Get Setup - GetResponse

Okay, obviously because GetResponse is my favorite, I'm going to begin with this service and show you the basic functions to get you up and running quickly.


Building a newsletter - again- is typically a one-time thing. Your next newsletter will be quite different and contain recent information, promotions and updates. BUT, an autoresponder email series is something you'll likely want to have already BEFORE you join GetResponse or AWeber. You can simply use your favorite text editor and create the email series before you begin. I'll cover that more in-depth in another training.

The takeaway here is that I feel it's important to have all your ingredients ready before you bake that cake! Get some images and plan out your email series before you begin your 30 day trial!

ALSO: Your initial impulse might be to click the big Newsletter button and start there. I'll urge you to fight that impulse. Let me show you how to start and autoresponder email series after which you can send a newsletter to your subscribers any time you wish.

Okay, I don't think you need the steps to signup for GetResponse and going through the signup process for each service I plan to cover would make this training WAY too long! I don't wanna put you to sleep! LOL!

Step 1: Join GetResponse:

Step 2: Click Create Autoresponder

Using the Messages menu option, Select Create Autoresponder

You will be presented with the initial Autoresponder configuration screen:

Leave the On day option alone (Day 0). This indicates when the initial email will be sent. This is typically yourWelcome email and you want it sent immediately so that your visitor will understand how your messages will present themselves in their Inbox and know what to look for in the future.

Scrolling down a wee bit

Leave the Send Message option alone. Keep all Enable on options switched on also.

Step 3: Click Create new email

You will be presented with the settings for your first Time-based (autoreponder) email such as this:

The Message Name box is for YOU to remember what this message is about. Remember, the first message is your Welcome email to say Thank You again, introduce yourself and allow your subscribers to know the fantastic information and training they will be receiving in the upcoming email series. I typically just put Welcome in that box so I know what this email message is later in the list of messages.

The Subject box is indeed what the subscribers will see in their Inbox. So, put something in here related to your email subscribe opt-in form message. If you asked folks to signup for training and free material on Dog Collars, don't put something about Reptile Care in there. Keep it related! My niche, of course, is affiliate marketing and for this tutorial I'll use an email series about promoting Wealthy Affiliate. The course is a Free 7-Day Blueprint to Success. Thereby, I have filled out the boxes as such.....

Step 4: Fill in Message Name and Subject of first Email


Personalization and Symbols - Make your Emails Standout and Begin relationship building

Okay, as I mentioned above, I put in that Subject line. You'll notice a cool little finger pointing icon before and after the Subject line that will appear in their Inbox. You're likely whispering in your head "heyyyy Peej, how'd you do that!?" I'm so glad you asked! :-)

Off to the right of the Subject input box, you'll see two links: Personalize and Add Symbol

Clicking onPersonalize will provide the following options:

You may recall me talking about personalizing messages via what boxes you ask your subscribers to fill out in your email opt-in form. The information: Email Address and Name (OR First Name and Last Name) are "passed" from your email opt-in plugin (like MailMunch or SumoMe)to GetResponse or any other email marketing service.

Then, you can use the above variables to be replaced with the person's actual name, firstname or lastname. (Don't use the others - I typically only use firstname.)

So, instead of a generic Subject line. You could use this intead:

With this variable in place, GetResponse will replace that variable with the subscribers actual first name. This can also be done within the body of your email. Cool, huh?

Just put your cursor where you want the variable to appear, click personalize and click the firstname option.

The same can be done with the symbols. Again, this to get your emails to standout within their Inbox and help your open rate. As I mentioned, this is totally optional, but I find it very helpful for conversions.

Step 5: Click Next to proceed

After you have the Message Name and Subject setup the way you want, click the Next Step button (lower right) to proceed on:

Okay, next we will get into using email templates to create a totally professional appearance, include an advertisement or two, images and your actual text!

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PJonline Premium
I am going to sleep better tonight... Step by step... thank you so much.. I would be literally lost without you!
PjGermain Premium
Oh please!!! LOL! Thanks Sis!!! (((hugs)))
RobinMc1969 Premium
Wow! I haven't gone through this whole training yet, but I may finally get started with email marketing now!! :):) It has been a bit overwhelming and I never knew where to start. But have this many clear cut steps to follow....
Thank you,
PjGermain Premium
Thanks very much Robin. I'm hoping to remove some of the confusion for folks and cover many of the common questions members have on the topic.
jmutisy5 Premium
Wonderful info. Thanks for this training.
PjGermain Premium
Thanks again Joseph!
johnwnewman Premium
Great training! Email marketing is very valuable for your business going forward!!
PjGermain Premium
Much appreciated John!
Grandma1945 Premium
I recently did a blog on the top ten autoresponders and this training is great for those that don't know the workings of the system itself. Thanks for sharing it.
PjGermain Premium
Awesome! Thanks so much Grandma!!