About Urolin1981
Rank 3439
1,081 followers Joined September 2017
I was born, raised, and earned medical doctor degree in Taiwan, and moved to the USA in 1974 to complete urology training from the University





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

In SiteContent, media search and spelling/grammar check are very handy to use, but do we have the same or similar features for editing in SiteManager? If not having ones, could

Yeah as per Joe's response I am also a bit confused how you would use the search media on SiteManager. Maybe I am misunderstanding?

Yes, @hagstf is right.

I use Grammarly for editing, now That's an editor, works with EVERYTHING you type, write or speak into whatever device you have it downloaded on.

Plus the give you analytics on your writing, eg. Like how many words were corrected

Site-Manager for site management and not site-editor. I don't see the relevance of having the search media on site-manager Dr Chin-ti.

Any reason to have the search media in site-manager?

Hi! Joe,
Thank you for responding to my question, which may seem weird and stupid, but remaining a fact. I hope I can explain clearly to your understanding.

In using SiteContent and its media selection, I would see all the photos I have selected and used at present and in the past. At editing with SiteManager, in the past, I could have seed all the media I used and selected for my to choice for current use, but now there is a photo which could not be found as I could see in the Media of SiteContent. That is what got to me to ask the question and such obstacle has interfered my proceeding of work. I hope a solution to this oddidy may emerge to solve that I got. Sorry for coming up with this difficulty.

Well, that is all what I could describe.

Much appreciated,


A-ha, I think I understand your question better now.
You wanted to see all the images you have saved or used before. Unfortunately, that feature is not available at site-manager. You can see them in the site-content. When you click the add image, you can see some (not all) the images you have used previously. I am not sure if there is a way to see all of them, a feature which is nice to have.

Hope that clears some of the issues.


Once an article is posted, any editing must be done directly in wordpress and if you want a spell checker, I suggest Grammarly

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Where can we find media search in sitemanager?

Where can we find media search in sitemanager?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

In SiteContent, media search and spelling/grammar check are very handy to use, but do we have the same or similar features for editing in SiteManager? If not having ones, could

Yeah as per Joe's response I am also a bit confused how you would use the search media on SiteManager. Maybe I am misunderstanding?

Yes, @hagstf is right.

I use Grammarly for editing, now That's an editor, works with EVERYTHING you type, write or speak into whatever device you have it downloaded on.

Plus the give you analytics on your writing, eg. Like how many words were corrected

Site-Manager for site management and not site-editor. I don't see the relevance of having the search media on site-manager Dr Chin-ti.

Any reason to have the search media in site-manager?

Hi! Joe,
Thank you for responding to my question, which may seem weird and stupid, but remaining a fact. I hope I can explain clearly to your understanding.

In using SiteContent and its media selection, I would see all the photos I have selected and used at present and in the past. At editing with SiteManager, in the past, I could have seed all the media I used and selected for my to choice for current use, but now there is a photo which could not be found as I could see in the Media of SiteContent. That is what got to me to ask the question and such obstacle has interfered my proceeding of work. I hope a solution to this oddidy may emerge to solve that I got. Sorry for coming up with this difficulty.

Well, that is all what I could describe.

Much appreciated,


A-ha, I think I understand your question better now.
You wanted to see all the images you have saved or used before. Unfortunately, that feature is not available at site-manager. You can see them in the site-content. When you click the add image, you can see some (not all) the images you have used previously. I am not sure if there is a way to see all of them, a feature which is nice to have.

Hope that clears some of the issues.


Once an article is posted, any editing must be done directly in wordpress and if you want a spell checker, I suggest Grammarly

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Please help me understand better about Slider of HOME, BLOG, etc. with less technical terms. In my mind, all I know about "slide" as the old-timed slides for presentation or so

That's why simple is better.

You can have different sliders showing on different pages e.g. homepage, blog page, product page. But too many sliders will take up huge resources, sometimes it's not effective.

Use it sparingly.


Is a slider that important? If it tends to complicate things for me I'd rather just keep it simple.

For presentations I´m using Powerpoint is an excellent tool.

If you want your website to load fast, I would not suggest you use a slider, except you really need it.

Note you have the fullwidth slider, the normal slider, and the post slider also.

I like to use slider a lot before I join WA, I do web design, so yes I like these fancy functionalities.

However, with what they teach here and I check on other websites, they're right, don't need all these fancy stuff to make a good website.

These functionalities will just slow down your website, my recommendation is keeping your website simple, think more about readability, accessibility, and SEO.

Always keep in mind you want to please search engines first because it's how you can be found.

When you feel comfortable with building a seo friendly website, you can add the fancy stuff, I guess.

This is just my opinion based on my own experience, you have probably different experiences, the best way to know is taking action and test, test and test, Lol.

Hope it helps.

Good Luck.

Hi! Chhe,
Thank you for taking time to share your experience in site building. All the points you discussed make a lot sense - to walk well before to run and fly.

I note you joined WA

Hi, James.

Of course, I would be pleased to help you if I can, no problem.

