Some blogs use social media as their main source of traffic, others use search engines, and yet others use offline methods like PR, live speaking, or networking events. With Social media, there is a “shelf life” for each post.

If you post on Facebook and your post shows on someone’s live feed, it quickly falls to the bottom of the feed as more people update with their posts and sponsored ads show. Blogs that rely more on social media may need to have an aggressive posting or promotion schedule simply to stay “front of mind” to their readers.

On the contrary, blogs that use the search engines, email marketing, or other direct means as their primary source of traffic will not notice as frequent of traffic spikes up and down if their publishing schedule slows down as long at they’re posting content that’s high demand and low supply for the search engine users.

When you’re creating your publishing schedule, you’ll want to be mindful of where your traffic is coming from because the traffic sources will effect the stability of your traffic, and therefore, effects your decision on how often to publish.

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Analyze your analytics to see your primary traffic sources
2. Jot down your primary traffic sources

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AlanJE Premium Plus
Thanks for sharing the advice, very helpful Best Alan
TDenise Premium
You're welcome Alan! Glad it was helpful.
HarveyBrown Premium
Hello Tiffany, excellent training. Like all good training and information I will have to go through this again to make sure I did not miss any of your points.
So far I find posting twice a week works for me. I know I will have to up my game to attract more traffic.
TDenise Premium
I'm glad you enjoyed the training. Maybe you can do a challenge? I don't know your niche, but you can make the challenge for you and your audience like a "30 day Eating healthy challenge" where you post for 30 days straight a piece of content that pushes forward a mission. A short challenge like that can add lots of fresh content, but it's not too long-term to overwhelm you or your readers. Thanks for the amazing feedback! It's great to hear that this was helpful.
esteadman Premium
Hi Tiffany,

Excellent training. I never realized there were so many aspects to think about when deciding on a publishing schedule. The data and graphs helped a lot. Now I know how to evaluate my goals and establish a schedule to meet them.

TDenise Premium
I'm so glad it was helpful! It is quite a few factors to consider, and there's flexibility along the way also. I'd love to see this contribute to your online success.
PaulChatwin Premium
Great course and information.

Well done and thanks.

TDenise Premium
Awesome! I'm so glad it was helpful! Thanks for taking the course!
mybiz4u Premium
Great course and choice of subject, Tiffany. My condolences on your loss and I wish you success, strength and health for you, your family and your business.
I thoroughly enjoyed it and loved the sure put things a perspective for me on certain points.
TDenise Premium
Thanks for the feedback Michelle! Regarding the loss of income, I feel like it was supposed to happen. I've had so many life situations that test my resilience, and every time it builds my confidence when I stand strong beyond them. In the end, I'm always grateful for the test (though they may not feel good at the moment) and the results. Thanks for stopping by and taking the course. I'm glad you enjoyed and that it put things into perspective. Studying the topic did the same for me.
mybiz4u Premium
Yes, I, too believe that challenges build character. Life happens and what makes it ...(choose any word you like) is how we react to it - life lessons learned.
I wish you much success and you have a wonderful attitude.
TDenise Premium
Sounds like we're on the same page. Thanks for the well wishes. I will make success happen over here because I'm committed to it. Thanks for the well wishes. You have my well wishes as well.
mybiz4u Premium
Namaste, T. Lemme know if I can help you with anything. See you around campus!
TDenise Premium
Thanks! I appreciate your open invitation.