GetResponse and MailMunch Integration
Okay, IF you're using the MailMunch Plug-in (free) for your email opt-in forms and wish to Integrate with the outstanding GetResponse email marketing platform, this is the training for you! (LOL! *cough, cough*)
First of all, if you haven't already installed MailMunch, you can see my training here:
Step 1: Login to your WordPress website
Step 2: Under the MailMunch menu, Click Forms:
Step 3: Edit Your Form
Hover over the form you wish to connect to GetResponse and Click the Edit link below:
Step 4: Switch to Integration
You will then be taken to the MailMunch website. Login if you need to. You may be stilled logged in if you recently setup the plugin per my previous training.
Then, on the MailMunch dashboard, click the Integrate menu option:
Step 5: Select GetResponse
You will be presented with a list of email marketing services. Of course, you'll click on GetResponse:
Step 6: The API Key Request - Pause and Hold
You will receive a GetResponse API (Automated Program Interface) Request in a Pop-Up windows as such:
Step 7: GetResponse Integrations
Once logged into your GetResponse account. Hover over your profile in the upper right corner. Select the Integrations menu:
Step 8: API & Oauth
From the Integrations menu,Click to switch to the API & Oauth screen:
Step 9: Click Copy to Clipboard
On the API & OAuth screen, Click the Copy to Clipboard button as shown:
Step 10: Paste into MailMunch
Return to the MailMunch pop-up window and paste:
Step 11: Set the List selection and Fields
Finally, you will need to set the List selection if you have more than one.
And,match the fields in your MailMunch Opt-in Form to the associated fields for GetResponse. The data from MailMunch will be passed to the GetResponse system. (I usually only pass the Name field from MailMunch to the First Name field of GetResponse. Notice the change here:
Step 12: Publish & Finish
And, You're DONE!
Click the Publish button within the MailMunch system:
Recommended: Sign-up and test it out!
Thank you,