! :)

Appreciate it.

You are very Welcome Vanessa! :)

To receive notification emails of answers to comments you need your visitors to "opt in", it's not an automatic thing. I use "comments approved" plugin
Not everyone will optin but if they've asked a question and want to know if you've answered then they can optin to receive notification emails.
Hope this makes sense. :)

thanks kathy

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have some links from amazon which are images, but am having difficulty wrapping my text around the image. I want to make it so there isnt so much white space.

I have tr

If anyone is still trying to figure this one out. I used this link with some luck.

Wrapping text around the image, looks like one of the correct
answers below.

Hi there! You can go into the text on your "edit" page & get rid of those & n b s p   's that are showing on your site.

For some reason I couldn't type & n b s p spaced together .. hmmmm Do you know what I'm talking about?

oh, wow I guess I missed that in my last edit. Thanks.

You are welcome. You"re site looks great by the way .. : )

Thanks, very kind of you to say so.

You can try a table

thanks loes, will give it a whirl

Loes I tried this but could not get past step 3 because I never found a line in inspect element which showed "entry content" or div class=entrycontent

Is it possible the inspect element has different information for a PAGE as opposed to a post? Mine is a page. For now I will pick a number like 800 just to try it out. Thanks Loes

Success:) Van

I used this to get my images all set where I wanted them on my web page... thank you .

Thanks ken, will check it out.

You are very welcome.

Nice idea, I like what you are doing. Would be good if you could get rid of the   code that shows at the top. I really don't know how to help, sorry, but I want to follow this convo myself to see if some of the others can?

the code.. on my page?

what page?? please.

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Wrap text around iframe image link from amazon?

Wrap text around iframe image link from amazon?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have some links from amazon which are images, but am having difficulty wrapping my text around the image. I want to make it so there isnt so much white space.

I have tr

If anyone is still trying to figure this one out. I used this link with some luck.

Wrapping text around the image, looks like one of the correct
answers below.

Hi there! You can go into the text on your "edit" page & get rid of those & n b s p   's that are showing on your site.

For some reason I couldn't type & n b s p spaced together .. hmmmm Do you know what I'm talking about?

oh, wow I guess I missed that in my last edit. Thanks.

You are welcome. You"re site looks great by the way .. : )

Thanks, very kind of you to say so.

You can try a table

thanks loes, will give it a whirl

Loes I tried this but could not get past step 3 because I never found a line in inspect element which showed "entry content" or div class=entrycontent

Is it possible the inspect element has different information for a PAGE as opposed to a post? Mine is a page. For now I will pick a number like 800 just to try it out. Thanks Loes

Success:) Van

I used this to get my images all set where I wanted them on my web page... thank you .

Thanks ken, will check it out.

You are very welcome.

Nice idea, I like what you are doing. Would be good if you could get rid of the   code that shows at the top. I really don't know how to help, sorry, but I want to follow this convo myself to see if some of the others can?

the code.. on my page?

what page?? please.

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