You can send me the links to your websites and pages, I will do my best to give you my honest opinions and suggestions.

Here also my email address:


As a beginner, I think the most difficult is finding the right balance between learning and taking action.

Wish you the best.

Hi! Chhe,
Appreciate your showing an intense willingness to help and support for me to walk along with you. Thanks a lot.

As suggested, I already sent you an email at chhecalvin@gmail.com explaining what my problems are and requesting your specific helps.

Have a wonderful day!


Hi! James
First take the time to LOL. And breathe. We have all been there. Just dont complicate anything. You are correct, the old term for slider is an animation tool you add to your presentation software (powerpoint) to seemlessly present your work to others. You answered your own question of what a slider is. We are all stumped by these new uses for old terminologies, but the terms do apply in the same factors. the slider on your wordpress is a little different, since wordpress is going to add the animation and slide effects to your presentation for you, as a preset. remember presets in presentation software, are template styles you can use to present your work. in wordpress case, a lot of presets are combined. when you take a look at your home page you should see images presented and sliding across the page. if you do not, dont worry that can be fixed in different ways. one way is by adding a featured image to each page, two is by making sure you dont have sliders turned off (remember i said all of your presets are combined as expert design templates). I hope this was able to help you a little bite. If not take a screenshot of your problem and share it with me. ill see if i can help then. i hope this help solve your problem. good luck. ttyl.

I ran a search on tool bar and found an example that might help explain. Check this out http://makemeawealthyaffiliate.com/

Hi! Xavier,
Thanks a lot. The illustrative site clears my confusion on what the slider really means in the digital world. I wonder what theme of the site it is, do you know?

Much appreciated,


I guess this website uses DIVI theme, with a layout.

It looks like they also use Monarch and Bloom, they're included with DIVI.

How do I know that? You can inspect the source code, it will tell you everything, but frankly, it's not something you need to know, except you're very interested in how websites are made.

I used DIVI for almost one year, it's a very good theme, it's not free thought.

If you want to learn more about DIVI, you can go to their website, google elegant theme or DIVI and you will get to their homepage.

It's wise to know that DIVI is not easy to use, it has a lot of functionalities, it's why you will need some time to master it.

If you want a good theme, I would recommend Elementor and Thrive Architect also, they're paid themes also, but the price is pretty fair.

In web design terminology, the term Slider is used for a slideshow added into a web page. There are many WordPress slider plugins available which allow you to create your own sliders and add them to your home page, landing pages, posts, or any where you want.


Well, you are really miles ahead of me and I will chase you very closely and see how you have done. Thanks a lot.

Would you please help me to build a landing page for my site? How?



No, James, you are leaps and bounds ahead of me!


Indeed flattered. No success could be counted until the real motive to join WA is fulfilled.
Thank you for constant supports.


Pleasure, you are an inspiration!

I will look at your site and drop you a note when I've done so. Probably tomorrow, when I have some clear thinking left.


Thanks a lot, and I await. Best to you and family, James

That's nice, thank you and to you and yours!


A slider is just a mini slide show presentation where you have a certain amount of images showing in sequence.
There are plugins for it and some themes come with it as a feature of the theme.

Hi! Robert,
Thanks a lot for verifying what a slider means to digital world.
Much appreciated,


No probs and hope you find something to suit you and your site.
Onwards And Upwards.

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What does a slider mean?

What does a slider mean?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Please help me understand better about Slider of HOME, BLOG, etc. with less technical terms. In my mind, all I know about "slide" as the old-timed slides for presentation or so

That's why simple is better.

You can have different sliders showing on different pages e.g. homepage, blog page, product page. But too many sliders will take up huge resources, sometimes it's not effective.

Use it sparingly.


Is a slider that important? If it tends to complicate things for me I'd rather just keep it simple.

For presentations I´m using Powerpoint is an excellent tool.

If you want your website to load fast, I would not suggest you use a slider, except you really need it.

Note you have the fullwidth slider, the normal slider, and the post slider also.

I like to use slider a lot before I join WA, I do web design, so yes I like these fancy functionalities.

However, with what they teach here and I check on other websites, they're right, don't need all these fancy stuff to make a good website.

These functionalities will just slow down your website, my recommendation is keeping your website simple, think more about readability, accessibility, and SEO.

Always keep in mind you want to please search engines first because it's how you can be found.

When you feel comfortable with building a seo friendly website, you can add the fancy stuff, I guess.

This is just my opinion based on my own experience, you have probably different experiences, the best way to know is taking action and test, test and test, Lol.

Hope it helps.

Good Luck.

Hi! Chhe,
Thank you for taking time to share your experience in site building. All the points you discussed make a lot sense - to walk well before to run and fly.

I note you joined WA

Hi, James.

Of course, I would be pleased to help you if I can, no problem.

You can send me the links to your websites and pages, I will do my best to give you my honest opinions and suggestions.

Here also my email address:


As a beginner, I think the most difficult is finding the right balance between learning and taking action.

Wish you the best.

Hi! Chhe,
Appreciate your showing an intense willingness to help and support for me to walk along with you. Thanks a lot.

As suggested, I already sent you an email at chhecalvin@gmail.com explaining what my problems are and requesting your specific helps.

Have a wonderful day!


Hi! James
First take the time to LOL. And breathe. We have all been there. Just dont complicate anything. You are correct, the old term for slider is an animation tool you add to your presentation software (powerpoint) to seemlessly present your work to others. You answered your own question of what a slider is. We are all stumped by these new uses for old terminologies, but the terms do apply in the same factors. the slider on your wordpress is a little different, since wordpress is going to add the animation and slide effects to your presentation for you, as a preset. remember presets in presentation software, are template styles you can use to present your work. in wordpress case, a lot of presets are combined. when you take a look at your home page you should see images presented and sliding across the page. if you do not, dont worry that can be fixed in different ways. one way is by adding a featured image to each page, two is by making sure you dont have sliders turned off (remember i said all of your presets are combined as expert design templates). I hope this was able to help you a little bite. If not take a screenshot of your problem and share it with me. ill see if i can help then. i hope this help solve your problem. good luck. ttyl.

I ran a search on tool bar and found an example that might help explain. Check this out http://makemeawealthyaffiliate.com/

Hi! Xavier,
Thanks a lot. The illustrative site clears my confusion on what the slider really means in the digital world. I wonder what theme of the site it is, do you know?

Much appreciated,


I guess this website uses DIVI theme, with a layout.

It looks like they also use Monarch and Bloom, they're included with DIVI.

How do I know that? You can inspect the source code, it will tell you everything, but frankly, it's not something you need to know, except you're very interested in how websites are made.

I used DIVI for almost one year, it's a very good theme, it's not free thought.

If you want to learn more about DIVI, you can go to their website, google elegant theme or DIVI and you will get to their homepage.

It's wise to know that DIVI is not easy to use, it has a lot of functionalities, it's why you will need some time to master it.

If you want a good theme, I would recommend Elementor and Thrive Architect also, they're paid themes also, but the price is pretty fair.

In web design terminology, the term Slider is used for a slideshow added into a web page. There are many WordPress slider plugins available which allow you to create your own sliders and add them to your home page, landing pages, posts, or any where you want.


Well, you are really miles ahead of me and I will chase you very closely and see how you have done. Thanks a lot.

Would you please help me to build a landing page for my site? How?



No, James, you are leaps and bounds ahead of me!


Indeed flattered. No success could be counted until the real motive to join WA is fulfilled.
Thank you for constant supports.


Pleasure, you are an inspiration!

I will look at your site and drop you a note when I've done so. Probably tomorrow, when I have some clear thinking left.


Thanks a lot, and I await. Best to you and family, James

That's nice, thank you and to you and yours!


A slider is just a mini slide show presentation where you have a certain amount of images showing in sequence.
There are plugins for it and some themes come with it as a feature of the theme.

Hi! Robert,
Thanks a lot for verifying what a slider means to digital world.
Much appreciated,


No probs and hope you find something to suit you and your site.
Onwards And Upwards.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have seen many members using a red rectangular to highlight an area on any contents of a web for demonstration. How do you do it? That is cool. I want to learn and get it als

I'm glad you asked that question because I wanted to know that answer also. Thanks guys!

Tried and true


Hey James,

One very easy way to get an image with a red rectangular highlight is to use a program called Monosnap.

It's a free program that you can download and take screenshots of your computer screen and then drag a red rectangular box around the edges to highlight the area that you want people to pay attention to.

Hi! Tony,
Thanks a million! And I will try out right away.
Have a wonderful day.


Good question James!


Hi! Wayne,
I hate to be a digital blinder, but I like to get brighter day by day through the much help from a swarm of WA enthusiastic members.
Off and on, I do appreciate you take time to look into my site so to see if I might have missed something in it for its e-commerce duty.



ebettercare james?


Wayne, yes, ebettercare is what I referred to. Thank you for clarifying the Q.



I will James, your sites were very impressive when I looked before!


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How to create a red rectangular frame for highlighting?

How to create a red rectangular frame for highlighting?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have seen many members using a red rectangular to highlight an area on any contents of a web for demonstration. How do you do it? That is cool. I want to learn and get it als

I'm glad you asked that question because I wanted to know that answer also. Thanks guys!

Tried and true


Hey James,

One very easy way to get an image with a red rectangular highlight is to use a program called Monosnap.

It's a free program that you can download and take screenshots of your computer screen and then drag a red rectangular box around the edges to highlight the area that you want people to pay attention to.

Hi! Tony,
Thanks a million! And I will try out right away.
Have a wonderful day.


Good question James!


Hi! Wayne,
I hate to be a digital blinder, but I like to get brighter day by day through the much help from a swarm of WA enthusiastic members.
Off and on, I do appreciate you take time to look into my site so to see if I might have missed something in it for its e-commerce duty.



ebettercare james?


Wayne, yes, ebettercare is what I referred to. Thank you for clarifying the Q.



I will James, your sites were very impressive when I looked before!


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